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One x One Phoenix and Yours Truly [ CS ]



Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

20 ; he/him ; human

Appearance: Cynric is pale with soft features and a mess of thick black hair. His eyes are a piercing icy blue. He has a very lanky build, his movements often seeming clumsy and awkward.​
Occupation: Castle's stable boy and servant for other odd jobs​
Personality: Cynric is shy around strangers. He doesn’t know how to talk to people he isn’t completely comfortable around, and often ends up stumbling over his words. However, break past this shell and he’s very friendly, loving to joke around with those he’s close to. He is passionately loyal and easily angered over injustices, and does not like nobility.​
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Ezrin Audric Amauri ⊰ 23 ⊰ he/him ⊰ half human/half fae

The Prince appears to have almost white colored hair, though if one looked closer with an observant eye they'd find it to actually be blonde, so light in color it's almost alarming. He stands at nearly an even six feet and due to his many out-door natured hobbies he is quite physically strong and pleasing to the eye. Naturally as a royal who needs to keep appearances, Ezrin is always well put together, always ready for every occasion and dressed to perfection no matter if he is found riding, reading, or even painting if the day called for it- if time allowed. Without a hair ever out of place, Ezrin is outgoing and ready for any true prospect at an actual conversation, as some noblemen are a bore, and others only want to speak to his father, the King himself. His hobbies include but are not limited to reading, painting, riding, writing, listening to music- failing to learn to play it himself- and in secret, gardening. Unfortunately, most of his plants have died, but he is very determined to not kill his new tomato plant.

Goes by the nickname Rin with those he is closest to, mostly only used by his one and only sibling, when they were close. Though the older he gets the harder it is to keep any form of relationship with his younger brother, or his mother who grows more distant by the day.

Cynric :bishiesparklesr:

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