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"BEE BOOP BEE BOOP!" A PC began to light up in the corner of the room. "Garr! Garr! Gengar! Gaaaaarr!" The Gengar smirked wildly as he smacked the mouse of the PC. His eyes turned from Mischief to confusion at the sight on the screen. "Gar!" he yelped loudly in the direction of the adjacent room. Flailing excitedly he ran through the wall and almost barked at Morty "Geng!" Morty, currently napping, started to agitate his Gengar, whom retaliated by yanking the blanket away from on top of him.

His haunter began raucously laughing at his trainer and the Gengar. Morty finally woke up in a rush and nearly fell off the bed he was sleeping on. His haunter again began to cackle at his trainers clumsiness, as if almost a call to arms, his second haunter and gastly appeared and joined in the chorus of laughter. "Alright you three, knock it off." He waved his hand as to dismiss them. "Whats wrong Gengar?" The large ghost pokemon pointed back to the room he had entered from. "Gar, gar, gar, geeennngar!" Morty raised an eyebrow. "An...Urgent message? This late?" Gengar nodded and Morty followed him into the next room where his computer was dimly lighting the small area surrounding it.

Morty lightly yawned as he pulled out the chair to his desk and he squinted as he watched the red blinking icon on the monitor of his PC. "Its from....Professor...Wisteria? Hmm...isn't that that New Pokemon Professor?" He sat back in his chair a rubbed the bottom of his chin. "To be honest Gengar, I don't know what she even studies...or how she got my contact information...It was probably Professor Elm.." Morty heard the familiar cackle behind him from his Haunters. Ignoring the inevitable mischief his ghost pokemon were getting in to, he opened up the Message.
"Okay, lets see...."

"Dear Morty,
I'm unsure if you are aware of who I am, but I am Professor Wisteria of Alola. I have been trying to record information on Ghost type Pokemon, however I have been having issues with them not developing correctly in photographs. I'm assuming it is due to the fact that they are in fact Ghost types, however it is slowing my studies of the Pokemon in this region. Any help that you can give me is greatly appreciated. (I reached out to you because of the Sylph Co being close by. Perhaps their research has given more information on the subject of Ghost type photography.)

Thank you,
Professor Wisteria

"Wahahahaha." Morty began laughing loudly at the message. His haunters looked at him with a strange look before also bursting into laughter, unaware of what they were even laughing at. Gengar Gently tugged on his shirt as if looking for an answer. "Oh, basically, Professor Wisteria is having trouble preserving any visual evidence or research involving Ghost types. You guys make everything difficult you know." He threw up his hands in defeat. " Alright, boys its time for bed. Im going to answer this mail then hit the hay again, I expect all four of you to be ready for bed when I get in there!" he warned.


"Dear, Professor Wisteria
" I have to admit, your message made me laugh. Its sometimes painfully obvious when people haven't had enough experience with ghost types. Don't fret though! It'll come in time. I'm afraid to say, however that I don't have a direct solution to your problem. I have an acquaintance who works for Sylph co in The Poke ball, and Seal Division. He was Here for a while learning from Kurt, The pokeball Craftsman. He has a colleague that I know directly works with Photography and Sylphs development administration. I can get in contact with him if you'd like. Also, if you'd like, i am always free to answer any possible you may have, so if you're ever in Ecruteak, or plan on stopping by, there is a ton of things to check out here, research wise. I'm sure you'd love to see our own local Variations of pokemon when visiting. Our Grimers in the burned tower are a lot less...fluorescent...

Best regards, Morty, Gengar, Haunter, Haunter and Gastly

Gastly could be heard making a stressed moaning sound from the next room. "Alright alright, you big baby, Im coming to bed now..." Morty sent the message and headed his way into his bedroom for some well needed sleep..hopefully."


Nova sat back in her chair, deciding to wait for a response. She did not take into account any sort of time zone differences when she sent out the email to Morty, as it was still daylight where she was. The warm sun shone in through the windows. Hyo quietly looked at the professor. "Hyo, I just realized, it's late where he is... perhaps I sent the email too late..." Hyo looked at her questionably. "Prooofessooorr Novvvaaaa~" Her name rang through the house as she was almost jolted out of the swivel chair she was sitting on out of shock. Hyo let out a small chuckle. "Yes, Serea?" A young lady dressed in a bikini and a long sun skirt skidded through the house. "The ocean today! It was so incredible!"


"Ooooo, who you emailing? Is it a pretty boy? Can I see?" Nova looked at the hyperactive girl and chuckled, "No it isn't a so-called "Pretty boy" it is a gym leader from Johto. I asked him a few questions regarding my research with the Ghost type Pokémon. You know, the issue I'm having with taking their photographs." The Professor let out an audible sigh as she spun back around to check her mail. She was surprised that he answered her so quickly. "W-what? He laughed at me... can you guys believe it??" She read over his email, as she was getting more and more excited to possibly travel there. "So, what do you two think about traveling to Johto? We can see some Pokémon, make some new friends? Apparently their Grimers and Muks aren't as vibrant as ours... I'm curious about them. Perhaps we can see a fire type of you Hyo?" Hyo's eyes widened at the thought, and she shook her head. "No, thank you. I barely like the warmth of Alola..." Nova brushed her fears aside. "Well, I think it would be a great idea to travel there. Could you imagine my research? I could see the different Gijinka's of Johto, and maybe even Kalos at some point too. I mean, I can't imagine that Alola is the only place where we have Gijinka."

Nova sat back and started to type up a response:

Send New Email
New Email Received
Re: Johto Photographer?
Thank you for your prompt message. I would love to come and see the different Pokémon of Johto, as I'm sure you are excited to see my Primarina and Alolan Ninetails. I would love to explore the areas where the Grimers and Muks are, not to mention the Raichu's and Raticates. When would we be able to come and visit? There are many things that may help me further my research if you are interested in giving me some pointers on where my next venture could take me. I definitely need to get the photography situation taken care of at least. Once that is complete I will be able to finish some of my research here.

I appreciate all the help you are willing to give me. If you need me to explain anything further, feel free to reach back out to me.

Professor Wisteria

Nova let out a sigh of relief. "Now since that is out of the way, what do you guys want to do? Snow Cones perhaps? The sun is starting to set, and the ocean breeze must feel nice." The two Pokémon nodded happily and walked out of the house, feeling somewhat accomplished for the day.

Where: House ---> Outside
Who: Hyo and Serea
Mood: Content
Thoughts: "
Let's keep hoping for new breakthroughs!"

A few hours had passed between the time Morty had drifted himself off to bed and the time when the morning sun....and his morning Gengar...stirred him awake. The light warmth was streaking through the window and small particles of dust could be seen through its glare. Morty stretched his arms toward the ceiling and looked down to see his four Pokemon sleeping soundly. He squinted a bit to get his eyes to readjusted to the morning light. A swivel of his body left him at the edge of his bed. A yawn started off his journey into the day. The start of his usual routine was interrupted as soon as he began to cross the path of his PC. Once again, the same red notification light was blinking to get someone's attention. "Oh...thats right, Professor Wisteria..."
Morty again pulled out the chair to his desk. He scratched his belly in an unkempt manner before He opened up his response from Wisteria.

"Thank you for your prompt message. I would love to come and see the different Pokemon of Johto, as I'm sure you are excited to see my Primarina and Alolan Ninetails. I would love to explore the areas where the Grimers and Muks are, not to mention the Raichu's and Raticates. When would we be able to come and visit? There are many things that may help me further my research, if you are interested in giving me some pointers on where my next venture could take me. I definitely need to get the photography situation taken care of at least. Once that is complete I will be able to finish some of my research here.

I appreciate all the help you are willing to give me. If you need me to explain anything further, feel free to reach back out to me.

Professor Wisteria"

"Woah, she has two Alolans?" He pondered for a moment about what they could possibly look like and if there was any difference in type. He had only really heard of and been interested in the Alolan Marowak, whom had adapted and transformed itself into a ghost and fire typing. "This is kind of exciting!!" he chirped to himself. Gengar sauntered into the room and yawned while rubbing its eyes, "Gaarr..." Morty swung around and grabbed on to his Pokemon. "We will be having a visitor sometime soon! err. maybe...it depends if she actually wants to show up here.." Gengar shrugged and sluggishly responded with a nod. Morty turned his attention back to the PC and started to type up a reply.

"It would be absolutely incredible to meet your pokemon! Ive never had the pleasure of meeting any Alolans, and the prospect of meeting one is absolutely invigorating. Choose whenever you have the free time to stop by, I'm sure we can iron out further details with Professor Elm. Being a Gym Leader Lets me Choose when I am open and when I'm not, so I can make time for your visit. As for your Ghost type issue, I will reach out to a few of my personal contacts regarding the answers to your questions. I should have any pertinent information transferred to me before you arrive here in Ecruteak. It may be a bit troublesome to track down our Photographer though, he is a bit of a drifter... I have to admit, this is exciting! I cant wait for our meeting and to show you around to all that we have here in beautiful Ecruteak city. Just remember to bring clothes for field work and relaxation. All work and no play makes us dull professionals.

Please mail me your preferred time to visit as per your earliest convenience!

Best regards, Morty, Gengar, Haunter, Haunter and Gastly

"I hope you guys are ready to check out the burned tower!"
He barked behind him in the direction of his Pokemon. All of which seemed to perk up at the sound of "Burned Tower" Most would think that authorities would have torn the old tower down, but it had become a bit of a cultural landmark over time, as well as a refuge for very specific and unique types of Pokemon.


The warm sun spilled into the house as her two Pokémon snoozed close by. Sweet memories of the night before slowly awoke the sleeping Professor. A quick look around, she saw her two Pokémon still asleep, so she figured it would be best to try and get some more work done. As she moved to the lab, the low hum of the computer reminded her of the email that she had sent to the Ghost type leader later the day before, which she decided it would be best to check sooner than later. With a quick shake of the mouse, the screen lit up. "What do you know... he must be an early bird or something." She read over his email, which he seemed excited to meet her, well, her Pokémon more so than herself. 'It looks like we will be traveling shortly. I will need to prep these arrangements, and get Hyo and Serea packed and ready to go. The sooner I get this research started, the sooner I can figure out more about these wonderful Pokémon.'

"Girls! We need to start packing. We are going to be leaving tonight to head to Ecruteak City! I'm not sure how long we will be there for, so pack thinking that we may be there a while." She gave a small smile and a nod, as she heard the Pokémon rustling to wake up. "I should start packing soon before I get too involved with work. Let me let Kukui know real quick that I will be gone for my research, and We should all be good to get going." She took a deep breath in to try and calm her nerves. She had never left Alola before, and she was quite anxious. "Let's hope for good adventures!" She took a moment to respond back to Morty so he could start planning for their arrival.

Send New Email
New Email Received
Re: Johto Photographer?
Dear Morty,

Thank you for your quick replies. I appreciate all that you are doing in helping with my research. I will be leaving shortly since time is money, and I can't waste too much time with specific research funds that have been granted to me. I'm sure Professor Kukui will understand as soon as I let him know. I would also be thrilled to see the other forms of Pokémon in person since I've only seen them through a screen. I wonder if perhaps the Muks are a different texture than the ones here?

I hope to see you soon. We will be leaving later tonight.

Thank you again for all of your help.
-Professor Wisteria

Where: Lab
Who: Hyo and Serea
Mood: Content
Thoughts: "
What new adventures await in Johto"

Morty had spent his morning working in the Ecruteak Gym. Some tough challenges, some easy. Luckily his Pokemon weren't hurt during the day which was always a good thing. Now back at home, he and his Pokemon were enjoying themselves a small respite and a nice , late lunch. His Pokemon sat placidly at the table eating their food, rather quiet in comparison to their normal demeanor. Meal time, was of course the only time his Pokemon ever really behaved themselves. "You guys did a great job today, I'm proud of all of you." He smirked as he shoved a bite full of rice into his mouth.
His Pokemon, especially Gengar took up quite a bit of room at the table, so he was standing while he ate. His Pokemon deserved to relax after their day today anyway. Morty tended to keep himself busy, so a lot of his house was filthy, he didnt often stay home long enough to really give a deep cleaning to put it simply... His PC was once again flashing its notices as he passed "Oh...hey its the Professor." he dropped himself on the chair and opened up the message. His eyes darted from left to right reading his mail.

"Dear Morty,

Thank you for your quick replies. I appreciate all that you are doing in helping with my research. I will be leaving shortly since time is money, and I can't waste too much time with specific researching funds that have been granted to me. I'm sure Professor Kukui will understand as soon as I let him know. I would also be thrilled to see the other forms of the Pokemon in person, since I've only seen them through a screen. I wonder if perhaps the Muks are a different texture than the ones here?

I hope to see you soon. We will be leaving later tonight.

Thank you again for all of your help.
-Professor Wisteria"

Morty took a quick breath in and started hacking on his rice "To-tonight?!!" He followed this with another cough and a spilling of rice on the floor. "So wait, her leaving tonight means, she is leaving in our morning time..." Morty turned back and viewed the unkempt house that he hadn't been managing recently. "Boys, sorry I have to do this, but you've got to help me clean.." All four Pokemon complained loudly between their bites of food. "Quit your bellyaching, we are gonna have a guest." Morty put down his bowl of food and began answering the Professor.

Dear, Professor Wisteria
That sounds great! The quickest way to get to Ecruteak is Via the bullet train, but I don't believe it goes all the way to Alola. So you will have to catch the train after you get to Kalos or Unova. The train will bring you to Goldenrod city Here in Johto, It takes Roughly 5 hours to get to Goldenrod, So ill leave you with my PokeGear Number if you need a direct line to me. Have a safe trip, and see you soon! In Goldenrod!"
PG# 2-M-E-GL-M"

Morty proceeded to send the message then sigh out of slight frustration. "The rice is first, I guess" He mumble to himself and he crouched down to the floor and began to pick up debris.


Morty gave her his Pokégear number. She whipped out her Pokégear and registered his number into hers and sent him a message so he received her number. "Hey, it's Professor Nova! My Pokégear number is 7-N-H/PP-F, if you need anything, feel free to send me a message!" She hit send and started to get her things together. She had a small bag packed with a few changes of clothing, and another bag with her laptop, notebooks, and files. She put her things by the door and shouted back to the girls who were shuffling going through all the things they may need, mostly foods and snacks. "Girls, I will be right back, I need to talk with the Professor. I just want to let him know that we have made contact and have the clear to go!" The girls both answered, "Okay!"

Nova made her way over to the lab. The sun was warm, and it felt like a warm embrace wrapping around her. She took a deep breath into the humid air, wondering how much she was going to miss this. She made the short trek to the lab and walked in. Professor Kukui was in the process of giving the trainers their first Pokémon. The three children's eyes lit up upon seeing the Pokémon that they were able to take. The first child picked the Litten, the second chose the Rowlet, and the third looked disappointed. "Professor Kukui, I didn't want Popplio... I wanted the Rowlet..." Kukui saw Nova in the back and waved her to come forward. "Is there something I can help with?" Professor Kukui nodded over at the sulking boy. Her eyes followed his nod as she saw that he had a Popplio. "Oh, I see. You didn't want that one to start?" The boy nodded to her. "When I was first starting on my journey, I also had my eyes on a different starter, but Popplio and I became friends very quickly. There is just something about the energy that they have that makes traveling with them so much fun! If you love them enough, perhaps you will see how fast you two grow to love one another." She smiled at the boy and tapped the top of his Pokéball. "He's going to be a strong one, I can feel it." The child's eyes grew wide. "Do you really think so, Miss?" Nova shook her head, "I don't think so, I know so." The boy's disappointment soon turned to excitement as he brought out his Pokémon and he started to play with it.

The Pokémon Professor looked back over to Nova. "And what do I owe this pleasure?" Nova smiled at him, "I got in contact with someone who knows someone who can help with our little issue. He did say that his contact is pretty elusive, but it's a start! It looks like my finding will have us being sent to Johto." Kukui nodded. "Very good! While you are there, could I bother you to send back some Pokémon from the Johto region? I would like to study them, especially the other variants, if you can find them that is." Nova nodded. "Of course! I was planning to do that anyhow, I just wanted your permission before we went off, since this isn't a personal trip, I would be needing to use the funds set aside for research." Kukui chuckled, "Well of course. I wasn't going to make you pay for this on your own. This is going to be one expensive trip, I'm sure. However, any personal desires are not to be charged onto the research card." Nova shot him over a look, "You know I wouldn't. Working under you has been the best thing that has happened, and I wouldn't mess that up just for some personal desires... However, if those personal desires get me closer to what I need, can I be reimbursed?" She playfully stuck her tongue out at him, and he shook his head. "We will see." He said with a laugh.

After grabbing what she needed from the lab, Nova went back to her house. "Okay girls, we have everything set and ready to go. I think we should just try and squeeze in a nap. We have a long night ahead of us!" After making sure enough food was packed for everyone, and that all the girls had everything ready to go, she put her head down for a nap...

Where: Home
Who: Hyo and Serea
Mood: Content
Thoughts: "
What new adventures await in Johto"

"Gaaaarrr, Garrrr Garrr!♪" Gengar sang loudly in acapella with one of the Haunters, while washing up the dishes. "Haun, Haun , Hauuuuunnn!♫" The two of them sang in harmony a slightly eerie, but cheerful tune. The sound of the humming filled the house as Haunter quickly dried the dishes after Gengar finished them up in the sink. The other haunter was vacuuming the rug in the living room, as Gastly helped Morty with odds and ends. The vacuum was the only interfering sound with the humming.

While organizing a few odds and ends and paperwork on his desk, His wrist vibrated from receiving a message on the Pokegear. "Oh, right Its Professor Wisteria." He hit a small button with his other wrist, he was a little indisposed with a bottle of cleaner in one hand and a cloth in the other. The button was to face time the recipient. The small screen on the gear fizzled and fuzzed for a second before tuning in to Professor Wisterias disheveled face.

"Oh, Morning there sleepy, did you enjoy your nap? Either you slept or you just walked in from a wind storm. Ahahaha" Gastly floated up behind his head and started laughing along with him. The singing from Haunter and Gengar could still be heard in the background from the kitchen. "Sorry, if i called at a bad time?! I uhh, im a bit busy trying to clean up a bit of a mess..." In the background, Haunter stopped the vacuuming, and gave a wave towards the small screen to Professor Wisteria. "Haun haun!!"

"Haha, as you can see, I told my guys we would be having a guest soon, and they are obviously excited to meet you and your partners! Is there anything else that you needed from me before you head out? All I need from you is an alert of when you are on your way to Johto from Hoenn. If thats alright? "


A vibration started Nova, as she wasn't expecting any sort of phone call, especially not a Facetime request. Her hair was disheveled and she had slight sleepy bags under her eyes, not to mention she just looked a bit groggy. "Laugh it up, chuckles... It is however nice to put a face with whom I've been conversing with." She saw a Haunter in the background happily waving at the small screen of the Pokégear. "Your Haunter is adorable! He seems very happy too! And are you other Pokémon singing back there?" She let out a small laugh. It was adorable to see how happy his Pokémon were. "I see they even enjoy helping you with your chores. I sure hope you aren't cleaning up your place for me? My house is always a mess, when things are too clean, it is quite awkward. Like awkward in the sense that I'm afraid to touch anything, and also, yes I did just wake up from a nap. We are leaving shortly so I just wanted to let you know. We will probably get there early tomorrow morning, but I will be sure to definitely give you a call when we arrive in Hoenn. We will most likely be sleeping on the way, so hopefully, we don't sleep through all the way to Kanto!" She let out a small laugh, realizing how realistic that could actually be. "Perhaps I shouldn't jinx myself into that fate... I can see that happening..." She shook her head to refocus herself, "Sorry about that! Anyways, I'll let you finish cleaning, and I'll be sure to give you a call when we arrive in Hoenn. I'm going to set an alarm to make sure that we don't sleep through the whole train ride." She let out another laugh and waved goodbye to Morty and the Haunter.

Glancing around the room, she nodded knowing the next part of her adventure. "We will be able to figure out why we are having some issues with photographing Ghost types, and we get to explore a new region. I hope you girls are as excited as I am." Nova didn't think that she would be able to sleep on the way there. Her excitement was so overwhelming. Serea and Hyo were a bit confused as to why she was so excited. "Are new areas really that different? Is it really a reason to be excited?" Serea was slowly starting to feed off of her energy. "I mean, I don't care or anything, just curious!" Nova chuckled at the excited Pokémon, "Well you see like I said yesterday, there are different forms of Pokémon there than there are here. Like Hyo for example would be a fire type in Johto, where she is an ice type here." Hyo nodded peacefully. "Oh~ That sounds pretty. Are there others like us there too?" Nova thought for a moment, "You know, Serea, I'm not sure exactly... That's another reason I want to go over there. I want to figure out if there are others like you. I know the first recorded instance of a Gijinka was in Kalos. However, I don't know if there have been any in the other regions I mean, I could only imagine there are, but they may hide it out of fear maybe..." Nova stretched and looked over at her Pokémon, "Well girls, it's time to go!"

Boarding the plane was easy. The girls were resting in their Pokéballs for the journey. The plane ride was fairly smooth, and Nova was able to get a lot of her needed work completed. She had currently been studying Hyo, and why her type had changed to an Ice type from a fire. The extremes were amazing, especially with the fact that most of Alola is a warmer climate. Not only that but why she had become a Gijinka herself. Neither of her Gijinka went back to their original Pokémon forms either, which intrigued her more so. She wondered if they preferred to be in a more human form, or if they were incapable of becoming regular Pokémon again. Of course, she didn't want to ask out of fear that they would think they weren't welcome in their human form. She was going to ask them shortly after hopefully seeing others.

It didn't seem like much time had passed since the plane took off and landed. She let her Pokémon out of their Pokéballs, and both stretched. "I'm sorry if it's still dark out. I don't think we will have much of a view on the bullet train for a while until the sun starts to rise. I would suggest you girls to sleep a bit more on the train, and I'll wake you up when the sun starts to rise." They made their way onto the train, and the girls went back to sleep. Due to the nap that Nova took, she was still wide awake and able to work. She continued to write out reports and fill out questionnaires regarding the Gijinka's. It was boring work, but she didn't mind. She looked over at her sleeping Pokémon. She got Hyo much later than Serea, however, the two of them clicked immediately. Their personalities are so different, but it seems like Serea's upbeat personality helps with Hyo's quietness.

The sun was starting to rise, as she was finishing one of her reports. She closed her laptop lid, rubbing her eyes. She forgot how much it made her eyes sore looking at a computer screen for so long. Nova woke up the two girls, as they stirred ever so slightly. "The sun is rising, look how beautiful it is outside." They were riding through a slightly forested area. All different types of Pokémon were running around and flying. It was such a beautiful sight. Serea was the first to wake up and excitedly look out the window. Hyo sat smiling at the Primarina. "It is quite beautiful. I'm a little upset I wasn't as excited before." Nova smiled at the Ninetales, "I don't blame you, I was a bit scared at first too." Hyo smiled, "You need some rest now too. I will wake you up when we pull into Hoenn." Nova nodded and rested her head back.

A familiar cool touch woke her once more. "We are at Hoenn now. Don't forget to call Marty." Nova laughed, "I won't. Hyo, it's Morty." She chuckled a bit, "I know, I thought you would laugh about the different name is all. I wanted to make sure you would stay awake." Nova smiled at her, "You did it well. I am definitely awake now." She dialed up Morty's number into her Pokégear and waited for him to answer.

Where: Hoenn on the Bullet Train
Who: Hyo and Serea
Mood: Excited
Thoughts: "
What new adventures await in Johto"

Late in the night, Morty had decided put his haunters and Gastly in their pokeballs. Since they were a bit more troublesome than Gengar it was a precaution as to not be late. The worst thing he could was to make a fool of himself by being late to something along the lines of a professional meeting of sorts. His Pokegear was on his end table and began to vibrate intensely. It woke up Gengar first who rubbed his eyes slowly as he stirred to investigate the sound of the grating noise. "Garr..." He mumble as he tugged on Morty's shirt in an attempt to wake him.

"Mmm....mm whats wrong geng?" Morty rolled over to his Pokemon. The bright light made his eyes widen.. "Oh, that's right, The Professor..." He mumbled to himself lightly. Clicking on the pokegear, the visage of the professor once again fizzled into view. Now the tables being turned, Morty answered the phone call from Wisteria. "Morniaaaaannnng." A loud yawn interrupted his good morning to her. and he shook his head to get his bearings. "Sorry about that, Good morning professor. " Morty and his Gengar were now rubbing their eyes in unison.
He stood up and stretched after he said his good morning to the Professor.

"Its early in the morning so you shouldn't have too big of a crowd to contend with when you get to Goldenrod. Just in the Off chance I am late, and don't worry, I don't plan to be! If you have your Alolans with you, try to keep them in their pokeballs, unless you plan to draw a lot of attention to yourself. They aren't something often seen here, so they will definitely catch the eyes of the the shady type." He spoke with a finger in the Air as a matter of factly. That wasnt necessarily an empty worry. Goldenrod being a large city has no shortage of "shady types"

"So, Professor, Ill be heading out to Goldenrod shortly. I should be on time, I will wait right in the Bullet Train Terminal. As for your research, I was transferred Most Information late last night, so we can check all of that out after we get back here to Ecruteak. Your photographer though...he is proving to be a bit elusive as i had suspected he would be...we will keep trying though! Well, hey, im gonna head out of I am going to be on time like promised. See you shortly!" Morty abruptly dropped the call and packed a small travel bag for his journey.

A light cool Morning breeze blew across the empty morning street of the Ecruteak downtown. The smell of Autumn was always strong in Ecruteak city. It was one of the many things that Morty had Fallen in love within this town after he took over the position of Gym Leader some years ago. He more or less had a love for the simpler things , but it was a huge cultural and historical city and most people came for that historical tourism.


The train ride when by fairly quickly from the Hoenn region to the Johto region. Nova looked over to her Pokémon and said quietly to them, "When we get close to the station, I'm going to have to put you guys in your Pokéballs. Morty told me that there can be some shady people that may want to try and steal you." Serea let out an audible gasp. "Why would someone try and do such a thing? They can't seriously think that we would listen to them either..." Nova shook her head, "You see, it's not a matter of them expecting you to listen, it's more so that they could sell you to terrible people that want to do experiments on you. Especially because of how special you two are, I couldn't risk it." Hyo continued to stare out of the window for the majority of the conversation, she knew it would be safer, at least for her since she prefers to have her tails and ears out. Not to mention the white hair that could attract unwanted attention. "Regardless, Morty told me that he would be meeting us as soon as we get there as long as he isn't late, so you two shouldn't be in your Pokéballs for too long." The girls nodded in understanding and awaited their train stop.

~Now Arriving in Goldenrod City. We Thank You for Riding With Us. Please Make Sure That You Have Grabbed All of Your Baggage or Carry On Items.~

By the time the train stopped moving, the Pokémon were already into their Pokéballs. She kept them in her shoulder bag so they will be as close as possible to her at all times. After what Morty had said to her, she was quite nervous. She stepped off the train and started to look around for the blond-haired man she saw through her Pokégear. "I should've made a sign so he can find me easier..." She wasn't sure if she should try to move about, or stay in the same spot. She started to wonder if maybe his train was late.

Where: Goldenrod Bullet Train Station
Who: Hyo and Serea
Mood: Nervous
Thoughts: "
Hopefully Morty will be here soon..."

The Journey from Ecruteak to Goldenrod was long for some, but it was a trip Morty was comfortable with due to the amount of time he had made the Journey to and from. Ecruteak was more of a traditional styled town, it has its own entertainment and so on, but the difference between the two was vast. Goldenrod was the largest city in Johto, so it was a hub for unique things. There were plenty of times where people from Ecruteak and many others from other cities had to travel to Goldenrod for specialty items and things of the sort.

Years ago, the radio tower in Goldenrod was even the scene for a Pokemon terrorist plot from team rocket. It was definitely an interesting time for Gym leaders too. Most were tasked with strictly staying to their home towns in order to protect people and Pokemon from any extension of Team Rockets influence. There was only on small instance of a upheaval in Ecruteak. Mahogany seemed to have the second worst of it. There has been a relatively generous period of respite from any craziness however.

It had been a long time since Morty had made this Trek. The routes leading to Goldenrod is actually where he caught his Gengar. Reminiscing about the fact, he let the Pokemon out of his pokeballs. The Pokemon flashed out of the ball in a bright light and "garred" happily. "Hey, gar. you remember this?" Morty pointed over at a small clearing within the length of the trail. "This is where we met when you were just a Gastly."

His Pokemon looked at the clearing and seemed to be lost in thought. "Garr....." Th Gengar looked up at him and smiled brightly almost as if he told a bad joke and he chuckled. Morty bent down to his level. "Oh yeah? you think its funny do you?! It was my first time out here alone and you decide you're gonna follow me and scare the crap out of me!" He poked the Pokémon's stomach. "Garahahhaha!" The Gengar held his belly as he laughed at Morty again. Morty couldn't help but smirk at his longest friend, he also rolled his eyes in a dismissive way. Gengar came to a faded out laugh and held its stomach a bit before wincing in what looked to be pain. "Gaa..." It moaned lightly and looked up at Morty with concerned eyes.

"Hey, hey, hey whats wrong?" He chirped. He bent down to the Pokemon and put a comforting hand on its arm, "Gengar, are you okay?" The Pokemon panted once again and nodded before perking itself up. "Okay, okay.. lets take a slow walk the rest of the way. " He gave the Pokemon a pat on the back and they headed on their way.

Unfortunately, now they were a little late, but Morty knows himself well enough to have given the Professor fair warning of a possible delay. It was early in the morning, but Goldenrod was already bustling with people as he made his way past a large group at the entrance of the Bullet train terminal. he trotted through the entrance. "Come on Gengar!" he spoke up as they found there way to another exiting train.

Morty scanned the area around him and finally found a familiar face looking out of sorts. "Professor!" He yelled from a distance. "Gar garrrr!" Gengar waved in the direction of Professor Wisteria. Morty made a semi trot over to her. "Sorry for being a moment late...Gengar and i got a little caught up..." He sighed heavily as a sort of unspoken apology. "Ah! this is Gengar! Hes been super excited to meet you!" Gengar extended a small ghostly hand for a hand shake. "Gar!"


The professor was starting to get anxious waiting for Morty to arrive. It wasn't that he was extremely late or anything, but what he had said about others possibly wanting her Pokémon worried her a bit. Nova was longing to see a somewhat familiar face in the slowly crowding terminal. She was thinking back to when she put her Pokémon in their Pokéballs and if maybe someone may have noticed that they weren't quite... your normal Pokémon. Anxiety was starting to build up the more she thought about it, but before she knew it, she heard a voice call out for her. "Professor! Sorry for being a moment late...Gengar and I got a little caught up..." The Gengar chimed in with his quips along with his trainer.

A huge wave of relief washed over her as she let out a breath she didn't even realize she was holding in. "Oh, am I glad to see you guys, I was just starting to get anxious while waiting here. I thought you told me to be wary about keeping my Pokémon out?" She asked him quietly, noting the fact that his Pokémon was waiting for her handshake. She bent over and gave the large Ghost type a handshake, which seemed to please the excitable Pokémon. "He seems to be quite the handful, how can you keep up with him?" Nova thought back to Serea, and how excited she would be to see his Gengar. "Perhaps we can make our way to Ecruteak City? I'm sure my Pokémon are anxious to get out of their Pokéballs, especially since they can meet this handsome devil." Nova joked with his Gengar a bit.

Nova began to move out of the station with the crowd while still trying to hold a conversation, "So were you able to get in contact with the one person you think could help me out, or is he still being as elusive as a legendary?" She grabbed a map from one of the small kiosk stands and was trying to figure out where she was and where to go. "I mean, I'm not in too much of a rush at the moment, because Kukui wanted me to study as many Pokémon as I could here." Within moments, her stomach let out a large grumble. "Perhaps food first?" She let out a nervous laugh and thought about when she should bring her Pokémon out. "Do you think I should be fine to bring my Pokémon out too? I'm sure they are starving." Nova rustled in her bag to find her Pokémon while wondering what there could be to sate her appetite.

Where: Goldenrod Bullet Train Station
Who: Morty, Gengar, Hyo, and Serea
Mood: Hungry
Thoughts: "
I'm starving..."

Morty raised a finger in the air as a notion of response. "Well, its pretty much a precautionary measure. Even if you had you Pokemon out and you could protect yourself, if you can avoid the situation entirely, its much better. and seeing as how your Pokemon may cause an initial...errr stir... that has the potential to draw more unwanted attention than you bargained for." Gengar cooed happily in her direction after she gave him a handshake. the grin on his face matched the cooing sound he spat out. "I'm fairly well known around here, due to my work with Whitney, so if anyone was planning anything they will at least think twice with bothering you now." Morty smiled brightly at his answer.

Upon her question of their research contact, The smile turned slightly to a frown. Morty didn't have as much luck on the subject as he was aiming for by the time she had arrived. Nieph was, as usual...proving to be quite the difficult quarry. "Err, well...lets see Ive still been keeping contact with Kojuro ...Oh, that is my contact in Sylph Co., by the way. He has been having trouble getting in contact with Our Photographer, Nieph Eishin. I have a small file with Nieph's contact information, so you can try to contact him yourself, but usually he goes on stints of isolation. So that is sort of leaving our boat in dead waters."

Morty stood in the center of the terminal and ran a hand through his hair. Just a bit of body language signifying his disappointment and frustration with the situation. The sound of the bullet train screeching and making its rhythmic clacking finally faded out of earshot, leaving the mottled sounds of rushing footsteps and chatter throughout the station. This semi silence was met with an apology. "Im sorry if this is troublesome for you..." He sighed heavily. "But lets not try to get caught up in the possible delay. We can take the trip back to Ecruteak, get settled in and decide from there, does that sound like a plan, Professor?" Morty extended a hand to her as an offer of carrying her things. "I can take those for you if you'd like, professor?" It was half a question and half a statement.

Gengar listened intently at the conversation between the two. He reacted according to Morty's own demeanor. Concerned when he needed to be, lackadaisical he needed to be, so on and so forth. It was surprising to see the synchronicity between the Gym leader and his Pokemon, but their bind was evident nonetheless. The Pokemon and the two garnered a few looks from passers by. Some of awe, some of fear or worry, but it was typical of people. The large ghost type put its hand out, mimicking that of his trainer.
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The Professor took note of what he was saying. She also took notice of his Gengar's reactions to everything he was doing. 'He seems very close to his Pokémon Does that mean that emotional connections aren't what cause Pokémon to turn into Gijinka's?...' Morty's question about her back snapped her back into reality. "Oh, you really don't have to... I mean, my Po... I packed a lot for my Pokémon, but you don't have to worry yourself with taking these things." Nova started walking with Morty to leave town. "After we get far enough away, I'm sure they can carry their own luggage. Please don't feel the need to grab it for me or for them." She wanted to make sure she didn't forget to study the relationship between him and his Gengar. 'They are so close... It's amazing that the Gengar is still in his Pokémon form.' Nova looked around her and noticed that all the Pokémon that were out were also still in their Pokémon forms. 'I know they aren't common, but there are still plenty of Gijinka around to be noticeable in Alola.' She took out a small notepad and scribbled down some notes.

Once outside of the city, Nova looked over to Morty. "I am going to assume that you have never seen Pokémon like mine before... or maybe in Documentaries you may have, but not in person. Please don't feel awkward around them. They can tell." Nova opened her bag, pulled out two Pokéballs, and released her Pokémon. "Serea, Hyo, this is Morty." The Primarina excitedly leaped over to the Gengar. "Oh~ You are so cute!" Hyo quietly nodded to Morty, acknowledging the Professors introduction. "These are my Pokémon." Serea nodded excitedly. "Yes, we are~ Your Gengar is so happy! You must feed him good food!" The professor shot Serea a small glance, as Serea quieted herself down. "She can talk for days if you let her." Nova let out a laugh realizing that what she said was not an exaggeration at all. "Have you seen Gijinka before, Morty?" Nova was curious and wanted to take note, so she can send what she has found so far over to Kukui.

Where: Route 35
Who: Morty, Gengar, Hyo, and Serea
Mood: Hungry
Thoughts: "
I'm starving..."

Morty and his Gengar listened intently to what the Professor was saying. "They carry their own huh?" he thought to himself. He smirked a bit and thought about the fact that Gengar will let something phase through him if he doesn't feel like holding it. He stopped in his tracks when she mentioned that he probably hadn't seen Pokemon like hers. "Wha?" He answered under his breath. His eyes widened and his jaw slightly dropped when her Pokemon emerged from her pokeballs. He had to double take at what he was seeing...and what he was hearing...

He leapt forward to The Pokemon She called Hyo. "ARE THEY REALLY GIJI?!" he asked excitedly. He lightly poked the left arm of what what really a transformed Pokemon. "Ohhh wow, this is incredible... I've only heard small reports of Gijinka, but haven't heard of any case here in Johto itself. " Morty then felt a cool drop from the Pokemon, as he felt the lining of her long sleeves. "Oh! Hyo must be the Gijinka of an Alolan Ninetales! So pretty, I'm totally enamored...this is unbelievable." he examined the Pokemon closely for another few moments. Gengar an the other looked up at the face of the Primarina in total awe. "Garr...?" The Gengar leaned forward to Sarea and sniffed the air around her. "Gar?!"[/b] He looked shocked and proceeded to sniff her again. He turned to Morty and yelping excitedly. "Gar, Gar, Gar, Gar, Gen, Gar, Gengar, geng!" he was pointing to the Primarina as he uttered his line of questioning to his Pokemon trainer.

Morty peeked out from behind Hyo and looked at Gengar. "Hey, hey! its alright! its alright!"[/color] Morty ran back over to his Pokemon and gave him a rough pet on the head. "Its alright, I promise..." The Gengar responded again with a heightened concern that Morty was feeding him lies. "Gar! gar, Gengar!" the Pokemon stomped for a second and looked at him with a pouting face. "Yes, I am telling you the truth. I know they don't look like Pokemon, but they really are. They are very special Pokemon from far away." Morty was kneeling down to his Pokemon at this point to try and comfort him and show him he was being truthful. Gengar turned back to Sarea and looked her over again before smelling the air once more. The Pokemon stepped up to the Primarina and poked her bare belly.

Morty watched in horror as his Gengar invaded the personal space of the water type Pokemon. He tried to stop him but he was more or less afraid of Professor Wisteria or her other Pokemon reacting badly to the situation. "G..." was all he could mutter before the Pokemon started to poke and prod the water type for confirmation of it being a Pokemon like Morty had mentioned. Morty head creaked his view off to the left to get an idea of Wisterias possible mood based on her reaction. No ghost Pokemon pun truly intended, but this was slowly becoming a nightmare...


The professor saw Morty and his Gengar's excitement over the Gijinka's in front of them. "Yup, they are real!" Hyo felt a small poke on her arm, and she blushed lightly. "H-hey..." She was a bit taken back Morty touching her unexpectedly as she pulled away from the gym leader in front of her. "Hyo, it's fine. He is just curious is all. This is the first time that they have ever seen Pokémon that look like this." Hyo nodded and did a little pose, showing off her nine tails. A small blush and smile remained on her face as she did so. Nova let out a chuckle at how playful Hyo was being. She was happy that Hyo was doing her best to be open with someone being so interested in her. Usually she would shy away or become agitated. Serea was giggling at Gengar's reaction to her. Serea's cheeks started to puff up a bit, filling them with water. She aimed her face at the Gengar and sent a water gun in between his eyes in attempt to be playful after the Gengar poked her belly. "You are sooo adorable!" Serea grabbed at his cheeks, pulling them all sorts of ways.

Nova was gleaming at her Pokémon's reactions to the gym leader and his Pokémon. Nova looked back to Morty who seemed terrified of his Gengar's reaction to the Gijinka. "Relax! It's okay, my girls can stand up for themselves. Please don't worry too much about them." Nova enjoyed watching them play together. Her Pokémon loved playing with the others in Alola, and she was happy to see that they were warming up quickly to the Pokémon in Johto. "When we get to town, I would gladly take Nieph's information by the way. I have a few idea's on how to get him out of hiding. I'm hoping it won't take too long..."

While the two were talking, Hyo made her way over to the Gengar as well, and gave him a small poke. The two Gijinka's started to chuckle a bit while playing around with Gengar. "Hyo! Freeze him!" Hyo let out a small laugh, "I... I suppose I can try..." Nova overheard the two talking, "Serea, Hyo, stop scheming! Be nice to him." The two girls looked at Nova apologetically. "Okay, we will play nice!" Nova looked over at Morty, "I'm sorry about that. I just want them to play nicely. I'm sure Gengar can handle the two of them on his own, but they can play rough sometimes." The girls loved playing with other Pokémon, and they would always have play dates in Alola. "I'm glad they are all getting along. I was kinda worried about how they would be. Hyo seems happy too, I was mostly worried about her." Nova smiled while watching them play a bit.

After some time passed for the Pokémon to get to know each other, Nova was ready to start their journey. "Come on guys, it's time for us to keep moving along. We have a lot of walking ahead of us!" Hyo was the first to start moving, and swiftly after Serea caught up. "Will we be able to take the pictures of the Ghostly Gijinka's when we are done here? So spooOOOoookkkyyy!~" Nova let out a laugh. She wasn't expecting her Pokémon to say that. "I sure hope we can! That's why we are doing this quest after all!" The Professor patted Serea lightly on the head. The word quest made Serea happy. It made her feel like she was a main character in a video game. She was beaming with excitement wondering what new faces and friends she will meet along the way. Hyo gave a small smile at her excitement. The Ninetales wouldn't show it, but she was quite excited too.


"Hmm, multiple Gijinka's in this area. Very rare. I'll have to keep an eye out for this group."

Where: Route 35
Who: Morty, Gengar, Hyo, and Serea
Mood: Hungry
Thoughts: "
I'm starving..."
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Gengar was rather flustered by the whole chain of events. Most points he was totally unsure of what to do. The fact that they closely resembled humans threw the poor pokemon off quite a bit. They were playing like pokemon, but they didn't seem one hundred percent like pokemon to Gengar. The ghost type took a while to adjust to the two of them before finally letting loose and playing along. His natural playful and mischievous demeanor had begun to shine through and made the whole situation feel more natural. Morty, finally sighed in relief once the tension had dissipated.

"I'm sure they could handle themselves no problem." He dismissed the comment with a wave. "I was just more concerned about the way Gengar was acting. I didn't want him to come across as standoffish or rude. I did'nt teach him that way." Morty responded to the Professor as they slowly walked along Route Thirty Five. "Ah, since its morning time, I think it would be nice to stop at the National park on the way, if you don't mind taking a small respite. I'm sure the pokemon would enjoy the scenery as well. It will give My Haunter and Gastly a chance to stretch their legs...well their hands and uhh..whatever you'd like to say Gastly would stretch." he chuckled sheepishly at his own comment and once again spoke up. "The National Park is the connection between Route Thirty Five and Route Thirty Seven. And we take Thirty Seven to Ecruteak. Whether or not we take a moment there is completely up to you. I would hope you're not an "All work, no play" Type of girl."

Gengar waddled along behind Morty and the Professor, while still within the range of Sarea and Hyo. A somewhat cross look occasionally found its way stretched across his lavender colored face. His large eyes were darting back and forth between Morty and the Professor and the two Gijinka close by. "Gar, Genga..." He murmured to himself lightly. The Pokemon, now getting lost in thought fell behind by a few paces and shook his head clear before trotting back up to his previous place,

"Absolutely, I can give you all the information you need once we Get settled in to Ecruteak, I do really have to warn you though, Nieph is a bit of a hard head. As stubborn as a Tauros, when he has something he is trying to accomplish. If you're super lucky, you may be able to get him when hes in a simple mood and he has nothing else acting as his muse. Albeit, as I've mentioned, Both Myself and my colleague Kojuro have not had any luck with contacting him in the past day or so. I'm afraid to say I don't know how long he will plan to be elusive like this either." A sharp look of familiar defeat started to hang over Morty. He knew Nieph too well to know just how long one of his "No contact with anyone" stints could be. It was quite troublesome, but in terms of pokemon photography, he was the best around. His skill came with the price of scarcity.

One of The professors pokemon mentioned taking photos of ghost type Gijinka. Even though Nieph was a great photographer, Morty wasn't sure if there was a difference when taking pictures of pokemon in their natural forms, or in their Gijinka. The whole art form was completely above him. It just wasn't quite his forte. He liked photos and pictures, but Arceus be damned if he could take a good picture himself. Morty held a hand to his chin as they walked. "I wonder if Nieph has photographed any Gijinka before.." He rubbed his chin more. "I'm sure regardless of his experience with it, he wouldn't dismiss an opportunity to do a shoot of your pokemon, Professor. Gijinka themselves are quite uncommon, so that begs the question of how uncommon specific Gijinka types are. " Gijinka themselves were rather newer in terms of when they appeared. There had been instances of gijinka in almost all other regions he had heard of....but Johto was not one of them. To his knowledge there was no record of a Gijinka transformation based in This region. "Ill have to ask the professor if she has heard anything about that that at some point."
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Morty was talking about how he was afraid that his Gengar could be a bit standoffish at first, but Nova dismissed it. "Don't worry about it. My girls can easily come off aggressive, so I really don't blame him." Her stomach let out a not-so-quiet growl, as she started to gently rub her hungry stomach. "I don't mind going to the park, but please tell me there is somewhere to eat somewhere near by? I think I may implode..." Nova honestly couldn't wait for some food, especially something different that she may not have tried yet. She didn't pack any food for herself for the trip, and she was deeply regretting not including any snacks in her arsenal. "I really don't mind checking out the scenes though. Especially going through the National Park. I would love to see the different types of Pokémon." A small gasp came from behind them, "You aren't thinking of replacing us, are you?" Nova started laughing, "Of course not! Why would I replace you guys? Plus, I'm only carrying you two technically, so I can still have 4 more with me, without having to deal with any issues traveling." The Primarina felt as if her heart could break, of course it was complete drama. "Serea, I'm pretty sure she won't abandon us..." Hyo spoke up in her quiet manor. Serea placed a hand on the Ninetales shoulder, "You just always have to be sure." Hyo let out a small laugh, "You guys have been friends forever, Nova will never leave you." Hyo smiled sweetly to the Primarina.

Nova shook her head from the Pokemon's banter behind them. "Who knew that they worried so much? Before Hyo became a Gijinka, I was able to communicate with her, and see her worries, but when they actually vocalize them like so, you really get to see that it is completely unconditional love that they give you." Nova continued to smile while talking about her Pokemon. "It was the same with Serea. She was my first Pokemon I ever had. When I was young I never really realized how afraid she may have been for me to leave her in her Pokeball for too long, or if I didn't send her out often. After she changed, it was a nice eye opener. When you're young, you don't really think about those kind of things, how much they can miss you." She looked over to his Gengar, "You two have been together long enough I'm sure that you don't need him to tell you how he is. After a while I'm sure you can just look at him and know how he feels." Nova was glad that she made this her life. She loved Pokemon and being able to study their antics and what makes them who they are.

The Professor was listening to what he was saying regarding Nieph. "Hmm... perhaps my first idea won't be enough..." She was originally just going to try and get him to come out with free food, but after Morty was talking more about him, she didn't think that food was enough to entice him. "I do wonder if he will come out just to help me. I mean, if he has seen Gijinka before and photographed them, then I'm just another bother to him." She was really becoming afraid that he may not even want to help her out. Hyo gently placed a hand on her shoulder to try and calm the Professor down. "Don't worry, I'm sure that even if he has seen Gijinka, he hasn't seen Alolan Gijinka." Serea agreed whole heartily, "Yes! It's not every day you see a Primarina, let alone a Primarina like me!~" Serea circled quickly around them as if she was floating on air. "I think we will like him. He seems like fun!~" The Pokemon were extremely excited to meet Nieph... Hopefully...

Where: Route 35
Who: Morty, Gengar, Hyo, and Serea
Mood: Hungry
Thoughts: "
I'm starving..."

Morty immediately spoke up in response. "He may have actually seen an Alolan Gijinka before." He didn't entirely mean to burst the bubble of the water pokemon, but he felt it was better to let them know of all possibilities before hand. "I know he has a few pokemon, I've only ever met one of them though, which is an Alolan native. He has an Oricorio in the Sensu style." Morty was remembering fondly when he met the pokemon. "Sensu was the typing that the pokemon seemed to like the best, so as far as i know he stuck with it." Oricorio was a unique pokemon that could change its secondary typing based upon the type of nectar it had eaten.

"Speaking of eating, Professor, there is no need to worry about food. There are always lots of vendors set up at the entrance to the park, so I am sure you will find something suitable of pleasing your palette. There is a good mix of things to choose from as well. You have a lot of flavor melding from these routes basically being a crossroad between, Goldenrod, Ecruteak, and Violet City. From my experience, something traditional from Violet or Ecruteak, seasoned with the flashy, progressive, artistic style of Goldenrod cuisine, usually set offs sparks with your taste buds." Morty and his Gengar were secretly closet foodies. This was drastically apparent whenever he began to talk about it. Gengar's eyes started to roll up slightly and he began to lightly drool at the description Morty was giving of the park vendors.

Morty now addressed the statement of himself and his Gengar. "Yeah, Gengar here was my first pokemon. We actually met up ahead, along Route Thirty Six. It was what seems like ages ago now, right buddy?" He looked back to his pokemon that was still trailing behind, and it yipped in response with its usual sardonic smile. "Gar!" "I was en Route to Goldenrod and it was just past sundown when this guy here decided he was going to start playing pranks on me." He pointed a finger at Gengar and the pokemon looked away shyly. "He had apparently used hypnosis on me and i was walking in a circle for quite a while before I had realized that something was wrong." Morty shrugged. "It was definitely the best prank i could have hoped for though, otherwise i would never have met him. " The Gym Leader chuckled "He did not notice that i had figured out what was happening, and i heard him laughing raucously from a small clearing in the trees nearby."

The Gengar giggled a bit mischievously at the story Morty was telling the Professor and her pokemon. It seemed the ghost type had fond memories of the day as well. It couldnt be argued that there was something different about the meeting. It seemed to be that it was fated. Morty always felt that it was his strange character that synced well with Gengar way back when. "He was laughing so hard at me that he didn't notice me creep up to him. I said something to the extent of "Hey whats the big idea, you little jerk." and we both proceeded to laugh." Morty shrugged again. "The rest was basically history. Gastly followed me along my trek to Goldenrod. When we got in to town, people were really scared of him. It really upset him, he didnt understand why humans were so afraid. I have to admit, I was afraid when I first found out a Gastly was teasing me, but as time went on, i realized he was just a normal Pokemon."

Gengar, hearing the regaled story of their meeting, ran up to Morty and hugged his side. "We spent a few hours in Goldenrod that night, we ate and had fun." He answered as he pet the head of the clinging Gengar. The Pokemons affection caused him to stop his advancement. "I know buddy, I love you too." The pokemon now lightly sobbing looked back to Hyo and Sarea, then back to Morty. "Gar..." Morty patted his pokemons head. "Alright, alright. So full of emotion today." He laughed as he spoke. He stepped forward to begin their journey once again.

*** "Did you hear, Morty was in town with his Gengar." *** "You know... I never knew why anyone would like ghost type Pokemon... they are always causing trouble and scaring people away..." *** "You are only upset about them cause Morty's Pokemon destroyed you in battle!" *** "Whatever man, Ghost types are whack anyway..." *** "Wasn't that chick he was with a Professor from Alola? What do you think she is here for?" *** "Dunno, but she sure was cute."

Whitney's eyes widened. "He didn't even tell me he was going to be in town! What a little jerk... I'm going to find him and give him a piece of my mind..."

~Sometime Later~

"Oh no, I'm such a dunce... I kept taking the wrong exit in the arcade, and I missed Morty." Whitney ran through the town exit towards Ecruteak City, in hopes to catch up to the Gym Leader. The pink haired girl rushed down route 35, hoping that she didn't miss him, and he's already back at the Gym. It has been a while since she had even seen Morty, and she heard that he was showing an Alolan Professor around. "I wonder if she has cutie Alolan Pokemon!" Whitney was getting herself more and more excited to catch up to the leader and the professor.

Thankfully for Whitney, the Routes are rather straight forward so she didn't manage to get lost as much as she was expecting to. She soon saw a group of people, and Morty along with his Gengar. "Strange... I could've sworn people just mentioned the Professor he was with." The one girl seemed to only be wearing what looked to be a bathing suit, where the other girl was wearing a tradition kimono with appeared to be cosplay tails. "Super strange... perhaps he's just being a bleeding heart and showing a few tourist around..."

Whitney made her way over to them, "Hey! Morty! Why didn't you tell me that you were going to be going to Goldenrod! We could've met up and gotten a snack or something." Her eyes narrowed as she spoke, trying to show that she meant business. Remembering what she heard, she turned to the woman who appeared to be the Professor. "Hello! Nice to meet you, I'm Whitney, the Gym Leader at Goldenrod City, I didn't mean to interrupt anything by the way. I was just curious about who you were, especially since you have been the talk of the town once you came." It was quick for word to get out about someone's arrival in the City. Especially if it is someone of interest​


Nova's eyes lit up. The Oricorio were always interesting Pokemon to her due to their diets and what they actually enjoy eating. "Did you know that there are some trainers who force their Oricorio's to have certain diets even though they don't particularly like the taste of the nectar? They always upset me whenever I would hear of those instances. I'm glad he allowed his Oricorio to indulge in its favorite nectar!" She smiled at the thought and her past teachings and studies. "I actually used to study them greatly when I first got out of school. The change in their types made them easy to study. Especially since my studies have moved onto the Pokemon changing to Gijinka." There was still a lot that she had to learn about the Pokemon world, but everywhere she turned there was one more incredible thing after another.

Morty informed her that there was in fact food at the entrances and exits of the National Park. "Yes! I can't wait to feast! What would you suggest as something to eat? I've always wanted to try new local foods." She thought about all of the different types of flavors and tastes of the food as he was describing them. The fusion food did sound quite delectable, even to the point of the Gengar drooling. "You two sure love food, don't you?" She was down playing how much she and her Poke's enjoyed food, until Serea spoke up, "You make it sound like your stomach hasn't been yearning for sustenance since we got off the plane..." The Professor nodded, "You caught me, I've been starving for a while."

The conversation changed to when Morty first met his Gengar, at the time, Gastly. She would be lying if she said that the story didn't make her tear up a bit. The way that he described their friendship reminded her of when she and Serea met and became best friends. At the time though, Serea wasn't very troublesome, nor really a prankster, but not many people liked her from the way she looked. Not realizing that she would evolve to be a beautiful Pokémon inside and out. The love that the two showed was amazing. "I'm sure you are a tough leader to beat. Your bond with your Pokémon is unbreakable." A thought quickly came to the professor. "I suppose love and trust isn't what causes these form changes..."

The thought was quickly replace from what sounded like a girl trying to get Morty's attention from behind them. "Umm..." The girl quickly caught up and introduced herself. "Oh! My apologies! I'm Professor Wisteria. I'm here to do some research on Ghost type Pokemon as well as Ghost type photography." She felt a bit embarrassed that she became the talk of the town. "I don't know how to feel about people talking about me..." Her face lit up with a light hue of pink at the thought of her new found, possible, popularity.

Where: Route 35
Who: Morty, Whitney, Gengar, Hyo, and Serea
Mood: Hungry
Thoughts: "
I'm starving..."

A Team of Thieves
By ~ Alexa Pavio

Calling all Pokémon Trainers in the Johto region! Be on the lookout for a group of rogue Trainers that have been going by Team Rocket. Now that's a name we haven't heard in quite some time. Sources believe that after the group parted ways in Kanto, there has been a slight resurgence. These Trainers do not play games. Be careful of your Pokémon around them as they have no qualms about Pokémon theft. Most will use brunt force to get what they desire. We ask that you do not seek these rogue trainers out as they are very experienced, and they will not only harm Pokémon, but trainers alike.

We spoke with a young bug catcher by the name of Don, and this is what he had to say about his experience with them, "Out of nowhere they ambushed me and stole one of my Caterpies! I didn't even have a chance to fend them off. I hope my little buddy is okay..."

We also had a word with Youngster Joey as well, and this is what he had to say, "They didn't get a chance to steal my Rattata! I have a feisty little friend here that chased them off!" It certainly looks like nothing is stopping that Youngster in his tracks!

Sources have told us that they are after rare, or potentially rare Pokémon. We suggest keeping all Pokémon in their Pokéballs at the moment and if possible, traveling in a group. We spoke with an Officer Jenny and she offered the advice of staying on the main routes and not going off the trail. They found that the Rocket members usually have been staying off the main roads to not attract attention. If you happen to come across a Rocket member, please be sure to let your local police force know as soon as possible. Be sure to try and remember where on the route they approached you, and if they stole any Pokémon please report it.

For those outside of Johto, there has been an influx of Team Flare in the Kalos region. Please follow the same advice as stated above.

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