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Fandom PokeHumans ((Need trainers))

There will be more questions......... 1st: Should I allow limited legendaries in the next rp?

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Lilia just smiled as shse was having a good time with the electric pokemon as she looked around she missed her friend she just stayed on the bed shse had a pillow under her foot she just licked the loly pop
I facepalm myself I know I pull out a berry for grass types and wave it around your nose this should wake her up I think to myself then he realize they probable had a long day and walks back in the room with Lilia 'By any chance do you know of a girl name Kio Lilia'


@JessBeth(o and the waiting room in the so if any of the other trainers walk in you don't have to worry about it )
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Lilia looked at him" yeah i know her" she say smiling" is she here" she asked looking around as she kept licking her lolipop as she smiled humming in a good mood
'Yes she here's and some of her other friends to your safe here ok Lilia' I pat you 'I do need you to stay in bed ok so you can get better' so that did wake her up good I think to myself ' I be back Lilia enjoy your lollipop ok' I walk back in the waiting room 'Well did you get a good nap in'


"Ah..." Hitomi had been taking a walk in the forest, which was right next to the small cottage he lived in. The tall, blue-haired trainer peered down at Gwen as he had stumbled upon her. His shoes crunched against the fresh green grass, and he slid his hands into his pockets. "Gwen..." He bit back a snarky and cruel remark. "I thought I'd find you here."
It was odd, that such a melancholy trainer had been paired up with such a ditzy and positive pokehuman. He had always found her limitless optimism to be strange and unnerving, even. A small sigh left him as he peered down at her. "I'm going to the market today." He told her factually. "I was wondering if you wanted to come. We could have been done with the shopping by now, if you hadn't of run off to play." He sighed again.
He laughs 'No I was not spying on you and yes Lilia great but she does need to stay her a day so her feet can heal I think she liked if you were in there with her I need to check up on Kio and few other to see if there doing ok your place is my place' I smile as I walk in the room were Kio is and close the door


@The Unamed Character
"Are you sure I should come?" Gwen asked "I mean.... not many people know of pokehumans.... being real... but I guess since you did catch me..." she sighed as she stood up "ok... Lets go!!" she said happily @pleasepleasekanae

Kio doesnt look towards the door and she just sighs. she is mumbling to herself and doesnt notice Dee walk in. @Dtlee31
Lilia just smiled as she pat the pokemon as she hugged it while having the lolipop in her mouth as she giggled as she wanted sharon with her she frowned a little
"Kio....is here too......'' Sharon signs as she slowly walk to the room where Lilia is. "That human man....he didn't look evil...." She open the door and see Lilia.

I sit next to her and rub one of her ears 'You know its ok to talk about how you feel Kio its not good to keep it bottled up inside yourself just gaveing you a tip'

@The Unamed Character
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Lilia saw sharon as she smiled" hiya" she say her foot on the pillow wrapped up on a pichu bandage" i missed you i like the human he's a nice one" hse say smiled
Dtlee31 said:
I sit next to her and rub one of her ears 'You know its ok to talk about how you feel Kio its not good to keep it bottled up inside yourself just gaveling you a tip
@The Unamed Character
Kio jumped a bit "You scared me...." she said then looked down "I just dont know how to tell about my feelings..." she said looking down "I dont know how to descrtibe it..."
"If they have any problem with you, then they'll need to deal with me." Hitomi stated factually. "You have no need to worry when I am there." Most people in town knew him as a person of importance and intelligence. They should not doubt him. If anyone did question about it, he would deal with it promptly.
Leo woke up 30-60 minutes later. He stretched and bumped something and turned and looked. To his surprise, it was Iko. "I must have tilted over when I slept," he thought.
pleasepleasekanae said:
"If they have any problem with you, then they'll need to deal with me." Hitomi stated factually. "You have no need to worry when I am there." Most people in town knew him as a person of importance and intelligence. They should not doubt him. If anyone did question about it, he would deal with it promptly.
Gwen laughed "And thats why You're the best master" she giggled after that "Let's go!!!" she said happily again as she waited for Hitomi to lead the way

GeoStone said:
Leo woke up 30-60 minutes later. He stretched and bumped something and turned and looked. To his surprise, it was Iko. "I must have tilted over when I slept," he thought.

Iko groaned after she was bumped and turned onto her side. shge was secretly awake but was excellent at faking it so Leo still thought she was asleep
Lilia looked at her" yup i be okay i wanna see kio" she say frowning a little" i like her she's nice" she say to her

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