Ruvick Mair[Sabertooth - Inactive]


Cal Bear
Theme song:


"Huh . . ? Who are you?"

"The less you know me the better..."

Name: Ruvick Mair

Nickname: The Fangs of Sabertooth


Age: 20

Gender: Male

Height: 5'10"

Hair color: Lavender

Eye color: Purple

Race: Half Demon

Character Strengths: Skillful at both close and ranged combat, Observant, Can make quick decisions, Swordsmen

Character Flaws: Always puts himself in danger, Doesn't believe in others, Hard to cooperate with

Personality: Ever since the death of his foster mother, Ruvick has always concealed his emotions around others. By doing this it makes being friends with him difficult. Just like everyone else he too wants to become the strongest mage of all of Fiore but because of this he would have the knack of putting himself in dangerous situations to overcome them and become stronger. The only people he trusts so far are only two people; His foster mother who raised him since he was young but sadly died, and his Guildmaster who took him in. He believes himself to only being a blade for his guild whenever needed.

Likes: The moon, Practicing with his blade, Fighting, Spicy food

Dislikes: Being defeated, Bandits, Backstabbers

Biography: It all started in a forest located in the country Seven. A woman named Alexi Mair, was a well known commander of the rune knights with her swordsmen skills. She recently finished a mission in capturing a criminal mage and was about to head out when she sworn she heard crying nearby. To her astonishment, she found a baby left all alone wrapped up in a blanket. When she picked up the orphan she found out a couple things that shocked her. First she was glad that the baby was a boy since she wanted a son but what had surprised her mostly was that he had a foxes tail.

Many people despised demons especially half ones which probably explains the reason why he was left here all alone in the beginning. But now that Alexi had the young fox boy in her arms she promised to raise him better than his neglectful birth parents. She send her resignation over to the magic council by letter so that she could start training Ruvick to become a powerful mage like herself, maybe even become a rune knight but the possibility was low. Ruvick started training at the age of 7 and would have to learn how to survive in the wilderness. At 10 he was taught about magic and was taught how to use Distortion first. Later on he developed Purple fire magic due to his demon side but being half human came with a price in which using this would slowly kill him. It got to the point where Alexi made it clear to him that he shouldn't use any of his fire magic whatsoever but he thought differently and would only think of using it if its absolutely necessary.

So she thought of training Ruvick so he could use a sword so that he wouldn't only have to be reliant of one magic. For the next three years he was taught properly on how to fight with a blade but was unable to surpass her. His time being raised was brought to an end when his mother fell ill to a fever and didn't know how to cure it. Then he remembered that there was a village nearby, problem was he never went outside the forest he lived in and was always told not to but he had to disobey this rule so he could save his mother from dying. This is when Ruvick was first introduced to hatred as the townsfolk would only chase him out of the village with sticks being swung in the air and rocks being thrown at him. This wouldn't be the last time as every new town he visited would have the same results. He gave up on day five and went back to his home only find tragedy. Alexi had died while he was gone and he could only blame himself for not being there.

That day changed him, he always knew that she would never blame him but he felt like he needed to get stronger and stronger so that he could show his thanks for everything she has done for him by going to her home country that she always talked about, Fiore. Sadly though he was still treated the same way there than he was back at Seven. With no place to live he was forced to stay in the streets and had to resort to stealing in order to survive. It wasn't long till he fell ill with the same disease that killed his mom but was left on the ground to die with only a dark figure being the last thing he saw before falling unconscious. When he woke up, he found himself on a comfy bed with a wet towel on his forehead.

Trying to think what happened he soon got his answers when someone entered the room. He was about to use his magic until the unknown person quickly explained to him that he was brought here to recover from the illness he was in. Meeting someone that didn't look at him like some monster did surprise him but he still felt insecure. So to prove him he was safe the person introduce themselves as the Guildmaster of Sabertooth and that if Ruvick was willing to join. He questioned why they would want a demon like him in their guild but was told that it was no big deal what race he was. So Ruvick joined only if the fact if him being a half demon was kept to a minimum of people knowing which included him, the guild master, and anyone he feels like he could trust. Now for the last 7 years he worked as a Sabertooth mage and soar through the rankings easily and became S-ranked at the age of 18.

"Hey! Where are you from?"

"Sabertooth, Duh...

Guild: Sabertooth

Guild Rank: S

Guild Mark: Purple, on his lower back

Guild Tenure: 7 years

Opinion Of Guild: "Im only here repay the debt I owe to Sabertooth... Nothing more."

"So, What can you do exactly?"

"I don't see why you should care."

Magic Ability:


2)Purple Fire


Advantages: The user can twist and distort almost anything, distortion can affect material things, such as darkness, metals, liquids, plasmatic substances, and airy properties, such as air, gases and light. It possesses both great offensive and defensive capabilities such as distorting the air to either create air slashes or change the trajectory of incoming attacks.

Disadvantage:The only thing he cannot distort are other people. He also can only distort one object at a time and must cancel the first object being effected before changing the target.

Purple Fire

Advantage:Flames that cannot be distinguished by wind or water. Unlike gas-like normal fire, this one has physical properties through various parts of the users body.

Disadvantage: This magic uses up the users life force meaning the more it is used the more critical the users health gets.

Level of Expertise:

Distortion- Expert

Purple fire- Still learning

Swords- Master

"Wait just one minute. What are you carrying?"

"The only thing thats dear to me."


"Tell me. What keeps you up at night?"

"Is this your last question or what?"

Motivations: Like I said, I only want to repay a debt...

Aspirations: To become the strongest mage in Fiore.

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