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Fandom PokeHigh


Badass Fighter
The notorious and hidden school of Pokemon have finally reopened its gates. Accepting all manner of Pokemon, ranging from the smallest of Bidoofs to the most powerful of legendaries. All are allowed in this sanctuary except humans. If word were to get loose of the school to everyday humans, chaos would roam and no Pokemon could hide. That's why it's hidden and protected...
Bambi, the lovely Deerling is walking thought the forest with her father. She is nervous about go to school, as she look up to her father.

"My daughter, in school, they will teach you thing you must know....that what a princess must do, to learn and what must to learn." said her father.

"Ok Daddy....." said Bambi as she spotted a gates.

"I will stop here...I must go back and take care of my heard....remember my daughter...a princess must learn as much as the school knows....." said her father.

"Yes, Daddy...." said Bambi.

"Hm, good luck,my daughter...." her father left and out of sight

Bambi signs and look back the gate to where her school will be.

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Ambre was walking to the school as she smiled she was only a six year old picu as she saw someone at the gates" hiya" she say she didn't have any family" um I'm Ambre" she say @JessBeth
Bambi thinking of what her father said as she spotted a little Pichu start to talk to her. "Oh...um....that sad to hear...." She smiles and walk passed her.
Pikatwo walked through the gates. Up ahead, he saw a Pichu being ignored. Smiling, the caring Pikachu, in an absolutely adorable Mega Charizard X costume, walked over to the girl. "Hey there." He said. He wasn't much older than the girl, if at all.

Sylveon, hidden away in the girl's bathroom, was stressing out badly. "It can't be..." She muttered, the words coming out as if she wasn't even alive. "I hoped I was late b-but..." She was soon crying, her emotions driving her insane. Then, she was happy about the thought but then turned to become very angry. This cycle just kept continuing.
Ambre just frowned as she looked at the pikachu" hi" she say as she didn't like being ignored" I'm six" she say looking at the boy as she was scared a bit she didn't have anyone as she looked at the pikachu
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Bambi walk in the school, feeling a little guilty for being rude to a Pichu."A Princess should not get distracted.....that what Daddy say...." She signs as she walk to the bathroom.
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"Hey kid. Don't do something stupid at school. Aight?" Midnight said, giving the Servine at her feet a good noggie. Ivy glanced up at Midnight, one eye closed and with an unsure smirk on his face.

"Uh, I think you're embarrassing me, so that's on your part..."

"Ah, stuff a sock in it runt. Just don't break anything!"

"Okay MOM." Ivy huffed as he slithered away. Midnight was tempted to grab his tail and swing him around like a ragdoll, but decided not to. After all, she is taking responsability of him. Aero was nearby, trying to hide a laugh. Midnight smiled subtly at the snickering bat behind him and gave a blunt jab with her elbow.

"Very funny Wingy..." She said. Aero giggled slightly and fluttered his wings.

"You treat the snake like you're an actual big sister."

"Ha, that's because you and me are the only family he has."

"Oh, does this mean I'm a big brother? Thank you sis!" He cheered, acting oblivious to the fact this was established long ago. Midnight rolled her eyes at the Noivern's antics and crossed her arms.

"This is the first day of his education. He better not fuck it up..."
Ivy slithered up to the main gate was, it seemed to be a sort of an open-campus school.

"New people to mingle with! I like it! Now who do we go-"

Ivy was't paying attention and tripped over a jutting slab of stone from the road. He tumbled to a fall and tried to pick himself up. Nearby, Midnight had her face in her claws while Aero was laughing hysterically.
Bambi watched the Noivern, a Zoroark and a Servine walk passed her as suddenly see Servine trip and fell. She come run to him, "Oh, are you alright?" Bambi asked a Servine. "Here, let me help you......" She said.

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"No, No, No, I'm fine..."

He twisted his body multiple times, trying to get good leverage. He finally succeeded in standing on his short legs and he looked down at the Deerling in a weird way.

"You don't need to strain yourself. I'm clumsy all the time, so don't worry a whole lot. I'm used to it. B-But thanks for noticing! I'm pretty unremarkable 'round these parts, heh..."

Ivy awkwardly brushed off the topic and slithered past the Deerling.

"Aye, I gotta get going! Thanks, whoever you are!"
Bambi is looking at Servine, wording if he is hurt, but he got up by himself. Then he talk to her in a nervous, funny way. "Oh....ok....as long as you're ok...." She look at him again until he walk away."Um..I'm...." It was too late as she watched him walk away far. Bambi signs as she turn around and walk away in a graceful and elegant walk, like a proper lady.

Midnight was on a tangent about some anecdote she decided to tell Aero out of nowhere.

"...So that broad offered me a drink and I said 'Bitch, I'm a puritan' So I declined the offer and the lopunny walked off with some attitude in her stride. I got so pissed at her snarky body language that I flipped the bitch off and knocked some sense into her hollow skull!"

She cackled, remembering the lopunny's dazed and fearful expression when Midnight knocked her down. Aero thought it was hilarious and fell onto his side, wings flailing wildly in giddy hysteria.


Ivy pushed open the doors to the building and inhaled a breath of fresh air.

"Ah First day of school seems perfect! Ain't nothin' getting in my way today. Guess I'll wander around since I still have time le- Oh crap. I needa catch the name of that Deerling that offered to help me. She was just so kind...dammit snake. Learn to be more courteous in the future. Asshat."

He grumbled, slinking back out the door to try to find Bambi.
Bambi walk inside and found herself in the hallway, she have lots of time to look around, but first, she is going to get a locker. Bambi put down her bag, take out the paper. She look at the paper of her schedules for classes and the number of the locker. "Lets see......number 414...." She look at the numbers of the lockers.

Ivy rounded the corner and spotted Bambi, his face lighting up with joy. He swiftly slithered over to her side to talk.

"Hey, I didn't get your name. I felt like it was necessary for my first Pokemon that I interacted with to exchange names. Speaking of that, My name is Ivy! And your's...?"

He asked, leaning in a little closer to listen.
Bambi found the number of her locker, she is about to open it until someone speak to her. She turn her head and face Ivy, she have a great smile on her face and a gentle gray eyes. "Hm? Oh, you're the pokemon who fell down....." She look at him. "Oh, My name is Bambi...."

"Nice to meet'cha, Bambi. Ah...and don't pay much attention to the hooligans Midnight and Aero around the school. They're too old so they just walk around and sometimes help with a few things. They were the Noivern and Zoroark that were outside earlier."

Ivy glanced out the window to see if anyone was watching, but shrugged the feeling off.

"So, how's life?"
"Hooligans? I thought they're your friends....." said Bambi as she raise her hoof to press the number and enter the code number.She listen as she open the locker. "My life......oh, it's pretty rough....I just move in and live with my father..." said Bambi. "The Great--oops!!" Bambi cover her mouth as she is about to say The Great Prince of the Forest.

"Hey...if it's somethin' personal like divorce or something I'll stop othering you, okay? I've had my share of stuff like that..."

Ivy suddenly head a memory about his parents' faces when he escaped the captivity of the humans. He dare not recall such dark memories. He shook off a shiver and redirected his attention.

"And those hooligans are my adoptive siblings. They took me under their wing...Literally speaking about Aero...and invited me into their own dysfunctional, happy 3 person family."
"Oh really? You are lucky to have someone take care of you.....a nice family...." Bambi said as her ears down a little. "My.....its not too bad....its just....if I told you who's my father is....you won't believe me, Um....Ivy....."


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