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One x One Partners in Crime [TP and LIY]




Date of Birth:








Theme Song(s):

Five Random Facts:

Extra Information:

-- Mine --


Carla Emperatriz McCorkle.

Carla: English name that means "feminine manly."

Emperatriz: Spanish name that means "empress."

McCorkle: Surname of unknown origin or meaning.


Carla goes by a new name in every town she visits and has a multitude of fake IDs, so it'd be impossible to list them all.



Date of Birth:

April 13th, 1992.




There are many words that could be used to describe Carla, one of the most common ones being feisty. Although a generally friendly person and very compassionate beneath a thick layer of thorns, growing up in a household like hers led to her being rather uncouth in many respects. Containing an abnormally high level of sass in such a small body, she's prone to snarky comments and unnecessary witty remarks, especially in the presence of any sort of authority. Although somewhat tactless, she's also loyal to a fault and more noble than is probably healthy, more willing than she should be to put herself in danger for the sake of those she cares for, however few of those there may be. Intelligent and resourceful by nature, she can generally find her way out of a sticky situation, whether it be by using the materials she's provided with or using her charm - that's another thing. Carla can be unintentionally charming in her own roguish way, with her cheeky and confident demeanor. She's very stealthy and manipulative, possessing a silver tongue that's perfect for weaving together half-truths and falsehoods to create a believable story. She's not afraid to use her feminine wiles to get what she wants, and is very comfortable in her own skin, seducing many a man and then robbing him blind when morning comes. However, as flippant and gruff as she acts,there is a more solemn layer to her, one that leans more towards silence and tears, one that's far less certain than she pretends to be, but she refuses to let anyone see it.


Carla has an almost hourglass figure, with an average bust for someone her age, thin waist, and slightly wider hips. However, the transition is smooth and works well for her. She stands at only about 5'3, and would be a few pounds underweight if she didn't make it up with her muscle. Being of Spanish descent on her mother's side, her skin is a warm caramel tone and she has lovely almond shaped eyes of a deep brown color, framed by long ebony eyelashes. Her hair is a mess of brunette curls that hang down to her hips, often tangled and pulled back for the sake of convenience. She generally brushes it to the point where it possesses only a slight ripple, but if she leaves it be without brushing it, it's absolutely wild. Her round face, partnered with her simple straight nose and shapely lips, does make a rather appealing image. She is not overwhelmingly beautiful by most standards, but she's definitely pretty. Admittedly, she'd probably be more so if she didn't generally have a cigarette hanging out of her lips and a scowl on her face. Her back, calves and the backs of her thighs are marred by faded scars, and she's often covered in bruises and cheap band aids. Her style mostly consists of whatever she can grab, which is generally outdated t-shirts, old jeans and worn out shoes, the outfit always tied together by the old leather jacket her grandfather gave her. She does own a few more formal articles of clothing, but she saves them for more elaborate schemes that involve seduction.


• Freedom.

• Reading.

• Flowers.

• Writing.

• Stars.


• Thunder/Lightning.

• The authorities.

• Isolation.

• Bruises.

• Blood.


• Her parents.

• Isolation.

• Storms.


Carla was born in the middle of a storm late to Adam and Lorita McCorkle, two bitter people wed only for access to each other's wealth, and unfortunately for the poor child, the life she led would not be a happy one. Born into a household that had never wanted her, she grew up abused and neglected, having to hide herself from her parents' wrath and all but raise herself due to their negligence. She suffered so deeply from their malicious treatment of her that loneliness became ingrained in her system, to the point where the idea of approaching her peers at school frightened her and she kept her distance out of her own free will. This led to her peers thinking she believed that she was better than them, which led to endless cruelty from them. With the bullying from her peers and mistreatment from her parents, it's no surprise that Carla was absolutely miserable growing up. Things improved slightly when she befriended one of the tougher boys at school in second grade, a boy who was known for picking fights and throwing rocks. No one else saw it, but coming from a similar experience, she could recognize all the signs of an unfortunate home life that the boy displayed, and they bonded through their suffering. He was the only friend she had, her only comfort, and her parents just
had to rip that away from her too. When they began to worry that people would take notice of the bruises, they pulled her out of the mainstream school system, claiming that they were homeschooling her. Now poor Carla had to suffer through the abuse all hours of the day, and had no contact with her only friend. She was kept under permanent and torturous house arrest until she was nineteen, when she finally gathered the courage to run away. She's been living on the streets since, stealing and cheating to survive.

Theme Song(s):

by Coldplay +

by Breaking Benjamin.
Five Random Facts:

• Carla does smoke, fortunately not more than a pack a week (meaning she smokes about three a day), but has been doing her best to curb the habit.

• Though she was born and raised in America, Carla has a vague Spanish accent that she picked up from her mother, and is fluent in the language.

• Although she wasn't close with her parents, she did have a grandfather she adored, who unfortunately passed away when she was eight.

• In addition to stealing clothes, Carla sometimes makes her own out of the fabric of clothes that don't fit her anymore.

• She originally aspired to be an author and she still loves writing, but doesn't think she could get anywhere with it.

Extra Information:

• To be developed.

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Name: Adrian Hugh Rowe

Adrian: English name that means 'the dark one'.

Hugh: English name meaning 'heart' or 'spirit'.

Rowe: Name with multiple origins, typically known to mean 'row'.


Enjoys following various nicknames. One being Captain, mostly due to his nature to enjoy being the leader in activities. Others originate from the people he meets in random places, though he usually forgets them after he manages to escape the town. Actively enjoys his real name, but continually uses fake names and identification materials to do his work. Most of these names have to a sophisticated ring to them, incidentally.



Date of Birth:

November 16th, 1991.




Adrian is an enigma to most he comes across. While possessing a debonair atmosphere to him that could easily help him commit devious acts against helpless individuals, he's not much of a people person. In fact, he often finds reassurance in silence and solitude. He's a quiet man by nature. He likes to keep to himself. He prefers to be the standoffish, reserved guy you see on the side of the street and forget. In fact, it seems he's always trying to edge his way towards nonexistence. Because it's harder for someone who doesn't exist to be found by the authorities. However, when necessary, he's easily able to pull out a smooth, charming exterior and use it to his liking. Though he doesn't usually use it for flirting. In fact, he's terrible at the art. Though girls find his awkward attempts at flirting cute nonetheless and fall for his disposition anyways. This makes nabbing things from them all the more easier.

A large majority of the time, he seems like a man of many masks. He can be charming, talkative, outgoing. Yet he can also be quiet, unnoticed, and mysterious. On the inside, he's an idealist and optimist at heart. He
wants to believe in the goodness in the world. Just as he wants to believe in the goodness in people....but a life of hard times and a difficult upbringing have hardened his heart. He feels like he can't survive in a world with the way he is. Thus, he often hides behind a cold, intimidating exterior.


Adrian had a lanky build to him when he was younger. Since then, he's grown to be more well rounded. He's still outrageously tall, standing at 6'3, but he's become sturdier. He's grown quite a bit of muscle, but he still manages to be agile despite his growth in size. His shaggy hair is that of a blonde beach boy, though his personality contradicts the sunny persona this might reflect. His eyes are a grayish blue color, with a ring of brown around the very rim of his iris. His cheeks and nose are lined with freckles. His shoulders are broad, reflecting his imposing nature. He is often wearing a crooked grin or a grimace, reflecting his pleasantly unhappy demeanor. He typically wears a button up white shirt, with the top couple of buttons undone, dark jeans, and comfortable shoes of dark coloration. His hair is often askew, leaving him to look windblown. Despite being rather mischievous, he actually enjoys being sophisticatedly dressed. He could be considered handsome more often than he is now if he tried to take better care of himself, but he doesn't. Instead, he indulges in bad habits such as smoking and allows himself to seem unkempt.



~Warm/Hot Weather


~The Smell of Books





-Cold Weather


-Most People


-Law Enforcement Officials

-Financial Worries


-Losing People

-Feeling Uncertain



-His father




Adrian was born to Evelyn and Carver Rowe. In the beginning of their marriage and his life, the two were happily married. In fact, they were perhaps that perfect fairy tale couple, bound together with promises of forever. Unfortunately, the marriage wasn't prepared for the rough patches they'd surely face. Carver lost his job and Evelyn, who had always been a stay a home mother, was forced to find work in order to help support their struggling financial state. Carver, having always been an upstanding member of society, crumbled into a shell of the man he once was. He resorted to alcohol as his only means of comfort. With that, he became more volatile and aggressive, often lashing out at Evelyn at unknown intervals. Each time he'd get angered by Adrian she'd try to protect him, although this only lasted a little while. Eventually, Adrian tried to stand up for his mother. Unfortunately, he was still just a child. A weak, defenseless child. His father had slapped him, leaving a large red welt on his cheek. While it wasn't any major damage, it was enough to scar his innocent mind. His father may claim to love him in his sober state of mind, but in the end he always resorted to the alcohol. He never loved his wife and child enough. He never chose them as his means of comfort. It was the biggest pain he'd ever felt.

As he grew up, he too often participated in violent acts. Fighting, bullying, stealing. He was always working to be the toughest, most fearful child around. After all, even the pain from the fights he'd get into never measured up to the hurt he'd felt due to his father.

Everything seemed to look up when he met a girl in the second grade. She was being bullied by another kid. While he typically didn't try to help anyone that struggled (seeing as no one tried to get him through his own), he felt that the girl understood him. That, perhaps, she knew what he was going through. Thus, an unlikely friendship ensued. A friendship formed on mutual understanding. He found solstice in the girl. She never judged or berated him, nor did she make him feel less of a person due to his home life. She was his rock and foundation, the one person (besides his mother) that he could place his trust in. He could confide in her. They could make it through together.

And then she was gone. She disappeared from his life as quickly as she'd come. Along with that, his mother fell into a grief ridden state. She died shortly after. With that, he left his self-pitying, miserable father alone. He then went on to live a life of crime, his only goal staying alive.

After all, the world had been cruel enough to steal away all his loved ones. Wouldn't it try to steal him away too?

Thus, he'd work to survive. Survival was his only purpose. His only ambition.

Theme Song(s):

Pompeii by



Boulevard of Broken Dreams by
Green Day

Five Random Facts:

Out of all the bad habits he has, drinking isn't one of them. Due to the impact it had on his father, he refuses to touch the stuff. He does, however, have a serious smoking problem.

While his father lost all his respect when he was young, his mother was the his hero. Her death is one of the biggest hardships to ever influence him. His most prized possession comes from her, actually. It's a book she'd read to him when he was younger, with her signature and a little note she'd wrote just for him on the front page.

His mother was a Southerner in the states, while his father originated from the United Kingdom. Due to his admiration for his mother, he speaks with a Southern twang.

He actively enjoys sweet things, due to lacking them when he was young. His favorite sweet treats are cupcakes.

He's never kissed anyone.

Extra Information:

Not available presently.


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