• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Pic.ture Per.fect Mem.ories

Oh man okay i am free again and will try my best to get something up as soon as possible. 

I need to get my character back up right?
@shygirl3 @Aster @Kingly @Sasil @Antlered punk @Chamomile

Okay. I finally figured this site out again after stalking threads and stuff. I'm eventually going to make a project from this role play. I just want to see who is still interested in restarting the plot since we didn't really get anywhere. I'm willing to reboot this with whoever is interested in continuing it. If we don't have at least 6, I'll go ahead and post it up on the interest page to get some new members.

Edit: You can either like the post or post below to show interest. I'll go ahead and figure some HTML out in the meantime so the coding isn't a huge freaking messss. D<

If we don't have enough returning people, (which is okay I know everyone is busy with life), I'll go ahead and post an interest thread by Friday. And as always, I'll open old returnees applications with open arms even if the role play as started because I love you all thanks for sticking by me. <3
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