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Fandom PJO/TKC/MCA - Heirs of Entropy

I have to type up plot etc., and am still working on getting new tabs added (we're gonna have a settings and locations one for ease of access and I'm trying to get three other IC tabs so we can have a Greek, Norse, and Egyptian tab so that roleplay doesn't get confusing - when the groups finally meet and start working together I figure we can use the main IC section!

That way we don't have to sort through which replies are for which groups and it should be easier to follow for everyone.

Does that sound okay to y'all?
[QUOTE="Renn Skye]I have to type up plot etc., and am still working on getting new tabs added (we're gonna have a settings and locations one for ease of access and I'm trying to get three other IC tabs so we can have a Greek, Norse, and Egyptian tab so that roleplay doesn't get confusing - when the groups finally meet and start working together I figure we can use the main IC section!
That way we don't have to sort through which replies are for which groups and it should be easier to follow for everyone.

Does that sound okay to y'all?

that kind o' thinking is making like you much much much much more than I already like you, don't make pull out the donut ring

[QUOTE="The Succubi Queen]OOOOoooh, is this a thing that I might join?

Yes it is, darling! For you specifically. It's a closed roleplay for our group but we'd love to add you to that! Celebi will add you to our chat convo as well~
...in other news I have a train ride and then a long car ride home so I'll probably have plot and such up tomorrow or Tuesday (at the latest). Sorry for the delay guys!

I'll have my CS's up shortly thereafter.
@Celebi !!! So excited to see Felix popping up! I can't wait to see his whole CS! I'll be sure to get Josh up soon(ish)! I'm at a show right now (backstage) so I'll do it when I get home~
UUUGGGHHH, which of my million characters do I make into a character for this???

My cute Mute baby or my bitchy luck sorceress, or my earth mage son, or my magical dancing valley girl???

Decisions, decisions.
[QUOTE="The Succubi Queen]UUUGGGHHH, which of my million characters do I make into a character for this???
My cute Mute baby or my bitchy luck sorceress, or my earth mage son, or my magical dancing valley girl???

Decisions, decisions.

Why not all of the above? I'll be playing somewhere between six and ten characters.
[QUOTE="Renn Skye]Why not all of the above? I'll be playing somewhere between six and ten characters.

All I have are two! And I have a few archived characters.
[QUOTE="Renn Skye]Why not all of the above? I'll be playing somewhere between six and ten characters.

They're kind of all Indian, and it would be such a mess using them all if I wanted to make them all egyptian. xD
You could come up with new ones? I'm gonna have to, given that I'm trying to have at least one character in each group for ease of access (on top of my usuals and my neutrals)
[QUOTE="Renn Skye]You could come up with new ones? I'm gonna have to, given that I'm trying to have at least one character in each group for ease of access (on top of my usuals and my neutrals)

All my others kinda of being overused rn. xD I'll hack them around a bit to play off of other cultures.
[QUOTE="The Succubi Queen]All my others kinda of being overused rn. xD I'll hack them around a bit to play off of other cultures.

Ah gotcha. I feel that. Well free to take your time imma be a bit leisurely about getting mine up since it's almost finals time for me.
I'm tempted after Felix to make a Norse or Egyptian. Though I'm not that knowledgeable with Kane and Magnus just yet.
Oh please do! I'm hoping that we each have one of each at the ends because it's more inclusive y'know?
I have a nordic OC already, I can throw Nejlika into this, but I have yet to actually read Magnus Chase, so I might need a rundown on that.

And "Karma" (who's actual name changes with the RP) would make a hella child of Hekate, and I have a few ways to tweak her....

And maybe I can edit Rama into a follower of Geb.

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