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The Peter Tingle
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  • NAME. feyre felicity winterbourne
    AGE. eighteen
    BIRTHDAY. january 6th (capricorn)
    GENDER. cisgender female
    ORIENTATION. demisexual
    OCCUPATION. 1st year student (ignotus)
    BLOOD STATUS. pureblood
    (1/4 vamp.)
    NATIONALITY. english/scandinavian
    coded by: witchery

    HEIGHT. 5 ft. 6 in.
    WEIGHT. 120 lbs.
    HAIR. blonde
    EYES. blue
    DISTINGUISHING FEATURES. she has slightly extended canines that denote her vampire lineage.
    STLYE. a real class act; feyre strives to dress as presentably as her sensibilities will allow. her favorite shades include: black, blues and autumnal tones. examples: ( 1 , 2, 3, & 4 )






    "She wears strength and darkness equally well, the girl has always been half goddess, half hell..."

    Feyre has a tendency to come off as cold and distant, though it is hardly ever her intention. In most cases, she is merely too focused on some other task at hand to care for the problems of others, or perhaps it is merely part of her hereditary curse as a Winterbourne. She is very much an intellectual--a competitive one at that--and has difficulties remaining patient when it comes to interacting with those she may deem less intelligent, though she tries her best. It is never her intention to come off as harsh, but her sharp tongue often betrays her, much to her disappointment. Despite her icy outer shell, Feyre is a genuinely a kind person; she is quick to help those in need, but will immediately deny having done so the fact. The only thing Feyre detest more than seeming weak to those around her is people treating her differently for her 1/4 vampirism. She often pretends that it is not a part of her life--which is the exact opposite of Alcott's tactic.

    LIKES. dusk, autumn, cold weather, walks in the woods, red meat, traveling, academics, competition...
    DISLIKES. nosy people, boorish behaviors, stupidity, people pointing out her baby fangs, failure, discrimination, bright lights...
    FEARS. she fears being stuck in a singular way of life; she is also claustrophobic; she also fears the hinderance of her heritage
    DREAMS. she wants to become a Curse-Breaker and travel the world
    HABITS. she is a lip chewer
    HOBBIES. treasure-hunting, reading, and studying arithmancy & defense against the dark arts techniques

    in depth—

    WAND. 12-1/2 in., dragon heartstring, willow wood
    PATRONUS. snow fox
    AMORENTIA. freshly fallen snow, pine needles, and butterscotch
    EDUCATION. durmstrang
    SPECIALIST SUBJECT. arithmancy
    HER STORY. Alcott and Feyre Winterbourne had an extremely unconventional upbringing growing up: they spent most of their time within the Wintebrourne family manor located on the English countryside, being tutored at home (until they were of age) and receiving whatever their hearts desired. While they did not necessary want for nothing, they eventually found themselves entirely bored of their lifestyle. As they got older, the pair of siblings would become ever more adventurous, choosing to explore the woods on their family's property in search of new experiences. Little did they know that their family kept them within the confines of the Winterbourne manor because of the way others of the wizarding world may treat them; they were entirely unfazed by the vampirism of their grandfather, Everett WInterbourne, and were consequently naive to the discrimination they would face as a pureblood family "stricken" by the vampire curse. When it came time to send them off to school, the Winterbournes sent them to their own Alma Mater, Durmstrang, where the siblings were able to construct their own identities and life aspirations, all while experiencing discrimination here and there for their unorthodox blood. Nevertheless, Alcott proved himself to be an excellent student when it came to potions, albeit a little lazy, and Feyre established herself as a true master at arithmancy and defensive magic.

    EXTRA. As a Winterbourne, she is related to the Ibsen family, though she is one of the black sheep due to her vampire blood. There is also a scandal that surrounds her, one that the Winterbourne’s have desperately tried to hide. When Feyre was no more than fourteen, she accidentally bit a girl that was being cruel to her. Since Feyre is only 1/4 vampire, the girl was not Turned, but instead suffers from symptoms of vampirism, many of which have entirely incapacitated the girl. To this day, Feyre has lived in shame of ruining someone else’s life, which is why she is not as proud of her heritage like her brother.



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    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce semper efficitur mattis. Nam congue tincidunt massa. In vitae arcu ante. Suspendisse lacus nisi, ultricies facilisis tempor vitae, imperdiet ut mi. Duis iaculis finibus mauris, at volutpat elit consectetur a.
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