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Fantasy [Private] The Adventures of Maeja and Roland


Hans Johann

Resident Druid
Rain fell from the darkened sky in thick, fat drops. It wasn't a heavy rain, or a violent rain, just slow, and steady.
In a clearing, deep in the Zelenya forest, not far from the village of Osterlandsk, two hooded figures stood cloaked in garb made of waterproof leaves around a ritual circle. Dense wisps of steam danced and rose from the runes etched in the ground around the circle, and in it's center, prone and motionless, lay a small humanoid figure made of plant growth. A vine Leshy.
Hours before, an elf woman had teleported on the outskirts of Osterlandsk. Some of the villagers were hesitant to let the elf into the town and approached with weapons raised should she be a foe. However, she spoke to them in the Forean tongue. This was not a language that was well known. She had asked for, Viisas, the high priestess, by name, which was also very surprising to the townsfolk. Nevertheless, The elf was taken into the center of town, at the base of the central Amma Tree and left to wait as Viisas was sent word of the unusual visitor.
When the High priestess emerged, a look of shock and gladness spread across her face at the sight of the elf woman.
"Why Scarlet, You haven't aged a day!"
The elf, Scarlet, looked back at shorter woman and bowed respectfully, "It has been some time, hasn't it Teacher? I do not mean to be forward and informal, but time is very short and I request a favor."
"What could be so important, that you don't have time to rest and talk with me. You were always so impatient as a student as well."
"My life seems to be in danger, but more importantly, the strings of HIS fate," and with this, Scarlet produced a bloody strip of fabric with a single human finger within, "are about to be cut short. We must act if he is to fulfill his destiny."
"Oh my, you certainly have gotten yourself deep this time, haven't you. Very well. Consider this my last favor to you. The ritual for reincarnation is very extensive one, and the elements I need are rare. But I trust," and with this she gave Scarlet a stern eye, "that you have assessed the situation appropriately." Her eyebrows rose as she gave a wry smirk.
Scarlet bowed even deeper this time as she replied, "I thank you teacher, this means much to me! I feel that I am now in your debt, but I cannot stay. If I do not hurry back, things will only get worse for me!"
Viisas sighed deeply, a look of consternation on her face. "You there," Viisas said as she pointed at one of the onlookers observing the unfolding scene, but never taking her attention away from Scarlet, "Find my granddaughter. She is going to help me prepare a very complex ritual."
The vine leshy in the center of the ritual circle moaned. The wooden body slowly and unsteadily got to it's feet, only to sway to one side and land face first back in the mud with a light plop.
"Maeja," Said Viisas, "Why don't you check on the boy. He isn't used to his new body. And It isn't often someone is brought back from the Dead."
Maeja had been in the middle of the hunt when she was suddenly accosted by the high priestess' personal assistant. The woman ran up to her, out of breath, and said: "The high priestess needs you. Now. At the main temple." She had her hands resting on her thighs, her face was red with exertion. Maeja glanced at the other rangers who were with her, shrugging her shoulders. No matter how close they were to their prey... when High Priestess Viisas calls on you, you answer immediately - or else.

The ritual had been the most intense and complex that Maeja had ever witnessed, never mind participated in. She was surprised that Viisas had chosen her to help, considering her lack of interest in such things. And especially because her talent in ritualistic tasks was so limited. Yet somehow, Maeja surprised herself. Though the high priestess did most of the work, the little Forean was relieved that she didn't botch her own part in the ritual. She felt exhausted though, as if she had just run from one end of the Zelenya forest to the other. She wiped sweat from her brow and watched the vine leshy as he stirred and attempted to stand.

Even before Viisas' asked her, Maeja hurried towards the man. She watched in alarm as he lost balance, his face falling into the mud. She helped him up, placing an arm around his waist to support him onto his feet. She then took a large, soft leaf, a Forean handkerchief, to help wipe the mud off his face.

"How are you feeling?" she asked him with concern on her brow. She had actually never seen a vine leshy before, much less witnessed a reincarnation. He seemed funny-looking to her, and tiny, even compared to her own small frame. "What happened to you anyway? Apparently, you have an important destiny, though I don't know what it is. Maybe the high priestess does..."
Roland's head was spinning. The world seemed like it was larger somehow. Did death make you shrink?
Oh, that's right. I was dead.
"How are you feeling?" Came a voice to his left, "What happened to you anyway? Apparently, you have an important destiny, though I don't know what it is. Maybe the high priestess does..."
"Hu... Destiny?" replied Roland, "Priestess? ...and who are you?"
Roland now got to his feet, leaning slightly on the figure next to him for balance. After swaying a second time and back stepping once, he finally maintained his balance. Now he noticed his body for the first time. The wooden rope-like vines that were now his legs and arms and leaves that grew from odd spots on his new body. Larger seed-like fruits growing all around his neck and head. "Well, this is new! What did you do to me!?"
But before the girl could respond another voice spoke from a little distance away.
"You did this to yourself boy. We just ushered you along. You were dead. An old pupil of mine brought only your finger to me, and with it, WE were able to bring you back. You've been reincarnated in the only way our tribe knows how. And now, both you and your friend Scarlet owe me a debt. You're welcome."
"Scarlet? She made it?" Everything seemed to be moving so fast and Roland's mind felt like molasses. "So I'm not human anymore... What would you do with me?"
"Events are spiraling around this point. I didn't know how it would all play out precisely, but visions I have had told me this day would come.
A soul restored would find new flesh; A guide to the prevent a dark reckoning; The guard to both halves of our salvation."

"Your fate is now intertwined with my granddaughter. I guess It's lucky for me that you're in my debt."
The elder figure now turned to the girl beside Roland.
Maeja, are you ready to embrace your destiny?"

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