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Scattered Pearls: Ri x Jae


Seoul, the city of wonder. Rin had dreamt about living there. She had dreamt of the towering skyscrapers and dewy mornings and the neon billboards lighting up the faces of people like herself. The city was a safe haven, far enough away from her past that she could sleep soundly. Of course, nobody had warned her about the cost of one of those skyscraper homes. Which is how she wound up on the outskirts, shabby and dirty suburbia where all the grime banished from the glamorous city came to seek refuge. She found herself facing a square building with white walls gone brown from years of misuse and small windows lining the small apartments. It was the only home she could afford on her income without living miles away from the city. She had to remind herself that this was better than what she had left behind as she climbed the chipped front steps leading to the main door. Her hand shuffled around in her purse, hoping to feel the cold metal of the house keys her landlord had given her hours before. Nothing. Crap, she thought to herself. Her hand shuffled around again, this time faster from sheer panic. Just then, she remembered: she'd left the keys on one of her boxes. Panic filling her insides, she pushed a random intercom button, hoping someone would answer.


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