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Fandom Pokémon: Events

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This thread exists to reference events across the Pokémon World. These events may derive from the Games, Anime, Manga, Original Creation, etc.

Each post will cover one style of event and provide details information about said event. Including but not limited to:
  1. Rules
  2. Objectives
  3. Restrictions (If Any)
  4. Location(s)

Please do not post here.

If you must ask questions about an event, please do so via the Interest Check, OOC Thread, PM, or Discord.

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Glitter Lighthouse Battle Challenge!

The Glitter Lighthouse Battle Challenge is Time-trial where Challengers rush to the lighthouse summit while defeating trainers along the way. Challengers are measured by the number of moves they use throughout the challenge.

Trainers within the tower will do everything within their power to slow down Challenger, in ways both direct and indirect. Challengers with impressive clear times are recorded and commemorated with a celebratory plaque.

The Lighthouse has 6 floors, with a break-point half-way in.

  • Two Trainers.

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Pokémon World Coronation Series!

The World Coronation Series (W.C.S) is an international competition that runs between the months of October and July of the following year. The WCS is held to determine the strongest Trainer in the world and thousands are trainers register each year in hopes of attaining glory and recognition.

Anyone can compete and entrance is as easy as registering online. Upon registration, entrance receive a profile and rank according to their registration position.

Trainers are divided into five Classes based on their rank:

  • Master Class
  • Ultra Class
  • Great Class
  • Premier Class
  • Normal Class

The Classes Explained
  • Rank 1 – 8

    Champions, Frontier Brains, Legendary Trainers—every brand of elite trainer aspires to remain firmly in the Master Class. Widely considered to be the best trainers of the year, the Master Class dazzle the world with their skill and strength.

    As the publically recognized top trainers, every battle these trainers participate in (as part of the WCS) is broadcasted in high-profile exhibition matches. And of course, there's no shortage of battle analysts and commentators dissecting their every move


To advance through the WCS, trainers participate in battles with the winner receive points that will increase their rank in proportion to the rank of their opponent. That is to say, the higher the rank of the opponent, the more points the winner receives. The loser will also receive points, but in a much smaller amount.

Trainers within a Class can challenge any trainer within the same Class and the top trainers of each class can challenge trainers within the Class above them to advance.

The top Trainers for each Class is as follows:
  • Ultra Class: Rank 8
  • Great Class: Rank 101 – Rank 150
  • Premier Class: Rank 5,001 – Rank 6,000
  • Normal Class: Rank 50,001 – Rank 55,000

Masters 8 Tournament

Each July, the top 8 Trainers of the WCS are invited to participate in the Masters 8 Tournament. The battle format of the tournament may change between years, but the tournament is generally a single-elimination ladder where the winner is crowned the 'Monarch' and assumes the status of the World's strongest trainer.

Past Master's 8



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