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Futuristic Red Queen Operator (Open)

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Alarmed and Strangerous
A theory that proposes that species must constantly adapt, evolve, and proliferate in order to survive while pitted against ever-evolving opposing species...
Red Queen Hypothesis

It is the year 2128 and the future asks of you one question:

If you shed all your weaknesses, all of your limitations, will you become something more than human? or less than? Or perhaps both?

It is the year 2128 and the world is almost unrecognisable. Through climate change and the subsequent resource wars humanity drove itself close to extinction. Although our species as a whole is stubbornly clawing its way back from the edge of most nation states went careening right off the cliff, Global politics is now dominated by a complex web of futuristic city states, mega corporations and a wondrous new energy resource.

Nexite noun, A mysterious, crystalline substance with self replicating properties. When charged with an electric current nexite emits a unique form of radiation known as Sorenkoff particles that can be harnessed to generate cheap, clean energy, among other uses.

Unfortunately as any mega corporation will tell you, nothing in life is free and nexite is no exception. Exposure to the particles charged nexite emits can mutate living organisms into hideous, half crystalline entities known as SEROs (Sorenkoff exposure recombined organism). Able manipulate nexite growths within their bodies to generate barriers, blasts of energy and other weaponry, SEROS are invariably hostile towards all other lifeforms and seek to rapidly grow their numbers by exposing anyone nearby to mutating radiation. Most terrifyingly of all, SEROS seem to be able to form a dispersed network of shared information and processing power, the greater the nummber of SEROS in an area the more intelligent they collectively become, allowing them to employ sophisticated tactics and "manufacture" more powerful organisms.

In the early years after the discovery of nexite SERO outbreaks wiped out a number of human settlements, from small villages and resource extraction operations to booming metropolises and there are large swathes of territory all across the globe controlled by permanently established SERO "colonies" which can only be contained rather than eliminated. In the last few decades however a key piece of technology has levelled the playing field somewhat: The HARFrame.

Informally referred to as “Hard frames” HAR Frames are full body prosthetics, fully functional robotic bodies that contain a living brain who lives inside and pilots the frame, sending commands and receiving external stimuli through an advanced, computer brain interface. Specialist HARframes designed for war (known as tactical frames) are many times more effective than baseline human combatants, they are stronger, faster, more precise and can be customised with infinite combinations of weaponry and gadgets. Most crucially, tactical frames are almost immune to SERS as their only organic components are small enough to be protected by layers of shielding and armor.

You are an operator, someone who has had their brain transplanted into a HARframe for one reason or another. Maybe you were sick, SERS or one of the more conventional diseases eating away at your flesh and bones. Maybe you wanted to be stronger, despising the weaknesses formerly imposed on you by biology. Maybe you just wanted to be different, something about the body granted to you by chance and genetics was simply at odds with the true self you carried within, Hell, maybe you were just bored.

Whatever your reasons are, you work for Red Queen Security now. Red Queen is many things: it's an international PMC; a supermassive aircraft carrier that carries its crew from hotspot to hotspot in search of action and the next paycheck; it's probably the closest thing to good guys the world has right now (sadly) and if you squint really hard and maybe take a shot of whiskey, it's even a family.

But we're also an employer. We have certain lines we won't cross, but apart from that whatever the client says goes, if need be you walk into hell and shoot your way back out. Make it back alive and we'll make your rich, more than that we'll make you better. Upgrades, training, weaponry: we take care of our own and we'll hook you up with whatever you need to get the job done. Never stop growing, never stop evolving because there is always a bigger fish just around the corner, stagnate and you die and we just said we're like a family right? so we can't have that.

As to what exactly you'll be after all those upgrades? Human, something more than human? something less than human?

Well that's up to you now isn't it?

Hello and welcome to Red Queen Operator! This rp is a futuristic, action packed adventure focusing on the exploits of cybernetic mercenaries known as "operators". The world of Red Queen Operator is a tough and cynical one, but its not meant to be dreary or hopeless, it's a story about what it means to be human and people seizing control of their own identities in the face of tough circumstances. Major inspirations for this rp is stuff like Metal Gear Rising Reveangance and Girls Front line so I hope to provide action that is tactical, but also stylish and over the top with a certain amount of anime inspired flair.

Evolution and Growth are also key themes of this rp as hinted at by the title, to support that theme I've crafted a light stat system to define and track the abilities of our characters, as they overcome challenges they'll be able to upgrade their robotic bodies, growing stronger and augmenting themselves with powerful new abilities, your operators will go from inexperienced rookies to elite soldiers of fortune. Hopefully your characters will develop in terms of their personalities as well, you'll have plenty of free time to spend simply hanging out with your fellow operators, forging friendships, rivalries and perhaps other relationships as well.

Red Queen Securities is a mercenary organisation, but its not a ruthlessly amoral one either, your characters wont be charged with kicking puppies or burning down orphanages, the company has even been known to offer discounts and generous payment plans for those who need military aid but can't really afford it. Humanity is a precious commodity in this timeline so don't be prepared to sell it too cheaply.

Anyway that's not quite all I have to say, I have some simple rules and expectations down and there's a lore document in the thread mark directory to help you get to grips with the setting but I'll let that stuff speak for itself, I hope to see some interested RPers soon!

What to expect from Red Queen Operator

  • An expansive world to explore and develop! Collaborate with GMs and fellow players to add in new locations, characters and events!

  • Engage in stylish, tactical anime inspired combat! Using a simple stat system upgrade your robotic body with improved performance and unique augmentations!

  • Create your own events, missions and plotlines for yourself and other players or join in on those created by other players!

Our expectations and Rules

  • The RPN site rules are in effect: This is pretty obvious and everyone should be familiar with them but if you need a refresher Here is the link.

  • The GM and any potential Co-Gm's are in charge: That would just be me at present, but it's possible I'll take on more staff in response to the needs of the RP.

  • Remain respectful of your fellow RPers: Just be cool to each other, even if you have disagreements or find your personalities don't quite mesh do your best to remain civil. If you can't resolve any disputes to your mutual satisfaction I or another GM will step in.

  • Let your voice be Heard: If you're not sure about something or just have a great idea for the RP let us know! We can't do anything about it if it stays in your head. We will eventually have a discord server open to all players for easy communication. You can also post anything like that in the OOC and free to PM me if you would rather speak privately, I'll do my best to stay on top of such correspondence.

  • No Godmodding: Broadly speaking godmodding refers to controlling someone else's characters by writing their reactions or confirming attacks on them in your own post. This isn't very fun to deal with for the other person and not conducive to good roleplaying. Don't ever do it to another player without their permission and be careful about doing it to NPC's.

  • Do your best in terms post length and quality: We are aiming for detailed with this RP, multiple paragraph responses with good spelling and grammar are ideal. We can be flexible about this to some extent, scenarios and situations just aren't conducive to long posts and sometimes people are tired or busy. The bare minimum is a paragraph or so that's been given a good once over for errors. Detailed responses give your RP partners more to work with and make you more fun to RP alongside so it's to everyone's benefit if we all do our best. If I feel like your responses lacking then I'll reach out and we can have a friendly chat about how to extend and improve your writing.

  • Post Regularly or Stay in contact when you cant: We can work out more detailed versions on a case by case basis, but the short version is this: If you don't post when a scene is waiting on you after a week you will be skipped over, after two you will be removed from the RP. We can always make exceptions to this rule for people who talk to us and give us notice when they aren't able to post, but if we don't hear from you that's the end of it.

  • Read all the provided material: These are in the linked threads. There's won't be a crazy amount here and you don't have to memorize it or anything, just give it a good once over.

  • Oh and most importantly of all...
Really excited to hear from everybody! Watch this space as I'll be setting up a discord server for us, adding some more items to the armoury section of the world building page and throwing up a character sheet for people who want to get started on that. I'll be checking in here from time to time to answer any questions as well.
right, discord server is up, it's pretty bare bones at the moment but come say hi!

Oof is discord required? I have 0 trust in the site from pretty bad experiences when I was younger.
I'd really prefer it if we could get everyone on the server, that's probably where most of the chatting and planning will happen and it can be tricky to condense all that stuff down and send it along to keep people who aren't there in the loop. I can try and keep an OOC thread here on rpn up to date if it's a total non starter, but you'd be missing out I feel.
I'd really prefer it if we could get everyone on the server, that's probably where most of the chatting and planning will happen and it can be tricky to condense all that stuff down and send it along to keep people who aren't there in the loop. I can try and keep an OOC thread here on rpn up to date if it's a total non starter, but you'd be missing out I feel.
If you don’t mind I’m completely fine with you just PMing me anything important for the story.

I was groomed on the site when I was younger so I don’t trust the site at all. Though I completely understand if you can’t allow me to participate me in the roleplay, no worries just lemme know!
oh that's horrible, I'm sorry that happened to you. Anyways we can at least give it a shot for now and see how things go.
oh that's horrible, I'm sorry that happened to you. Anyways we can at least give it a shot for now and see how things go.
Thanks for understanding dude and sorry about not joining it.

Also thanks for letting me have a chance too!
ahh don't mention it, anyways because I announced this in the discord I'll let you know here that the character sheet thread has been posted, along with a small update to the worldbuilding page that added augments and some more weapons to browse through.

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