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One x One Revival of the Triwizard Tournament


EMT Extraordinaire

The Next Generation Revival of the Triwizard Tournament

? ? ?

Character Sheets


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J.R. Sothan

Uagadau School of Magic

? ? ?

17M - Pureblood

7th year

Australian International student

Excels in Alchemy

J.R. is the forgettable, unassuming kind of kid. Not popular but not unliked. Ordinary but not extraordinarily remarkable. But, a goof that will surprise you when he lets his real intelligence shine.

Wand: 13 1/2" Acacia, Dragon Heartstring core. J.R. has been known to be able to do magic without his wand, which isn't unthinkable being a student of his school.

Thea Primark

Uagadau School of Magic

? ? ?

18F - Muggleborn

7th year

Excels in Astronomy

Thea has many talents that lead towards her nomination to try for the Triwizard Tournament. Openly she is comfortable being a muggleborn but secretly feels like she must work harder to feel herself equal. She is multilingual. She is from Cape Town, South Africa.

Wand: 8" Teak, Unicorn Hair core


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