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Fandom RWBY-next gen



Occupation: (student of teacher)



aura color:


family sign:

family ability:





Team: (don't fill out yet)


Name: stratos katsuchia

Nickname: the keeper of death



Age: 18

Appearance:6'4, blue hair, blue eyes, sezurai on his back, he also has cat ears from his mom blake and a monkey tail from his dad sun wukong which

sezurai is a dual edged white, and black sword it can conjure the elements in dust and fuse them into the blade making other elements. ayame the sniper is made for long range stealth missions or group tactics ayame can conjure the poisons and venom's into its bullets sending them into its target, and finally sezuki the machine gun can switch its burst to semi-automatic and rapid fire by switching its gear

Aura Colour: black, red, and blue

Symbol/family sign:
you can find the sign on stratos neck and back sending off a dark energy that makes him switch moods occasionally

stratos has 2 semblances 1 from his mom blake and one from his dad sun wukong he has his mom shadow semblance which allows him to make clones of himself for tricking the enemy and taking hits using the clone he also can conjure the elements in dust and make the clones have that element in them. he also has his dads semblance that allows him to create spectral clones of himself that can detonate upon contact. While his Semblance is activated, his hair and tail glow yellow. He appears to need to stand still and concentrate while using his Semblance.

Personality: stratos is a calm and kind person mostly towards girls. he is playful, charming and a amazing friend he loves to make friends and adventure but that is behind his most passionate hobby......fighting he loves a good fight it makes him happy knowing he's training while fighting to become a better fighter and huntsman

History: stratos was born in a very low budget city called the underworld his parents blake and sun wukong died when he was 13 and the only person who raised him was a strange huntsman in the woods, while in the woods when stratos was old enough to hold weapons the old man gave him a weapon named sezurai a powerful dual edged sword made to kill and injure the old man trained stratos for years until he passed away on the floor from a animal stratos dragged the old man back to there small shack and watched him as he withered away after that stratos dedicated his life to becoming a powerful huntsman he trained every day until he was 18 and ready to go into the academy where he would begin his story as a huntsman making friends and joining a group
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Kohina_H.png.91eb64565c168303ca346072ac137776.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69292" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Kohina_H.png.91eb64565c168303ca346072ac137776.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Iris Bluebird








Chainsaw that can transform into rifle

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/oh.png.89fa0dc86c42bf135f3e8f878a722a3e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69289" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/oh.png.89fa0dc86c42bf135f3e8f878a722a3e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Nod_Laser_Rifle_TWI.jpg.cc15f17061c2ff2b41dc278ca0736561.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69290" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Nod_Laser_Rifle_TWI.jpg.cc15f17061c2ff2b41dc278ca0736561.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Aura Color




Family Sign

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/blue-flower-md.png.029cda3c6bf08e49798dc8b7bdf8df01.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69288" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/blue-flower-md.png.029cda3c6bf08e49798dc8b7bdf8df01.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Iris is very intelligent, being able to make complicated calculations in her head, and she has an excellent memory. She's proficient with her chainsaw/rifle.



-Good Memory



-Stresses easily, often to the point of paranoia

-Very submissive and obedient, has problem standing up for herself


Iris is the child of two hunters. Ever since she was young it has been obvious a hunter is what she would grow to be. Her parents were always away on missions, and as such, Iris spent a lot of time alone. She ahs worked hard on comabt since she was 3, hoping that if she became good enough, her aprents would spend more time with her.



Iris bears some resemblance to Thumbelina, shown in her short stature, her flower symbol and her surname (a bluebird had a role in the story)



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SdrawcabDaer said:
View attachment 156772

Iris Bluebird








Chainsaw that can transform into rifle

View attachment 156769

View attachment 156770

Aura Color




Family Sign

View attachment 156767


Iris is very intelligent, being able to make complicated calculations in her head, and she has an excellent memory. She's proficient with her chainsaw/rifle.



-Good Memory



-Stresses easily, often to the point of paranoia

-Very submissive and obedient, has problem standing up for herself


Iris is the child of two hunters. Ever since she was young it has been obvious a hunter is what she would grow to be. Her parents were always away on missions, and as such, Iris spent a lot of time alone. She ahs worked hard on comabt since she was 3, hoping that if she became good enough, her aprents would spend more time with her.



Iris bears some resemblance to Thumbelina, shown in her short stature, her flower symbol and her surname (a bluebird had a role in the story)
good job

Name: Amanda Jones

Age: 16

Occupation: Student

Gender: Female


aura color: Turquoise

semblance: Transformation

family sign:





-smoothness when speaking to others



-transformation into all but inanimate objects

weaknesses: Can become so nervous and obsessive that her paranoia can become the best of her.

History: Amanda Grew up with her mom and dad, and her older brother, Cody, until the age of 10, where both her parents died in a freak accident that no one could really explain. Even though her brother got most of the attention (and she of course longs for some), she used all of her negative energy and strength towards slaying.

Team: (don't fill out yet)

Extra: Has multiple tattoos, is into punky music and is quite rebellious.



Name: Jared Rose

Age: 19

Occupation: Student

Gender: Male


aura color: Black and dark blue

semblance: Can cause anyone or anything to fall asleep,

Can become invisible.

family sign:

skills: Telling jokes, Talking to women, and leading.

strengths: Leading.

weaknesses: If someone threatens his family, and since his parents are dead, that means his sister.

History: Jared grew up without the presence of a sister for 3 years, and in those four years his parents paid a lot of attention on him. For some reason, he remembered those years well. They eventually had another child, a girl, and paid no attention to her whatsoever. Thats probably why jared loves and protects his sister so much now. After their parents died, jared kind of became Amanda's parent, and their brotherly and sisterly love grew. Theyre rather close, now.

Team: (don't fill out yet)
Last edited by a moderator:
Amanda Rose] [URL="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-pI_Zh_0LXXo/Up_YY5sUrFI/AAAAAAAAArQ/WZXFejFln4g/w1024-h768/brunettes-white-long-hair-brown-eyes-pocky-mahou-shoujo-madoka-magica-sakura-kyouko-ponytails-anime-girls-428322_zps9dae2a52.jpg said:
Name: Amanda Jones

Age: 16

Occupation: Student

Gender: Female


aura color: Turquoise

semblance: Transformation

family sign:





-smoothness when speaking to others



-transformation into all but inanimate objects

weaknesses: Can become so nervous and obsessive that her paranoia can become the best of her.

History: Amanda Grew up with her mom and dad, and her older brother, Cody, until the age of 10, where both her parents died in a freak accident that no one could really explain. Even though her brother got most of the attention (and she of course longs for some), she used all of her negative energy and strength towards slaying.

Team: (don't fill out yet)

Extra: Has multiple tattoos, is into punky music and is quite rebellious.



Name: Jared Rose

Age: 19

Occupation: Student

Gender: Male


aura color: Black and dark blue

semblance: Can cause anyone or anything to fall asleep,

Can become invisible.

family sign:

skills: Telling jokes, Talking to women, and leading.

strengths: Leading.

weaknesses: If someone threatens his family, and since his parents are dead, that means his sister.

History: Jared grew up without the presence of a sister for 3 years, and in those four years his parents paid a lot of attention on him. For some reason, he remembered those years well. They eventually had another child, a girl, and paid no attention to her whatsoever. Thats probably why jared loves and protects his sister so much now. After their parents died, jared kind of became Amanda's parent, and their brotherly and sisterly love grew. Theyre rather close, now.

Team: (don't fill out yet)
Appearance: he obviously wears gray and has gray features and he has white skin,and wears a trenchcoat (also gray) and he wears jeans

Name:Grant Gray




Weapon: spear which transforms into a shotgun<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.33d75223505bcec4473d5c7efd20be7a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70226" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.33d75223505bcec4473d5c7efd20be7a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Aura color:gray

Semblance:he can carry most heavy objects with ease and can manipulate stones and ores to a certain degree

Family sign:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.19c1654f412c56348c8e03eb0e319184.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70232" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.19c1654f412c56348c8e03eb0e319184.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Skills:excellent with a shotgun and a spear and he's an earth bender (anyone got the reference?)


Weaknesses:hes a major introvert and hardly ever talks so if put in a situation where he needs to talk he'll most likely fight his way out if possible

History:grant grew up near the mines as a child and his parents worked there and sometimes he would work with them. One day he decided to let his parents take a day off and mine by himself, but he accidentally encountered a toxic gas deep inside the mines,nearly killing him and turning his eyes and hair gray and for some reason making him very...anti-social.he eventually went off training for a school that he wanted to enter and eventually dound his semblance. He was eventually submitted into his school and saw a new oppurtunity to hopefully make friends.


Extras:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.59284a62394d7cf1d35bc5083c13ae24.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70227" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.59284a62394d7cf1d35bc5083c13ae24.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[QUOTE="Azure Blitz]Appearance: he obviously wears gray and has gray features and he has white skin,and wears a trenchcoat (also gray) and he wears jeans
Name:Grant Gray




Weapon: spear which transforms into a shotgunView attachment 158583 .View attachment 158582

Aura color:gray

Semblance:he can carry most heavy objects with ease and can manipulate stones and ores to a certain degree

Family sign:View attachment 158589

Skills:excellent with a shotgun and a spear and he's an earth bender (anyone got the reference?)


Weaknesses:hes a major introvert and hardly ever talks so if put in a situation where he needs to talk he'll most likely fight his way out if possible

History:grant grew up near the mines as a child and his parents worked there and sometimes he would work with them. One day he decided to let his parents take a day off and mine by himself, but he accidentally encountered a toxic gas deep inside the mines,nearly killing him and turning his eyes and hair gray and for some reason making him very...anti-social.he eventually went off training for a school that he wanted to enter and eventually dound his semblance. He was eventually submitted into his school and saw a new oppurtunity to hopefully make friends.



Aren't we gonna do the normal group forming challenge, you know where you're teamed with fisrt eye contact and then have to find the hidden pieces?
Well, in the original series there was this test that decided who you were gonna team up with, you know with the forest, but your wrote that a machine would choose the teams. So I'm wondering how the teams are gonna be decided exactly.
The teams are gonna be drew out of a raffle then which would be 2 people in a team for that segment then we procide to the way the original story did it

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