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Fandom seeking elder scrolls rp threads


cat collector
Roleplay Availability
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hello! i am looking for a couple more threads set in the elder scrolls. firstly, a bit more about me: i am 25 year old woman who hails from the USA, and i have been writing for 13 years. i work full-time and also have some pretty meaty projects that i chip away at in my free time, though i am still pretty good at getting at least a few posts out per week. i am pretty private about my personal information, though i am always eager to chat ooc via whichever platform we choose to connect on.

i am highly uncomfortable with the idea of writing with anybody under 21, so please meet that requirement if reaching out -- my characters deal frequently with mature themes, and i prefer for the person i am writing opposite to to be around the range that i am as far as life experience goes.

writing style: i love writing lit, long-form replies in the third person. i am not picky about present/past tense, and honestly i have this awful habit of flipping back and forth, though if you prefer one over the other i am happy to try and accommodate. i really don't prefer a certain length, in fact i think that it's nice to have shorter-form posts for dialogue-heavy scenes and longer-form for stuff that isn't dialogue heavy.

platform: i haven't dipped my feet into these waters in quite some time; i have a few long-term partners that i write with over both discord and email, and so i am very familiar with those. that being said, i really don't mind writing on here, just lemme get a feel for it and I'd be happy to figure it out!

setting: i really don't have a specific preference for exactly where in tamriel our thread takes place, but right now i am looking specifically for something set in the fourth era. my characters tend to be well-traveled versus homebodies, and so they can really be found anywhere. the thread can focus on the events that take place in skyrim, or they could have nothing to do with it at all! the main reason i want to focus on the 4e is because many of the details regarding my muses are contingent on details related to the great war and the third dominion.

content preferences: so, my bread and butter is threads which focus a lot on the political happenings of tamriel. i love political dissidents, corruption, that sort of thing. I am also a huge fan of romanticism and adventure. my writing is usually focused heavily on characters versus worldbuilding or plot; i love to get deep into the psyche of flawed individuals and either allow the course of events that take place to build them up or tear them down further. i love romance, but it really isn't a must at all -- the biggest priority is character development.

character preferences: my characters tend to be heavily flawed individuals whose actions and behavior would at best deem them morally grey. they can deal with issues such as addiction, morality struggles, mental health issues, and skeletons in the closet. i have two in particular that I am hoping to flesh out by writing them: an altmer male and a bosmer female. i usually lean to M// but M/F is great too, i really don't mind as far as this goes BUT i will say that i really don't enjoy determining the relationship dynamic (sub/dom, that sort of thing) in advance -- that sort of skews the focus from where it should be, in my opinion. i greatly prefer to let them figure it out authentically through interaction.

like i said above, i can write adult themes, but romance is not a must and i am just as happy with fade-to-black as well. if love scenes are included, i'd just ask that they are not the main focus, and that plot takes precedence either 80/20 or 60/40.

i'd love to share more about my characters and plot ideas if anyone is interested in getting something put together here!! please feel free to pm me here if any of it caught your eye! :)
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