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Fandom Rise of the Pokepeople

He listened to Crystal, his grin soon turning to a bit of a frown as he listened to her. Snatchers. He growled lightly to himself. "They've been through Unova? It's only a matter of time until they make it here too." He clenched his fists, his tail and vest fur flaring up a bit before shaking his head and calming again.
(Im sorry no alrets but i got on track again sorry)

Natalia eyes shoot open as she takes a deep breath and looks around Rapatly as she was on the couch like always and sits straight up then rubs her face as she notice she went too a long nap,as she would slowli get up from the couch and her vison a little blurry as she got up right now and was still kinda tired and walk towards the Kitchen too get somthing too wake her up.
Crystal jumped back from the flames but calmed down when they were gone. "They can't though... right? I mean, snatchers and experimenting on PokeHumans is against the law here." She said nervously. Gem giggled and began digging in the dirt. Ender sat loyally at Crystal's feet, prepared to attack if necessary.
Palli had followed the group to the beach, then suddenly saw gem and ender. "Wow! You look even stronger!" She said, clearly fascinated easily. Then palli turned to face cinder, her ears perked up. "Hi! I'm palli!" Palli exclaimed, not hearing what crystal said about the snatchers. (Sorry I've missed out, I had to go places.)
He sighed, his tail now pressed against the ground as he balanced the rest of his body on it, legs crossed. "It's illegal everywhere else as well. And look; they've invaded the Unova, Jhoto and half of the Kanto Region. Who's stopping them if no one is now?" 
Cinder's head turned, looking over at the small Pikachu poke-human, giving her a light smile and a flick of his ear. "Hey there."
Palli smiles at cinder again then runs over to gem and rayella, sitting next to rayella, looking for shells in the ground. "Yeah, how did you evolve gem? You look really cool!" She says, still digging in the sand along with gem.
Palli smiles up at rayella, but then sees something shining in the sand. It seemed to glow immensely, and was odly shaped.
Natalia would walk out of the house and see from a distance the others having fun as it seems as she would lean on a tree and look at them as she wasent much of a talker or socialist and dint whant too Interrupt there good time
"Hey who wants to train with me" grace said shifting into a leafeon and getting into a fighting stance "gem ender you can test out your new powers"
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Palli watched the two, wondering if she could turn into her normal pikachu self like Grace could.

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