RWBY - Hunters of Atlas


Four Thousand Club
Read all material provided by this RP in full. A knowledge of RWBY is nice to have,but you can be briefed by others if you don't want to watch the show itself to get the info. Please follow this signup template more-or-less exactly,for everyone's sanity. And,please,no clones of canon characters. That's just not cool,yo.

Full Name: What is your character's first and last name? A middle name is just a bonus,if you want.

Nickname/Alias: If your character has earned one,it goes here. Otherwise,disregard.

Age: Average age of applicants is sixteen to seventeen. Any earlier would require special circumstances.

Gender: Pretty binary question. Male or female?

Race: Human or Faunus?

Weapon Specs: Appearance of your weapon,with a written brief on how big it is,and how it functions. Length of the weapon is extremely important; Why have a footlong sniper rifle,or a three inch mace? If you use an image,contain in a spoiler.

Appearance: Include height and weight,hair and eye colour,and skin tone,if not readily apparent. Indicate Faunus traits if your character's a Faunus. If you use an image,contain in a spoiler.

Personality: A general brief of how your character carries themselves. Subject to evolution throughout the story.

Background: A detailed explanation of your character's life and goals up until this point. I expect at LEAST two paragraphs. Any less will result in your character being outright rejected.
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Full Name: Tio Didem Bihter

Nickname/Alias: N/A

Age: Seventeen

Gender: Female

Race: Faunus of the rhino family.

Weapon Specs: Tio's bow, Yolmak, is an enormous compound bow designed to match Tio's size as a greatbow including two seperate components besides ammunition; a heavy metal box containing a series of winches with hundreds of meters in steel cable, and a mechanism to drive spikes into the ground, nearly one meter long each. Lastly there is a pair of binocular goggles to assist Tio in making long-distance shots.

Yolmak was designed with the purpose of restraining large grimm in mind. Being a bow that launches projectiles more akin to harpoons than arrows, it seems only appropriate that it actually launch harpoons, attached to sturdy steel cables, which in turn are attached to an equally large and heavy box, loaded with winches and wound cable. The box, being too large to carry around normally, is attached to a harness which Tio wears when wielding the weapon, allowing her to wheel it around behind her before driving the spikes into rock, soil, or basically any other surface in order to immobilize, or even draw in any grimm hit by the arrows. The previously mentioned goggles that go alongside Yolmak, include the ordinary corrective measures of Tio's glasses, as well as including an optical zoom of up to thirty times, with thermal filters reaching half of that. In the way of ammunition, Yolmak's box has an attached pod on the top, which can contain roughly fifty arrows, all of which can be fitted to one of the box's half-dozen cables, or even be used as a short spear in a pinch. The harness used to haul Yolmak, being full-body, was additionally designed to serve as body armour, with a kevlar vest and shin pads, as well as heavy metal gauntlets and boots. With all of her gear weighing her down, it should come as no surprise that Tio often looks ponderous and clumsy when moving around in the field, and in fact, she quite is, and has extreme difficulty facing threats at short range.

Being a rhino faunus, Tio is anything but small, and stands at nearly ten feet, with a horn protruding from her forehead nearly another foot beyond that. Long pale brown hair hangs over much of Tio's head in what seems to be a vain attempt to conceal her face, and especially her horn. In addition to the size, horn, and tough hide of her faunus heritage, Tio also has poor eyesight, which she wears rather thick lensed glasses in order to correct. Beneath the hair which she practically hides behind, Tio has olive-coloured skin, and eyes such a dark brown that they're nearly black. While it might seem very heavy, Tio is actually an average weight for her size at 428 pounds outside of her armoured harness, which with Yolmak, brings her to nearly 650 pounds.
Personality: Unlike her physical skin, Tio's emotional barriers are paper thin, and is easily distraught, especially regarding her size and appearance. Often mistaken as a violent, or otherwise unpleasant type because of her general silence, Tio is actually very tender-hearted, and has a hard time with making new friends as she is often slow to converse. When spoken to, Tio generally turns toward whoever is speaking, as anyone would, but takes her time in responding, which often scares people away, confusing her hesitation with threatened violence.

Semblance: Tio's Aura is used in a rather subtle manner, in that she can control the wind, though this isn't exactly in the dramatic means which most people expect, but rather as small alterations which, while seemingly useless, helps with her archery a great deal. While she is quite adept at manipulating her Aura, Tio doesn't seem to have very much energy behind it, probably explaining its understated effects.

Background: Before Tio, the Bihter family has never had a single hunter or huntress come from it, and generally produces farmers and miners, most of which, content with simple labour. While her first years were spent working the fields alongside her parents, brothers, and sisters, when she came of age, she immediately applied to an academy for young Hunters and Huntresses. This sudden application may seem somewhat bizarre seeing as it had only become a goal of Tio's about a year before, especially seeing as she had always been quite content with fieldwork before, but she has her reasons.

About four years ago, which is quite a short time all things considered, the Bihter family farm suffered a crippling attack from several Grimm. Three Nevermore appeared seemingly from nowhere in the early morning dusk as the family of farmers were just beginning to rise. Before any Hunters or Huntresses could respond, seeing as the farm was in an outlying area, the damage had already been done, one young girl taken away, presumably dead, and five injured, not to mention the property damage. After the attack, nearly half of the fields had been destroyed, along with the house itself, leaving the Bihters in a state of poverty for quite a long time as they tried to recover.

Several months after the attack, Tio came of age to apply to the first academy, where she could later move on to enroll at Pharos. While she made no friends, Tio did quite well with her classes, and later moved on to pass Pharos' exams within the upper half of entrants. While she is excellent with the theory, Tio is often hesitant to put her knowledge into practice, which holds her back from reaching the top ranks as a Huntress. On the odd time she was confronted regarding the Grimm attack, Tio seemed to clam up at the memory, and excused herself rather than speaking on the matter.
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Full Name: Anya Aiden

Nickname/Alias: Cacti

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Race: Faunus

Weapon Specs: 24 inch blade, 10.5 inch handle. weapon name: Vuokko (Anemone)


height: 5'7"

weight: 130lbs


Semblance: Anya's aura is not completely sure how to use her aura, but when it is activated, the color is blood red, and is just below average for someone with her skills and determination.


chaos glyphs. Anya's semblance allows her to create glyphs that generate a variety of desired effects, positive or negative. Such as haste or stop. When she uses glyphs, her right eye turns bright green as a kind of side effect
Personality: Anya can't leave someone suffering alone, she always offers to help however she can if she's able. You'd never expect it after seeing her fight, but normally she's a bit of a clutz and most people find it cute and try to approach her. However she's extremely shy and easily gets overwhelmed when people crowd her, sometimes leading her to pass out from the pressure.

Background: Anya's parents were members of the White Fang for all of her life, and had held high positions in the group when the next leader took charge six years ago. However, a couple years after, her parents were both killed by an unknown assailant whom left an anti-faunus message at the scene. Anya did not agree with her parents' point of view, and avoided ever joining them in the White Fang, despite their begging her. She only wanted to be herself, without people forcing her to do things she may regret later.

So she asked her parents to send her to school to become a huntress, which led her to where and who she was today. A skilled huntress in training, whose magic was only surpassed by her sword and hand-to-hand combat. Her instructors over the years had asked her to make a customized multi-use weapon that best suited her, however, she insisted that she only used the plain katana and sheath she had made. She finally convinced them during her last year at the school due to her combat final's score, being ranked top 5 in the region. Now she is ready for the next step - Pharos Academy.
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Name: Cromwell Verigund

Nickname/Alias: Grimmsbane,Headmaster

Age: 42

Gender: Male

Race: Human


A crossblade,made of simple,unpolished steel. Aside from not giving a damn about the polish,Headmaster Verigund keeps the Klaivex in perfect condition,with applications of oil and sharpening after nearly every outing that the weapon sees use in. Measuring at five foot three inches,the Klaivex enables Cromwell to cut a swathe through a large area. The Klaivex is a personal creation of Cromwell's,and as such,he knows it quite well,and has mastered it's esoteric functions.

The Klaivex,primarily,is a crossblade; A pair of full-sized swords on either end of a central hilt,designed for two hands. The weapon,although awkward for a novice,is a fluid cyclone of death in the hands of the competent,which Cromwell most certainly is.

Second,the Klaivex can be pulled in half,allowing Cromwell to wield two independent swords in battle. The blades are unsharpened below the jagged protrusions,which themselves are quite sharp,and even serrated,designed to draw as much blood as possible.

Finally,the blades at either end of the Klaivex may be released from locks,allowing them to play freely from a three inch chain,adding yet another deadly moving object to his deadly whirlwinds,effectively negating most defensive attempts that don't involve simply getting away.

As a whole,the weapon weighs about three kilograms.

Image pending

Cromwell stands five foot six inches,and weighs 172 pounds.

Personality: Cromwell is a proud master of his craft,as he has the right to be. He demands nothing but the best out of himself,and those in his employ and care,for he sees improvement as meeting,then overcoming,your own limits. He sees his position as almost sacred,and holds those who detract from the Hunter's Trade in utmost contempt. He sees,and teaches,failure as a learning experience. Finally,he assumes all are equal until proven otherwise before him.

Semblance: Terror. At will,Cromwell can radiate an aura of absolute terror. The fear is so absolute that even the Grimm generally end up freezing,or even fleeing. More intelligent victims report seeing,hearing,even smelling,tasting and feeling,things straight out of their nightmares. They're not real,of course,but try convincing yourself of that when it happens...

His eyes,and the eyes of any hallucinations the victims see,glow a bright,bloody red,as well as his body leaking black smoke while he engages his Semblance.

Background: From a young age,Cromwell was obsessed with self-improvement. Raised in the frigid rocky foothills of Titan as the youngest child of three with his parents,the young Verigund was expected to be the best he could be. He attended a normal school,until he was old enough to enroll in a preparatory Hunter's academy,where he astounded everyone with his drive,and constantly improving abilities. He eventually graduated top of class,with the highest honors. He even refused an early invitation to attend Pharos Academy,saying that he wasn't ready.

When he graduated from the preparatory academy,he constructed his first weapon: A poleaxe,with a built-in high-caliber musket. Once again,he struck everyone dumb with his displays of constantly improving prowess and knowledge,always striving to come out better than before. Once again,he graduated Pharos with top honors,becoming an extremely successful Huntsman,protecting Titan from the Grimm,as well as other threats.

During the interim,he gained his current weapon,the Klaivex. When asked,he says that he built it himself after seeing a similar weapon being used to great effect by a Huntress,who taught him how to use it. When he returned to Pharos Academy for a reunion,he elected to participate in the Headmaster's Tournament,held to determine if the current Headmaster is to be replaced. The tournament was long and grueling,but,eventually,Cromwell faced off against his old Headmaster in single combat. She wielded a jet-assisted lance,allowing her great reach and speed,making the fight very close.

In the end,however,he disarmed her,and landed blows to her throat and abdomen,blocked by her Aura,but the fight was decided: They would have been lethal blows otherwise,and so,Cromwell had bested her,and was her rightful replacement. And now,seven years later,Cromwell stands ready to face another year of challenges and the rising stars of the future who will one day take his place in the world.

He is the current leader of Pharos Academy's staff field team,VKTR.
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Full Name: Elisabeth Hivor

Nickname/Alias: Elise

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Weapon Specs:

This is most definitely not to scale.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf320506f_NoeuVoirColor.png.da0aebc09a3a52d2a4792fe6102aeabe.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17912" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf320506f_NoeuVoirColor.png.da0aebc09a3a52d2a4792fe6102aeabe.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf320c638_VoeuNoir.png.af79b5735047dfb464413b8f50b6a5cf.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17913" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf320c638_VoeuNoir.png.af79b5735047dfb464413b8f50b6a5cf.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Vœu Noir, Noir for short since I don't want to keep copying and pasting vœu, is a 3 part bladed staff comprised of 3 hollowed sections connected by 5 inch chains. The middle section is 12 inches (1 ft) in length, while the 2 end pieces measure at 18 inches (1.5 ft) each. And at each end is a removable 8 inch blade, held to the staff via moderately powered magnets and a small bit of tread, making them quick to remove but not by the motion of the weapon itself. Each blade has a hook-like protrusion coming out of one of the sides of the blade, measuring at 3.5 inches.

The chains are able to retract and release via small dust-powered electromagnet in the center section of the staff.

At its full length, with both blades attached and chains released, Noir measures at 74 inches (6 ft 2 in). However, considering that one does not hold onto a blade, the maximum reach is 62 inches (5 ft 2 in), give or take an inch or two depending on how big the user's hand is. Obviously, the longer the reach, the harder it is to control the weapon's movement.

The 2 end pieces of the staff each hold thin dust containers within the staff. The dust is released through a small opening above, or below depending on your angle, the blade, much like Weiss' rapier. However, unlike Myrtenaster, Noir does not have the convenience of holding multiple types of dust. Its limit is 2, one for each end. Should Elise wish to use a different type of dust, she must manually load it into Noir, which is not advised during combat. Typically, Noir holds red and cyan dust as its default.

Vœu Noir does not offer much in power, at least without dust, as its main focus is flexibility, with multiple forms to adapt to Elise's environment, from a staff to a spear to even just wielding the blades alone. Like its name would suggest, Noir is nearly all black except for a few blue accents. Usually, Elise leaves the blades and staff separate when not fighting, keeping the blades in a holster on her belt along with various pouches to hold dust, and the staff folded up and tied to the back of the belt.


  • Red - "Fire" Red dust burns the point of contact and immediate area around depending on how much dust was released. Flames may also be emitted when used around flammable things. Heating up Noir's blade can often make things easier to cut through.
  • Cyan - "Ice" Cyan dust freezes the point of contact and the immediate area around it with a radius determined by how much dust was used, allowing her to create walls or waves of ice.
  • White - "Energy" White dust will emit an electrical charge, meant to stun small to medium-sized Grimm. It is not as effective on larger Grimm unless the cut or point of contact is fairly close to the heart or brain. The magnets in the staff are also powered by white dust.
  • Orange - "Explosion" Orange dust is not used in conjunction with a blade. Instead Elise uses it with the blunt end of the staff, striking an area and causing a small to medium scale explosion depending on how much of the dust was released beforehand. Larger explosions can help propel Elise in a specific direction. (Like hitting a wall to move away from it faster.)
  • Black - "Power" Black dust does not increase Elise's strength but instead adds force to Noir's current motion, like an added push, temporarily increasing the strength and speed of its attack. It works best with downward strikes, as to work with gravity. If the timing is right, it can be used to repel physical attacks.


Height: 5'6"

Weight: 115 lb

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Elise.png.196a469f19d7f46ac7409cf3e9ce867d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17911" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Elise.png.196a469f19d7f46ac7409cf3e9ce867d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Elise can be a bit hard to understand as she'll often tell you she won't do something while simultaneously doing it. At times, she seems like a mature person, calm and mellow, but there are also times where she seems childish with a certain obliviousness that makes her define the world in simplistic terms. The most important law that rules over her lifestyle being "If you are not a winner, you are trash."

Obedient to a fault, it seems she has gotten rid of most of the part of her that forms opinions and feelings. And when she receives orders that actually contradicts what she feels, it troubles her immensely. She is sort of a kind girl, able to easily sympathize with characters in books and such, but for some reason not so much with people in real life though she still hates to see them sad. She also seems to possess destructive desires and tendencies. Not bad enough to hurt someone, but she'll often make time to make tracks in fresh snow because the perfect surface was bothering her and think of breaking just about anything she has in her hands, either directly or indirectly. (Ex: "If I bend it this way, I wonder how long before it snaps.")


Elise's semblance isn't trained. In fact, she doesn't even know about it, though she does know that she has to have one. This is because it doesn't manifest in a very noticeable way. As it is now, it appears to be an increased healing factor, though again nothing too strange. (Ex. If a wound typically takes a week to heal, she can heal in 4-5 days.)

And although it seems like healing, it's really the ability to accelerate or jump start natural processes, such as healing and growth. Pretty much, something was going to happen anyway, so she's just making it happen faster.


The Hivor family were a line of excellent fighters, though few were good enough to become hunters, the last one dating generations back. So instead, they made a name in the militia, producing excellent soldiers, helping to protect citizens before the hunters could arrive to deal with the Grimms. Elise was born from an affair between the head of the family, Dominic, and a cabaret singer, Noelle, after his first wife had died. To avoid a scandal, he married Noelle and both Elise and her went to live at the Hivor house.

Though officially Hivors, Elise and her mother were both looked down upon and ridiculed, both behind their backs and to their faces. Her mother seemed to suffer from it more than she, always locked up in her room, staring out the window with dead eyes.

"I used to be a star. All the men loved me. All the women were jealous. I had it all. But then I had you. A stupid, ugly little brat. I thought marrying the head of the Hivor household would be a dream. Instead, I'm stuck in a nightmare. It's all your fault. If I had known this was what my life would become, I would've had you aborted."

This went on until it was apparent that Elise had inherited the skills of a Hivor hunter and not her older half-brother, Laurant, the heir to the household, defeating him in spars countless times. Things changed after that. The family recognized the two as part of the family now. The insults, pranks and gossip stopped. They were elites now. And Noelle loved it.

"Elise, you love Mommy, right? You don't want Mommy to be laughed at again, right? You'll become a huntress, right? That's a good girl. My little huntress. Mommy loves you, you know. Mommy has sacrificed a lot for you. So don't make Mommy sad, okay?"

Elise was then pushed to train in order to become a huntress. It's not like she didn't want to become a huntress, but she never got the chance to decide for herself, wanting her mother to be happy so much. Perhaps, if she were allowed to decide, she'd become one anyway. But now, the only thing that had motivated her to excel at her prep school and make it into Pharos was the fear of being thrown away.

(If there's anything you need me to change, then tell me.)



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Full Name: Rhea Blight

Nickname/Alias: N/A

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Weapon Specs:


Thunder - Whip Sword

A 5 foot high carbon steal broad sword very well maintained and always sharpened after every battle. The sword it self is made up of numerous smaller double edged blades interlocking with each other to form one solid blade. When a trigger in the handle is pressed the blade segments release and shoot forward creating a 15ft bladed whip held together with flexible steal cording. The only part that does not come loose is the first blade connected to the hilt which doubles as a bladed hand guard.



Height: 6'

Weight: 180lbs

Usual Outfit

Note* when in battle or training she will pull her hair back into a braid or bun.
Semblance: Reflect - Rhea has the ability to erect small barriers around herself which can reflect attacks both physical and magic. She has not had much practice with this ability so it is still weak and usually shatters after the first hit.


Rhea is fairly mild mannered and very patient. She is very goal oriented making it difficult to make and keep friends. She'll usually choose training or studying over socializing. This often times results with her being the last to find out important new. If you can get her attention long enough she can be friendly and funny sometimes. Rhea loves to see new weapons and can usually dissect them with only a few seconds of studying. When ever she comes across something new she becomes excited and tries to learn everything about it. When she was young she would often boast about her knowledge about weapons, however this got her teased and annoyed many of the other kids. Rhea eventually hid her enthusiasm and knowledge only offering advice when asked.

She will follow orders and work with a group when necessary. Rhea tends to have fairly violent tendencies but hides them well remaining is polite when needed, for those who get on her nerves she comes off as passive aggressive and very cold. Very few have seen Rhea temper however however she can get very violent and belligerent when she reaches her breaking point, few have come away from it unscathed. Her biggest pet peeve is mistreatment or un-cared for weapons.


Rhea was born to a well off family known for their skill in weapon making. Both her mother and father made all sorts of weapons of all kinds of complexities. Being born the oldest of three Rhea was expected to take up the mantel and continue the family business. She learned from an early age how weapons were put together and how each part was forged and made. She studied with interest but not solely in how the weapons were made but also how to use them. She admired the work of Hunters and huntresses that would come in and out of the shop to order and pick up their orders and wanted to be just like them. Her father allowed her to train with wooden weapons only at first but she was over joyed just to be able to learn and experiment.

Rhea would spend any free time she had practicing, finding she had an affinity for blades but also for flail weapons. When Rhea was old enough she was allowed to enter into the prep school her father gifted her with a sword of her own, a smaller version of the one she would be given upon graduating. Rhea trained hard in her school years and was overjoyed when she found out she was accepted into Pharos Academy. She would finally be taking the next step to becoming one of those great hunters admired so much.
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Name: Rasia Heavenfelt

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Weapon Type: Scythe

Weapon Ability/Details:

- The Haft is as long as Rasia is tall, and is made of a Steel like substance. It is of a light blue airy colouration, cloud like formations seemingly shifting along the Haft.

- The Pommel made of a Purple Crystal encased in a tight prison made of the Steel like substance. A 20ft razor wire coiled tightly under high tension, holding the Pommel into the end of the Haft, ready to be launched by the Dust inside at the flick of a switch.

- The Curved Blade on the end reaches about 2 feet in length with the slightest of curves. The Curved Blade Glittering in any light level with an eye catching Sparkle. While the Mount for the Curved Blade is somewhat larger than usual, as well as ribbed. At the flick of a switch the Curved Blade will shift from a Scythe to a Spear Head, or back again.

The Scythe, Libitina, is a fairly standard, albeit ornamental looking, Scythe. Though it can easily be used as a normal Scythe, it has the following differences.

- The Pommel can be launched up to 20ft away at the flick of a switch with the power of Dust filling the Haft. The Razor wire holding Pommel and Haft together and retracting the Pommel when the Switch is flicked again at extreme speeds.

- The Scythe Head may be flipped to a Spear Head as needed by the user at the simple flick of a switch, as well as back again.

Semblances: Rasia has the ability to put her full focus onto a single target. Though this may be possible to increase with further training, it remains that of a single target for now. When she hyperfocuses a target, Rasia loses the ability to perceive the rest of the world, with the exception of what she personally feels and the terrain immediately around her, upwards of the distance to her target. She of course must be capable of seeing her target.

Hyperfocus allows Rasia to make adjustments and movements when needed.


Rasia was born into a long line of Hunters and Huntresses, in most cases, including her own, both parents having been trained at various academies around the world. While Rasia's parents are well known in the region and her home town for dealing with Grimm quickly and efficiently, they show respect for the community, working among the other citizens in some of the hardier jobs.

Despite her natural talents with her Semblance, Rasia was still drilled on how to fight. Having difficulty learning their family's female sides weapon of choice, a scythe with modified blade and haft, and a razor wire chain coiled inside the end holding the pommel together. She picked up her family's heritage quickly after reaching a height to properly wield the odd weapon.

One night during her training on the outskirts of the city, Rasia noticed that the Grimm were far more numerable than usual. She quickly returned home to inform her parents, only to hear the screams of fear, and the roar of combat moments later. The Grimm followed her to their target, the city was soon ablaze.

The defense of the city had been in disarray, and the Grimm seemed numberless... Key locations were set to be defended so the citizens could escape via the river. Rasia's given dock had few Grimm compared to the others, and as the city folk finally began to leave, so did she to find her parents and help with the defense elsewhere.

Rasia quickly came to another dock held by some of the local police department, aiding them with defense while they organized the terrified civilians. It was only then the everyone heard the horrific screech in the sky they all feared. The Nevermore had arrived, and Rasia was in a dead run towards the next dock up stream.

A Nevermore launched a volley of feathers seconds before swooping down.

Rasia turned the final corner only to see what she simply could not comprehend. Halting immediately, her mother giving a quick jerk as the crimson gore spluttered out from the center of her chest, a claw having torn its way through the back and out the front, barely an angle. A feather pinning the left leg to the ground from behind, being left behind as the body and bird like Grimm flew upwards. A gust of wind knocking Rasia over.

It took a moment for Rasia to gather herself back together, wanting to chase after her mom, knowing it to be pointless. Snapping back into action only after being knocked straight through the window of the bakery.

Rasia made her way through the city, to each dock, leaving no Grimm standing, losing consciousness only as she got back to her father.

Rasia woke up, the city saved, but with great loss. Memories of "That moment" filling her mind, she began to cry. Her father walked in, sitting at the edge of her bed, handing her a letter.

Her invitation to Pharos...

Personality: Rasia is fairly fun loving, and quite confident in her abilities. Though she has never truly had an issue with her strengths. She can be serious, though this tends to only show in her anger and and when she fights. One may say brutally serious.

Appearance/Look: Rasia seems like a small girl, averaging roughly around 5'2". Her hair is long, about mid shoulder length, and is a nice perfect white colour, often not tied. While her eyes change colours to reflect even the slightest change in mood. (Won't be so stereotypical. More Related to Heart Rate and the different areas of her mind being pressured.) When calm her eyes are a Light Grey. Fairly slender, though still within proportion body type.

Rasia's dressing is fairly light coloured, often she wears her family's white cloak with fur trim. Though when Rasia is without her cloak, she is seen with various sweatshirts with a tank top underneath, and a dark pair of pants. Her most notable sweatshirt having Dark Brown lines on the outer and inner portions of the arms, and down the front of her torso, with a circle and a symbol contained within the symbol.
Everyone seems to be making female characters. While I hate to restrict people with such a fundamental choice,I'd like both genders to be represented here. Until I say otherwise,all further female characters will be ignored. We need some dudes!
I...guess I could attempt to make a male character.

Full Name:
Lance Wright

Nickname/Alias: Wright ((Like's to go by his last name. ))

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Weapon Specs: Appearance of your weapon,with a written brief on how big it is,and how it functions. Length of the weapon is extremely important; Why have a footlong sniper rifle,or a three inch mace? If you use an image,contain in a spoiler.

Lance's weapon is a high caliber Split Buster gun , approximately going to his waists from the ground up. It's main use is a sword, but can be split apart to create 2 guns. It is held together, when not apart, it is held together by a trigger mechanism, which can be pressed from the hilt of the blade. Once split apart, they are 2 separate guns, and only one side can be used as a blade. If he wants to put them together, he simply "Smashes" The 2 sides that are guns together, which in turn triggers them to 'fuse' back again.

Appearance: Include height and weight,hair and eye colour,and skin tone,if not readily apparent. Indicate Faunus traits if your character's a Faunus. If you use an image,contain in a spoiler.

Lance is approximately 6'o tall and weigh's around 200 pounds. He has brown, somewhat messy hair with a blue eye colour.

Semblance: To Lance, his Semblance is somewhat unknown to him. In fact, one would think it was him alone that makes his skill superior then others. But, in actuality, its his semblance. It gives him increased agility and strength in combat, and for some reason, only in a situation when he could potentially be in danger. This, of course, gives him the appearance of a very trained warrior, but really, his semblance is guiding him.

He is a very calm man, giving a mysterious presence to those around him. He isn't fond of talking, and usually keeps his thoughts to himself. He is confident in his abilities, and can get cocky at times if he believes he is better then someone, although, he won't say it directly. Otherwise, he is laid back due to this confidence and cocky nature, making him think he doesn't need to waste a minute on matters he considers pointless.


Lance Wright was born to a somewhat infamous family of law. Not criminals, but...attorneys! They were a committed couple to convict a defendant not guilty, or to prosecute someone guilty.

Until...they had a son... His mother had to leave the job in order to raise Lance, leaving his father alone in the courts, something he wasn't prepared for. Without the help of his mother, he started loosing cases. Don't get it wrong, that didn't mean they started loosing money as well, its just, the sense of justice went away with each job. While his father traveled, Lance and his mother had to stay home. She hoped he would grow up to be like them, just more successful. Her conviction to this, when he was about 6, lead her to start having him read non stop. This constant reading lead to him not being able to go out and play, nor enjoy life, for what it seemed. As every ounce of knowledge was injected into the poor kids brain, her mother never let up. When he was ten, she had him start to study law. By this time, after what was four years of torture, he couldn't take it. He was depressed, not knowing what to do...

But then, something happened at school, an event that would change his life, for the better... There was a presentation at his elementary school, while he would be at the end of fifth grade, it was about hunters and huntresses.

He was inspired, as any little kid would be, to become one. His mother hated the idea, but his father, having lost every case since Lance was born, immediately agreed. His father felt it was Lance's fault he wasn't doing well, that he was a curse to have. And so, he went into school to train, going to a school specifically made for such a purpose. His mother was saddened, all her hard work going down the drain. But, it did give Lance a knowledge boost, all the hours spent on studying various things...

Now, after returning home after 6 years, he feels ready to apply to Pharos Academy.

"A blade is a symbol of one's true will...but a double blade gun...That's another story..."
Full Name: Alto G. Quill

Nickname/Alias: N/A

Age: Seventeen

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Weapon Specs:

Alto uses a gun that looks similar to the SR-25 with a scope, except it has a double magazine, that catches both on the side and the bottom. This is because of the gun's dual functions- it functions both as an automatic and a bolt-action. The automatic is loaded with plain bullets, while the other magazine he loads himself with longer bullets, the tip of which is filled with dust- making an explosion on contact.

This bolt is typically used for the gun's sniper capabilities, helped by the barrel extension he usually has strapped to his back. This makes the gun about a third of his height in its sniper function. With the barrel extension off or on he still has the ability to use either magazines, and switches them pretty easily. The extension makes him unable to properly use the automatic function, but he is able to switch it with the selector.



Alto is 5'8" and weighs 150 lbs. being somewhat built, rather than lanky. The coat he is seen wearing in the picture usually covers his upper half. As for bottoms, his white pant legs are covered by dark brown knee high boots-with a simple buckle at the side. Fingerless gloves adorn his hands.
Personality: Usually seen as cold and/or brooding, Alto is actually very shy and only seems to give off a distant aura. He is rather rude to people without intending to be, just because he isn't sure how else to handle social situations. Alto gets embarrassed fairly easily and likes to cover that up with anger, but he has a heart of gold and is loyal to it.



Alto has an increased awareness in all of his senses- stronger vision and hearing have their obvious benefits, but even his increased sense of smell and taste have helped him once or twice. Then comes the fifth sense- feeling, and with an increased touch ratio, his pain receptors are all the more active. Alto is not able to turn these senses on and off separately, and must deal with all of them at once.


Alto does not remember when he made the decision to become a Hunter- he just knew it was something basically never brought up in the family. His parents had known about Dust, Grimm, and Hunters, but they would never guess he was destined to be one. Before Alto was a teenager, he was gifted with an aura, and a semblance that manifested with it. It was from then on that his parents cast worried looks in his directions. Less and less village kids started to hang out with him, and instead it was expected he get a weapon for himself.

They all knew by know that he had to go to the academy to train, and although at first he fought with what he was, he was convinced otherwise. It was his mother, who explained to him that there were people in the world who needed him more than his family. Although the woman couldn't help from crying herself over losing her son, Alto understood that the tales of the Grimm could only be stopped by him, and others like him.

He immediately started construction on his weapon, enrolled in the preparatory academy before moving onto Pharos when it was time.
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Full Name: Zewl (pronounced as Zul) Jewelvon Bakunawa

Nickname/Alias: Z, Kitty (he doesn't like this one)

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Race: Faunus

Weapon Specs: Zewl dual wields a combination between pistols and daggers. The gun itself is semi-automatic and fires .38 hollow points through a chamber inscribed with glyphs and can be charged with Fire or Lightning Dust. The blades itself are nearly half an arm's length and can be heated and set aflame. He can charge the chamber with two Dusts at a time but if he does he won't be able to reload until it cools.


Appearance: Zewl is about 5'8 and weigh 135 pounds. Black hair and yellow eyes and fair skin. He has cat ears and a lion's tail. He wears an armored white coat and a white crystal pendant around his neck.

Semblance: Bullet Time

He temporarily accelerates his reaction time, making everything seem slower to him and letting him move faster.

Personality: He is cheery and active most of the time. However around noon if he's not doing anything he'll be napping somewhere quiet, if awoken with no good reason he will proceed to open fire, approach with caution.

Background: When he was still a baby Zewl was abandoned by his parents at the doorstep of another man. The man happened to be Lapu Bakunawa, one of the most well known hunters (please note, hunter, not Huntsman) in Hiyas. He grew up with Lapu Bakunawa as his father. Bakunawa treated him as his son as well. They were a happy family.

At a young age Lapu Bakunawa taught him how to hunt with knives. He taught him to sense his prey and stalk them. How to strike quickly and efficiently with precision and other things associated with hunting. Soon, he became as good as his father, perhaps even better. This filled Lapu with pride as he watched Zewl stalk a deer and pounce on it.

But with fame soon came jealousy. Local Huntsmen were jealous of his skill and this frustrated them. They could not accept the fact that who wasn't a Huntsman could possibly do a better job than them. They challenged him to hunt Grimm. Lapu accepted the challenge and hunted Grimm down. He was doing fine until the Huntsmen sabotaged his knives and they broke as he used them. He was swiftly torn apart and his pendant was flung to them. The Huntsmen gave the pendant to Zewl and mocked him about his father.

Zewl could not take the insult and went to the same challenge. He hunted night and day until he returned to the Huntsmen covered with blood and a manic grin on his face. He dropped a bag in front of them filled with heads of various Grimm. The Huntsmen looked into his eyes and saw fire in them, they became afraid and immediatly confessed before running to turn themselves in.

Rumors soon spread about his feat and when he was old enough he entered Pharos to hunt Grimm for one purpose, the thrill of the hunt.
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Now that male and female characters are more-or-less evened out,characters of both genders will be considered once more. However,I would like people to remain mindful of how many male and female characters there are.
Full Name: Gareth Marcus Kendrick

Nickname/Alias: Gary, though he hates it

Age: seventeen

Gender: Male

Race: Faunus, of the Lutrinae family (That's an otter, for the layman)

Weapon Specs: Macuahuitl: The macuahuitl ([maːˈkʷawit͡ɬ] (singular)) is a weapon shaped like a wooden sword whose name is derived from the Nahuatl language. Its sides are embedded with prismatic blades made from obsidian, a volcanic glass stone. It was similar to a large wooden club with cuts in the side to hold the sharpened obsidian. In the case of Gareth's weapon, it is made of Red Brass (Gunmetal) rather than wood, and there is a five shot, tube loaded, break action, semiautomatic, twenty gauge shotgun housed in the core of the weapon. The handle is on a hinge for loading, and the trigger is in resting index finger position along the handle. Including handle, one yard (91.44 cm) in length, and with a royal blue finish on the metal.

Appearance: 5' 11.5" (182 cm), 172 lbs (78 kg). Overall average athletic build, fair skin, brunette hair, hazel eyes, lutrine ears and tail, slightly more than average webbing on fingers and toes, many slight scars over entire body, one notable one horizontally across his left cheek.

Semblance: Disruption: When active, Gareth can radiate an aura of disruptive energy that effects electronics, and, to a far lesser extent, aurae and Dust. The effect differs slightly depending on his currently active personality:

Gareth - Haywire: Things still work, just... not like they should

Geth - Overdrive: A risky semblance, as it causes things to overwork themselves, causing backfiring, explosions, or, on occasion, a more powerful weapon for the enemy.

Mark - Shutdown: Rather self explanatory, don't you think?

Personality: A boisterous individual in most casual interaction, Gareth is laid-back and often lazy, but friendly and fun-loving, often overly flirtatious with the ladies, viewing life as an experience, not a means to an end, but Gareth suffers from Dissociative Identity Disorder, known more commonly as Multiple Personality Disorder, and occasionally misinformed individuals refer to it as Schizophrenia. Gareth has two other personalities that surface under duress, or on completely random occasion: One personality, dubbed "Geth" affectionately by Gareth, is driven, focused, and skilled, but often violent and maverick, the other personality, dubbed "Mark" is depressed, chronically despairing, and cripplingly, morbidly grim.

Background: Gareth's parents were devout members of a small cult worshiping an Ursa that happened to be larger and stronger than the others, so it must be deistic, right? Largely neglected and left to his own devices, Gareth practiced fighting with sticks, ceremonial daggers, practice swords, whatever he could get his hands on, he trained with it, subconsciously believing that if he got bigger and stronger than the rest of the people his age, his parents would notice him like they did that Ursa. The cultists had a name for it, but Gareth never could remember it. Eventually, when Gareth was strong, but was still being ignored, he turned to other methods of getting the attention of his parents, namely masochism. He cut himself, performed insane stunts like base jumping without a parachute and the like, and pitted himself bare-knuckled against lesser Ursae and Beowolves, only barely surviving, even though he always won. Finally he gave up on his parents, and let them do whatever rituals they wanted, but he was resolute to kill that Ursa, and all of its kind, so he applied for Pharos at the age of fourteen, and, when that didn't work, fifteen, and sixteen, and finally, he was accepted just after his seventeenth birthday.

What Gareth doesn't know is that his parent's performed some really messed up rituals involving Dust when he was en utero, which is where he 'contracted', so to speak, his DID. His parents were told by their prophet the rituals would cause their offspring to bring to this world a child with the full glory of that Ursa they held in such high esteem, when he was born just another Faunus like them, the shame and disappointment caused them to quietly loathe the child, seeing not what life they had created, but the only proof they had that their god was a lie.
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Full Name: Aefon Kys

Nickname/Alias: N/A

Age: 17

Gender: Alien obviously, but no, female.

Race: Human

Weapon Specs: Aefon doesn't actually carry a weapon in particular. This is in direct relation to her semblance. What Aefon does come readily supplied with is bags of dust and back alley brawling skills that would make some of the most well trained soldiers sweat. Those coupled with her improvisational skills makes her a force to be reckoned with, despite her unarmed tactics.

Edit: Forgot to mention, the dust? She will powder a foot or hand with it, protect the covered part, and then activate it during a punch or kick, allowing for elemental based attacks despite the lack of a weapon.

Aura/Semblance: Aefon possesses an ability that allows her to cover a specific amount of her body with a 'shield'. Since it doesn't have a proper measure, Aefon describes it as a limb length ability. She can cover her entire front torso, but nothing else, or could cover her entire right arm or leg, and nothing else. Aefon can also split these, protecting both forearms. If she preforms a split with her shield, she has to mirro it, meaning upper arms/legs or lower arms/legs.

Appearance: Standing at 4'5.5" and weighing in at 78 ibs, Aefon is not what many would expect. Her skin is olive hued, and her eyes are a sharp violet. Her hair is a shiny sable. Her entire body is covered in black ink tattoos, and her ears(Two standard, three cartilage per ear), lower lip(Shark bite) and eyebrows are all pierced. Her knuckles are scarred from fights before she developed her semblance. Finally she has horns surgically implanted into her head(Black market stuff.)

I don't know how to spoiler something, so the image is my profile pic, only imagine the tattoos mirrored onto the right side too.

Personality: A sharp wit matched with a sharper attitude, Aefon is highly critical, having seen the worst sides both human and faunus have to offer. Forced to grow up fast, Aefon can come off as rude or overtly serious/grim to others her age. Despite this rough attitude, Aefon is actually an extremely nice girl who would love to go for a walk on a beach or go out for ice cream. You know, without the whole 'having to wreck someone's face' part coming up at any point. In fact, her more relaxed attitude tends to shine through when out in the woods, or even when attacked by Grimm.

Background: Orphaned by her birth parents due to their obsession with hunting down Faunus, Aefon was taken in by a young Faunus lady who raised her as her own. The problem was that the lady that took Aefon in lived in a pro-white fang area. This meant that until the first day she stood up for herself, Aefon was bullied often. Once she finally did stand up for herself, Aefon quickly grew in skill until she was taking down 6+ foot faunus punks. In an attempt to try to fit in better, Aefon eventually stole a shipment of dust and sold it to the White Fang, using the profits to have horns surgically implanted into her head. The idea was that faunus would begin to leave her alone.

This only worked for so long, however, before human expansion claimed the neighbourhood that Aefon lived in with her adopted mother. This led Aefon to soon start clashing with Faunus and Human extremists alike. This was about the time that Aefon began to develope her semblance into the skill it is today. In one riot, her home, and her mother, were destroyed by a dust based bomb. Left with nothing else, Aefon lived on the street for a year, picking pockets and watching out for other orphaned kids.

It wasn't until her actions against a faunus father beating his son for protecting a human kid that any attention was brought to Aefon. Arrested for the beating she gave the faunus father, Aefon was given a meeting with an official from Pharos academy, who offered her a place to go, provided she reign in her wilder side.

Never one to pass up a second chance, Aefon took it in a heartbeat.
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I know I'm a bit late but can I join? 
Full Name: Hazel Heavenworth



Gender: Female

Race: Human

Weapon Specs: Hazel holds a long staff about 6 ft. long. The outside of the staff is teal and has a similar covering to the scythe Ruby has. On the inside of the weapon, there is a long hidden blade at the top. She weapon has a functional sniper rifle on the other end of the blade and it can be folded to be used as a cannon.

Appearance: Hazel is 5'8" and has long golden brown hair. Her eyes are a crystal blue and a fairly lean build which helps her increase her speed. She weighs about 110 pounds and has slightly tanned skin. She has a few large scars on her back from former abuse. She wears a skirt that has light blue underneath and white on the top. She wears a shirt of the same blue and she has two leg bands, one teal, the other white. She also has fingerless gloves that go to her elbows. She wears a white cape in cold weather.

Personality: Rough and Fierce, it's hard to earn her trust, especially if your a man. She hides her shyness and vulnerability behind her outer shell of confidence. She is most know for her loyalty and dedication to friends. She isn't a quitter type of person and she loves to compete. Most of all, she can get a bit wacky at times, but that's why her friends love her. Crazy but loyal, and a great fighter.

Background: Hazel comes from a not so stable family. She grew up under a abusive father and a alcoholic mother. She usually hid in the corner and cried while her parents thought. Her mother was to drunk to care and often spent nights out at the club or "Having fun". Her father, taking advantage of her mothers absence to beat Hazel and lock her away for days on end, starving her. By her mothers enforcement, Hazel had to attend school, which only caused more mayhem for her. She was bullied and usually spent her time on the playground alone. She usualy avoided everyone and stayed alone in fear that they would think her disgusting.

This event happened for years. Even though middle school. One day, her and her dad had a really bad fight. She came to school with a huge bruise on her face and a ripped uniform, revealing the large gashes on her back. She was immediately removed from her house and put in the school dorm. They no longer had room for her in the dorms and they moved her to Pharos. She had already been a great weapon master, now she was ready to take on Pharos.
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@Alad V and you didn't invite Kiro? >< I'm angry with you No not really <<

So yea :D

Character sheet

Full Name:

Renshii Akahero



Age: 16

Gender: Male ( I think D: Stop with the hard questions @~@ )


Human D: ((I wanna be a fluffy kitty cat @~@))

Weapon Specs:

  • images

    The blade form is a total of 4ft long. And is constantly sharp, enough to slice a apple in half if it's dropped onto the blade.




Renshii, would rather have fun with someone in a fight rather then make it all serious. If the fight becomes boring to him, he'll do his best to finish it quick. When he's enjoying a fight he tends to waste as much time as possible. Outside of battle, he has a care free attitude. To him nothing is meant to be taken seriously unless it was a dying matter. If he ends up fighting with others. He feels as if it's priority to pick up anyone's slack and fend off how ever many he can at one time.

Semblance: Hawk Eye. His aura is able to enhance his vision twice as much as the average person. He can see things clearly at a total of 4 miles while the average person can only see at the average of 2 miles.


Renshii became fascinated by the weapons and everyone who took part in the school. He wanted to follow in his older brothers foot steps and become one of the students in the Beacon Academy and become a Huntsmen. So with this in mind, he worked his way with his brother's old weapon practicing his skills until he had a decent understanding of the weapon.

When Renshii turned fifteen, he devoted every day to training. His tasks ended up as sleep, wake up, get breakfast, work through lunch, eat dinner, and study the books for information he could use. Renshii ended up taking Fencing as well to gain a better understanding for swordsmanship. He continued working until he became of age and joined the Beacon Academy.
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Full Name: Benedict Erenstien

Nickname/Alias: B

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Semblance: Benedict is able to vibrate his body fast enough to cause glass to break and mass discomfort to anybody touching him. He must stand still for this to work.

Weapon Specs: He calls it the Hive. In its resting state the hive appears as a five foot spear with ten half foot long spikes on the end. Each spike contains a large concentrate of poison taken from bee stingers making each cut or stab swell up to the size of a baseball. At the end of the spear though there is a glass jar about four inches in diameter and 3 inches tall containing a store of the venom. This container is made from reinforced glass and is very hard to break. In its active position the hive redistributes mass through a series of metal plate shifts and inner core changes that turn the five foot spear into a three foot launcher apparatus. Though it appears similar to a small rocket launcher the active hive fires five of the poisoned stingers at a time. In this state the hive will openly use the jars contents to continue to coat new stingers.

Personality: Benedict is slightly introverted and does not tend to enjoy the company of others. This is easily broken down by anybody who is willing enough to try and become his friend. After becoming friends with somebody Benedict will become very attached to that person and make sacrifices for them. He also expresses a possible obsession with bees.

Background: As a child Benedict was raised in a relatively wealthy household. He was sheltered and most of his interaction was with the household servants. Due to his lack of daily interaction he had a hard time making friends outside of the household. His attempts usually ended in awkward failure and he eventually just gave up on attempting. By the time he turned 10 he had lost all interest in making friends and had begun studying like his father wanted him to. He was pushed to be bright and had multiple private tutors most of which he resented in the end. By that age he had already studied advanced mathematics and had gained an interest in biological chemistry as well as mechanics. He had also developed a small interest in bees which led to the creation of his first prototype of The Hive. The original prototype was just the spear mechanism with a small trigger to allow launching of some of the needles. His father did not enjoy this behavior and had the weapon destroyed as well as his current mechanics tutor fired. This lead to Benedict's growing resentment for his father and through a more intense study of bees he created the second prototype which contained a small hive. This prototype was used mainly to annoy his father by releasing the bees in his study. This lead to his father taking away all materials he could use to make anything else of the sort and a constant watch in his room. Over the next three years Benedict began to experience the strange ability to vibrate his body if he stood still and concentrated. He began to play with this ability over the years and on his birthday he grabbed hold of the large window above his desk and broke it open. He then escaped by knocking out the guards who stood in his way and ran into the city.

Over the next few years Benedict spent his time working as farmhands and doing other small jobs that required manual labor. One thing he had read about in his time trapped in the house was the Hunters and he was determined to become one. He worked as hard as he could to become strong and created the final version of The Hive with some help from a local teacher who was willing to help him with the specs. Once he was confident enough in his semblance he began to go out into the nearby forest and fight small grimm usually one at a time and never more than five a day. To his surprise the teacher who had assisted in his creation of The Hive had connections to Beacon and sent his name in as a recommended student. It took a full year before Beacon finally sent an agent to test his eligibility and he was accepted in the next few months. He is still worried about how he will do at the school and is unsure if he will be accepted by his fellow students or not.
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Name: Beatrice Toft

Nicknames/Aliases: Thunderfist

Age: 37

Gender: Female

Species: Faunus,deer.


The Focused Ion Saturation Tool is a pair of enormous gauntlets,connected to a backpacked Dust power supply. The gauntlets themselves are incredibly weighty,giving quite a bit of force to any given punch. However,that is NOT their intended use. When used with Beatrice's Semblance,they can discharge a highly energetic bolt of electricity along the path of least resistance,which is always through something,or some THINGS,she wishes to electrocute. While inefficient for killing Grimm,it is very useful to paralyzing them with muscle convulsions while she or someone else sets up the deathblow. The whole system weighs fifty pounds; The backpack is thirty pounds,while each gauntlet weighs ten pounds.

Beatrice,although a deer Faunus,shows very little of her heritage. The only hint to her heritage is her tail,which is often hidden by her clothing. She isn't ashamed of it,it's simply more practical,considering that she lives a few scant kilometers south of the Arctic Circle,where any opening in clothes invites the cruel cold.

She stands six foot five,and weighs 167 pounds. She is quite lean,thanks to her heritage,hand has a slender face. Her head is home to long brown hair,that would reach the small of her back if she didn't put it up in a bun,and her eyes are green.

Personality: Beatrice is often called the resident mother of Pharos Academy. She is strict,and quick to punish any wrongdoing,but is otherwise fair and kind to those who haven't done anything wrong. Loyal to Pharos,its traditions,and the Hunter's Trade,Beatrice won't allow anyone to defame it. She possesses a high cunning that Cromwell respects.

Semblance: Ionization. Beatrice can ionize anything within her sight,making things more receptive to an electric exchange,and turning things into improvised electromagnets. Notably,she uses it as half of her weapon system,providing a positively charged path to targets,which are also positively charged,allowing the negatively charged electricity to arc freely with little loss of energy.

Background: For the safety of everyone involved,all records of Beatrice's time before her tenure as staff at Pharos is classified. She has served as head of the Outdoorsmanship and Weaponcraft divisions for three years. She is a member of Pharos' staff field team,VKTR.
Full Name: Akemi Hero

Nickname/Alias: Goes by Hero, as she likes it better

Age: Late 16s

Gender: Female

Race: Cat Faunes

Weapon Specs: Hero uses a bow and arrow, but the arrow is a 5 foot clock hand that can double as a spear.

Appearance: Hero is 5'6" and weighs 120lbs. With butt length bright pink hair and sharp, grey-blue eyes, Hero stands out from the crowd. She also wears glasses, but not all of the time. Her skin tone is smack in between pale and tan. Being a cat faunes, Hero has nightvision, and high level acrobatic skills/flexibility.

Personality: Hero's personality closely resembles Yang's, with a few major differences. Hero takes schoolwork much more seriously, and enjoys reading as well. She is not as hot headed (does not go into "red eyed" mode). Other than that, their personalities are quite similar. (It may seem as though I am copying Yang, but Hero is a character I have had for a while, even before I knew of RWBY. Though if you decide that their personalities are much too close, I am open to changing them. I would still prefer if I could keep her just as she is now.)

Background: Hero has had a pretty carefree and easy life. She comes from a moderately wealthy family, and has had her life pretty good in terms of luxury. Her parents were at one point affiliated with the White Fang when it was in it's peaceful stage, but left soon after the new leader take over, quickly realizing that the White Fang was headed in a direction they did not want to go in. While their family was first shamed for leaving without giving the leader a chance, they soon gained respect again as other Faunas families came to the same conclusion.

Hero decided she wanted to be a Huntress when she was confronted by an Ursa when she was exploring the woods alone. With her quick instincts, she had been able to injure the Ursa enough to escape. Hero found herself loving the rush of battling the creatures of Grimm, and decided from that day on, she would set her sights on being a Huntress. While her parents, the classy and polite type of people, highly disapproved of their only daughter becoming a Huntress, Hero eventually persuaded them.

Back in her early teens, Hero had mild depression. While it did not last long, it did help her evaluate her life and shape her personality to be the person she truly wanted to be. She gained her wild levels of confidence and happiness back, and has vowed to never go back to those days again.

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