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Fandom PokéLure: Role Play Thread

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Chapter One

The First Steps in a Foreign Land


The doom bringer.

Sightings of it became more and more frequent as the days went on. Never close enough to battle or catch it, but enough to know of its foreboding presence.

An elder might have taken this sighting seriously. Their wisdom might have provided insight that something was about to happen. Whether it by premonition, some affinity with the land, or simply sensing some odd vibration emanating from the distortion above New Island, it knew something was coming. It tried to warn those around it. It cried, it clawed trees and left markings, it did all it could to both make other Pokémon and people flee. Unfortunately, few did.

If only they would have heeded its warning.

The sky was covered in dark clouds, though it did not yet rain. No lightning or thunder, but the humidity was rising as the temperature was dropping. The air still warm in the region became muggy. The wind carried along the scent of the sea through the island as the gentle breeze became stronger gusts. A storm was brewing, but it was still far off. Hours away, perhaps, if you saw it from the edge of the island. The passion inside most of the explorers, researchers, and trainers wouldn't be doused by a little rain, and even if it were, they had time. Or, so, they thought.

It was not thunder that roared in the sky. Instead, it was a cacophonous crack, akin to a car crash, but times a thousand. It did not stop there, though the first was in fact the loudest. Following this crack was a rain, but not the one that was expected. From the sky fell prismatic shards, scattering across the island haphazardly. Some fell from the distortion over the island, some shot out like rockets across the island, but most came crashing down as the true eye of the storm opened.

Light cut through the clouds and down onto New Island. Rays of iridescent light soon contended with even the greatest of auroras as they flooded the sky and poured down onto the island. While beautiful at first, they became brighter and brighter and were matched by continuous cracks as shards kept breaking off from the distortion as it became active. The beautiful sight soon became more akin to a flashbang until finally, the very last of the shards covering it fell onto the land.

Then and only then was the wormhole truly connected.

Then like a biblical rapture, those that had been hit by or picked up one of those very shards were grasped by one of those beautiful beams of light, acting as a nigh-animate tendril of ethereal power and pulling those around them into the sky and through the wormhole that had formed from the once-crystalline structure that had been suspended above the island. The inside of the wormhole was a glorious road of light traveling in just one direction as if swept by the current of a formless river. The world around them was a golden kaleidoscope of ever changing colors and shapes, reflecting an infinite vastness of the galaxy extending into a sky full of stars that appeared as neither night or day but some twilight in the tween hours when the sun and moon could not agree on whose domain it was.

As they passed through this flow of light, time itself was washed away from them. Years shaven off their lives, and their Pokémon, too. Experience with those years was lost, forms in many cases reverted. Knowledge and skills retained as those could not be washed away by this light, but so very much still could. Not that many may notice in the brief few minutes they would find themselves in this river as the awesome warping of reality in front of their very eyes was both a beautiful and terrifying thing that even the Pokémon that dared call themselves deities could perhaps not replicate. Only then to be met by an abrupt black void, though not from the tunnel. It was a loss of consciousness.

Upon awakening, those flung through the river of light would find themselves awakening... on new island. Dusk was approaching, and the air was different. There was no storm. The air was warm and gentle. Perhaps an illusion. Or, a delusion. Some hypnosis or hysteria? It was not clear. On New Island scattered dozens of feet apart at most and five or six at least, those carried through the wormhole would be in this new world. A new world so similar to their own that at first, they may not notice the differences. Yet, some things could not be denied. While the crystal covering of the wormhole in this world was still solid and steady, the prism shards that some held or were hit by happened to still be carried through. They existed.

There was proof of their venture.

Ghostwritten by: Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul


Ito TochikawaTochikawa.png
Date: What day is it? (Dusk)
Location: Where am I? (New Island, Kanto)
Interactions: Where is everyone? (All around him)
Mentions: N/A
CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul
Ito’s Team:
Tochi Eevee.png Oberon the Sylveon-reverted-Eevee
Tochi Dratini.png Benkei the Dragonite-reverted-Dratini
Tochi Chingling.png Fuurin the Chimecho-reverted-Chingling
Tochi Noibat.png Crivie the Noivern-reverted-Noibat
Tochi A-Meowth.png Bakeneko the Alolan Persian-reverted-Alolan Meowth
Tochi Shiny G-Ponyta.png Alice the Galarian Rapidash-reverted-Galarian Ponyta

A man was seen peering through a bush to watch some Pokémon within this New Island. This island had hit media attention rather recently, and he wanted to discover any changes in the Pokémon that lived on New Island.

Of course, seeing an Absol stare at him from the other side of the clearing didn’t help him in any way. It sent a chill down his spine, whether he liked to admit it or not. It seemed restless, irritated, but the man known only by his surname, Ito, didn’t mind. Ito looked about to see if any of the other Pokémon were bothered. Some were tense, others showed a bit more agitation, but they weren’t acting outwardly. It was like the calm before the storm, and everyone felt the storm coming.

A chill went through him again, the Absol’s stare unnerving. He felt one of his Pokeballs stir at his side, but he held it, not wanting any of his Pokémon to break out in some misperceived attempt at protecting him. He needed no protection. A more superficial chill hit him that made his skin crawl, and he noted that things got colder. The Pokémon were becoming startled and jumped to leave the area, most of them heading away from this crystal formation in the sky, though the Sinnohan researcher did not connect the dots.

The Absol charged at him, then jumped over him. It was gone.

Was it telling him to get away?

Wind picked up as his nose felt clogged by the muggy scent of the sea, and he curled his nose at the smell. He was about to get up when he felt the wind get harsh, and he had to grab onto a tree to keep himself there just in case these winds turned into a hurricane.

A crack resounded, but it wasn’t thunder. He looked up and saw the gem through the treetops had changed appearance, and he was struck by a sudden gem that fell from the sky. He winced as it hit his shoulder, looking down at it with some intrigue. Kneeling down, he picked it up, looking over its iridescent, prismatic appearance. It reminded him of a Prism Scale, but far more beautiful and precious.

This would fetch a pretty buck, but he wasn’t an appraiser.

He saw a flash, and looked up as auroras covered the sky above New Island in an iridescent glow. It was so beautiful, yet the Sinnohan researcher couldn’t help but consider that this could be the end times. No, he was a bit more rational than that, it couldn’t be. There was more cracking and - not wanting to get pelted by any more of these beautiful, yet painful shards - he hid behind a tree and waited for it to pass, covering his ears and squeezing his eyes shut as the light and sounds became far too unbearable at this close distance.

He felt something hold him, and it was surreal. Looking down, light had gripped him from around the tree, the prismatic shard he held glowing brightly in his hand. Was he getting abducted???

He felt the pull, and he quickly tried to hold on to branches or anything that could keep him rooted in this world, but he was yanked too harshly away as he was drawn to the wormhole in the sky. He squeezed his eyes shut, not daring to look at the thing eating him alive.

Or so he thought.

He felt weightless. As if he didn’t exist. Daring to open his eyes, he saw the wormhole in all its glory, but it was too much for his mind to handle. He felt terrified as a strange feeling in his body overtook him. He felt marginally younger. He had no idea his Pokémon - which he thought were safe in their Pokeballs - had gone through the same effect, but more dramatic.

Then, he saw black.

The dread upon waking up to find himself among grass and trees had him scrambling to make sure he had everything and he wasn’t hurt. Looking around with alarm, he found that he was…

On New Island?

The forest was familiar, and he looked up to see the gem was intact. But… didn’t it break? Maybe he was delusional-

He felt the edges of the shard bite into his hand and he looked down at it. He had held it so tightly, he didn’t even register until it began to cut a crease along his palm. It was still there.

So, he was here. But where was he?

Feeling disoriented, he hardly was able to tell the time despite it being dusk. There were people around, but he wasn’t so sure if they would act irrationally or upset if he tried to help any of them. Feeling like he should at least try and get a group to help each other and himself regather their bearings, he was about to help someone when one of his repeat offenders broke from his Pokéball.

As an Eevee.

Ito felt dumbfounded. “Oberon?” The Eevee nodded, only to realize why his trainer was looking at him as if he saw a ghost. The Normal-Type looked at himself, then whimpered. His pink and white fur, his ribbons, his Sylveon form… It was gone.

Hurrying to his other Pokémon and fighting the feeling of dizzying nauseousness, he scooped up his Eevee and went off to a part of the forest where he was secluded and sent them all out.

They had all reverted to their base forms when he caught them…

His Dragonite- er… Dratini was the most affected, getting irrationally upset that he no longer had arms or wings, and the power boost they would normally have when he was a Dragonite was barred from accessing it due to the nature of Battle Bond. His Chingling whined, but didn’t make too much noise as she was more startled at the Dratini’s anger and the Noibat’s crying. She was so big, but now she was tiny and everything felt scarier again. The Alolan Meowth looked at herself with disgust, but didn’t seem to bummed out about it. She could just evolve again, couldn’t she? His shiny Galarian Ponyta nickered and whinnied in distress.

Sighing, he gathered up his Pokémon to give them all a hug, letting them know that this was temporary and they could just evolve again down the road. He was sure that his Chingling, Eevee, and Alolan Meowth would just evolve quickly due to the nature of their evolution needs. The others… He was hoping it wasn’t when they caught them. But seeing his once Dragonite struggle to move as it’s been a long time since he was a Dratini or even a Dragonair, then try to fire off a powerful Draco Meteor at the gem in the sky - only for it to fail - led Ito to believe they were, sadly, back to when he caught them.

“So, you can’t use Ice Spinner?” The Dratini tried to summon the ice energy needed, but nothing happened. “How about Wrap?” That was obvious, as the Dratini wrapped around a rock deftly and tried crushing it. If he were stronger, like right before he evolved into Dragonair, he would have caused the rock to crack. But as it stood, he barely did anything to the rock.

Sighing in frustration, Ito walked over and hugged his poor Dragon-Type. “We’ll get you back to being a Dragonite. It’s going to be okay, Benkei.” The Dratini looked up at him with growing fear before wrapping himself around him, the two hugging each other. Allowing the Dratini to rest around his body, he returned the rest of his Pokémon except his Eevee, who happily took the other shoulder that wasn’t being occupied by the draconic serpent.

With his bearings collected, he looked about to see if anyone needed help, his confusion of the situation now lessened as he focused on other people who might need it more, and probably some idea as to what’s happened to them.


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