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Fandom PokeTown: New Arrivals


Furry Fox of Foxxy Foxness
"Welcome, I'm glad you could make it >Insert Pokémon Species here<! It's been a while since we've had any new faces around town. Please, make yourselves at home! There's a few places around town you can go to, we're mostly a peaceful town, but we aren't afraid to defend our home from the occasional raiders and such." Armin smiles as she looks at you, "I hope you enjoy it here, even if it is only a temporary stay. Please don't hesitate to ask the locals and myself any questions if you have them!" Armin holds out a sheet of paper in front of you, as you pick it up she begins talking again. "That's just simply a little form I'll need you to fill out so I know who is all living here and their basic information, feel free to express yourself however you want so long as I can still read the documents!" Armin smiles at you and waves as she departs. You look at the papers again and you read it over.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7b5150f3_PokeTownArt.jpg.21a6a933bab533ca2f99feaa4257d874.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104841" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7b5150f3_PokeTownArt.jpg.21a6a933bab533ca2f99feaa4257d874.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Abigale Abigale looked over the forms and filled them out accordingly. "Hmm, that was easy enough. Now where the hell am I going to be staying?" She looked around and read through the forms some more. "Hmm, says here to just pick a home and call it good. Awesome." She began walking around town and investigated the surrounding areas. It seemed a nice enough place to chill for a while. "Well, seems I'll be calling this place home for a while."

Aero Looking at the forms he scoffed, "Well, well, well, if you MUST have my information I guess I'll oblige." Walking around town he filled out the forms and continued his scoffing at each part of them. Once he had finished he had relaxed beside a tree, leaning against it and looking around the town center. "Well, hopefully this place has some nice girls, otherwise I might get bored easily."
Zack scratched down everything as fast as possible before beginning to look around "Ima Build mahself a Tree-house" he smiled
Lilly found this to be hilariously difficult even saying as "Uhm, what if we dont know our birthdays" or "Wait what's a home?" eventually she filled out a meager amount and traversed the area, before settling to a small area where there was a large oak. In which she simply sighs in relief, and face plants into the ground beginning to rest
Zack began wandering around , looking for a suitable gathering of trees , he didnt want a cramped tree house

Flashko said:
Lilly found this to be hilariously difficult even saying as "Uhm, what if we dont know our birthdays" or "Wait what's a home?" eventually she filled out a meager amount and traversed the area, before settling to a small area where there was a large oak. In which she simply sighs in relief, and face plants into the ground beginning to rest
Aero Aero was about to talk to some girl who was walking by till she fell to the ground without a hesitation. "Uh, hey... you loose some marbles or what? You sorta... whiffed it." Aero was holding back a snicker but he had to admit he was a little concerned, if there were any other girls who acted like that he might be out of luck for good gals.
Lilly slowly sat up, looking to him and cocking her head "I... don't know what you mean? Whiffed it? Do I smell?" she sniffed at her forearm, and didn't find any offensive smell before shrugging and smiling up to him waiting for him to speak patiently
MissingBolt said:
(thats messed up mate .-. )
(Lol, I have detailed personalities written for a few characters I'll be adding and his is self-centered, smartass, and stuck-up xD )

Flashko said:
Lilly slowly sat up, looking to him and cocking her head "I... don't know what you mean? Whiffed it? Do I smell?" she sniffed at her forearm, and didn't find any offensive smell before shrugging and smiling up to him waiting for him to speak patiently
Aero "That's not what I meant." Sighing he continued, "You a foreigner? You seem different enough to be foreign, then again I guess that technically makes me foreign as well... whatever." He shrugged it off and continued looking at the girl.
Mituna just stared at the form as if it were possessed by a demon. "Th-this is so confusing..." He muttered, filling out the chunks of the form he knew before walking off, pulling his cap tight on his head to keep the sun from burning his skin. He walked through the forest until he spotted Aero in his tree. "OH GOD ITS A DEMON!!!" He screamed shrilly, running in the opposite direction whist sobbing due to fear. Due to only being 14 he sounded young and girly, and even though he tried his hardest not to... he looked like such a shota.
"not really "she replies innocently "Im just kinda here, not from there, or over there. Just kinda here!" she lays down and begins making grass angels in the blades of grass happily, the little anklet clinking together sometimes "Im Lilly!" she exclaims happily to him hoping he would respond the same
Mituna was running for his life. He didn;t really grasp the concept that higher level Pokemon or evolutions existed. I shall make it clear right now, Mituna isn't the smartest cookie. He reached the village again before encountering more evolved people. "W-why are the-re so many d-demons? This place is way scarier th-than Celestial Tower...." He choked out, hiding in a small pecha berry bush.
[QUOTE="Despair Theorem]Mituna just stared at the form as if it were possessed by a demon. "Th-this is so confusing..." He muttered, filling out the chunks of the form he knew before walking off, pulling his cap tight on his head to keep the sun from burning his skin. He walked through the forest until he spotted Aero in his tree. "OH GOD ITS A DEMON!!!" He screamed shrilly, running in the opposite direction whist sobbing due to fear. Due to only being 14 he sounded young and girly, and even though he tried his hardest not to... he looked like such a shota.

Flashko said:
"not really "she replies innocently "Im just kinda here, not from there, or over there. Just kinda here!" she lays down and begins making grass angels in the blades of grass happily, the little anklet clinking together sometimes "Im Lilly!" she exclaims happily to him hoping he would respond the same
Aero Aero looked at Lilly with a straight face and responded. "I'm Aero. Interesting to meet you." Hearing a high pitched kid's voice he realized the kid was talking about him. "Wait... why that little!" Grumbling to himself he rushed off after the kid calling behind him, "Maybe we'll run into each other again, seeya!" Running he had lost the kid and stopped panting, "Where did that kid go?! How the hell is he so fast!"
Mituna heard Aero, his whimpering audible from the bush. "Please don't eat me please don't eat me please don't eat me..." He kept chanting, his eyes watery. He had Will o Wisp ready just incase he had to give the demon man some third degree burns to escape.
[QUOTE="Despair Theorem]Mituna heard Aero, his whimpering audible from the bush. "Please don't eat me please don't eat me please don't eat me..." He kept chanting, his eyes watery. He had Will o Wisp ready just incase he had to give the demon man some third degree burns to escape.

Aero Looking over he noticed some little fires, "Will-o-Wisp eh? So you're still a young sprout. Probably never left home till recently huh? That'd be a waste of my time. No sense beating up some kid, not like it'll get me any street cred. I suggest you find someone to help you kid, and don't go around calling others demons. We don't appreciate it." He glared at the kid with the last comment and walked away whistling. He stopped for a moment. "Also, if you burn me, I'll kick you're little ghost butt. So don't even think about it." He continued walking and whistling.
Mituna whipped the fire at Aero's butt before running off. "REMEMBER REMEMBER THE FIFTH OF NOVEM- Oh wait, wrong fandom... D-don't boss me around big scary bird guy!" He screamed behind him before running to a small lake. He used imprison to imprison himself in a small invisible box under a boulder, where he wouldn't be found.
Imprison failed after awhile, and dirt started pouring in. Mituna realized that he's too weak to pick up a boulder, so he ended up suffocating an dying. And that's where his adventure ended.

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