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Fandom Pokemon: The Zeon region


It was a beautiful day. Stephanie strolled down the road, nibbling on a berry as she went. Her short pink hair, bouncing with every step. One hand reached to fix the bow on her hair,"What do you think we should eat guys?" she seemed to be talking to no one. "We have to eat food, maybe more berries?" She looked up at the clouds and under the trees,"Or maybe..." she continued,"Some poffins?" Something in her bag rattled at the mention of the food. Steph giggled cutely,"Ill take that as a yes then~ To the store we go~!"
Ryu walked to the store and as he did he saw Stephanie.

"Hey Stephanie" He smiled. He was currently going to fill the bare cabinets in his house, well his dad's house anyway. He cheerfully greeted a member of his elite four.
Stratos was walking down the street with his hood on looking at several posters with his face on it across every building as one of the most famous people on the planet, he entered a store and saw a little boy and a woman he just stared at them and walked to the counter where the cashier was and placed a bundle of money on his counter top. Stratos had houndoom next to him with the mega evolution brace on its ankles which helps him in battles, he also had zygarde on his shoulder as its cell form..he was well known as the legendary catcher, he had several but he only wanted to use zygarde and his old friend kyruem but that might change...Stratos walked past the children with the red in his eyes gleaming in the light and his perfect blue hair flowing behind him gracefully, a poster of him was on each wall of the store so it would be hard not to know who he was.
Ryu looked towards the man, he could tell who he was. It was likely that he knew who he was by his face as well. After all he was well known as the champion and the youngest one at that. Ryu just ignored the man, he hated fame as much as the next person so he'd just leave him alone.
Stratos walked around the store and grabbed chili peppers for houndoom, celery for zygarde, a twig like thing for sceptile, ice for kyruem and a bit of candy for talonflame and himself, after grabbing the items Stratos paid the cashier and walked out the store as all his Pokemon he had with him jumped to his side as he gave them all there food. All of Stratos Pokemon were never in pokeballs because they didn't like the phrase being captured, they were smart, they knew what people would say and how to respond in there own way so it was also for humans to understand, Stratos sat down and watched his Pokemon yawning as he saw new trainers running out there houses to find new Pokemon or start there adventure. Stratos was once like that but he found a bigger love of catching legendary Pokemon and becoming a champion. Which he was.
Ravyn stretched a little as she stepped into the small town. It seemed this was the start of the Zeon region. The trainer figured she'd spend some time exploring the relatively new area before moving on. She hadn't decided what region she'd go to next however. Maybe back to Kalos? It was fairly nice there not to mention the coastal areas were always nice and warm. But she'd worry about that when the time came.

"I'd say the first order of business is finding out where a professor is living." Amber eyes scanned the town as she made her way down the main street. There had to be a map or something nearby.

Her Riolu Storm was perched on her shoulders as usual. The pokemon gave a sigh as her chin rested on the top of Ravyn's head.

"Now what's got you sending out such a pouty aura?" The trainer asked. "You've spent most of this trip either on my shoulders or on Sirene or Kurama's back."

The old Ninetales at her side gave an annoyed huff in agreement. He found it bad enough to put up with the shenanigans of Blaze, the rather energetic Fennekin. Having Storm occasionally jump onto his shoulders was often more than he had patience for.

Storm gave a quiet whine as she tugged at the strap of her trainer's bag.

"Hungry already?" Ravyn turned her head slightly to get a better look at the Riolu. "Alright, alright. Looks like there's a shop nearby, let's go check out what they have."

Storm gave an excited chirp, sending a rather strong wave of excitement towards Ravyn. Sometimes the aura that pokemon could hit her with still caught the trainer off guard. She couldn't help but wonder what it's going to be like once Storm evolves.
Ryu went out of the store with the groceries at hand and let out his pokemon. They didn't really mind their pokeball, but they preferred it outside of it, but they knew Ryu couldn't handle them all in a store so they resigned themselves to be outside when they were outside of a building.

"Lu lucario" Blade stated, turning his head to the aura of a riolu he felt.

"Really now? So there are other people with your evolutionary line in the area. I feel it too. I know you taught me how to use aura at an early age and all too" Ryu mumbled to himself and Blade.

"Gar garchomp" he stated.

"Yeah I know, we should probably see the riolu with the strong aura and see if he or she is alright" Ryu agreed.

"Sal salamence mence" he said.

"I don't know he might have a stronger aura than Blade when he was a lucario, but then again most riolu can use aura sphere like he could" Ryu shrugged, he knew his pokemon's aura capabilities had only gotten stronger sense he evolved.
Ravyn continued down the main road, she could feel the excited swishing of Storm's tail against her back. "As excited as you are, you'd think I never feed you." the trainer joked. She reached up and scratched the Riolu's ear. "Hmm, wonder if they'll have anything good?" She mused.

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