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Fantasy Reset Rehab Characters


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Hidden Isles of Iceland

Viola was taken prisoner and died of starvation during the battle between her clan and the elves attempting to rule them.


Many people misunderstood faeries and took them as some frilly silly little things that children dream of in their sleep. They think that faeries are Tinkerbell sized and serve the purpose of being cute and magical. Faeries were a race of persons just like any other, they had families and dreams, they had lives and traumas. For as long as Viola could remember she dreamed of becoming a member of the guard, she wanted her life to serve a valiant purpose. The people of her clan were in constant danger, other groups always wanted to take over and use the faerie magic for their own gain. Viola wanted to protect people from that very thing. At age 15 she was already a skilled enough fighter to be trusted on the guard, her magic usage was impressive and her sword skills were nothing to scoff at either. Her life held purpose and meaning and while she was stoic and serious, inside she was the happiest faerie in the clan. That is until she was ambushed and taken prisoner while on watch. Her captures refused her a guardsman's death, they wouldn't allow her to die on her own terms or at the sword of another... instead they left her to rot.

Due to her death, Viola has a large issue with small spaces or being locked into anything.

Viola's dream is to go back to her life and continue her fight until she is sure her family and friends are safe, at that point if she dies... at least she knows her life had purpose.

Delphina Kaliani
Atlantic Ocean
Delphina was born in the deep Atlantic Ocean. She loved all the ocean creatures, making friends with everyone she met. Her parents were guardians of the sea and were raising her to follow in their fin prints. She spent her days saving injured or sick creatures. Her people despised the humans and the toxic waste and trash they poured into the ocean. Delphina wished to reason with them, come to an agreement so they could live in peace. She had a good, pure heart.

When Delphina disobeyed her family and went to the surface they didn't greet her with friendly open arms. Instead the caught her with a neck and speared her to death.

Her parents always told her about how Mermaids became one with the ocean when they died. She seeks Nirvana to be one with the eternal ocean.

Being stabbed to death by spears had left several small scars along her body. She is absolutely terrified of anything sharp.

Her dream? To protect all of the animals in the ocean, that's why she's choosing Nirvana.
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Raven Oori




Suffocated in his sleep by his fiance

Raven, despite his ironic name, was never one for jokes or friends. He spent every hour of his day studying the rules and legends of his culture. The tall tales of the Kutkh as well as the other mythic creatures of the cold Siberian lands. That was his family's job and it had been for hundreds of years. They were the book keepers of their world. They would read and study and transcribe and listen to everything they could to ensure that none of the legends ever died. Raven himself was the only male child of his family and the oldest of seven little sisters, thus meaning he would be the next in line to take over the library. Being the only male heir also meant he needed to find a wife... though the whole idea of romance never really interested him. Though he supposed the arranged marriage wasn't really meant to be for romance. And maybe his aversion to her was why she ended up killing him.

Raven's dream is to be left alone to continue learn as much about the world as he can.


Raven has a hard time sleeping now, he often wakes up gasping for air and has terrible nightmares.

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Marisol Evans
Portland, Oregon

Died in a drunk driving ... incident.

Marisol was always popular, she was pretty and mean and was always seen as "cool". In reality her parents didn't give a single shit about what she did so since she was about 12 she had been dying her hair and giving herself and her friends piercings in her bedroom. At the start of high school she started getting into the wrong crowds more and more, they partied and dropped out of school. Marisol did her best to stay away from anything that was ACTUALLY criminal and kept her grades good enough to get her a few scholarships to support her college career. Eventually she finally got away from her parents house and moved into a house with a bunch of friends going to the University of Portland as well. Not to mention some other friends who were basically squatters. Marisol got a boyfriend, real gem of a guy on the hockey team. And by gem she meant a cheating piece of shit that she held onto due to her own fragile ego and need for attention. And then there was Nora... squirrely annoying little thing that somehow ended up on her friends radar as the victim of their ridicule. They had this plan to scare her into not even looking at them, you know for fun, but it went very very badly. Marisol didn't think they would actually do anything stupid, they were just supposed to pick the girl up after her boyfriend asked her to study and then drive her to the "haunted" cemetery and drop her off. But when everyone showed up to pick up Marisol... they were already drunk. They didn't stop drinking. Marisol wanted to get out of the car and call the whole thing off but the need to be feared and liked by her friends made her sit in silence. Before she knew it, it was all over.

Marisol's dream is to become a social worker, though she would never admit it. Somewhere deep down she hates herself and the life that she made. So she wants to help other kids growing up like she did avoid this life.


Marisol has aggressive spikes in anxiety when she looks at Nora.
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Ootori Yuu
Image result for anime best cosplay 2019


Yama Kistune

Mount Fuji, Japan

Died when humans raided their village in fear of the "monsters on the mountain"

Yuu was always a jackass, from birth even. He was the youngest sibling to two older brothers and an older sister, which meant that he would never have to be responsible for a damn thing. All he had to do was pray to the shrine each day and do his part in hunting with the other men. Beyond that he got to sleep around and drink all the sake you could dream of. Honestly the Yama Kitsune of Mount Fuji were living their best lives. They lived in a comfortable village in a remote part of the mountain that very rarely was stumbled upon by humans... and when it was they handled it. Except one singular time. A female got separated from her group of hikers... she was pretty and well she was in awe of the kitsune people. And one of the young men chose that instead of killing her he would sleep with her and release her in the morning without anyone knowing. Unfortunately that night a group of men and women showed up with weapons and completely took over the village out of their own ignorant fear.

Yuu wishes for Nirvana and his dream is to simply continue to have fun. He is an empty individual with a want only for his own happiness.

His traumas include humans and fire.
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Nora Magnolia

Houston, Texas
Seattle, Washington

Died while locked in a trunk in a drunk driving accident.

Nora's life was never easy but all she ever wanted to do was fit in and have friends. She was a drunken mistake and due to a heavily religious family the couple kept her. Her parents got married but her father continued to drink. Her mother left at 8 and left small Nora to deal with the man by herself. Over the years the man grew to be abusive. It made it so hard for Nora to be a normal girl; all she wanted in life was to be accepted. She studied hard and got a full ride to the farthest school she could think of; Portland, Oregon. Turns out fitting in was hard no matter where she lived. So when the cool, popular guy invited her to study she quickly said yes, not even thinking for a second it was a prank.

Reincarnation. Nora wants to be reincarnated as someone with lots of friends.

Due to her death Nora has an extreme fear of small spaces and gets very anxious when she looks at Marisol.
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Evil Sea Serpent
Killed by his father right after Castor killed his own brother.

Sea Serpent family's were complicated. Everyone aspired to be heroes, to save people so they could ascend and become a Dragon. Well, most of them did. Others were corrupted. Some lived for so long that they became evil and tainted. His father was one of the evil ones. Unfortunately for Castor his father was the only one in his life, his mother dying at birth. That was what drove his father insane. His father always watched over another serpent a few years older than Castor from afar. His father said that Castor had a half brother named Everest that lived with his mother among humans. His father said that Everest was going to be a dragon would day and Castor would not. His father spent years turning Castor into an angry, hateful monster like he was. One day he was told the only way he would become a dragon was to kill Everest. It was a long, painful fight. Castor would have died but Everest refused to kill his own brother. Castor had no hesitation finishing off his brother, though. He returned to his father, angry that he didn't become a dragon. His father turned on him.

Castor wants Nirvana to become a dragon like he was promised.

He suffers no trauma but the sight of Everest makes him uneasy.

Sea Serpent
Killed in a battle between his half brother Castor.

When Everest was born his mother made the decision to take him to a small village on the sea to raise him. His father would watch over him and his mother would raise him and one day Everest would become a dragon. That was always the plan. He made friends with the small village, helped the villagers with tasks, did whatever he could for everyone. He was a happy, popular guy that saved the village from several threats over the years. He was a hero like they all dreamed he'd be. One day a new threat showed up. It turned out to be another sea dragon claiming to be his brother, how he was there to kill Everest. Everest refused to believe it. He fought Castor and tried to talk sense into him. The battle was long, tiresome, and it hurt his heart that his own brother would want him dead. Everest overpowered Castor. He pleaded with him, refused to kill him. Castor then killed him.

Everest wishes to go to Nirvana. He dreamed of being the dragon his mother always wanted him to be.

The sight of Castor hurts Everest's heart.

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