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Realistic or Modern Room B13 (Neko/Furry/Pokemorph)


New Member
"Welcome to 'The Grand Hollywood Hotel'! Here's your room key, it's on floor B. We Hope You Enjoy Your Stay!"

You have been selected by the owner of a rich yet hardly visited hotel down in the southwest. 100 miles away from any kind of civilization. And the rules are simple. Stay on Hotel Grounds For 7 days. Anybody who lasts...gets 2.5 million dollars. The catch? It's haunted by one of the first visitors. A witch who stayed in Room B13. Made a curse that anybody who went and stayed longer than 60 minutes, would die a horrible and yet fantisifull death. Killing them mentally, and physically. Let the games begin.


Character Sheet


Type of animal (If pokemon, make it from seasons 1-5)



Sexual Orientation

View on the afterlife






In a 3 story hotel, with the contest having high stakes, HOW WILL YOU SURVIVE?!

Notice: I have 2 slots available for Humans. Private Message Me For Them.

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