Play The Game Children (PKandy x Akihito) [Inactive]

Andrew stretches and puts on his helmet and logs into the game.

His body changes and he's in his armor and all of his gear from the game.

"Aww yeah! I love this game." Andrew exclaimed and walked around. He equipped his weapon, a large two-handed sword, and swung it around.

"What should I do today.. Quests? Hmm.."
A scream was heard above Andrew obviously getting closer. A man ran into Andrew obviously running from something<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/imagesSQBIQBZJ.jpg.ef04bfd67ea89fd08aa7221496878c99.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14522" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/imagesSQBIQBZJ.jpg.ef04bfd67ea89fd08aa7221496878c99.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (Thief) . A big bear like monster rawred at the man. He then threw a fist at the bear then took out a small knife.

"please help! I'll trade you anything" the man yelled.



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Without a moments hesitation, Andrew unsheathed his sword and slashed down on the monstrous bear.

"Yahh!" Andrew shouted a battle cry. Thanks to his 5+ Forged Weapons, he was able to dispose of the bear easily and collected the loot that came with it.

"Hee hee! Look at all this gold." He chuckled. "Thanks pal!"
Heartbreaks signed in relief," nope thank you" he said running a hand through his hair before pulling out a rare item he stole from the bear,"Theif class is the best" he thought to himself." its a rare quest with a lot of benefits..... want to team up?" Heartbreaks asked smirking as he opened up his options menu and offered Alex to be in his group.
Andrew shrugged and accepted.

"Sure. I don't have anything else to do. What do we have to do?"

He sheathed his sword and added Heartbreaks on his friends list.
Heartbreaks accepted the friend request before opening the quest on the rare gem," so basically we have to go help this little boy and in return he'll tell us that he needs to go back home to the king we can either chose to be the new kings of the land or kill the boy and show the king that we have the gem or give the boy the gem and get riches from that...... when the time comes then we'll decide" he explained as he accepted the quest.
Andrew opened up his menu to see his Evil, Neutral, and Good Reputation. He had 10 Neutral, 7 Good, 993 Evil. Andrew liked to do the bad things. They always made the game more fun. Although he had to watch out for bounty hunters and guards in certain towns.

"Sounds good. I like riches."
Heartbreak nodded," yeah and I think running a kingdom wont be that bad" he mumble as he opened the map to see where they needed to go."we should speed travel here to this town then walk from there its closer anyway" he explained smirking.
"Yeah yeah. I gotcha. Meet you over there." Andrew said and speed traveled to the town. Nothing too special. While he waited for Heartbreak to appear, he bought some potions, repaired his armor and weapon, grabbed some food, and considered buying a horse.
Heartbreak appeared beside the tower in the town then, looked around to find his friend. He turned on the map to see where to go and ran to Alex's side," yo" he greeted.

He then sent Alex a screen shot of the map," okay so lets walk it" he said," oh and we need all the life we can get so if you come in contact with monsters just run" he explained.
Andrew disagreed with the 'just run' part. He liked to kill monsters and loot them but he took Heartbreak's advice.

"Okay. So is this thing far? I got stuff to do, ya know?"

He followed Heartbreak and was looking through his in-game mail as he walked.
Heartbreak signed," its a two days mission.... but its worth it...." he said glaring slightly," to b a king will be the best" he said. Heartbreak seemed like the type who wanted to be known all over the game. He then yawned,"but tomorrows the first Day of school for me so I have to log off soon" he explained.
"Oh my my. Look at the time! I gotta start school tomorrow too. I guess we'll finish this some other day. Pleasure to meet ya. Have fun at school and good luck. Haha. You know we'll both need it." Andrew replied, also giving a small yawn.
Heartbreaker played for a little while longer to level up a bit then, logged off.

The girl with soft pink shoulder length hair brushed her hand over the head gear and took it off. She smiled a bit before laying down on her fluffy bed. It was dark outside but, she didn't seem to notice. She grabbed a bunny teddy bear before laying on her bed and falling asleep. The game did justice of making her tired. The next morning she got dressed in the bright plaid colored uniform. Girls wore red plaid skirts and a white blouse. Alice just dressed up her uniform with a black cute vest. She walked towards her school and looked up at the giant looking school. It looked like a roman castle and she couldn't wait to see if it had secret passages. Alice then shook the idea out of her mind.

"stuck on Sapphire Dimensions...."Alice mumbled to herself as she clutched her book bag's straps. The straps that were pulling down on her vest and seemed filled with brand new school supplies.
PoisonousKandy said:
Heartbreaker played for a little while longer to level up a bit then, logged off.
The girl with soft pink shoulder length hair brushed her hand over the head gear and took it off. She smiled a bit before laying down on her fluffy bed. It was dark outside but, she didn't seem to notice. She grabbed a bunny teddy bear before laying on her bed and falling asleep. The game did justice of making her tired. The next morning she got dressed in the bright plaid colored uniform. Girls wore red plaid skirts and a white blouse. Alice just dressed up her uniform with a black cute vest. She walked towards her school and looked up at the giant looking school. It looked like a roman castle and she couldn't wait to see if it had secret passages. Alice then shook the idea out of her mind.

"stuck on Sapphire Dimensions...."Alice mumbled to herself as she clutched her book bag's straps. The straps that were pulling down on her vest and seemed filled with brand new school supplies.
Andrew was at his school's front entrance. He was a bit amused by the building appearance.

"Is this a school or a castle." He chuckled.

Andrew was dressed in the school's uniform but as always, he made it a point to unbutton the jacket. Andrew wasn't a troublemaker but he liked to bend the rules every now and then. Besides, he watched too much anime.
Alice walked into a boy. Goddammit he was tall! So tall it felt like she was going to fall back as she looked him up. 5'3... It sucks and it's Alice's height. Alice jolted a bit thinking she might get into a fight on the first day of school. Nobody was looking at her but she felt eyes. In her mind she looked at him and blood gushed out of her nose. But, thats probably because of all the anime shows she watched right before logging into the game. She gulped and laughed nervously,"sorry"she said in a soft almost unheard voice that just grazed sweetly by the boys ears.
Andrew looked down at the girl who bumped him. Cute. Small, shy girl. Lucky him.

He smiled.

"Nothing to be sorry. It's kind of hard to get past someone big who is shamefully blocking the entrance." He said. "Are you alright miss?"
Alice laughed nervously at what she assumed would be a joke,"Erm..... yeah I'm fine..."she said nervously avoiding his gaze. She looked around,"um... A-Are you in 12th grade?"she asked. She assumed someone who was so tall to be either graduating or a teacher. He obviously wasn't a teacher since he was wearing the uniform but, age does vary with height. Alice blushed a bright red and felt the burn on her ears before looking down directly at her shoes. The bright shine from her glossy black shoes made her feel a bit at ease. Yet, her gaze drifted to his shoes. If it weren't for his height or hers for that matter she would say they were big. But, for his height they were a good size. She gulped thinking about all the ants this boy might have crushed just by walking around.
Andrew laughed heartily.

"11th, not too far off. Are you a new student?" Andrew asked.

She was shy. That made her a lot cuter.

Didn't seem like she went out much, she seemed nervous around him. Of course, it may be because of his good looks. Andrew chuckled to himself at the thought. Andrew didn't have a big ego and that thought was quite amusing to him.
Alice jolted,"s-s-same... But, I just moved around here... so...."she mumbled. Dammit! Again, she was mistaken for younger. What if she was thought of as a 7th grader again? Oh this school year might not be good for her. All the teasing would start again just because she was short. Alice then looked up at him. Such a cute guy. Alice was attracted to tall strong guys and that made him handsome. She began to fidget realizing the crush she was beginning to fantasize about in her head. She then glanced up at him,"um.... if you know the school or even... if you don't... I mean you don't have to.... but maybe you could help me... maybe find my classes.... you don't have to though I-I'm not begging or anything I mean it would be pretty bad if i was.... sorry"she prattled nervously then down at her blouse. She felt weird about asking a stranger to show her around it felt like flirting but she just honestly didn't want to get lost. Although, his hotness might have played a factor.
"Oh shush. You stammer and it's driving me crazy because it's so cute! Let loose! Get comfortable. Chillax. You're cute. You know that? I bet you get a lot of guys asking you out. My name is Andrew by the way. Follow me, I'll help you out. Only if you promise to get comfortable and relax a little. Deal?" Andrew said, smiling warmly.
"ah um deal!"Alice said nervously then jolted at his smile. She smiled back gently and cutely as though flowers grew around her. She then looked down blushing deeply,"so um... w-what is your first class?"she asked looking at her schedule.
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"First class.. I think that's English. Yeah. Room 3-C. What's your first class? Want me to walk you over?" Andrew asked, smiling.

He led her into the school and walked down the hall, occasionally waving to a passing student that he knew.

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