School Days (Rp area)

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A beautiful school about in an area of 1300 x 4000 ft stands in your way a beautiful artifact to the modern world (1912) who are you and welcome the house sorting is soon to start oh boy that sounded cheesy got to go get me some...


@Captain Spooks @m y s t i c @Tsutarji @High Moon @Astaroth Suzumiya* @Zeldafangirl @Sir Jake @Kira Times
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Frost sighed his black hair swayed as his pendant showed a water drop as this is his curse. He looked at the school and sighed "Oh boy why did dad send me here I mean Russia was so nice and I was having so much fun now people might judge me because I have a weird thing with my body." He walked into class and his hoodie was covering his head he took out a Russian book by Pushkin and started to read it.

Cami looked around and she saw frost then she got up and she walked over to him and she sat between him and Macaria and she smiled "um hello there " she waved to the two then she laid her head down and she drooped "i'm Cami...i'm a Arctic wolf hybrid " she whispered

@TheSourPunchLime @m y s t i c
Cami smiled then she looked at her and she moved her hand over to her hand and she then made her tail tickle her side " oh thats cool...i think elfs are really cute and cool" she smiled at her and she laid her head down again and she wagged her tail playfully then she looked at her. "Nice to meet you Macaria" she giggled happily

@m y s t i c
Cami smiled and giggled happily " So do you like me....i mean i bet you never seen a person like me " she smiled then she hugged her with her tail. " so Macaria....what do you want to talk about now?" she asked her with a small blush.

@m y s t i c
He looked over and said in Russian "Черт Artic Волки и eleves говорить со мной ох глупый папa!" he looked over and said "Frost, Earth" his purple eyes where brilliant as he was reading the book. "Я пережил всякое желание, Мои мечты и я отдалились друг от друга; Мое горе остался один во всей полноте, В блески пустого сердца. Бури безжалостным устроении Ударили мой цветочно Гирлянда онемели, Я живу в одинокой запустения И интересно, когда мой придет конец. Таким образом, на голое дерево конечностями, взорванный По свистящим озноба запоздалым зимы, Один лист, который пережило Его сезон будет дрожать до сих пор"

@Tsutarji @m y s t i c
Cami giggled then she smirked at her "hey Maci.... what do you do for fun" she asked with a smile then she looked down at her and smirked then she hugged her tight "so are we friends " she smiled at her then she looked at Frost and she gasped when he started to talk "um sir" she asked 

@TheSourPunchLime @m y s t i c
He looked and said "Actually Earth has over 6'500 languages I can speak Russian, English, French, Italian, German, Austrian, Mandarin, Japanese." He smirked and said "Not like your filthy 1 or 2 languages." He looked at his pendant and then started to read more of his books.

@Tsutarji @m y s t i c  
Cami growled then she punched then human then she got up and she walked and she at the other side of the room all alone and away from the mean human " Meany" she growled then she looked at Maci and she drooped "hey Maci..." she whimpered then she smiled "can you come and sit by me"

@m y s t i c
"Варвар вам нужна причина, почему ваш язык нечисто сначала не столь разнообразны, как и у меня тоже смотрят на тебя гм получить еще девочка, но я волк арктический хуже, что животное" He said as he turned his pendant when they where not looking and jumped out the window "Time to do something fun" his black hair turned into white hair and his purple eyes turned blue. He walked up and bumped the arctic fox and said "Oh sorry"

@Tsutarji @m y s t i c
He looked at her and said "Um I am Ice Rurikovich I am confused um ok....?" he was confused a curse with his power was he had two people in him from both Russian dynasty Romanov and Rurick, Frost and Ice he looked and said "I love your ears they are so cool."

@m y s t i c
Cami looked up at Ice and she smiled "no its ok.." she helped him up and she grinned "i'm cami" she waved, clearly not knowing that he was really Frost " so Ice where are you from" she asked with a smile.

"hey am i cool too" she asked

"Oh I'm from Russia on Earth thought I am a noble I am just a lowly one my family founded all of Russia but whatever you look really cool I love your tail we in Russia have arctic foxes, wolfs, tigers but your are the coolest Girl I have ever seen." He said as he smiled his ice blue eyes sparkled in interest as he bowed and said in French "Madame, tu as l'air absolument incroyable"

Cami looked at him and she smiled " Aww thats cool ..... " she smiled then she looked confused when he said that " um....what did you say sir..i don't understand" she drooped then she rubbed her arm embrassed to be around him " and really thats amazing that you think i'm cool" she blushed 

He smiled and said "Ya I haven't been here much father is always with the people since they have worse living conditions but still where do you live?" He produced some snow in his hand and blowing it into her face as a joke laughed.

Cami blushed when he blew snow in her face "oh where do i live....well i live in the woods...not really anywhere special " she drooped then she walked close to him and she smiled " you seem really nice Ice" she blushed again.

He smiled and tapped her nose "Ya It's funny thought you live in the woods but in what country I mean all i have seen are maps but there is way to many forests reminds me of Siberia..." He went and took a book by Mikhail Lermontov and started to read it.

Cami looked at him and she smiled"oh where i i don't know...i don't really pay attition to what my country is " she dropped then she wagged her tail slowly , she was even more embrassed to be around them now. "I'm sorry..but my family and me are kind of poor so....and i don't even know why i'm in this school" she drooped

He thought about it and said "Whats your quirk or i mean power for instance I have power over anything Cold like snow, Ice and mist and my other se..." he stopped there before he said something he might regret and made two snow flowers for both the girls and made them glide over to them and said "See?"

@Tsutarji @m y s t i c
Cami held the snow flower and she blushed "wow thats amazing" she giggled then she looked at him and she thought "powers? well i have ice and fire magic and two...." she ran up to him and she hugged him quickly "I have really fast speed " she blushed deeper

He blushed and said "Wow that's cool um so hey whats with your friend doesn't really talk to us does she have something against me?" He looked at both and then said "So um ya what do you enjoy doing in your free time?"

He smirked and said "Telekinesis eh so ya um I am More or less confused about you two but whatever I got to go sleep." He left to his desk and he went to bed an ice blanket on him and a snow pillow on his head.

@Tsutarji @m y s t i c 

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