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Realistic or Modern Rapture - Sign Up





Group One: For up to six months, you have been a part of Farley's Ranch. You might have been there since day one, or just stumbled upon the place last week, but the point is; you're familiar with everyone inside, or at least the owner Bill. You have been assigned a job role, a bed and you know at least one other person. You are settled here. It's your home.

Group Two: On the night of January 18th, a huge storm will hit Laramie. This is the night the roleplay begins. On this night, a second group will beg for shelter at Farley's; a place almost full to the top and barely fighting off the effects of the storm. The group has been together for a while, and has been unsuccessful in finding permanent shelter. If you wish, a character in group two may have been estranged from a group one character, but this would have to be discussed between you. Or, if you prefer, I have a set of npcs that could possibly act as your estranged relative.




Age: (No range)

Group One or Two:



Appearance (Only realistic images)

Description: (1+ paragraph)





Vices: (5+ negative personality traits EXPLAINED)

Virtues: (5+ positive personality traits EXPLAINED)

Likes: (5+)

Dislikes: (5+)


History: (3+ paragraphs)

Family: Deceased, estranged, alive?

How they got to Farley's: (Only applicable to Group Ones)

How they joined the group: (Only applicable to Group Twos)


Skills: (3+)

Favourite Song:

Favourite Food:

Favourite Colour:

Preferred Work: (Manual, Kitchen, Animals)

Name: Emma-Sue Jenkins

Nickname: Emma, Emmy, Em,

Age: 6

Group One or Two: two

Gender: female

Sexuality: straight (she's 6 though XD)

Appearance: Cute baby girl 4-5 year old posing in studio, wearing jeans skirt and white shirt. Looking at camera. Smiling child.

Description: Emma-Sue is 6 years old and was just beginning her second semester in Kindergarten when the storm hit. She has light brown hair that goes down the her shoulder-blades, and she often wears it down, considering she's 6 and can't really put it up, yet. She has vibrant blue eyes, and a great big smile. She's missing her two front teeth, currently. She is short for her age, people often confusing her for a preschooler. Her intelligence and sassy mouth will soon clear that up, however.

Height: 3' 2''

Weight: 35 pounds

Other: N/A

Personality: Emma-Sue has a big imagination. No one's really sure whether she's a tomboy or a girly girl, cause every day its different. One day it's princesses, the next day it's cowboys. But Emma-Sue has a true flair for the dramatic. She's a sassy girl, smarter than she looks, and often speaks before she thinks. She's a tough cookie, but her laugh could melt the coldest heart. Emma is afraid of the dark and has a strong belief in fairies. And no, not Tinkerbell fairies. Dark ones. Fairies that are mysterious and magical, not necessarily good, and perhaps even dangerous.

Vices: Big mouth: Her sassy behaviour and seeming inability to keep secrets gets her into trouble sometimes. She's very talkative, sometimes. Annoying: Emma-Sue likes to follow around people she likes, and like I said above, she's often really talkative. She asks why A LOT. Independent... or not: Emma thinks she's independent, but she needs a lot of help to do things. But she doesn't like asking for help. Small: Emma wants to be a big help, but she's just a kid, and isn't very strong, or particularly helpful. Anger: Emma has a bad temper and can be pretty explosive at times. Dramatic: She's very dramatic. I think that's all there is to say about that.

Virtues: Cute: Emma is adorable. Period. Her little kid ways will make a lot of people smile. Loyal: Emma will never abandon you, and will be the bets friend she can possibly be. Hard worker: Emma isn't lazy in the slightest. She will work her butt off for you. People pleaser: That can also be helpful. She doesn't try to be a bad kid. Loveable: Despite being annoying and unhelpful at times, Emma is hard not to love... Unless you're on her bad side.

Likes: Singing, dancing, animals of all kinds- but especially horses and bunnies, making people happy, warm hugs, her lucky rock (a smooth, green coloured, small stone that Emma keeps in her pocket. It glimmers in the sun and she believes it was blessed with magic by the fairies).

Dislikes: Disappointing people, being told what to do, being told to be quiet, being told no, losing her lucky rock, being called a baby or being told she can't do something, being told she's too young, making people mad, getting yelled at, being in trouble, being lied to, being called a liar,

Backstory/History: Emma-Sue was outside in Laramie with her older sister (OPEN) when the storm hit. They managed to find a group of people gathering together, seeking shelter from the storm. Most of the homes were destroyed, including what was left of theirs.
As the two girls have no parents (they haven't been heard from in several months... likely eaten by zombies), they had nowhere they were expected to be, and they followed the group to Farley, where they are now, hoping they'll be accepted.
There might be another take of this story from Emma-Sue's sister, but all Emma knows is she wants warmth, and food, and to please, PLEASE get out of the dark.

Family: Her parents haven't been heard from since November. They were eaten by zombies. Emma-Sue's older sister (OPEN) is with her in group two.

How they joined the group: As her home was destroyed, Emma-Sue and her older sister were seeking shelter, and they came across this group of people, they too, looking for shelter. They followed them all the way to Farley.


Skills: Emma-Sue likes animals. She's 6 though, so she doesn't really have many skills. She can sing, though.

Favourite Song: Something from whichever disney movie just came out. Right now she's still obsessed with Moana, and 'How Far I'll Go' is her favourite. Although, you'll occasionally hear her singing 'Shiny' Or 'You're Welcome' as sassily as possible.

Favourite Food: Pizza, with LOTS of stringy cheese.

Favourite Colour: Lavender

Preferred Work: Did you say ANIMALS?! (Gasp)

EMMA-SUE needs an older sister (preferably 9+) please pm me with your interest and character!

I may add a 10-15 year old girl later when I have time. (She is NOT Emma-Sue's sister)

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