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Realistic or Modern โ€” ๐˜ณ๐˜ข๐˜ช๐˜ด๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜จ ๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ๐˜ญ๐˜ญ


keep precious things


  • mood

    i can't deal with this shit today

It was the kind of morning where Blair was absolutely certain he wanted nothing more than to get home as quickly as possible and crash for the rest of the day. Last night was a blurโ€”bar hopping, he could remember, and a handsy uber driverโ€”no, wait, then there was that tall, dark, handsome stranger from the club. Suave and collected among everyone else, but secretly inexperienced within the confines of his own bedroom. That was something Blair could remember with a grin, a sense of power collected between greedy fingers as he taught the stranger what making love really meant.

But he'd smoked something he probably shouldn't have, and whatever he'd drunk before passing out had definitely not been plain water. There was a migraine crushing his temples and an ache enveloping his body with the discomfort of a wet shirt. He'd used the stranger's shower before leaving just because he couldn't bear feeling so gross for a second longer, and unfortunately the stranger had woken at the sound of running water and tried to convince him to stay longer.

Naive, Blair had called him. Cute, but not that cute. Have a nice life.

He took the subway home. Yesterday's clothes were wrinkled and looked slept in, although that clearly hadn't been the case. It had taken a full twenty minutes for Blair to track everything down in the stranger's apartment. I'll have to wear stripes more often, he mused, recalling how he'd nearly instantly caught the stranger's eye the moment he stepped foot in the club. His heeled boots had given him an extra inch or two but the other had still been taller and seemingly proud of the fact, leering over Blair, who simply flirted back and pressed against him on the dancefloor.

Ugh. Even the thought of music hurts. The harsh lights of the subway car weren't helping either. Blair slouched back and threw an arm listlessly over his eyes, a half-assed effort to relieve the pressure pounding at his skull. What if I can't get off at my stop, and I just keep going? It was a stupid thought he had almost every day, even after he got off at his stop and began the walk to his apartment. Three blocks right and two blocks straight... Heels clicked sulkily down the sidewalk, the gray light of midmorning and early April bringing with it a slight chill. He hadn't worn a jacket yesterday and was regretting it now; he just hoped that it wouldn't start raining before he got back.

It was an odd habit of his to crave anonymity, yet believe himself to be the kind of person that everyone paid attention to. He carried himself with a strange confidence, a strut that played with the flowing slack of his shirt and the cinched belt at his waist. His hair was still a little wet, clumps swinging lazily around a sharp-featured face that was washed clean of last night's makeup. Pursed lips felt unusually naked without their customary gloss, eyelashes lighter when they weren't weighted down with mascara. There was a chain dangling in a loop from his beltloop to his pocket, a sheen of silver that gave him a feeling of control.

Despite the airs that Blair was so used to putting on, his apartment was small and nearly worthless. After all, it didn't really matter where he called "home" when he spent most of his nights in the bedrooms of gullible businessmen. He had a collection of those tiny shampoo bottles that came from hotels, and he had a menagerie of stolen towels and washcloths from the same places.

A key was dug out with slender fingers that were tipped with chipped black polish, turning in a lock with a sluggishness that betrayed the intensity of last night's activities. His other hand rubbed absently against his hip as he turned the handle, and he wondered if his electric blanket still worked. He was so wrapped up in his own plans for a lazy afternoon that it took him a full ten seconds, after he'd already closed the door and locked it behind him, to notice the stranger standing in his kitchen. Soft brown eyes with lingering bloodshot traces widened, and he pressed himself back against the door, wondering for a split second if he'd accidentally wandered into the wrong apartment. But my key fit...

He was a tall stranger, and for a moment Blair's stomach lurched at the thought that it might be the same stranger from last night and earlier this morning. But this one was older, and his hair was darker, combed over with a particular edge that bordered on obsessiveness. In fact, everything about his appearance was flawless. He stared right back at Blair, although with less surprise and more like he'd been waiting. Boredom?

Blair wet his lips, silence lingering for a moment longer, before he could gather himself enough to speak. His voice was hoarse.
"If you're here to rob me, you're wasting your time."
Eyes flicked past the man to the inner recesses of his apartment, then back again, confirming the fact that this was actually his apartment. That ratty blanket was still cast over the end of the couch, and the ashtray on the coffee table was full of yesterday's remains.
"I've got a little cash in my wallet but not much."
He didn't move to retrieve it from his pocket.
"I'd really love it if you took what you wanted and left. I'm tired."

Really? Think he'll sympathize or something?

bad to the bone


โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

โ€œAllow me to ask again: What in Godโ€™s glittering fucking hole did you just say?โ€

Asmodeus could hardly believe the words that had come from his brotherโ€™s mouth. When he finally met the elderโ€™s gaze for the first time in centuries, he looked into the slits of Luciferโ€™s beady yellow eyes protruding disgustingly from a goatโ€™s head, but found no trace of deceit in them. He appeared as prideful as ever, seated at the top of his throne in Hell and looking down dismissively at him as if he were a mere ant. Something else Asmodeus had not experienced in a long time seemed to claw at him from the insideโ€”the feeling of dread.

When the elder spoke, it came out as a low rumble that shook the ground beneath them. โ€œYou are to prostrate yourself to the earthly world and become the bodyguard of one of my loyal subjects.โ€

โ€œI didnโ€™t realize you were capable of jokes, you old fool. Whenโ€™d you develop a sense of humour?โ€

Lucifer didnโ€™t respond. Asmodeus despised the silence, wishing heโ€™d just play along and then they could end their little charade with a bow to their devilish audience, who would no doubt be roaring with applause if they were watching. Anything but the passing time which only cemented the demon princeโ€™s ridiculous ideas. A punishment, Asmodeus thought, this must be my punishment. He voiced such thoughts out loud.

โ€œNo, Asmodeus, this is not a punishment. This is a mission, I am giving you the responsibility of protecting a human from Godโ€™s angels who seek to end him. They will purify what is impure, even forfeiting the right to life of a soul in the name of cleansing sin.โ€

โ€œI fail to see how that concerns me in any way,โ€ the demon replied scornfully.

โ€œYou will see, Asmodeus.โ€ At Luciferโ€™s forceful insistence, the flames surrounding Asmodeus grew with an explosive power until he found himself encased in them. โ€œYou do not have a choice.โ€

He did not even have the chance to respond before fire engulfed his entire being. The last thing he saw were his brotherโ€™s eyes, who had looked away, as if the matter already bored him.


In the early morning hours the city was quiet, but not still. Cars would drive past Asmodeus on occasion, who barely avoided being splashed by the rush of tires over freshly-made rain puddles. He wrinkled his nose at the smell of dampened garbage scattered across the sidewalk as he accustomed himself to the many new sensations that came with his human form. In the glass display of a bakery store, he noticed his reflectionโ€”deep set, chocolate eyes and a strong nose bridge framed by dark brown hair, leaning on the taller side with a muscular build hidden by a charcoal grey suit and trench coat. Despite being cast down here against his own will by Lucifer, he was at least given some authority as a high-ranking demon of Hell. One of which was the ability to alter his appearance to his liking.

After meticulously fixing the strands of hair that had went astray in the wind, he continued trodding towards his new masterโ€™s home. The directions Luciferโ€™s messenger gave him were unhelpful, as he did not understand the nonexistent organization of buildings in the area. It would have gone much faster if he simply asked someone familiar with the roads to explain, but his pride would not allow him to ask a mere human for help. You are already no more than a mere humanโ€™s guard dog, he reminded himself, mouth twisting into a frown.

The sun was already peeking over the horizon when he approached apartment number one-thirty-one. The demon dutifully knocked on the front door, waiting to see if his master was awake yet. His silver wristwatch showed that the time was exactly six in the morning. Surely this is when humans naturally rise from their slumber?

It took altogether four minutes of waiting before Asmodeus simply used a demonโ€™s power to pass through the locked door.

Inside the apartment, he could barely contain his disgust. Clothes, underwear, and socks were strewn all across the room while the kitchen harboured multiple half-eaten takeout boxes, some likely days old. He had no expectations of the kind of human heโ€™d be serving during his forceful stay on Earth, but he certainly wasnโ€™t expecting a slob. The mess in here would be enough to even impress Belphegor, demon of sloth.

โ€œHow revoltingโ€ฆโ€ Asmodeus treaded carefully through the piles of stuff until he reached a door he assumed to be the entrance of the bedroom. With another knock, he called out to his master but received no response. From his confrontation with Lucifer and the reminder that he will always be below his brother to the current annoyance which was a missing human, his patience was starting to wear thin.

Fine, then. The demon turned back towards the trail of clothes and bags that lead to the living room, not willing to let this minor inconvenience throw him off. A good butler does not need his master around to do his job.


The next hour or so was spent collecting trash, clearing out dust and wiping the grime from various surfaces in the apartment. Asmodeus did not leave a single spot unchecked, putting the same amount of energy and focus into cleaning as he did into his business ventures. When the place was finally up to his standards, it could barely be recognized as the same horrific den heโ€™d entered this morning. Just finding cleaning supplies was a challenge on its own.

Coincidentally, his master arrived just as he put down the cloth.

Asmodeus met the manโ€™s surprised gaze with a steely one. Instantly, he took in his disheveled appearance and could guess exactly the kind of lifestyle his master was leading.

"If you're here to rob me, you're wasting your time."

His eyebrows raised a fraction of an inch at the assertion that he was a thief. Not that it was shocking, he did technically break into the apartment.

"I've got a little cash in my wallet but not much." โ€ฆ "I'd really love it if you took what you wanted and left. I'm tired."

โ€œDo not fear. I have no need for your currency,โ€ Asmodeus began in what he hoped was a reassuring tone, โ€œMy job is to simply protect you from Godโ€™s angels. They have set their sights on you, wishing for your demise, but I will ensure that you stay out of harmโ€™s way.โ€

A little belatedly, he held his arm against his stomach and bowed towards the human. โ€œMy name is Asmodeus. Please use me as you see fit, Master Blair.โ€

Lucifer, I do not care how long it takes. I promise I will get you back for this.
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  • mood

    why me? WHY ME?

He knows my name.

It was then that Blair realized he should have left the moment this manโ€”Asmodeusโ€”opened his mouth to speak. The way he was looking at him, almost as though he was looking through him, chilled Blair to the bone, a low voice that was completely at ease rumbling through the air like a quiet earthquake.

Anyone else, and Blair might have laughed. Might have asked what he was on and where he got it from, even if he wanted a glass of water before he kicked him out. But there was something so utterly unsettling about the stranger standing in his kitchen, something Blair couldnโ€™t quite put his finger on, that almost made him want to scream for help.

But if Blair Solรฉ was anything, it wasnโ€™t a coward. At least, not on the outside.

So instead, he chose to laugh. It was pitifully forced.

โ€œOhโ€”Okโ€”Funny joke. Or did I actually pay for something like this? A demon roleplay? Listen, Iโ€™m not in the mood.โ€
He took a few steps forward, although every bone in his body told him to do the opposite, setting his keys on the countertop and noticing for the first time how unnaturally clean his apartment was. The usual piles of garbage and unfolded clothes were gone, shining surfaces left in their wake. He could smell some kind of lemony cleaner in the air.

โ€œWaitโ€”You didnโ€™t actuallyโ€”โ€
A hand flew to his face, clawing down his heated cheeks in frustration.
โ€œLook, Iโ€™ll give you a refund, butโ€”dammit.โ€
Things were just getting more complicated with every passing minute; he obviously must have signed up for some kind of cleaning serviceโ€”a really weird cleaning service. What could have possessed him to do so? Did he give away his spare keys to this stranger? How long ago did he do this? He was fairly certain it wasnโ€™t last night.

โ€œListen, Azzie, I appreciate what you did. Just doinโ€™ your job, huh?โ€
Sarcasm dripped from his mouth like honey. He was close enough now that he could reach out a hand to pat the taller manโ€™s shoulder stiffly, although he retracted it as soon as he could, a little quicker than what could have been considered casual.
โ€œYou can leave now. Send me the receipt and Iโ€™ll pay you, but if this is a scamโ€”I swear to God, Iโ€™ll call the cops right now.โ€
A few more steps and he put more distance between them, leaning against the arm of the couch. Did he wash the couch? Isnโ€™t there usually a stain right there?

โ€œAnd cut it out with the โ€˜masterโ€™ bullshit. Iโ€™m not into it.โ€

Really? Think he'll sympathize or something?

bad to the bone


โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

Ah, is this what they call a โ€˜headacheโ€™?

Asmodeus could feel the affliction begin to throb uncomfortably in his temples. He examined the anxious and fluttering movements of the human he was meant to serve, not at all masked by the dispassionate front he attempted to put up. The twitches in his expression, the careful way he stepped into his apartmentโ€”they all told him that he was afraid. Why he was putting up this frivolous act, Asmodeus could not understand.

As the human continued to make up reasons for him being here, Asmodeus went over their earlier conversation again in his mind. What about his explanation was so troubling for the other to understand? There may have been a few thousand years gap in their knowledge, but surely people knew of demons and angels.

He was about to open his mouth to attempt to make his master understand the situation he was in when a hand rested on his shoulder. It was only for a brief moment before it moved away, but the sudden warmth from that contact was enough for him to forget what he was about to say. It was a completely new sensation in his human body. There was the heat from the eternal flames in Hell, and then there wasโ€”whatever that was. The sudden cold that replaced the feeling on his shoulder almost made him chase after the source, but he resisted. What the fuck?

Asmodeus quickly regained his composure, noticing that his master was expecting him to respond. It felt different when he met the humanโ€™s eyes this time.

โ€œFirst of all, this is not a paid service. I am one of the seven demons from the highest order in Hell sent by Lucifer to protect you. Your life is in danger and you do not have the power to fight angels on your own.โ€ He paused to allow the information to sink in, keeping in mind that Blair was still in a state of stress. โ€œSecond of all, I am your servant. This makes you my master, and I should address you as such.โ€

The smallest twitch rose to his left eyelid, one which he could not suppress.

โ€œMy name is Asmodeus, but you may call me anything. I will respond to โ€˜Azzieโ€™, if that is what you wish. Whether you believe my words or not is up to you. Know that I will be by your side for the foreseeable future and will help you adjust to your new life as best as I can.โ€

Likewise, he would have to become accustomed to bowing down to a mortal. He mostly cursed Lucifer for such a humiliating fate, but as heโ€™d recently learned, perhaps there was more to being a human than he originally thought. After all, what kind of demon of lust would he be if he didnโ€™t even experience it for himself?

โ€œNow that our misunderstanding has been cleared up, we may begin.โ€ Asmodeusโ€™ voice dropped to a honeyed tone, a polite smile forming on his lips. As he bowed gently once more, he brought a hand to his chest, his grace renewed by a newfound confidence. โ€œHow may I serve you today, Master Blair?โ€


  • mood

    this bitch crazy!

Blair had expected himโ€”Asmodeusโ€”to drop the act as soon as he'd picked it apart. Because surely, everything he'd said about how this was a service, how he must have done it while drunk or high, even the fact that he offered a refund, the man would have seen no reason to continue. There wasn't a point, if Blair wasn't interested in it. And anyone with common sense would be able to tell that his threat of calling the cops was a very real one. Already, his hand was edging toward his back pocket.

But no. Asmodeus continued. Blair could feel his stomach dropping to his feet.

"You have to be fucking with me."
It came out strangled, almost a laugh if he didn't feel like he wanted to cry at the same time. Why this, now? Why him? Was it really so selfish to ask for a quiet morning and a chance to sleep off how awful he felt? His migraine seemed to be curdling in his skull, getting worse with every passing moment, a pressure that was wobbling his vision. His hands suddenly crept up to hide his face, an effort to block out the morning light that broke effortlessly through the faded plastic blinds over the windows.

"A demon from hellโ€”shut up!"
Blair tipped backward over the arm of the couch, plopping back onto the cushions, still keeping his hands over his face.
"It's not funny, ok! Just get out of my house!"
His voice trailed off with a whimper, a scratchiness in his throat that was yesterday's leftovers. He could feel the outline of his phone in his pocket, and knew he should have been grabbing it now, since this stranger was clearly not taking no for an answer.

But he was suddenly remembering why calling the cops wasn't a very good idea. This was a bad part of town, and everyone knew the cops were always on the lookout for the local dealers.

Blair wasn't a dealer, but he knew who was. There were a few carefully stashed bags in the bottom drawer of his bathroom cabinet. The chances of them being discovered were low.

But not nonexistent.

"Fait chier,"
he muttered, dragging his hands down and staring at the ceiling, feeling utterly hopeless, completely stuck, and completely like the victim. Silence festered between them for a few seconds, Blair unwilling to be the first to break it, hoping against hope that this was just a dream and that he'd wake up in his bed the next time he blinkedโ€”maybe the nextโ€”okay, maybe just a few moreโ€”

A heavy sigh. His hand grasped the top of the couch, and he pulled himself up to look over the edge. Asmodeus was still standing there, looking utterly polite and utterly like he wasn't planning on leaving anytime soon. His effortless grace made Blair scowl and drop down once again, his legs still dangling over the arm of the couch.


"Alright. Prove it. I've never seen aโ€”god, a demonโ€”or an angel, and I don't think they exist. Change my mind, and... what the fuck, you can be my personal demon or whatever."

Yeah. Right.

dead inside


โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

Prove it, huh? That, he could do easily. Asmodeus was unsure himself why he didn't try it in the first place. He may have been stuck on Earth, but he still sustained his powers in order to fight angels. After all, heโ€™d used them to get into the apartment in the first place. It concerned him that Blair seemed to be on the verge of throwing up his guts, but if he could get this over with as quickly as possible, he could tend to his hungover master.

โ€œVery well. I believe it would be most convincing if I simply show you my true form, since you say youโ€™ve never seen a demon. Please prepare yourself.โ€

He said those last words with a slice of hubris. There were not many opportunities in his lifetime to make himself appear in front of humans, and it filled him with an almost sadistic giddiness to be the one to throw his masterโ€™s worldview for a loop. As quickly as that feeling rose, however, it was replaced with disgust. What have I to be so excited about?

โ€œIt may get a bit warm in here,โ€ he mentioned as an afterthought as he re-adjusted the cuffs of his shirt, which didnโ€™t need to be adjusted at all. Sure, he could transform in this tiny apartment, heโ€™d just have to be careful with the constant hellfire that his demon body emitted. Taking a deep breath, he allowed his eyes to fall closed and he imagined himself melting through the cage of human flesh, growing until the top of his head grazed the ceiling and fur covered his skin. There would be a bullโ€™s and sheepโ€™s head on either of his shoulders with the same red eyes that had looked so dispassionately at him. He could feel the power of Hell surging through the mark on his chest and for a moment, he saw a flash of light, thenโ€”

Asmodeus opened his eyes and found himself still human.

โ€œWhat?โ€ His disbelief slipped right out of his lips and a crack formed in his flawless composure. โ€œThatโ€™s so strange. Why canโ€™t I-โ€

โ€ฆonly in extreme dangerโ€ฆ

His memories of Luciferโ€™s last instructions were fuzzy, but he suddenly recalled some words he had heard his brother say. Naturally, there were some conditions to his stay on Earth, and not being able to transform other than in extraordinary circumstances was apparently one of them.

Asmodeus cleared his throat in an attempt to recollect himself. Yet another shock after being banished here. He should really start to expect these.

โ€œI deeply apologize. It seems that I cannot show you my true appearance at this time. However, I hope this will suffice in proving that I am, in fact, a demon from Hell.โ€

This time, he did start to change shape, but rather than a monstrosity, he became the splitting image of the person dangling from the couch. As close as he could replicate him, at least. There were still some specifics he lacked information on, but he was certain the face was an exact replica.

โ€œForgive me for borrowing your appearance, Master Blair. I am able to alter my appearance at will, as well as my voice.โ€ It was strange even for him to hear his masterโ€™s voice coming from his mouth, the silky tenor ringing in his ears closer than heโ€™d experienced before. He withheld from using it much longer. โ€œIf this blatant display is not enough to convince you, I can perform more underhanded tricks. Unlocking doors, setting things on fire, making strangers fall in love with meโ€ฆ Just to name a few.โ€

In a few moments, he had walked over to the side of the couch where Blairโ€™s legs hung and set down a cold glass of water. He still had the appearance of the other, but his mannerisms were all of a well-trained butler.

โ€œI know it will require more time before you can trust me, but at least let me do this much.โ€

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  • mood

    trippin balls lmao

At the confidence in Asmodeus's voice, Blair found himself sitting up, enough where he could loop an elbow over the back of the couch and peer at the man, eyes wide. He really did believe this delusion, didn't he? What was he going to do? For a moment, Blair wondered if maybe he really should have risked it and called the cops. What if he was about to do something drastic? What if this was all some convoluted game, and Asmodeus (if that was really his name) was going to kill him?

Blair wasn't given time to wonder. He watched the man and found himself half-expecting to see little horns and a devil tail shoot out of his body.

Nothing happened.

His cheeks suddenly expanded as he bit back a laugh, and failed.
"Real shocker, huh?"

"I deeply apologize. It seems that I cannot show you my true appearance at this time. However, I hope this will suffice in proving that I am, in fact, a demon from Hell.โ€

"Ohโ€”ahaโ€”no worries, Azzie,"
Blair snickered, hooking his chin over the cushion, his grin broadening.
"I tried to do the same thing the other day with my halo but I forgot to pay my angel rent. Happens to the best of us. Next time, maybe don't make a face like you're about to have an aneurismโ€”"

Blair cut himself off with a strangled gasp.


No way.

Asmodeus was goneโ€”or maybe he wasn't. But it certainly wasn't that tall, suave man standing there anymore. It was Blair, or it looked just like him, crumbled striped shirt and all.

"Holy shitโ€”noโ€”"
Even my voice. This isn't real.

A sense of vertigo overtook Blair that only seemed to grow as Asmodeus approached. His fingers tightened into the couch cushions until his knuckles turned white; he could feel the color bleeding from his face. He hardly acknowledged the cup of water, instead focusing unblinkingly on the man before him, himself, another in his body, an eerie sense of dรฉjร  vu enveloping him, as well as the pounding of his heart that signaled fight-or-flight.

"Don't get any closerโ€”"

Suddenly he thudded to the floor, not having realized he'd been edging closer and closer to the edge of the couch until it was too late. One of his feet was still propped up on the cushion, and he suddenly froze, unmoving, as if Asmodeus was a predator that pounced on sight. Seeing him in his body made him feel sick; the aftermath of last night wasn't helping either.

What do I do? WHAT DO I DO?

Blair squeezed his eyes shut.

"Turn back! Right now! This is a fucking nightmareโ€”that's all it isโ€”"
He fell back onto the floor, hands coming up to cover his face, fingers pressing against his eyelids until he saw spots.
"Do me a favor and pinch me so I wake up. Oh my fucking god..."

Suddenly Blair's foot slid off the couch, and in doing so it banged sharply against the squat table beside it, toppling the glass of water that Asmodeus had just sat down. In a second, Blair's torso was soaked through with ice-cold water. He shot up with a gasp, half-expecting to see some kind of demon claw poking through his stomach, to see blood where he could feel wetness. It took him a second to process what had just happened.

"Whatโ€”what are you?"

dead inside


โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
No sooner after Asmodeus placed the glass of water, it had ended up rolling across the living room carpet with nearly all of its contents dumped onto his master, who looked to be on the verge of a panic attack. He was doing a stellar job as a butler, it seemed. A real five-star service.

"Whatโ€”what are you?"

Blair's eyes were as wide as an owl's, mouth gaping like a fish without air. The absolute horror that warped the human's otherwise pretty features was amusing to the demon, and he nearly conceded to his order to pinch him. Perhaps he went a tad overboard, picking his master's own appearance to shift into, as it caused such an extreme reaction. He'd proven he was not human, and that was enough.

"I don't think you really want me to pinch you, but I understand that may have been quite a shock. I apologize." As he spoke, his body returned to what it had looked like when he first came into the apartment.

"Stay right here. I will fetch you a towel."

Within moments, Asmodeus had left the room, returned with items in hand, and draped a towel across Blair's torso, still warm from the dryer.

"Please change into this. The alcohol in your system makes you more susceptible to catching a cold when you're wet." A plain folded T-shirt is presented to the still-stunned human, and Asmodeus crouched down to sit on the floor so that they were eye-level.

He sighed, a full one that contained all the emotions he'd been carrying since arriving on Earth. With his back against the couch and arms resting on bent knees, he looked more akin to a worn-down office worker than a butler. If he could develop addictions, he'd be itching for a cigarette in his mouth.

"What the hell am I even doingโ€ฆ" The laugh he huffed out was self-pitying, almost. "To answer your question, I am a demon who's been assigned to be your bodyguard, but I cannot tell you why you are even being targetted. Sending me was my brother's idea. If it were up to me, I'd still be in Hell right now."

Asmodeus' head turned to give Blair a wry smile, dropping the butler persona entirely. It was half for Blair's sake, half for his own.

"Got any idea why God has it out for you? I might have a few guesses, if the love marks on your neck and chest are any indication." His head tilted in the direction of the exposed skin under the other's soaked shirt. "You must be cold. I have a way to warm you up, if you'd allow me."

Why, that wasn't suggestive at all, Asmodeus. His expression remained light, in an effort to get his master to relax more. Despite the mirth beneath his deadpan tone, it felt like stepping on eggshells around Blair. As if the wrong thing could set him off.

No, it's not that, he realized, I just want him to trust me.
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