Party Time! [LynxAmelia x Chiba Masato] [Inactive]


I will kill you ^.^
LynxAmelia submitted a new role play:

Party Time! [LynxAmelia x Chiba Masato] - From the group RP of the same name.

High schoolers on spring break at a beach resort.
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LynxAmelia's Character Sheet :

Name : Angelique Allen

Age : 17

Looks :


Bio : We all know that weird nerdy little girl in glasses who never comes to a party, wears high necked shirts and baggy pants and would rather spend a Saturday night in the library than going out drinking. Well, this is what happens when she lets her hair down. Bye bye glasses and hello pretty little contacts, high heels, skimpy clothes, tattoos, piercings, the works. She is now officially ready to be sexy AND smart. Deal with it.

Crush : None yet

Relationship status : Single

Personality : Angel has never been to a party. She's never worn a bikini. She's never flirted with guys. But that doesn't mean she can't. Quirky and adventurous with a generous helping of nerdy. That pretty much describes Angel.

Style :




For that special night:


Bikini :


Their cabin :


Other :


@Chiba Masato 's Character Sheet :

Name: Ryder Scarlet

Age: 19

Looks: (picture no anime)

Bio:Lived with his spartan parents for most of his life before he got a stable job playing games which payed for a small apartment where he lives and barley scrapes by. He left his home because he wanted to start living on his own and making a living for himself doing what he loved so that is what he did. He often skips school but he decided to come to the island to make some relationships before he returns to his life in the gaming world.

Crush: No one he hasn't been to school since they got back from spring break

Relationship status: nada

Personality: very relaxed and easy going but when he gets around a large group of people he tends to feel awkward and then he separates himself from them and tries to cool his mind. He also tends to get like a stone when around a girl as he has no experience with them.

Style: (clothes and bathing suit) He usually wears a tank top and basketball shorts and wears other then that nothing when he is in his room and he usually wears a pair of simple blue trunks and he also has goggles because he loves to swim underwater.

Their cabin: instead of a painting on the left wall it is a flat screen with his game console under it (the only reason he brought it was for a competition that would be held the weekend while they are on the island.)

Other: (tattoo's, piercings, scars, etc.) which is on his right shoulder
Chiba Masato :

Ryder grunted from where he had been sprawled out on the seat asleep for a majority of the trip, he sat up stiffly and looked at the island and the others that were still left on the ship. He noticed how most seemed to be rich kids, he groaned internally and rubbed his already sunburned arms and swung his legs from off the seat and into his flip flops. He lifted the seat where he had been laying on and removed his bags from it, he had two duffel bags one smaller then the other, the smaller one containing his gaming console and the other his clothes. Of course a important tournament had to be held the night that he arrived. So much for building a relationship with anyone. Because the relationships were always made during the first day.

Swiping his hair from his face he pushed it back and to the right and looked at the island and the water surrounding it. He grinned to himself and paused looking into the water wondering what he might see. His breath caught as he saw the reef and he couldn't help but smile as he knew what he would be doing until that afternoon. Raising his arms with the bags to his shoulders just in case he walked off of the boat and over to what would be the cabin he would call home was. Walking in he smiled at how much it reminded him of his flat back in the city. He placed the smaller duffle bag on the couch and he walked the room until he found his room where he placed his second bag on his bed and opened it and dug through his things until he found his blue trunks and a pair of goggles and also a snorkel. The snorkel would be for another day, changing out of his shirts and clothes he put the trunks on and tied a sophisticated knot in the draw strings so that they would stay up. He looked at his pale body in the mirror and sighed. He was pale not muscular, and had a natural flat almost six pack. Walking out of his room he hid the other bag under the couch just for saftey's sake and he walked out of the cabin leaving his flip flops in the thresh hold of the door. With that he walked onto the sand and onto the beach. Smiling again to himself he put on his goggles and walked to the water and let it lap over his feet. Fixing the goggles on his eyes properly he walked into the surf until it reached his mid calf. Digging his toes into the sand beneath him he pushed off cutting into the water with his hands. Kicking a bit to go under the water he drew his arms in a wide arc back to his sides propelling him further into the water.

LynxAmelia :

Angel gingerly stepped out of the boat. Not only was it the first time she was wearing a pair of high heels, it was also the first time she was going to a resort with no books to read. She couldn't really see the reason for being so excited. It was just spring break after all. "Oh bother," she mumbled with a sigh as she pulled a white hat over her face. She'd never liked the sun too much. But this was her excuse for getting a tan. And proving that she wasn't just a nerd. "Ah well," she walked to the beach, hauling her luggage. "A little help here?" she called out to no one in particular. She didn't have too many clothes in her bag, but it was heavy all the same. She was still tugging at it with all her might while huffing as she headed towards her cabin.

Chiba Masato :

after some time he walked back onto the shore after having swam for some time. With him he brought several Conch shells and pieces of dead reef. He had a small smile on his face and he simply nodded to the girls and laid the shells on the beach and decided to ignore that they were smoking. Yes he may still be a teen but that doesn't mean that he has to smoke his life away. He walked back into the water and dived back in heading back out to collect more things from the bottom of the ocean. When he reached his desired spot he paused treading water looking down to the bottom seeing if there was anything that might be really interesting to pickup. Spotting something glistening in a small tucked away place and dove with his hands and slipped in the water, swimming towards it he grabbed it and pushed off of the floor of the sea and rocketed back to the surface and frantically swum to the shore one of his hands closed around something. He had a wide grin on his face and he ran on shore and saw that a girl needed some help. One of the girls that had been on the beach had went to help her out. Dashing quickly over he smiled at the one girl that had went to help out. "Here hold this for me." He handed her the small stone which he had found and took the luggage from the girl that was struggling with it and easily swung it over his shoulder. He smiled as water still dripped from his person, his tattoo also was covered with little drops of water. "Which cabin is it?" He had already started to walk towards the cluster of cabins. The stone which he had given the other girl by his presumptions was a sapphire.

LynxAmelia :

Angel flipped the hair off her face and held it back with the back of her hand. "Why thank you," she said with a broad smile that caused the corners of her eyes to crinkle. She then pulled the keys from the pockets of her shorts and looked at its number. She pointed to a small cabin ahead of them. "That one," she said and looked up at the boy, "And sorry for being such a bother." As she began walking towards the cabin, she realized she didn't know his name. Taking a few steps ahead of him, she spun on her heel and extended a hand towards him. "I'm Angel, by the way," she said, smiling once more, "And you are..?"

Chiba Masato :

Nice to meet you Angel,' He followed her finger to the particular cabin and smiled at her nodding. "Alright that seems simple enough." By now the water on his body had either dripped off of evaporated into the air. Smiling at her he paused after hearing her question his name. He smiled at her question and turned back to face her but kept walking backwards. "Promise you won't laugh? My name get's laughed at a lot." A light in his eyes showed he was joking so he continued on. "I'm Ryder Scarlet, Senior at... uhh some high school. I forget the name of it as i dropped at the beginning of the semester this year." He smiled and turned back around so he wouldn't trip over the sand. As he did so he almost stumbled but he caught himself and kept walking. "I couldn't keep school and my job up at the same time, so the job meaning more to me i dropped out of school to focus more on my job." With his left hand he rubbed his tattoo in a sort of nervous habit.

LynxAmelia :

Angel tried hard to stifle a laugh. "That name sure gives a lot to imagine," she remarked. Though she was less than impressed about him not going to school, it also sparked her curiosity. And then she remembered that she was here to have fun. And be flirty. And nice. "That sounds.. um.. interesting," she began, "What job, may I ask?" Little did she realize how formal she sounded, but she didn't mind too much. Heck, she had her head so drowned in books that she didn't even ogle at the hot body next to her! 'C'mon girl, hot guy alert?!' a voice chimed in her head. 'It is not polite to stare,' was her response to it and she walked on.

Once they were at her cabin, she unlocked the door to let him in. Only that she didn't move to the side. Rather she was staring at the interiors wide eyed. "So.. huge.." she squeaked under her breath, taking a step back. She stared at it for a good few seconds before checking her keys. 'Well duh, it's your room. How could you have opened it if it wasn't?' "Shut up," she muttered under her breath. 'Watch what you say. Not everyone can hear me.' "Oops." Angel froze, almost wondering if Ryder had heard what she'd said. "S-Sorry.. Fly under my ear," she said, waving a hand over her shoulder, pretending to drive away an imaginary fly. 'You are pathetic.' 'Yes, yes I am.' She mentally facepalmed. 'So pathetic.'

Chiba Masato :

He glared at her remark but he hid it by looking away, "I play games professionaly and as a side job I review books." He heard her tone and grimaced as most people thought that when they heard of his professuin for the first time. He kept walking beside her and when they reached her door and she opened it he stood a bit awkwardly beside her and her remark of shut up thinking she was talking to him he glared openly at her and placed her bags beside her and without saying anything anymore he stalked off into the forest after making sure he had the time on his watch.

Pushing through the thick foliage he paused by a tree with a lot of limbs and began to climb it, after a minute he paused looking out on the island trying to see where the rest of the group was. When he saw that they were a good enough distance away he growled and punched himself hard in the arm and then kicked the tree hard. He was pissed at how he as showing what he felt so openly. He should be nice to the girls as they had come here to enjoy themselves. He was supposed to as well but how could he when there were all these people he had never met before and he didn't understand. Sliding down he straddled the branch and looked around at the forest wondering what sort of neat things he might be able to see.

LynxAmelia :

Angel was more than a little hurt when Ryder simply dropped her bags and ran. 'Like I said, pathetic.' "Oh shut up!" she said, not bothering to keep it low as she hauled her bags into the room. Once that was done, she flung herself onto the bed and punched a pillow out of shape. "That. Is. Not. How. You. Behave. Around. A. Cute. Guy!" she yelled at herself, the walls of the cabin echoing her words. Then she buried her face in the pillow. 'You are better off like that.'

The voice in her head. Some call it an 'imaginary friend'. Some others would call it 'multiple personality disorder'. She didn't care. It had kept her company all these years. And it had become her best friend. 'Thank you very much.' "Shut up." 'Naw, you don't mean that.' Angel sighed. 'I know you too well.'

"I screwed up, didn't I?" she said. 'Yes, yes you did.' "I should apologize, shouldn't I?" 'Yes, yes you should.' "Gee, thanks. You're a great help," she said sarcastically. 'You're welcome~' the voice cooed sweetly. Angel then heaved herself out of bed. "My hair looks like dog shit," she muttered as she looked into the mirror. After about a minute of fixing it, she headed out. Only that she didn't know where he could have gone. So she simply called out, "Ryder~!" as she walked out onto the beach. Hopefully, he'd find her. The voice snickered. 'Yeah. Hopefully.'
He had heard her call him as he had not ventured to far into the forest and he saw her looking for him he grimaced and punched himself again. It really wasn't right to treat someone that he had just met so bad. feeling a bit guilty he looked around the forest for some sort of payment before spotting it in the next tree. He stood and balanced himself and leapt to it. He grabbed onto it and immediately the tree sagged and snapped extremely loudly. Crawling out from under it he retrieved his prize slightly bloody from being pined under the tree he smiled and hefted the large bunch of bananas up and over a shoulder with a grunt. With that he trudged underneath the weight of the bunch back towards the beach.

He made sure that she had her back turned to him when he approached so he might surprise her with the bunch of bananas. He didn't even know why he had went to go and get the bananas but he just had. Wiping some blood from his face he smiled and dropped the bunch on the sand and scraped the back of his leg and he had to clench his teeth to prevent from cursing aloud. He grumbled and looked at his leg concerned for a minute before he saw that it was only a minor scrape in his opinion. "I hope you like bananas." He said to her with a grin on his face. "I'm sorry about earlier I shouldn't have left you like that it was rude of me to do so." He shifted his weight to his uninjured leg a bit nervous and to keep weight off of the leg that he had hurt. 
Angel put a hand on her white hat while looking around. 'He simply couldn't have gone so far!' She looked to the sand, attempting to find his footprints and see where they led. 'A tracker now, are we?' 'Better than you at least.' 'Touche..'

She was so intent on finding his tracks that she nearly jumped out of her skin at the sound of a voice behind her. "Gah!" she squeaked, nearly falling over. When she finally stood up, she began laughing. Playfully, she reached her right hand out to slap his arm, "Don't scare me like that!" she said, chuckling sweetly. Then she looked down at the bananas and began laughing once more, "How on earth are we going to eat all of that? Or are we going to feed monkeys here? I love monkeys..."

It took her a few seconds to notice blood on Ryder's ankle. Her eyes immediately went wide in concern. "Are you alright? What happened?" she asked, panicking, "Shall I go get a first aid kit?" 'Relax, he isn't going to die.'
He grinned at her over concern "I played Tarzan and leaped at a tree and it broke. Didn't you hear the snap just a little bit earlier?" He laughed at her questioning of him needing attention. Proving he didn't need her help he picked up his goggles and slipped them on and wadded into the water and watched as the water turned red around his feet and then it disappeared diluted by the water. He walked out again deciding not to go into the water until the wound closed. "Good thing I have a book to read so i won't be burned while i wait for the wound to close up. If you want i have a few more books with me that you could read. Unless you'd rather stay out here and get burned and become a little tomato?" He laughed and walked back to his cabin not bothering to wait for her because he knew that she would take the opportunity to get into his cabin.

Turning the handle to the door which he had left unlocked he went over to his bag and pulled out a thick tome of some new author and then his laptop and last a glasses case. He opened the case and picked out a pair of glasses (that look like this<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf0b9288b_ad-lib-ab-3108-bu-burgundysiproductPageXtraLarge.jpg.dcc814e0f680d75a8314951177c4269a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16235" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf0b9288b_ad-lib-ab-3108-bu-burgundysiproductPageXtraLarge.jpg.dcc814e0f680d75a8314951177c4269a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> and where it rests on his nose is red and is split with two red thin metal rods in between it the color of the nose rest is a metallic red) He put the glasses on and booted up the computer and while he waited for it to boot he opened the book and got comfortable in a bean bag on the floor. It was evident that he had been working on reading the book for some time as it was about 1400 pages in length and he appeared to be almost done with it. Once his computer had booted he picked a small stand from under his bed and set it up and placed the computer on it and opened his folders and searched for a bit for the proper document. The document section of his computer was well sorted and had well over 200 folders in it each a title of a book on it. He found the folder he was looking for at the bottom of the list. He opened the folder and looked through the documents for a minute and opened a document that had the name review on it. the document itself was well over 3000 words already and he hadn't finished the book yet. He shifted his weight a few times to get comfortable and began working on finishing the novel.



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"That, is dangerous," she said, wagging a finger at him before following him into the cabin absent-mindedly. She barely even realised that she'd crawled onto the bed behind him until she finally placed her chin on his shoulder and asked, "Whatcha doing?"

What she'd done, startled her. But she tried staying calm. After all, she was here to be flirty. 'This is taking things a step further' 'I know, but I'm trying to be bold.' 'More like a..' 'Stop it!'

Then she lifted her chin off and sat down on the bed properly, "So where are these books?" she asked, pretending as though nothing had happened. 'Real smooth...'
I'm reading this book so i can submit a review of it by tomorrow." He answers flipping the page. "All of these books are what i need to have finished by the time the month is up and then i have to review them and then wait for the next set to come in." He looks over to his computer and adds a line to the review and turns his attention back to his book. "You know i didn't mind you having your chin on my shoulder it felt comfortable so you can leave it there if you want to and try to read along with me."

He paused from his reading and leaned his head back on the bed looking at her and what she was doing. It became evident that she was feeling the same way he felt internally as she was fidgeting a lot and trying hard to make small talk with him. He felt bad for her because he had a hard enough time warping his mind that she was in his room to begin with. It felt good like she belonged here and he wanted her to feel the same way he did. "If you don't mind also telling me when it get's to be around 7:30 or so a little earlier wouldn't hurt either i have something to do during that time."
'Now's your chance~' Angel gulped for a second before sitting beside him. She wasn't exactly tall, so she just took to leaning her head against his shoulder while she tried reading the book in his hand. "You seemed to have covered a lot of it already," she commented, "Mind briefing me about it so that it makes some sense to me?" She dearly hoped he wouldn't find her being weird or creepy or one of the many things that she was usually called. "And what's special about 7.30?" she asked. She was curious and made no attempts to hide it.
"I have a important match tonight, The semi-finals for the global tournament in Halo 4, It's a game i've been playing in my spare time." He felt her lean against his shoulder and smiled to himself it felt even better to have here. "Well in this book it's hard to say what's really going on as it tends to go all over the place and not have much sense about it but the general plot is about a young man who is raised underground and escapes to the surface and has to fight somethings called a demi-human. In the process he meets alot of people including a older girl who he falls for but he soon meets a girl his age. So after beating the demi-human the humans begin living on the surface and the second girl he meets he proposes to her later on. As she decides on her anser she is abducted and they begin they fight against a entity known as a anti-spiral. Right now it's leading up to the final fight." ((all credit to gurren lagan on that one.))
"Ah, I missed all the fun," she said, pouting a little. '..But the fun is just beginning.' "Hmm.. I didn't know I'm in the same room as such a huge gamer~" she said, her tone one of surprise as well as admiration. She bit her lip in hesitation. 'Go on. Ask.' "Would you mind if I.. um.." 'Spit it out. It's not that big a deal.' 'It is to me.' 'Poor you... Get your butt out of his room then.' 'No!' 'Then ask..' "Would you mind if I... stayed to.. um... watch?" she asked, her eyes downcast as though she was rejected already. 'There there.. That wasn't so hard now, was it?' She was blushing a deep red. 'It is hard for me...'
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"The whole school knew and they picked on me because of it, which was why i dropped out of school got my job and my own "little" apartment." He said little a bit differently as if he didn't really mean that it was really that small, "You really didn't miss that much out of it, i just really enjoyed the way the book went." He kept reading halfway listening for her to ask him something else, when she began to ask if he minded something he paused his reading and looked at her. When she was finally able to ask him if she could stay he laughed and smiled at her wondering to himself why she looked down hiding her face. "Sure you can stay as long as you don't ask me anything while I game." He added the last par tin as a joke and made sure his tone showed that he was only joking as it seemed that she took things a bit seriously when he said them. Turning his attention back to his book he continued to read. After about another hour of reading he put his book down done with it and stretched and saved the documents and closed his computer. He stood and took a seat on the bed beside her and yawned and laid down in front of her, "Wake me up by 6:45 or so please..." He barely finished his request before he fell asleep, he had become well versed in being able to tell his body when to sleep and being able to actually fall asleep as well. Soon soft snores began to rise from his mouth and his glasses slipped from his face onto the sheets. 
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