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Fandom Persona 5: The Coming Ruin



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Asa was assigned to look into Goro Hiroshi by Karma's top members with Sasuke who she hated. He was a such a shivering coward who she wanted to beat the shit out of. But she couldn't as they were supposed to be doing this together and report back to Sadako about their progress and that they would find his palace. Asa was not too worried about finding his palace, but she was worried about being found out and being fired from Karma and the Mercs. She was not going back to poverty back in the ghetto. She will do anything. Even becoming a murderer was not something she would not do.

She was in the Library at Shujin Academy looking at the books she would have to check out for school. "Ugh, are you kidding me?!" Asa complained as she looked through the history books that looked really boring. But if she wanted to keep up her charade she would have to do well in school. Unfortunately, the school had no kickboxing club that she could join.

It was quite boring to say the least, but at least Asa could be a normal girl. Yes, maybe her friends were awful, but they were family after all. She always loved hanging out with those misfits even though they were not good people. It was a hell of a lot better than hanging out these students that called her poor and gossiped about her being rough. No one would dare hang out with her because she probably would punch them in the nose.

Unluckily for her, Sasuke walked into the library and smirked at her. Asa could feel her blood boiling and the need for violence against him was slowly increasing. She tried to ignore him, but he persisted and walked next to her.

"So, Asa, you are not a bad student after all," Sasuke commented slyly, "could have fooled me with being from a poor area-"

"Shut it," Asa said and slit her neck with her finger to threaten him. She was not in the mood to go into it with him about this dumb arguement they had.
4/12 (Friday)
Early Morning

The smell of fire, smoke, charred flesh.

The sight of blood. His blood.

Streaking down her face as he cradled her with his bloody arms, pleading his beloved, his only daughter, to run. Run before they found her.

She ran, smoke and terror filling her lungs. Eyes closed, she ran as fast and far as she could.

She opened her eyes, her hands unconsciously pawing at her face to brush her streaks of blood-red hair out of her face.

The terror was still there, but it did not move her. Her heart did not race, her breath was steady.

She sat up in the bunk allocated to her in the quarters of the church, eyes staring out into space.

The sun was up; she had lived to see another morning.

It didn't take long for Setsuko to get dressed in the Shujin uniform, leaving her piercings behind in a case under her bunk. She hadn't worn those in a while; Shujin didn't terribly approve of them, and it wasn't like her dad's influence could allow her to get away with anything now. And Deaconess Gabriella certainly wasn't a fan either. The portly woman was merciful, yes, but grim in her discipline. She wasn't a local either: probably Spanish if that was her real name? Still, for a woman of the cloth to come all the way out here to administrate a neglected church...maybe she was trying to leave something behind as well. Setsuko wasn't one to speculate, but that might've been why she was so ready to help her enrol in a new school, give her a hiding place...

Setsuko rounded into the cramped pantry, and- speak of the devil.

"Sister Sarah." The Deaconess was there, rosary in hand as she carried out her daily inspection of the food reserves. "Lord be with you."

"Good morning to you too, Gabi." Setsuko pursed her lips. English was the only common language between them, though Gabi certainly picked up on the mild sass in Setsuko's body language. "I'm heading to school. Don't worry, I'll be back right after. Not like I have anywhere else to be."

"See to it that you are." Gabi's eyes narrowed, that being as much of an acknowledgement as anyone could expect from her.

4/12 (Friday)

As expected, this afternoon Setsuko found herself in the library, idly flipping through a fashion magazine. There was a time when she didn't have to even look at these. Whatever shiny new accessory or flashy pair of shoes she wanted, she could have. But things could change in a second, like a great tower collapsing. And now here she was, all alone. Making friends when your whole life had been destroyed was no easy feat, but even back then she didn't have many friends she could talk to in person anyway. As one might say, on the internet on the other hand, no one knows your dad's a crime lord.

The circumstances of her arrival at Shujin were no kinder to her either.

"Did you hear? Someone saw a girl who looks like her running away from that mob HQ that got burned down! Do you think she..."

"I bet she was dating one of those thugs, girls like that always latch onto bad boys who give them money."

"Or do you think she was someone who wanted revenge on them? But to think someone like that might be a cold-blooded killer..."

And so she was here instead of spending time with "friends".

She glanced up at the altercation between the girl and boy, but didn't react further, for now.
4/12 (Friday)

Rei had been in the library gathering some resources for the research paper, in addition to perhaps doing some private reading as well. The second-year student enjoyed the quiet of the library. No one bothered him there. No one tried to get through to the 'dark brooding boy' who had frequently sat in the back of the room. No one would even attempt to find out his secret, which he held close to his heart.

At least, the library was normally a quiet place. But on the twelfth of April, the status quo was disrupted as two individuals, whom Rei would refer to as idiots if asked, thought it was a good idea to talk in the library. Don't these two know that the library is meant to be a sanctuary of knowledge and not the place to talk through your relationship issues or whatever they were doing right there? Apparently they did not.

The young man took a few deep breaths in and out, before he rose from his seat at one of the wooden tables, closing the book he had in his hands; he already remembered what page he left off at. He then walks up to Asa and Sasuke, brushing back his short, dark brown hair out of his hazelnut-colored eyes. He addresses them quietly, in a whisper, though clear annoyance is present in his voice.

"If you're going to talk, can you please do it elsewhere? I doubt anyone here wants to hear about your relationship troubles or whatever else is going on." The young man says. "I can say for certain that I don't care about it."

Hopefully that will be enough to quiet them down for now, be it from shame at being called out, or just politeness. Rei wouldn't care which, nor did he care if he would further annoy them, so long as it got them to be quiet and allow his mind to be at ease again.
4/12 (Friday)

A long, boring day of school had finally come to an end and Esther found herself free from the never ending lectures each teacher had rambled on from that day. For a student as studious as herself, one might think she took interest in such, but that hardly was the case. What more could she do after all? If she failed her studies now then she'd only be some kind of failure in the eyes of her family. Maybe she already was for all she knew. It wasn't a matter she wished to pry into. Instead, she continued on and did all she could to live up to those expectations placed upon her.

Packing her belongs into her bag, the second year silently debated her next course of action for the day. Given there was no student council meeting, she could hide away in the council's room to study away from the ever judging stares of her peers. Most students didn't dare pop in there unless something was gravely wrong, but even then if it was only her inside, they'd quickly leave in hopes of finding the president elsewhere in the school. It wasn't the worst outcome, though she still wished he hadn't gotten roped up into all of it. Being involved with student council wasn't exactly something she found fun, but given the president had formerly been on the council under her brother, they insisted she partake and continue his "legacy" as they so kindly put it. Yet another comparison she had to him for little reason.

Pushing the thought aside, Esther's mind moved to the second option open to her; tending to the shrubs and other plants near the school gates. As a member of the gardening club, and one of the only ones at that, she had agreed to tend to the plants when she could. With spring well under way, it was the perfect opportunity to pretty things up even if it meant more eyes would be on her. She could easily ignore the stares and be in her own little world. It was a nice day out after all.

Feeling as if her mind was already made up, she strode out of the 2-A classroom and began to make her way towards the locker room to change into her gym attire to avoid getting her uniform messy as she worked.

Once she was changed and her belongs were temporarily stowed away, she hurried to the storage room where the club's belongs were kept. Softly greeting one of the teachers nearby, Esther shuffled through everything, grabbing what she needed, those being a simple watering can and a pair of trimmers, before she made her way outside.

The warm spring breeze greeted her and caused a faint smile to form on her lips. It felt nice, though the stares of other students quickly sent a shiver down her spine and that smile quickly faded. Lowering her head, she scampered towards the small grassy area to the right of the entrance and plopped down in front of the hedges. Without a word to be said, she would begin her work, humming softly as she did to help her get lost in her own mind for the time being.
Aiko Enomoto - 4/12, Friday Afternoon

She had time for once. Time to hang about and relax after school rather than running off to the station or home to study or wherever she was trying to investigate. She could visit the library and bask in the peace and quiet. She could visit the cafe she always swore she would and sip at coffee. Or maybe she could simply stroll the streets of tokyo. It was freedom unburdened by any obligation.

And it made Aiko twitchy. As she strolled down the halls of Shujin she could only think about how unnatural it felt to not have anything to do. She paused near the library curious of the unusual noise before dimissing it as unimportant just as quickly. It wasn't as if those two bickering was a new occurence. It would be more surprising if they weren't at each other's throats.

Aiko continued on, down the halls and out of the school when a shock of red hair caught her eye. A peer she had meant to chat with more, if only to satisfy idle curiousity. After all, there had to be something interesting about Himura. Something to learn that most missed, unable to see past her outward appearance. Aiko stepped onto the patch of greenery, waving at the gardening girl.

"Hi Himura-san," She let her gaze drift up to the picturesque sky. "The weather is nice, isn't it? Perfect for gardening."
4/12 (Friday)
Akinari Fujioka
Akinari found himself talking to Akira in their homeroom, making plans for the evening, such as who would take up the shift at crossroads. Having soccer practice after class, it was agreed that Akira would take up the shift tonight. Speaking of which, I should probably get going. He thinks, asking Akira "You ready to head out? I'll accompany you to the library for your books, you can decide if you want to stay while you're there."

Both nodding, they head out to the hallway, sliding into the library as Akira begins to scan through the books. Akinari stays near the entrance, glancing at some sports related books. Maybe I could find a book to find a good training regimen... Another time. I should be heading out. He looks at his twin, who was now sitting and writing in his journal. He gives a quick wave and heads out to the gym locker room to change, jogging past Esther on his way there.

Akira Fujioka
"I guess I can work the shift tonight, seeing as I don't really have any plans for the rest of the day...." Akira says, continuing his thought in an inner monologue. Honestly, I could probably go work right now and make some extra cash. Hmmmmm.... Nah. It'll be too slow. Things don't really pick up until it gets dark. I guess I can chill in the library again while Aki practices.

At the library, Akira's scan of the books resulted in some mediocre returns, having already read the books that most interested him. He instead plops himself in a desk with walls, getting to work continuing to write one of his unfinished stories, only poking his head up to wave bye to Akinari. Not too much after Akinari's leave, he couldn't help but overhearing 2 people discuss, with a third person confronting them about the sound they were making. How awkward, should I leave? Even if they do stay quiet the vibe is gonna be rather tense. For now, he stands still, eavesdropping from behind his little walls.

Sasuke paused for a moment and glanced at Rei as the boy was surprised that “he” was boldly stating his feelings towards them. He didn’t know how to react to that without seeming like an asshole towards Rei. Sasuke felt a little shame because of their little conversation and noise level. He found himself kind of respecting Rei a little bit “He” truly wasn’t weak like the rest of Shunjin students. Maybe Rei would be useful in their operations for Goro Hiroshi.

Sorry for bothering you,” the boy apologized to Rei, “I hope you can forgive us…" The boy seemed somewhat shameful in Rei calling him out for his behavior, but he hid it well. Sasuke was quite upset at Rei for shaming him, even though he deserved it by all means. The boy though he could get away with most things in life but not this apparently. Inside, he was fuming and wanted to give a Rei a piece of his mind.

"Come on Sasuke, he is not worth it," Asa pulled on his shoulder, trying to hide her grin from everyone as she dragged him out of the library. The girl was quite pleased with Rei shaming Sasuke in public and tried to stop laughing. She knew that he also meant her too, but it was mainly Sasuke that he was talking about.

Did people really thing they were together? Asa shuddered at the thought of that and tried to not think about it as she separated from Sasuke and started down the hall to exit the school since it was after hours. She had to get home before any of the others questioned where she was at.

Extra123 Extra123
Setsuko couldn't help but chuckle, just a little. She wasn't really that bothered by the brief argument, but it was always entertaining to see people who got carried away with themselves get put in their place. As the girl dragged...Sasuke away, the library seemed to fall silent again. Sasuke. Well, at least she knew one name now. Sure, maybe no one would actually want anything to do with her. But remembering someone's name was probably the first step needed for there to even be a chance of being friends with someone.

But for now, she got up, moving towards the guy who had told Sasuke and his companion off. Sitting in the chair opposite him, she leaned back a little, crossing her legs and folding her arms. "Heh, finally some peace and quiet huh? Now the rest of us can do...whatever it is there is to do around here."

Extra123 Extra123
As Sasuke apologized to Rei, the young sighed and waved it off. He didn't care about the apology, all he wanted was for the library to remain quiet. But it did seem like the young man in front of him agreed, so his annoyance was fading. "Sure, I forgive you or whatever. As long as you aren't being a nuisance I couldn't care less." He replies to the young man in a voice that is soft enough to belong at a library... which they were in, so it was appropriate. He then gives a light glare over at Asa, since it appears that she didn't realize that his comment earlier also applied to her even more than it did Sasuke since she was yelling earlier with her complaints about the history books.

After the glare is given, Rei walks over to a chair, and resumes reading the book he had been nosing earlier. A book about... music theory? Seems odd for someone who was so annoyed about a little noise earlier, but whatever. A small smile graces his lips as he begins to read... before the smile fades as someone else decides to talk to him.

Rei gives off a sigh of annoyance, before whisper-speaking to Setsuko. Somewhat curtly, he responds to her. "It was finally peaceful and quiet until someone decided to bug me... again. Ugh. Anyways, what people do around here is either read, study, or find books to borrow, usually to help with a research project or something similar. Now, can you please do one of those tasks instead of talking to me? If you need to blab about something, try the courtyard."

He then looks back down at his book, hoping to actually be allowed to read it in peace. He probably wouldn't though; today was just one of those days where nothing goes right, isn't it? Seriously, how unlucky does one have to be to need to deal with three people talking loudly to you in the library? Really, Rei should've just stayed at home today...
4/12 (Friday)

GamerKitty205 GamerKitty205
At the sound of her name being spoken, Esther momentarily froze in her actions. She wasn't used to others coming to visit with her as she worked. Actually, she wasn't used to being spoken to much outside of class unless it was one of the other student council members. This however wasn't one of their voices. It was one that was unfamiliar, yet given they spoke her name she assumed the face attached to it would be the opposite.

Taking pause in trimming the hedges, the redhead turned to look at the girl who had approached. To no surprise, her assumption had been exactly on point. It was someone she knew or well, had seen before: Enomoto-san. They were in the same class despite never having spoken before. That wasn't too unusual though. Esther didn't speak with many of her peers though she wasn't as shy as most would take her for. Sure, she had her timid tendencies, but she was social when she wanted to be. Keeping her head down though kept her out of such situations. However, given the other's question, she couldn't help feeling her own curiosity momentarily piqued.

"It is," she answered softly as she folded her hands in her lap and offered the other girl a faint, friendly smile. "Do you have an interest in gardening, Enomoto-san?"

Maybe her question was too hopeful. It wasn't a hobby many seemed to take up. The gardening club was proof of that given how few members it had and even then, most of them were third years who had been friends for quite some time. Esther had found it hard to fit in among them. If she could find someone in her own class who was interested as well, maybe, just maybe, she could have someone to talk with to make things feel less lonesome. It felt like a stretch, but she didn't want to push aside the possibility, though she refrained from getting her hopes up too much either.

"If you'd like, um... well, you could join me..?" Her suggestion came out more as a question than anything else, but that was simply her nature. She wasn't the most firm in her own words and the like.
Aiko Enomoto - 4/12, Friday Afternoon

There was an excuse balancing on the tip of her tongue, almost automatic. Aiko was far to used to dodging invitations to clubs or to hang out, but there wasn't a need for it today. She swallowed down some reply about studying and settled down in the grass next to the other girl. Her hands played with the strap of her bag as she returned the smile.

"A little?" Aiko said sheepishly. "I've never had the chance to try before."

True, so very true. Neither of her parents had much interest in keeping a garden, not that they ever had the space or time to start such a thing. Her mother had a day job and her father was always off working. Aiko knew she had played with the idea before, in the way kids always do, but when the oppurtunity had finally arose she had been much too busy.

"Though I would love to help," She chirped, glancing at gardening tools. "Just tell me what to do!"

( Ploegy Ploegy )

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