• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy School of The Alience Madness.


Being a dick wont make yours any bigger.

No God modding! It is unfair and boring if you always hit and/or dodge another person.

No perfect characters! They have to have a weakness that is something achievable. An example of a bad character would be that an extremely rare power that only comes around every few thousand years could hurt him/her.

Drama is welcomed! But not in the real chat. Once in role play you can create as much drama as you want!

Only kill off another character if both parties agree with it! Some people will hate it a lot if you killed their character.

Have Fun! I don't want my Role play to bore people! Lets try and make this Role play as fun as it could be!

I do not intend anyone to be a God/Demon God. Only Me and who ever winds up being the Vice Leader can be a God.
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