Pariah's Call

I would like to reserve a spot I will have the character done tomorrow evening Irish/UK time

This is Wrath's character. He asked me to post it for him because he couldn't figure out the picture thing.


Name: Zacharael Thwain

Age: 32 Elements: Water, Earth and Electricity



Thwain stands just short of six foot two inches tall, with long brown hair reaching just above the nap of his neck, his eyes very from a turquoise blue to a light shade of grey. His build is athletic at best giving a somewhat muscular appearance.

Daily clothing: Look Above.

Weapon: Thwain is often seen carrying a long sword with a crossed guard and normally carried upon his back, usually clasped around his waist is a clockwork musket pistol which serves as the focus for his latent Electrical powers.

Personality: Thwain is usually a somewhat serious individual having taken his training with some of the stricter teachers within the academy. Acting cold towards most of the other students within the academy he prefers to spend his time in solitude and finds working in teams bothersome and best though has proven himself time and again to be a capable leader being a focused tactician.

History: Zacharael Thwain was born on Nol’til to a farmer and his wife whose land sat North-west of the large industrial city of Strumstadt. Zacharael spent most of his youth tending the fields of his family’s land that was until the neighboring province declared war, with the swift and precise attack ravaging the country side it was here that Thwain’s latent power over water and earth was brought forward. With the rapidly approaching enemy closing in on his family Zacharael rushed through the fields to reach his home and family. In distance he could see his mother running out of the house to see what the commotion was about just before and on coming artillery strike struck the house destroying it and kill her in the process, his father whom had been working in another field had witnessed the event and was running to check on his now dead wife.

Thwain’s legs had started to give into exhaustion still some distance from the wreckage of his home the enemy’s troops not far behind him, finally succumbing to exhaustion Zacharael collapsed into the field as the enemy soldiers came up behind him. One reaching down and pulling him up by the hair his instant reaction to reach back and grab the soldiers arm, the man’s arm instant started to swell out and burst in a gruesome spray of blood. The Soldiers shrieks of pain alerting the others around them to turn their weapons on Thwain only for the muddy puddles in the field to stretch out like ropes and bind them and force them into the mud. Zacharael's gaze then fell to his father as soldiers approached him reaching his hand out towards his father when the soldiers brought their weapons up the earth beneath them opened causing them to sink up to their shins into the ground before the earth closed itself again snapping each of the soldiers lower legs off from the shin. It was after these events that Thwain's father brought him to the academy using what money he had to get him in.

Apologies guys, just wanted to point out something. You all have some amazing character sheets, but you have to keep in mind that neither of the inhabitants of either world know of The Tear. So it'd be very difficult for the families to physically take their children to the Sanctuary.

Keep that in mind. If someone manifests powers, Keepers will come to your character and take them away. If they don't come... well, they won't be left alive. The Keepers do not want Magik to be known to either world.

Apologies if this throws a few wrenches in your stories, but if you could clean them up and then I will be happy to start this either today or tomorrow.
No, neither worlds can use magik. I think I wrote it in the beginning story. Don't know though. But anyhow, yeah. Neither world can control or use the elements. We can bend the rules and say those characters had Keeper blood in their veins that lay dormant for generations.

But in the end, no world knows of the use of magik nor of the keepers. People disappear if they are seen blabbing about it too much. It's a close kept secret.

Also, was going to put this on OOC, but there is a limit.
And triple post. Tomorrow I would like to start the RP, is everyone about and is everyone okay with that start? I'll write a long opening for people to work on, if people are okay.
I'm sorry I can't finish my character,because I'm in Georgia and we just had a big freeze,and I don't know when the power will be back on.When ever the power comes back I will finish it.

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