Roleplay Topic

Lost Swordlance

"You do ask many questions"

An abandoned warehouse.

A Rusty and dirty warehouse.


A faint light shines through the dirty windows, it is dark, but you can still see around you... you are not alone.

In the room, there is a handful of other people. They all look as confused as you.

Is that the future you asked for ? It doesn't look very futurish, no flying cars, no music, no robots. Just a good old industrial warehouse.

You stand up, what is happening here ?



Frank Steinmann

Location : Warehouse

Interaction : Everyone


"Hallo, ist, dass Sie mich verstehen ?" said Frank with a smile on his face. That shit actually worked, sort of, was it really the future ? He needed to find out.

"Ich heisse Frank Steinmann. Ich komme aus Deutschland" He saw people looking at him like some sort of alien, they were obviously not german.

"Do you speak english ? Yeah ? I'm Frank Steinmann, from Germany, does Germany still exist ? Are you locals ? I come from the past." continued Frank with great curiosity.


She thought for a second. She didn't know Japanese but she studied it."私はドイツ語を話さない" she said in Japanese. She did she didn't speak German. She Looked around her. She found few people. She didn't study that much languages but it payed off to know three of them. " 私の名前はアラです、私は日本語" she said Iam Ara and Iam from Japan. She suspected that no one knew Japanese which relieved her "where are we and what's going on?" She looked around. "Oh and Iam Japanese and names Ara. I don't speak German." She shrugged 
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Gemma dazedly looked about. She couldn't understand most of the speech lying around but it would seem the man's language and hers weren't that far apart as she could pick out half of his sentence from the danish she spoke but she didn't want to trust her judgement on that since she wasn't exactly in her right mind all the way. "Jeg genkender ikke sprogene. Har du fyre taler dansk? Sir, du måske kender en variant eller andet?" She asked if either knew Danish or if the man knew a variant of it. Then the conversation shifted to english and she was fine. Spending her teen years in america had given her a language in common with most around the world, so it would seem though her accent was still pretty heavy danish. With possibly slurred words she said in english: "Hi, am I okay? Am I in prison? Is this a hoax or should I wake up now?" In all Honesty she wasn't sure this wasn't a drug induced dream of hers. It wasn't the first and it was sure to not be her last. She shook her head and sat down on the dirty floor not caring about dirtying her jeans. She brung her knees up and let her head rest on them as she slowly closed her eyes. She was always sleepy when she was high.
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Ara sighed and brushed the hair off her hair. "I guess all of us have questions and nether of us speak the same language" area looked around. "I doubt we are in prison or in a dream. We did take a trip to future remember? I guess we are in future right now." She said in a clear English.  She didn't know how she said it so clearly but she did. "Iam ara Han from Japan" she introduced her self in English "and I want to know what's going" she said again  as she blinked  her bright eyes in the darkness. She was probably dressed the brightest I. The warehouse so she was easily noticed.  She rubbed her head and looked around. She stood up for her sitting position and started heading towards the window to see what's going.
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Frank started to smoke, the situation was indeed troubling. Were they really in the future ? Frank walked to the window where Ara was. They were next to a street, probably in some sort of industrial area as there were other warehouses and some high factory. The architecture looked slightly uncommon, but it was not enough to conclude that we were indeed in the future. There was still something bothering him, the street was empty. Too empty. It reminded him of the looks of streets after a shooting, it looked unreal. "I got a bad vibe about this, we should be careful around here." said Frank. The distant sound of gunshot confirmed his worries, something had happens, when was still a question. He didn't flinch, that sound was one he became familiar with. "Let's get away from the window, you never know what can go through."

Leo Alexander

Leo woke up to find himself with his cheek pressed against cold cement. Sitting upright, running his hand through his hair, he groaned as he tried to gain a sense of his surroundings. He was able to make out voices, though, white noise filled his head, leaving him unable to understand what was being said. After a little while, he was able to think clearly and stood up, wincing in the process. They appeared to be in some sort of warehouse; one seemingly abandoned and untouched in years. Confused, he looked around to see if there was any indication they were in fact in the future, when suddenly he heard a gun shot coming from outside.

"Hey!" He shouted at the others, covering his head while walking towards them. "What the hell? I don't remember signing up for this."

She stepped away form the window and looked around there where few people around but all of them seemed to have questions and no answeres. She also saw that all of them where f m different countries like her.  " I hope everyone can spwk English" she said as she sighed. "this is the future I guess" She said and stretched "we need to figure out what's going on" she said again with more confidence this time. "I don't want to sit around here all my life" she said in a shy but confident voice mix.  She sighed again and started thinking what's going on. There where guns heard outside 'is this war?' She thought to herself.
"In life, you often don't get what you were after." said Frank as he walked toward Leo. He paused for a bit, evaluating him. The man looked kinda determined, even if he was in some sort of confusion. Frank threw the remains of his cigarette on the ground. "We can't stay here, anyway, I suggest we all move together, It should be safer this way. I am... was a police officer. If there is one things I have learned from it. It's that teamwork is one of the strongest force in the universe.... Maybe after love, gravity and all that mumbo jumbo." he declared cheerfully. He took out his revolver and checked the ammo. He then holstered it.
Gemma looked up at the new guy's voice. She'd seen him earlier on the ground sleeping fitfully. From her experience people who wore clothes like that were either going somewhere fancy or were loaded sticklers. She mentally tagged him for a straight and narrow despite the fact that his sharp features made her want to believe he might be in the mafia. She snorted then to herself.

Her eyes crossed the room to examine the other two here. The brightly dressed girl was obviously young. She would peg her for a high schooler no doubt. Or a drop out if her clothes were any indication. Who wore clothes like that in public? She contemplated how creepy she may seem if she asked the girl to wear her sweater. No big thing for herself as she had on long sleeves anyway. She filed that way for if it bothered her more later. 

She turned to the next fellow. He seemed entirely too chipper and she just wanted to ignore him. The situation they were in was beginning to give her a headache. But she understood everyone's jacked English enough to want to contribute.

"I don't think it's wise to move quite yet. There's still people here asleep. And we aren't definitive about anything so why would we rush out into a place blindly. In my knowledge you usually don't go outside if gun shots are heard or do you guys know this place?" She said lazily as she cracked her neck and stood up again, slowly so as not to get dizzy or stumble. 

As she dusted the back of her black jeans she thought of something else too.

"Also, before I go anywhere with anyone, especially a cop I want to know who you all are." She said completely serious. It would seem no matter how high she was being big sister always made her come to her senses in responsibility.

"I'll introduce myself then you guys can also. But I warn you, Don't lie or else the cop might be able to tell." She could also for the majority tell if someone is lying to her. She guessed her life had given her more skills than she realized.

"Hi, my name is Gemma. I'm from Greenland and I enjoy taking strange offers from parchment sent by silent henchmen." Gemma then stuck her hand out for anyone who wanted, to shake.
"Oh dude, what the hell?" Charlie let out a pained groan as he finally came to. He'd been startled awake by what sounded like a gunshot. His head hurt like a motherfucker. He stood up carefully and walked the short distance to the girl with the outstretched hand. He took it, half as a handshake and half as a way to ground himself as the world around him spun. He took a moment then to look around, carefully scrutinizing the people who surrounded him. "Looks like I'm late to the party," he mumbled bemusedly, still dazed.

He saw a girl in brightly colored clothing, definitely younger than him. The two older men looked far too official for Charlie's liking and he was immediately wary. He figured at least one of them was police, if not both. It wasn't that Charlie was a particularly bad kid, but he had serious authority problems. He didn't like people telling him what to do, and he was more sure by the second that these two were going to do just that.

Charlie's eyes wandered back to the girl in front of him. She had to be about his age. Realizing suddenly that he had never let go of her hand, he let out an awkward laugh and dropped it, shoving both of his hands into the pockets of his coat. "Charlie. Would someone please tell me what the fuck is going on?" He removed a pack of cigarettes from his left pocket and fumbled around in his right before shutting his eyes and sighing. "And does anyone have a light?"
I sighed but smiled to see she wouldn't have to smoke alone. "Yea, I got a light if you give me a few puffs off that. And I would so give you info if I had any bro. Unfortunately it would seem we are all clueless about everything except for the fact that we accepted an invitation to the future." I pulled out everything in my right pocket. It included multiple receipts from Walmart, fry's, my local smoke shop and my beautiful Rasta lighter. I threw my trash on the ground and held up my lighter for Charlie to see. It appeared to me so far Charlie and I would possibly get along wickedly.

I also saw from my initial response to the girl I would be pretty protective of her. Because I need something like that for stability. And here I go Psycho Analyzing myself. I rolled my eyes at myself and turned NY attention back to Charlie.
Ara sighed and looked at all the people who where around. She thought for a while and decided to stay out of conversations because her socialty might bring even more problems.  It's way off for from the future she wanted or thought of. They just needed to figure out how to get back right? She thought it was no big deal. She also noticed that she was the youngest from all of them  and the brightest so she would possibly attract enemies. "これは吸います" she mumbled to herself so no one who might even hear it could not understand  it. She sat down and decided to leave the situation to the others. 'I wonder what are we going to do now. We can't go out and we can't just sit around here all day' he thought as she leaned against the wall with her hands behind her head.
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"Hey, I'm not just the cop. Call me Frank. I'm a former policeman from the gang squad. I like calm and drinks." He said as he walked toward a door leading outside, he tested the handle, open. He let the door closed and stayed next to it. He turned in direction of the group and said "This door is open, tell me when you wanna leave." Frank took out his Zippo and started doing a few tricks with it. Something he had learned from the long nights of waiting.
Leo stood back and let out a slight chuckle. They'd been taking the whole gun shot out of proportion. No matter what time period it is, there will always be hate and violence in the world. Advanced technology won't change that. Sure, it's not the nicest thing to wake up to, but after Leo regained his sense of reality, he was fine. He may not have known what was going on, but he wasn't about to stay there with this group to figure it out. 

"So." He said, quite loud and clear. "We've got a preppy little kid, a druggie, a freak, and a wannabe leader who failed as a cop. I don't know about you guys, but I'm out of here. Good luck on your ventures." With that, he nodded to them and headed for the door.  
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Frank went in front of the door as Leo came to open it. "First of all, I didn't failed as a cop, I was just meaning that I'm probably not a cop anymore regarding that I'm in the future. Secondly, I must say that with your high looks and high talk, you are no better than any of us. I would like you to stop being so offensive and to judge people. Wake up your damn mind or I'll wake you up myself." Frank stayed at his position, watching Leo's reaction (and preparing for the worst).
Smiling, Leo moved the hair from his eyes and looked around to the others before responding. "That's cute! It really is. Though, as I recall, you were the one who said we should go. Yet, you won't let me leave?"

Shaking his head, Leo returned his gaze to Frank's, very irritated at this point as he found this pointless. "I hope you realize you don't scare me. You're not the only with law enforcement experience. I was the top PI in New South Wales for 5 years, and have been known to get my hands dirty if I have too. I'd rather not, but I'm not going to be confronted by the likes of you. Stop trying to play the hero when you don't know what you're up against.

He didn't care how he came across, Leo came to the future for a new life, not to be bossed around. Not that he was a bad person by any means, but this was a waste of his time. "Now, if you'll excuse me.."
"I'm no hero, and you are not too. But now you are getting VERY disrespectful. Hear yourself, you are childish. We don't know anything about the world, Look at the streets, Look ! If you are such a experienced Inspector, you'll know that it looks ways too empty to be good. That was my last advice, I don't have to stop you and frankly, I don't even want to. Do as you wish, but respect the others." said Frank, he then pull out his revolver and handed it to Leo. "Look, if you go out there, you need it more than me." He looked at the others and winked. It was his way of saying that whatever happen, he'll always be there for the team.
"Oh, sir you are so excused. Who exactly do you think you are to judge any of us? I hate uppity pricks like you. Think you're somebody because of a few accomplishments? I pity such a shallow and sad person. And exactly how do you think you know enough to be able to judge me. No, my apologies. That..was the wrong question. How do you know I'm on drugs?" I shook my head slightly in a bit of confusion. My entire family has yet to even touch the idea of drugs. I went over my behaviour to try and see if I gave it away somehow. As far as I remembered I was speaking pretty logically. I didn't think I was slurring or anything all I'd asked for from Charlie was a puff on his cigarette. When had he noticed I was on drugs. Paranoia began to creep its way inside my thoughts (something I was typically not prone to) and I glanced up at the guy obviously a few years older. I eyed him up and down before taking a step away from him. He suddenly creeped me out when he hadn't before. "Frank, if this guy want's to go out there and be killed by stray bullets that we don't know which direction it came from, by all means. Allow him to walk into his own death." I suddenly found myself addressing everyone. I have a bad habit of treating people like I'm older than them. "No one here is being kept against their will. Okay? No violence and there's no need to be frightened by anything besides our predicament. Fighting amongst ourselves isn't going to help us figure anything out. It's only gonna infuriate people. Let's all go back to preschool when we were taught "Have nothing nice to say, then don't bother speaking at all." Understood?" I looked around the dank space hoping for anyone to get my meaning. This was to the benefit of everyone.
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She watched the argue between the others and kept her thoughts to herself, she observed the others. She didnt know whether to agree or disagree with the idea of going out. The other girl had a point, they might get shot out  there. She looked at them argue without a word. 'I guess some are nice and one are not' she thought to herself. She didn't know whether to step in or stay aside. She didn't know lot of things bout what's going on but she really didn't want to. The biggest question to her was what are they going to do now? Nobody seemed to have the same mind.  Everybody was just so opposite of her. She didn't mind. She met a lot of people who aren't like her anyway.  She looked back and forth at the arguing two and kept on sitting. She hoped that no one will enter the argue because it will make things even more difficult to the others. If there where going to be any others. She started thinking about what's outside. It was pretty plain and a lot of gun shots but not a lot of other people which made her a bit curious about what's really going on out there. But she still didn't speak a word even though she likes conversations.  She only made a sigh and closed her eyes for a bit and opening them again.
Charlie took a long drag from his cigarette and chuckled through the exhale. He had to give credit where it was due. Though he certainly couldn't call himself a fan of the one trying to leave, it brought him a certain sick pleasure to be referred to as "a freak". It was a small comfort to know his appearance distracted from the fact that he was so terrified he could cry. He wouldn't, of course, but he wasn't about to lie to himself either. He was not handling this well. Playing off the shaking of his hand as a move to tap the collecting ash from the end of his cigarette, he took another look around and frowned. 

Alright, so we had Ara, who hadn't moved or spoken since Charlie had gotten up, but had clearly been listening thoughtfully to the conversation. He respected that. With three out of the five already shaping up to be quite the talkers, it was comforting to know he wasn't entirely alone in his reservation. Then there was Henry, ex-cop. Charlie wrinkled his nose at him, already not a fan.  He seemed almost...happy. Or at least far more optimistic than any sane person who'd just woken up in an empty warehouse with four strangers in the assumed future should ever be. Then Gemma, who was outspoken but in a way that quite amused Charlie. He could certainly get behind her anti-authoritarian attitude. Alright, that left Mr. Fancy PI by the door.

"Oi! Tall, dark, and handsome! Frankly I couldn't give less of a shit whether you stay or go, but at least tell us your name before you do. It's just common courtesy." And then as an afterthought, "Also, if you leave and don't get killed, would you be so kind as to come back and feed us some goddamn exposition?" He figured it was worth a shot. He wasn't the type to give orders, though he certainly wouldn't call himself a follower. But he also knew there was no way in hell he was about to go out into whatever the hell was out there blindly. Unless, that is, everyone else decided to. As much of a loner as Charlie was, and as insufferable as he already found at least two of these characters, he had a deep and intense fear that solitude would be one hundred times worse.
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Leo hesitated before accepting the gun. He was taken aback by the offer, as he recollected the fact that he had no weapon of any kind to protect him in the case he needed it. Which, he doubted he'd need since he'd only heard the one gun shot, and for all he knew, they could just be in an abandoned town and everyone on earth gravitated towards the populous cities where advanced technology thrived. Though, the offer himself lead him to second guess this thought, and he internally argued with himself before settling on the best course of action. As much as Leo would like to get this over with, he was too smart to enter a potentially hazardous situation blind, and leave himself branded as a fool by these people. Thus, he ignored the gesture and responded to the others who butted in. 

Looking over towards the female who called him out, Gemma, he gave her a sincere look and stepped back while putting his hands in his pockets. "I must say I do not envy myself by any means, as I don't find my accomplishments mark up to what I have to offer to the world. Though I will not disagree with your statement calling me shallow and sad." Very few can recognize their own negative issues, and Leo was one of them, he just never cared to improve his manner of dealing with people. "As far as your drug use, don't tell me it's not obvious. Have you looked in the mirror lately? Your eyes are not only glassy, even through your glasses I can see a slight tint. Is that not enough of an indication? How about the raw under your nose and the way you've been speaking." Then he laughed. "But even that wasn't a dead give away. I know because you told me. Once I mentioned it, you were overcome with anxiety, and your hysterical body language gave it away." Leo, encountering many addicts in his years working for the station, knew exactly what to look for, and picked up on things such as these almost subconsciously.

After that he turned his attention towards Charlie, one who intrigued him honestly. His odd appearance and personality made him want to know more, as if he were puzzle that Leo wished to solve. "And you there, you're right, I indeed did not give my name. Didn't think I'd be in the presence of you all long enough for it to matter, but I digress. I'm Leo, nice to meet you all-"

Suddenly two more gunshots went off, sounding a little close for his own comfort. Without a thought, he looked to Frank and sternly spoke to him. "Okay give me the gun, i'm going to go figure out what's going on, I want you guys to stay back." Instantly, like a light switch, his whole attitude changed. This may have been his chance to further prove himself to the world, and do something for the greater good. Something was off here and at the very least he'd get to the bottom of it before abandoning the others who had all chosen to travel into the future, for whatever reason. For what it's worth, he had at least some sensibility, and his initial reaction to the gunshots was to find out what's going on and protect the others. 
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Charlie watched, mouth open in shock, as Leo opened the door and left without another word. He looked around at the others, who he hoped were all as surprised as himself. "Okay so, not going to lie. You guys... I did not expect that to work."

Unsure of how to pass the time now that they had been instructed to wait (this was an order Charlie felt alright obeying), he wandered over to one of the holes in the wall that he could infer used to serve as a window. The glass had long since shattered and broken off, and the metal frame had rusted, along with the rest of the metal in this damned building. It appeared to be about midday. Clouds were sparse, and the sun hung high in the sky. Visibility was low from this particular vantage point, as they were level with the ground and most of Charlie's view was blocked by the long wall of yet another warehouse maybe thirty meters away. He wouldn't be surprised if they were in some kind of long-since-abandoned industrial district. It told him infuriatingly little about where they were, or when.

Charlie closed his eyes for a moment in an effort to calm his nerves. He could feel a light breeze on his face, which was a refreshing change from the dusty, stagnant air the rest of the warehouse held. It wasn't especially hot outside, but it was at a temperature where he'd probably be more comfortable shedding his black coat when not in the shade. That was, of course, if he could ever feel comfortable doing so around four foreign strangers. Just because he had grown up in one of the most progressive cities in the United States didn't mean he wasn't painfully aware of how far most of the world still needed to come.

He was incredibly paranoid that Leo already knew. If he could tell Gemma was high with just one look in a dim and drab warehouse, Charlie hated to think what the man had already figured out about himself. Shaking the thought from his head, he turned around to face the other remaining three. It was so quiet, which usually Charlie would have preferred, but this particular silence was strained and uncomfortable. It put him on edge. He needed someone to say something. He kicked at the ground, awkwardly. "So..."
"You know this whole situation makes me remember my first full gang shooting. Bullets everywhere, left to right. The whole world was falling apart, I didn't knew what to do, where I was and what was happening." said Frank as he took a small pause to take of puff of a new cigarette he had just lit. "And then came that dumbass O'Brian. With his MP5, spraying like crazy. At this moment I realized if I relied on this guy, I would be dead meat. So I took my shit together and started shooting at the cartel..." Frank walked around a bit before talking again. "The circumstances looks quite the same, with a few less gunshots of course. But where is O'Brian this time ? Probably on his sofa watching football." He laughed a bit as he ended his story. "Now, that was my story, what's yours ?"
Gemma looked around at everybody in mild disbelief before heading for the door also. She stood right in front of it for a moment before turning to everyone else in the warehouse. "So no one is going to back him up? Not even the cop? You all realize that we are in an unknown place and bullets are flying outside. He volunteers to go out there and bring back info and no one even pauses to think "Isn't this how people in the movies die?" Even if it wasn't Everyone ought to know splitting up one by one is never wise. We should have sort out personal backstories along with everyone's names but now that time has passed and we can go over it later if we live long enough. Anyone feeling adventurous enough to join me and Leo out in our new world?" She examined everyone closely before grinning and heading out onto the street. Immediately taking her sweater off and tying it tightly around her hips.

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