Re-Introducing Myself!


Print Witch's Bitch
Hello, everyone! 

I have been gone from this far too long and I feel completely awful for it. Everyone knows that IRL matters can get in the way of our hobby of role-playing. My work has gotten in the way of many things but I am doing my best to make more time for myself, and I wish to return to role-playing with anyone who is willing. So, just let me introduce myself again, I go by King, and I would love it if you wonderful members would role-play with me. I can tell that there is a tremendous amount of talent here and sometimes that can feel rather intimidating for me. I dislike being rejected but that comes with life and this hobby, so, I'm going to go on ahead and list things I enjoy role-playing. I hope this will give you a feel for what I can bring to the table if you choose to follow and role-play with me.

  • I'm going to go ahead and say this; I love to role-play Warhammer 40,000 fan-fiction. It's a major passion of mine that I have been doing for the past 13 years. I've written so much fan-fiction and role-played it so much that I have created this entire alternate universe for it. It's far too complex to explain in this introduction but you players can learn by role-playing with me. I've also made it possible where crossovers with Fantasy settings is possible (Please ask me about that and I will be more than welcome to explain to you of how I do it).
  • I enjoy Fantasy settings. Doesn't matter if it's a book or a game. Some things I like to crossover into is the Elder Scrolls universe. I find it very entertaining to have demigod hulking Astartes coming from space to rain punishment on the wicked. 
  • Romance role-plays are a good plus but I enjoy building it up or as I like to say "letting it simmer for a while". As for smut, I don't do that. I'm sure this website doesn't condone that either but a good romantic subplot is always a neat addition. 
  • Gore & Detail, I love to do both. We're painters and our tools are our fingers and our keyboards. I absolutely love to paint a detailed picture but not too overly detailed. My battle scenes can be as gore filled as the Saw movies or as mild as a Rated T for Teen video game. It's whatever you allow yourself to succumb to and I'll happily adapt to the settings that you have preselected for our role-play. 
  • Now things I look for in a great role-player are usually your basics like; good grammar, detail, timely fashioned replies, commitment, patience, proper replies (usually more than 3 paragraphs), understanding if our characters become an item that You & I are not an item IRL and someone who wants fun.
  • Lastly and I promise this is the last bullet. I only do MxF relationships. All of my characters are heterosexuals and some are strictly asexual too but I do not mind role-playing with male characters. So, please, don't shoot me. Thanks.

Now that you have survived reading all of that and I hope you have, I highly consider that you follow me and communicate with me. I want to role-play with every one of you if I can but I know that is impossible. A lot of you have your different needs and wants in this great hobby of ours. Even if you stop by my topic and wish me a good luck or thanks, that would be greatly appreciated. 

So, this is me leaving you to follow me or not follow me.

Yours truly, King.
Hello, @Broken Steel.

I am in the process of creating a fantasy RP, you might want to check it out. I'd love to have a dedicated/thoughtful role player like you  B|

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