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"HEY ! Stay here ! He can handle himself !" shouted Frank as Gemma went out. Too late. "We can't afford to go after them, the more we'll be, the less stealthy." he complained. He approached the one's who were left, Charlie and Ara. "Well, on our side, how about we search this warehouse a bit more ? There must be some interesting stuff here." Frank wanted to get the attention of the party somewhere else. Focusing on a task always push your dark thoughts away.
For the second time in a few minutes, Charlie stood, mouth agape, staring at the door as it swung shut. "You know man, if this really is the future, your friend O'Brian's probably long dead." Charlie mumbled without really thinking, then winced. Wow, asshole, way to handle that with real finesse. He mentally punched himself before letting out an anxious hum. He began to bounce on the balls of his feet and fumble with his pack of cigarettes. Usually he could contain his nervous fidgeting to just his hands, but he was this close to having a full on mental break down. He tried to laugh, tried to brush off how terrified he was, but it came out so forced that it only made Charlie feel worse. His carefully constructed wall of cool was collapsing by the second. "Shit, shit, shit. Shiiiiiit."

One thing he knew for certain is he was not about to go outside unarmed. Granted, Charlie hadn't even held a real weapon in his nineteen years, so he wasn't sure how much of a difference it would really make, but he didn't at all like the fact that they only had one gun between the five of them.

The warehouse appeared to be pretty damn barren, and though his first instinct was to argue with Frank, Charlie just really needed something to do. He had already counted his remaining cigarettes at least a hundred times (seventeen), and he knew he wouldn't be able to stand idly much longer without exploding. He sighed and nodded to Frank, then began wandering to the far side of the warehouse. He talked to avoid thinking.

"Oh, if you still care to know - as far as stories go, mine's about as typical as a high school dropout's can get. Hated school, the students especially, fought with my parents more often than not, and only had one decent friend my entire life." Charlie paused here for a moment, realizing with a start that if this O'Brian guy was dead, that meant that Puck was too. However, Charlie was already far too emotional for this to really register. He dismissed the thought as quickly as it had popped into his head. "Never really grew out of my rebellious phase, either," he added, with a sharp laugh.
Ara got up and sighed. She wasn't that happy about the real future. She was feeling confused. She thought for a second. "what now?" she looked around and spoke for the first time. Does being in the future means we can meet her own self? Or would she already be dead? How far in future are they anyway? She was overwhelming with questions. She wasn't worried at all. In fact she was sort of exhited. She looked looked around the again. She didn't seem to tell her story ether. She started having a headache from too much thought.  She didn't make a move and doubted that they would find anything in this old warehouse but she still played along. She was usually social and keep on talking but in this kind of situation she just had no thought on what to say so she just kept quiet and wait for a sentence to come into her head. She hated being silent but she had no choice. She wanted to go out but thought it would be dumb for a kid like her among the others so she stayed back and decided to help other two even though she was the youngest. How bad could it be for her? Is what she thought . 'Searching the house isn't all that bad. It's like in cutie movies.' She tried to convince herself that it's all ok.
Frank understood that Charlie was in total stress if not in panic. He approched him while he was nervously counting his smokes, put a hand on each of his shoulders and used his grip to prevent any shakes. "Oy, Breathe, come on, In, Out. Yeah just like that. Picture a bunny, are you a bunny ? No you are not, you are either a fox or a wolf, choose one and everything on your way will just be little bunnies." said Frank with a calm and slow voice. He then let go of his hands and continued with a more cheerful voice after a pause. "It's was a trick in my squad, never knew why it worked, but it's alright. Oh, and don't worry about what you said about O'Brian, death is just some kind journey, where none come back. In a sense, as we can't seem to be able to go back, we are dead for the people of our time. Being away forever is not really different from death from the point of view of those you leave behind, but you gotta like the memories you had without agonising yourself with dark thoughts... Oh look a pipe ! Maybe we can use this as a barricade."
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Leo made his way out of the warehouse; the gun Frank had given him held firmly in his hand. To his bewilderment, it seemed as if the entire town had been deserted for at least a decade. There were no lights, no sign of life, and no visible evidence of any sort of advanced technology like he had predicted the future would hold. Not to mention that they heard multiple gunshots, so there was in fact human life in the area. So what the hell was going on? Where were they?


He shook that thought from his mind as he heard footsteps behind him, turning around only to see Gemma had followed him outside. "Hey what are you doing?" Leo asked, but hadn't cared as it was just her, and he was quite marveled by the emptiness of the town. "Nevermind. Just, look at this, there's nothing out here but a bunch of run down buildings and cracked cement." He wondered if this was apparent world wide, and some kind of massive event led to a severe decrease in human population. Though he was getting ahead of himself, and Leo would rather not bring up such an absurd hypothesis just yet.


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Charlie frowned, but forced himself to slow his breathing nonetheless. He wasn't so sure he agreed with Franks optimistic view of death, or rather it seemed everything. He found himself wondering if anything could bring this guy down. Charlie himself wasn't necessarily a pessimist, only ever getting particularly negative about his own flaws. He considered his viewpoint of the world to be closer to that of a painful realist. 

He closed his eyes, suddenly very embarrassed that Frank could tell how scared he was. "Hey, uh... thanks man. I'll be alright." That was probably a lie. He couldn't really see himself calming down until he knew what the fuck was going on, and the gathering of information was completely out of his control. He hoped Gemma was alright out there. And, as little as he enjoyed Leo's company (if only for the few minutes he had been in the warehouse), Charlie couldn't wish bad on him either.

He nodded at Frank when he announced the discovery of the pipe, and quietly went back to looking on the other side of the warehouse.
Gemma withdrew her box cutter from her back pocket and jogged a little ways up to stay in line with Leo, who had already noticed her. She gave him a small snarky smile as she mused to herself. "Sikke en måde at hilse kavaleriet. Jeg vil vædde på du var ganske populært hjem, hva '?" She shrugged before looking around at the settings as he had asked. "I wonder where we are now more than ever. Dangerous people tend to lurk in places that seem empty. I wouldn't recommend going into any other warehouses. Oh, do you see any stores? We might be able to find out where we are. or when." She added hesitantly as she slowly peered into a broken window.


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