[Pokepunk] [Flemeth] Howdy Professor!


Code Monkey like you...
Daxter walked around Flemeth for a while keeping ahold of a piece of paper stuck firm in his hands. Flemeth is a bit of a different city then he’s used to, or at least compared to Deadrock. It just seemed different, at least more compact, and a whole hell of a lot more of a general crowed of people crawling all over the city' streets.

As he made his way though the crowds looking at his piece of paper every so often all in till he got to the right place. He stopped in front of one of the buildings as he looked at his paper and then at the address of were he was. "Hmmm, this seems to be the right place." He walked up to the door as he knocked hard and loud on to the wooden door.

"Professor Darwin Frakes? I saw an ad in the paper form Deadrock. I am here to be..." He paused for a moment as he forgot what it was really called, he looked back down to the crumpled up piece of paper in his hand. Looking at the full ad as he re-read it. "Ahh, A Pokemon Filed Researcher’s Assistant."
"Field Researcher's assistant? I don't need any assistants," Dr. Frakes said, "I mean, not here on the ranch. I can always use more people in the field, though, documenting things for me. You'll need a Pokemon. Here, let me show you the pens. We've got a lot for you to choose from. Take your time, I'll be right over here if you have any questions."













"Thats what the AD said." He said as he tossed the ragged piece of paper in to a near by waste basket. As they made their way to the pens filled with different kinds of Pokémon, Dax looked at them all. Looking at each one until one of them caught his eye.

He paused for a moment as a he looked at the red bird Pokémon. "Hmm those look familiar. I think I seen those once or twice on my farm." He squatted down to get a closer look into the Torchic pens. Now at eye level, Dax started to study the Torchics, with one of them hopping its way over to his face. At first he ignored it to get a better look at the others. The next thing he saw was a small plum of flame right in his face causing him to lose balance, falling over on to his back.

He looked back up to see the bird Pokémon laughing at him. "Huh, thats an interesting one, ill take it!"
"Heh, all right then, he's yours. I need to take your picture for your Trainer ID. I've got some supplies for you, too. Once you're ready, you should head down to the park. There's lots to explore and do. You should take the chance to get to know your Pokemon better anyway before moving onto Route 1."

Gained Torchic

10 Pokeballs

10 Pokemon Treats

5 Potions

Trainer ID
He grabbed the Pokemon's ball as he went though the motions of it all, getting his picture taken and the badge developed. He took the gear that was given and his Pokemon's ball still in his hand looking down at it as he walked out of the building with the Professor. Him looking down at the ball as he smirked a bit. He put the gear in his bag as he turned around to shack the Professor hand. "I won't let you down Professor, thanks for the start up gear, but hay any tips were I." He looked at the Pokeball still in his hand and back to the Professor, "And this Pyro should start out?"
"That's up to you, really. If you want to go out and be a researcher, I'd suggest walking around the areas of the park, and finding some Pokemon to track down. Observe them living in their natural habitat, take records of their eating habits, their footprints, how they make their nests, things like that. You can make a lot of quick money that way."
He scratched his head as he looked at the professor. "Hmm, alright thanks for the advise." Dax shock the Professors hand as he walked out. He walked form the Professor Lab and on to the outer regions in to the near by area. Just as he reached the town's limits, Dax looked at his pokeball. "Hmm" he smerked, as he let the Pokeball go and open letting the Torchic out.

He bent down to look at the Torchic as he smiled "Why hay there Pyro..." He looking at the bird Pokemon in the face, just as soon as he blinked the Pokemon jumped and scratched him on the face. "Agh!!" He fell back down on the ground as Pyro started to run form him in to the forest area. Dax a bit disorientated he grabbed the empty Pokeball and started to run after his Torchic.
The Torchic ran until it encountered another Pokemon in the tall grass. It stopped, startled. The other Pokemon was quite anoyed by being disturbed in such a manner, and it growled at the Torchic.

"Goon!" the barked at the Torchic, its fur raising as Dax arrived. The Torchic took a few steps back, and looked to its trainer for instructions. This was a wild Pokemon that meant business, not a fellow human-raised Starter.
Daxter stopped in his tracks as he finally caught up with his Torchic. "I finally cau..." He paused for a moment as he was interrupted by the loud 'Goon' noise. Him jumping back a bit as he was surprised that they ran in to that thing with out even seeing it. "Agh!!! You scared me." He looked at his pokemon as it looked back up at him a bit dumbfounded. He thought for a split second as he was trying to bring the words. He paused as he tried to thinking of the words. "Scratch its face off!!!"

Pyro ran full force in as he jumped in to the air. The brid-pokemon’s talons fully extended as he leaped forward.
Gained 2 XP

The Zigzagoon took the scratch, and shook its head. It let out another Growl in an attempt to intimidate the Torchic, its fur standing up. It was not about to give up...Whatever it was it was protecting, presumably food it had found.
"Huh" Said Dax as he watched Pyro take on to the Zigzagoon. Watching the Zigzagoon growl as Pyro jumped up and down in a bit of anger and frustration. "Don't let that scare ya! Scratch it again!"

Pyro ran tworeds the Zigzagoon it leaped up in to the air, while it landed on to the Zigzagoon's face. Pyro's sharp talons dig in as he used its noise as a jumping bored as he leaped up and over the Zigzagoon.
"ZIIIG!" it screamed, shaking its head to get the Torchic off. It let out another Growl attack to intimidate the Torchic and get it to back off on the attacks. Pyro had seriously pissed it off, but the Scratch attack had not been a pleasant experience for it.
Pyro jumped off the Zigzagoon as it brushed him aside after his attack. Pyro tucked and rolled to the side to face another growl at, while his impatiens growing as he stood to face the Zigzagoon. Staring the Zigzagoon straight in the eye as Pyro let out a high pitched growl of his own.

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