Pokemon: A Bridge Between Two Worlds

NessieAlways said:
I'll be posting the legendaries towards the end.
I don't want those to be a distraction
Ok, I thought you already posted them and I was trying to figure out which ones they were. But that sounds great!
NessieAlways said:
Hey guys!
You all were fairly quiet today!

Hope everyone had a good day!

Can't wait to see more sheets come in!
I've just been playing around with the BBCode on my sheet some more, and wow is it ever a pain in the ass haha. It looks passable on both my desktop and mobile now, so I think I'm mostly done with touching it. I might change it later so that all four tabs are to the right of the image, but I'm thinking that'll depend on how much I shorten/cut her personality and backstory when I go to edit those. As it is now, the 'My True Self' tab makes the right block stuuuupidly long when it's opened, so I'll keep it in it's own, wider block for the moment x)
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I'm stuck between wanting to revamp my CS somehow, or just leave it as it is and glare petulantly at it. Problem is, I can't actually think of a way to make a sheet to my liking at the moment, so I have no choice but to glare at it.
Well I want to join but I can't find a good picture to represent my character. Can I use a Pokemon gijinka? So far those are the closest I want my character to be, but he isn't actually a gijinka.
If you get the picture, I have a friend who is pretty good at editing who can take a look at it for you.
Cheryl said:
Well I want to join but I can't find a good picture to represent my character. Can I use a Pokemon gijinka? So far those are the closest I want my character to be, but he isn't actually a gijinka.
You can do what @Exanis suggested

Or I can help you look for a picture

If after those you still don't find anything you like, you can use the Gijinka
I mean I'll ask if they can edit it to make it human, and if they can, they will. If they can't, they won't.
@NessieAlways do you think I can still make a female character? Exanis just gave me the edited art (thanks again) but I see that there are 7 female CSs and 5 male CSs, is there still room for another female or would you prefer it if I made a male character?
Cheryl said:
@NessieAlways do you think I can still make a female character? Exanis just gave me the edited art (thanks again) but I see that there are 7 female CSs and 5 male CSs, is there still room for another female or would you prefer it if I made a male character?
Well seeing as there is only going to be 5 characters chosen for this then I say make a male, just to make it even pciking for her.
How does getting their first pokemon work? Do they get it in their hometown and set off from there, or do they have to all travel to the starting town first?
Cheryl said:
@NessieAlways do you think I can still make a female character? Exanis just gave me the edited art (thanks again) but I see that there are 7 female CSs and 5 male CSs, is there still room for another female or would you prefer it if I made a male character?
You can make which ever gender you want just know that I'll only be picking 2 females and 3 males.

Do which ever you feel you have the best chance in.

OverconfidentMagi said:
How does getting their first pokemon work? Do they get it in their hometown and set off from there, or do they have to all travel to the starting town first?
If they're not from Polaris City, they'll have to travel there to get the Pokemon.

They could have traveled there the night before or gotten up early in the morning and get to Polaris city in the afternoon of its a close town/city or the next day if it's far.
Morning guys!

How is everyone?

Just a reminder, deadline for the CSs is Tuesday July 26, 2016!

Please make sure to have everything finished by that day!

If you need an extension let me know so we can work something out =)
I'm going to post my CS in probably an hour or so. All I have left is the outfit, personality, story and writing sample. The coding took me forever to do, but I think it looks good.
I'm travelling, so it may take a literal day for me to get to my destination. My CS is pretty much done, but I'm probably gonna have one last look over it when I finish travelling.

But, I should be good.
Hi everyone!

Just so everyone knows, I'm getting hand surgery on August 1st, so I could potentially be out of commission from then until the 15/16th. But, I might be fine. I'm not sure exactly what my functionality will be, so we'll see :3
Cheryl said:
Whoa, are you alright? And if I can ask, what's wrong with your hand?
It's an issue with the tendons in my wrist. There's not enough room in the muscle of my wrist for my tendons to move freely, so it's been a persistent pain for a few years now. So essentially they'll be cutting open the tunnel to allow scar tissue to form a bigger tunnel, hopefully fixing the problem.

It's nothing too major. I'll be home (admittedly drugged like crazy) right afterwards, but yeah.
Well I hope that your operation goes smoothly, I've recently been through one for my thumb actually. I cut my thumb and cut a nerve, now I'll never be able to fully feel with my right thumb again :/ .

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