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Fantasy Reaper Character Sign-Up

Alright. Thanks!

(To self: Duuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)
Okey. Thanks. Good. Whew! I get to live.

Wait... wat. Yep. The above is an example of my "logic". xD

Hey guys! A little late to the party, i know.


Aidan Oneill





-Thread type-




"Fire is quite fascinating. It's so beautiful, yet extremely deadly. You shouldn't underestimate it. And for god's sake, don't play with it."


Squad 8, damage dealing


Aidan is very polite. He is what most people call a true gentleman. Well... At least the ones who haven't seen him fight. He's not very talkative, but he shows his kindness with his actions, not words. Even if his style of combat tends to be quite brutal, he's the kind of person to risk his life for others. Also, he's a smartass. There's no talking out of it.


Crows (he attracts them for some reason. He doesn't know why, but he likes them. They're beautiful creatures.)




Arrogant/rude people (He's easily offended)


Chocolate. Yuck.



This handgun is a special exemplar specially made for fire weavers. Aidan can concentrate his power into the gun barrel, causing the bullets to be a lot more powerful than usual. As soon as he touches his beloved weapon, the whole gun starts glowing. However, he can use his powers without it as well, but he prefers to use his deadly friend.


He lost his memory due to an"incident" that happened while he was being turned into a weaver. He's been fighting for as long as he can remember. Aidan doesn't know whether he has a family or not. It's quite sad if you think about it.

(Yeah, i'm just too lazy to give him a story right now. Heh.)

Is this alright? Did i miss anything or are you not okay with something
@Umbra Regalia ?

Also; when can i jump in?

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acer11 said:
can i be shirou emiya oh god teen titans turned on hhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllllpppppppppppppppp
I'm sorry can you be who? I'd rather you didn't use characters from animes, either, or cartoons, or shows, or books or anything please. OCs only
Skychild said:

Hey guys! A little late to the party, i know.


Aidan Oneill





-Thread type-




"Fire is quite fascinating. It's so beautiful, yet extremely deadly. You shouldn't underestimate it. And for god's sake, don't play with it."


Anywhere where's still room left!


Aidan is very polite. He is what most people call a true gentleman. Well... At least the ones who haven't seen him fight. He's not very talkative, but he shows his kindness with his actions, not words. Even if his style of combat tends to be quite brutal, he's the kind of person to risk his life for others. Also, he's a smartass. There's no talking out of it.


Crows (he attracts them for some reason. He doesn't know why, but he likes them. They're beautiful creatures.)




Arrogant/rude people (He's easily offended)


Chocolate. Yuck.



This handgun is a special exemplar specially made for fire weavers. Aidan can concentrate his power into the gun barrel, causing the bullets to be a lot more powerful than usual. As soon as he touches his beloved weapon, the whole gun starts glowing. However, he can use his powers without it as well, but he prefers to use his deadly friend.


He lost his memory due to an"incident" that happened while he was being turned into a weaver. He's been fighting for as long as he can remember. Aidan doesn't know whether he has a family or not. It's quite sad if you think about it.

(Yeah, i'm just too lazy to give him a story right now. Heh.)

Is this alright? Did i miss anything or are you not okay with something
@Umbra Regalia ?

Also; when can i jump in?

a few things are stretching the limits of the Threads, but it's great to see you have an understanding of them. Accepted, but I won't choose your squad for you. There's professions now so I don't want to put anyone in a squad that doesn't suit them. Also, I dont know how you want your characters to go in, or who they should be around.

Accepted after you choose your squad


acer11 said:
i know its an oc i created for a anime
well I'm sorry for being rude then, but I need a description of them as everyone else has. Use the skeleton given at the start of this tab. I can't accept a character just by their name
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Name:shirou emiya

Age (Please stay above the tween age):17

Kind(Weaver or Human):human

If Weaver, Thread Type:

Squad(Please mention if Leader of Squad, but lets have only a few leaders ok?):

Appearance(anime photo or detailed description. or both.):



Anything else we should know?:has the ability to change the material things are made of.

you happy
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[QUOTE="Umbra Regalia]a few things are stretching the limits of the Threads, but it's great to see you have an understanding of them. Accepted, but I won't choose your squad for you. There's professions now so I don't want to put anyone in a squad that doesn't suit them. Also, I dont know how you want your characters to go in, or who they should be around.
Accepted after you choose your squad

Skychild said:
give me a minute to add him to notes. Jump on in ^^


acer11 said:
Name:shirou emiya
Age (Please stay above the tween age):17

Kind(Weaver or Human):human

If Weaver, Thread Type:

Squad(Please mention if Leader of Squad, but lets have only a few leaders ok?):

Appearance(anime photo or detailed description. or both.):



Anything else we should know?:has the ability to change the material things are made of.

you happy
tbh no... 1 the extra info there "has the ability to change the material things are made of." is impossible. That's not an ability that even a Weaver has. Sorry. Also, I just mentioned I cant choose your squad I need that info from you.

other than that I think its ok tho ^^ Nice picture btw
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[QUOTE="Umbra Regalia]give me a minute to add him to notes. Jump on in ^^

Yay! Give me some time to understand what's going on. I'll be joining soon.
[QUOTE="Umbra Regalia]oh you don't understand whats going on? I could explain whats currently happening?

Yes please >w<
acer11 said:
can you list the squads and ok
can you list the squads and ok
I'm starting to wonder if I should start putting those words at the end of the stuff in notes and overview...

Pleeease read notes Acer, I'm not going to recite info that's accessible from a click
[QUOTE="Umbra Regalia]l: gommenasaiiiiii... I'm a little busy right now but yes you're able to jump in! GET IN


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