Pariah's Call [Inactive]


New Member
Tesla submitted a new role play:

Pariah's Call - Saviour or Harbinger of Death?

"Here cometh the Pariah! Fall to your knees and weep for he shall bring forth equality and the end of the world as you know it!"

The world of
Nol'vul, at first look, would seem straight forward and peaceful.

That is, unless you are a Keeper.

They know the truth. A truth so warped, that if it was to escape and become known to the masses, chaos and fear would erupt....
Read more about this role play...
It is the year 507 '4P' when the summons from The Order reached the hands of the fateful six. They were sent out with couriers wearing the official sash of their office, signifying government business. The summons invited the six to rendezvous at the top floor of the Sanctuary.

The highest floor of the Sanctuary was deemed the "Royals' Quarter" for it being off limits to anyone but the elite of the elite. Compared to the rest of the Sanctuary, the Royals' Quarter was highly furnished and colourful. One thing someone would notice, especially after being in the lower levels of the Sanctuary for so long, would be the lush, red rugs lining the floor in every direction. The walls were lined with tapestry showing countless events from both worlds, including the fall of the last four Pariahs. The stairs from the lower levels led to the entrance of the Royal Quarter, a pair of large oaken doors guarded by two Keepers wearing the regalia of Sanctuary guards, their grey hoods cloaking their face.

The front of the Royal Quarter consists of multiple offices that all link to a main corridor that forks at the end into two separate corridors, which lead to the residential areas of the Quarter. Between fork, is the conservatory, a room used by the council for meetings and urgent matters. It is here our six heroes converge, to accept their mission. The room is currently empty.
In the midst of the sound of laughter, the cheers of a drunken crowd and the stomach-clenching smell of vomit was a rather peculiar as a lady, unattended, sat at the end of the long bar in the Blaue Rosen pub. Her clothing, displaying her long legs, gave her the attention of the close-by men but none of them dared to confront her as she gulped down her beer, getting another refill nearly instantly. She carried herself with pride but her eyes emitted nothing but a tinge of sorrow as she gazed down at her beer.

In fact, she would have continued to ignore her surroundings and spend the night in some inn with whatever unmarried man that could satisfy her standards in the small town in the northern parts of Nol'til had it not been for the looming presence of the Keeper beside her. The man, dressed in a covering black robe, emitted a slight aura that was hard to miss for the well-trained eye. One would not notice, however, his conversation with the lady as he sat a few stools away from her.

"Lady Igoshk-" The man did not have the chance to finish his sentence before the lady muttered out an angry response.

"Mira! Not Igoshkova, you fool! Or would you rather someone recognize me, the dead lady of the Alkaev family? I'm sure that will go well with the damned council!" To say that the man was shocked was an understatement, Igoshkova or Lady Ice as most people called her, lived up to her name but not to her looks. Seemingly an elegant lady, she swore like a sailor and without a doubt it seemed out of place with her gentle voice.

"Ah, yes, M'lady. I-I'm terribly sorry." He couldn't help but stutter, his voice shaking but continued nonetheless, "The council calls for you to assemble in the conservatory in the morrow."

"There goes my eventful night..." Igoshkova, even after that statement, didn't rush herself to stand up but wistfully sipped on her now warm beverage, eyeing the wall in front of her, she gave the man a curious glance, "And who, besides the old men and women of the council, are to grace my presence during this meeting?"

"I do not believe I have the authority or the rights to give that information out, M'lady but I do know that it is an urgent matter."
He answered nearly immediately but at Igoshkova's raised eyebrow, the man muttered out the truth. "I only know what I have been told, and that is to bring you to the Sanctuary by the morrow."

"Very well, I'll leave first... Pay my tab, will you?" With one last gulp of the strong liquor, the young lady rose from her seat and pointed at the man besides her as the bartender's gaze locked onto hers.


Igoshkova had never liked the lower levels of the sanctuary, as gazes locked onto her back, the heels of her boots echoing in the sudden but short silence as conversations erupted again. Her shades helped against the slight headache from her travels and the liquor she had consumed throughout the night. The courier was nearly exhausted as he walked away from the lady, a look of terror etched into his young face. He had not, to say the least, enjoyed her company as she had not only nearly emptied his pocket but done so to drink enough for three lifetimes. As much as she was elegant, even when she gulped down some scotch, the lady was a pain in the arse.

She had changed her clothing during the travel, as she now wore her usual white Victorian clothing, her hair elegantly swept into a low ponytail. She ignored the whispers of the lower ranks, their gossip not of her kind. They weren't of her level. They would never be of her level and so, she kept her gaze firm at the staircase, ignoring the few who dared to greet her.

Like most other times, Igoshkova also noticed the difference between each floor, the less rowdy it seemed since there were less people. The walls became more intriguing with different designs, and as higher as she went, the harder it was to spot any auras emitting from the Keepers. And so, she came upon the oak doors leading to the Royal Quarter, her eyes not wavering as she walked past the guards, down the hall and into the conservatory.

Sitting down slowly in one of the many recliners, she gazed over the empty chairs and the long table. "Either I am early or horribly late..."

She wished to be late, as being early proved nothing but obedience and lesser power. After all, her father used to come in the middle of a party rather than at the beginning.
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All she wanted to do was get home. It wasn't ideal outside, and the wind felt as if it was cutting through her flesh. It wasn't even the cold that bothered her (she had already grown used to it), rather how harsh the weather was. Idette held a basket in her hand, the soft scent of bread rising upward from it, though some fruit had also been tossed in. Her father didn't have much money to spare as of late, so they'd been trying to cut corners where they could. Meals just so happened to be one of those corners. The girl hardly minded, she had always preferred to keep animals alive.

Black, filth covered shoes kicked up dust as she walked, a few rocks being tossed across the narrow path as well. Thankfully, the trees leading up to her home had blocked some of the sharp wind. But upon taking note of her front door ajar, Idette paused for a moment. Hesitantly, but surely, she felt her feet begin to move once more, seeming not of her own will. Entering the building, she set the basket down on the kitchen table before heading into the main room, where she found her father serving someone she didn't recognize.

"Idette! You're home," he greeted, a worn smile fitting just right on his aging features. Motioning for his daughter to sit down, her continued, "This man is from the Sanctuary. He's here to, erm, deliver a message."

"Yes, your father is correct. You're to arrive at the Sanctuary as soon as possible. I'll be escorting you." She sent a nervous look toward the man who had raised her.


"That is to be disclosed at this point. Are you willing to go?" Giving one more uneasy glance toward her father, she nodded gently. "Excellent. We're to leave right away."


The young lady marveled at the structure - she'd never seen something so... Elaborate. Then again, she was never a very exposed girl, living a rather sheltered life. "You're to meet in the conservatory," her escort had told her. She took careful footsteps, nearly tip-toeing across the floor, to the room, lifting her dress just the slightest, so that the hem wouldn't drag across the ground. It was white, after all, and that was the easiest color to get dirtied. As it so appeared, another happened to be in the room as well. Idette offered a small smile toward the woman.

"Hello," she said softly, forcing a smile; her voice would have been inaudible if it weren't just the two of them in the room. After speaking, she offered a bow of respect toward the other, seeing as she was probably older.
Zacharael had been out most of the day, he had hoped to meet his father after being in the Sanctuary for the past couple of years. He hadn’t seen him since the keepers came for him never explaining why they had come and only taking him and not his father, he had made his way as far as his family’s old farm seeing that it still lay in ruins since the invasion; the memories still fresh in his mind as he saw his mother killed in the blast that destroyed his home and then the solders came for him and his father. It was then his “powers” manifested themselves as his body defended itself and killed those men, he remembers the blood and their screams though he felt nothing when he took their lives after all they took his mothers.

He wasn’t sure how the Keepers found him and his father; they hadn’t really done anything other than move into the city. Perhaps it was the questions his father asked? Or was it the boastful nature the man had taken on after he witnessed his son killing a group of armed men with the elements themselves. At least that’s what his father assumed it was a strange turn of events to be sure; Zach tried not to remember it too often it usually left him in a foul mood when he did often ending up in some sort of mess. The other “Students” in the Sanctuary never paid much mind to Zach and nor did he to them, only when they need a punching bag did they come to Zach though that didn’t end well for them.

Zach decided to head into the city and see if he could track his father down in there perhaps he found a job and gotten a house inside the safety of the walls, the only good source of information was one of the cities many bars and that’s where he was heading of course he was still just a child when he first came here so he would need to wander about till he came across one. The hour was already getting late and most of the shops would be closing or closed by now so it couldn’t be that hard could it? He kept his ears open to for any sound of rowdy patrons of a bar of some kind, having finally found his way to one such establishment he made his way in with not so much as a glance from the door man.

After an hour of asking other patrons and the bar staff Zach had found out very little if anything at all and had decided to continue the next day and would take a spot at the bar, he wasn’t due back at the Sanctuary for some time having gained some permission prior to leaving for a few days. Ordering a drink and minding his own business as per usual Zach caught the glimpse of someone watching him from the other end of the bar, the bartender hadn’t seen him and nobody else inside seemed to either. His gaze shift for but a second back to his drink and then quickly kicking up from his stool and drawing the pistol from his hip and twisting on one heel to aim the barrel at his observer whom had managed to make his way behind him.“Terrible sorry for startling you Sir Thwain but you have been summoned by the council back in the Sanctuary. I have been tasked with escorting you there, are you ready to leave?”

An expression of annoyance crept onto Zach face he’d barely been gone a day and they already wanted him back, what was so important that he was needed by the council? And with an exasperate exclamation Zach would reply to the keeper sent to bring him back. “Fine lead the way….”

“Very good sir.” The Keeper nodded and turned to make his way out of the drinking establishment, coming to the door before pushing it open. “Hang on” Zach spoke out a tone of wonder hinting in his voice “You’re a Keeper, don’t you have some way of getting back to you know where quickly?” quizzically he spoke, to be honest he wasn’t really sure if they had or not and it couldn’t have hurt to ask could it? The Keeper didn’t answer but merely kept on his way forcing Zach to follow him rather quickly.

After full nights travel Zach and his escort had arrived back at the Sanctuary and quickly made their way inside, the murmuring of the other members of the Sanctuary was both of wondering and a hint of fear, Zach was the third person to arrive with an escort and to be lead straight through without acknowledging anyone else. They quickly made their way to the Council chamber were Zach would take note of the other two attendees. “So I’m not the only one being called in. Anybody got any idea what this is about?”
Turning her head to the new-comer, Idette shook it lightly. "I've not any idea," she said in a modulated tone. A soft sigh fell from her lips after she spoke, it being out of frustration, though one wouldn't be able to tell. "I was really hoping for some answers once I arrived here, but nothing. Just a quick, 'In here, now, go on, the others will be here soon.' It was nice to hear that there would be others, but my questions still weren't answered..." Finding herself speaking a bit more than she was used to, her cheeks were dusted pink and she slapped a hand over her mouth. "Sorry, was I rambling?"

On the few occasions that she would prolong her statements, she often apologized for it. Paying no mind when others spoke on and on, she felt as if she was being a bother by doing it, which was why she rarely struck up a conversation with pure strangers. This situation, however, was a little bit different. These people... They all had to be linked in some way, right? But how...?

"Idette," she found herself saying. "My name is Idette. And you are?" She stuck out her hand as a greeting, her arm stiff. It was clear she wasn't used to meeting new people.
A woman moved swiftly through a large courtyard. The grass was green and the trees were vibrant. It was a fairly warm day with a bit of a wind chill. She was dressed in her normal attire of a small cloak, dark leggings, mid calf boots, and a form fitting corset. Her dull, emerald green eyes shown dully under her hood, the sun beating down on her. She had just recently arrived back in the area, having gone out into the wild to hone her Earth skills. The second she had arrived she had been approached by a man, saying that her presence was required at the tower, and of course she went the very next day. The night had been quite interesting for her as she had been a day's journey from the tower, and she had been dreadfully tired. The Inn that had been near her had been a bit of a dive, but it had been the only place that she felt comfortable. It was a place where she could be herself, and she loved it.

The second she had walked in, she had known that she was quite different than the people around her. They were graduates that wished to stay as far away from the Academy as they possibly could. They were drinking, music was playing, there were dancers, there were drunken buffoons singing to lyrics that just weren't there. It was a place that she belonged. She hated the stuffy, snob nosed, teachers. She had never known different than what she knew in that tower, and when she could escape from the academy and enjoy life to the fullest, those were the days that she loved.

When she had walked in with her admittedly strange attire, she had caught the gaze a few men. This was not a rare occurrence, but she was still surprised at the amount of attention that she received. She ignored the stares and went to the bar, deciding on getting a drink before heading up to her room.

The bartender was a dark skinned man with short brown hair, an attractively large nose, and scruffy facial hair. He seemed to have a constant smirk etched on his face, and it was a highly attractive smirk. The woman let out a sigh as she sat down at a chair.

"A shot of Rum, please," she said in her soft, yet strong voice. The Bartender smirked at her and poured a shot, setting it in front of her. She didn't say another word as she downed it, the slightly burning liquid trailing a soothing trail down her throat. The glass made a clank sound as she set it back out, her teeth baring in a slight snarl as she tried to deal with the burn.

The Bartender watched her for a moment, looking for a cue that she wanted another shot, but it never came, "So, what is your business here?" His voice was soft and conversational, and she enjoyed it.

"I am on my way somewhere, but I have had a very long day," she started, finally signaling for another shot, it came, she downed it before speaking again, "So I need to stay here before going on my way," the Bartender nodded at her, motioning to a female waitress with an ample bosom. He leaned into her ear and whispered something before she ran off.

"Your room will be ready in ten minutes, in the meantime would you like something to follow that alcohol?" He brought out a menu and set it down in front of her, smiling. "Take the time you need, let me know when you pick something," he turned away from her to another customer, this one was a burly man that seemed like he could completely take off your head, but he also seemed like he was as sweet as a teddy bear. She let her gaze roam over the sparse menu, seeing a few variations on the same thing, and a few other selections. It wasn't exactly the feast of Kings, but it would do well enough to sate her hunger.

She was suddenly startled by the Bartender as he spoke to her again, "The name is Daniel by the way, Daniel Vigilid," he winked at her.

"The name's Rhiannon, and you don't need to know my last name," she smirked in good nature and looked down at the menu, pointing to the thing that she wanted before setting it down.

"Coming right up," he said, snapping both of his fingers and pointing at her with a grin on his face, and Rhiannon couldn't help but think that he meant it in a dirty way, but she didn't care. She was tired and hungry, and she just wanted to go up to her room and relax. She hadn't had much opportunity to sleep when she was out in the woods simply because she had to constantly keep her ability active, and it was really hard to do when she was sleeping. She proceeded to sit quietly at the bar, watching the ruckus that was going on around her. She still saw many of them that had wanted her attention. She could feel their gazes on her, felt their minds working in thinking of what she looked like out of her clothing, not that it left much to the imagination. It was like a second skin to allow easy movement. Those men grated on her nerves greatly. She had never been one to want the attention, simply because she had suffered underneath the unwanted attention of a man before, and she didn't wish to feel that fear again. She was determined to never let that happen to her again.

It wasn't long before she had her food and was munching away at it, not entirely impressed with the taste of it. As she slowly ate her food she heard someone come up behind her. At first, she didn't react, but the boy made a mistake of laying his hand on her shoulder. She was easily set off and she found herself grabbing onto his hand, manipulating it to her will, making him fall, making him cry out in pain. She quickly stepped back from him, calming herself nearly instantly.

"My apologies, you caught me by surprise," she didn't offer him a hand up, angry at him for being foolish enough to touch her. Did they not know just how dangerous she was? Then again, they weren't supposed to know who she was, nor what her abilities were. They were just supposed to know that she was a student in the Academy, and that she was just the same as any of them. The young man glared at her, rubbing at his wrist.

"All I wanted to ask you was if you wanted me to buy you a damn drink," he growled at her, snapping like a cornered animal. Rhiannon simply smiled at him, something slightly feral, the air becoming a slight bit warm around them. She wasn't angry, just a bit irritated.

"It was a nice gesture, but you should know better than to touch a person that doesn't know you, nor does she know you are around her. This is as much your fault as mine," her voice was calm and collected, but she was sure that it would put the boy on edge. "Now run along, I have some drinking to do," she turned back in her seat, hearing the boy shuffling away. She downed another shot, smiling at the attractive barkeeper before feeling another tap on her shoulder. This time she didn't react the way she had with the boy and simply turned around.

But when she did, white hot pain slammed into the side of her face and she fell to the ground, gasping out in pain. The room became like an oven as her temper flared and she quickly rolled up to her feet, crouching in a defensive position.

The best way she could describe the person that had hit her, was a man in a woman's body. She was overweight, but she obviously had strength. She was unattractive in the face, having her unattractiveness become more noticeable as her face scrunched in anger.

"Why did you attack my brother?" She asked her, fists clenched.

"If I had attacked your brother, he would be on his way to the healers right now," her voice was calm and factual, despite the heating of the room.

The woman seemed to not care and carried on, "All he wanted to do was buy you a drink, and you couldn't have been decent and let him!"

"Please, just leave me alone," her voice was cracking as her temper tried to climax.

"No, you will let my brother buy you a drink, and then you will make him a man."

Rhiannon was shocked at this demand, and she could nearly feel the air around her wanting to go ablaze. Suddenly she was right behind 'Helga', and pulled her braided ponytail, yanking her head back and taking the feet right out from under her. There was a loud crash as the woman landed on the floor.

Rhiannon stood back, panting, trying to calm herself before she set the wooden building on fire. "I just want to drink in peace, leave me be." She turned to walk away again, but she felt a tug on her leg and she fell face first onto the floor, just barely able to put her hands under her to catch herself. She kicked back and heard a snap as her foot made contact with her face. There was a cry of pain and she was released, rolling up instantly.

"Knock it off the both of you!" The bartender yelled, "I have told you time and time again to not hit other customers just because they denied your brother the chance to buy them a drink, and time and time again you have done just that. You are banned from the bar, get out!" He yelled at her, pointing towards the door.

The large woman glared at the bartender, flipping him off before running out of the door, blood dripping down her face from her broken nose. Rhiannon stared after her, simply confused at what had just occurred, just because she refused to drink with a young man. Not two seconds after the sister left she saw him run after her, probably not going to return to the inn without his sister there to guard him. Rhiannon let out a sigh as she put a hand to her cheek, rubbing it slightly. She knew that she was going to have a purple bruise for the meeting in the morning, and she did not want to be all bruised up.

"Thank you," she said, the temperature in the room cooling down quite a bit as her anger ebbed away.

"You were the third person she has done that to in four days, I just had enough of it," he slid another shot her way, "I'll put all of your drinks on her tab that she will have to come back and pay for. So drinks are on her tonight," he smiled at her, prefect teeth showing. She smiled back at him before downing the drink.

"I believe that I shall retire to my room," she held out her hand for her key, which was given to her, and gave the bartender one last smile before heading up the stairs to the second floor where she would find her room. The rest of the night was uneventful.

Her thoughts drifted back to the present, her thoughts having kept her company all the way up to the top floor. She closed her eyes for a moment before entering the room where she found three other people, one she did not like, one she didn't know that well, the other she was friendly with. She walked in and stood by him, crossing her arms under her bust.

"What it all of this about?"
The rain fell in a torrential downpour. The heavens had truly opened up, and they didn't seem close to stopping for a long time. Maybe days. Maybe longer. Caelum had spent the last several days brooding, and it showed in the weather. He could barely help that the weather had gotten so bad. He was like a magnet, especially when he was caught up in his thoughts, and his emotions ran wild. He could smell something in the air. There was trouble about. He wasn't sure what it was, but he knew that something was happening.

The Order had also sent him on a small information gathering mission, and he was not to be detected. The easiest way for him was to call in a storm, so he had not controlled his emotions, or stopped brooding in his thoughts, and it had made it that much easier to change the weather. Caelum reached out upon the wind. It was an extension of his body. He could feel everything that was going on around him, within a few hundred yards, without a thought.

He focused his energy, directing it to the large encampment below. He immediately knew that there were 50 guards on patrol, several on the inside of buildings, there were a few higher ranked officers positioned in a more central location. He would very likely have to kill all of them, without leaving a trace. If even one of them saw him, or suspected anything was amiss, he would have to end the life of everyone in this small army.

Their lives were dependant on his level of skill, and expertise. Caelum closed his eyes. He wouldn't want anyone to see their glow in the darkness.

He moved quickly, his sprinter's body descending easily down the muddy embankment, his hands lightly touching trees and brush to aid him in keeping his balance. He knew where every root was, every obstacle. He floated into the air, drifting into a lazy front flip over a group of fallen trees. He ran into the encampment, the rushing winds and pounding sheets of water covering his already soft footsteps.

He rushed between guards who never knew he was there, he was a ghost in the darkness. Someone's head turned at an inopportune moment, and his body went nearly transparent, a supernatural rush of speed pushing him to the roof of a nearby building. He pushed off lightly, twisting his body through the air. He dropped to the muddy ground below, landing unnaturally lightly.

He drew in a heavy breath through his nostrils. It would be so much easier to just end all of their lives in an instant. Explode their lungs simultaneously. Shut down their body systems. Caelum already had too many lives on his conscience. He preferred to keep people alive, if he could, and none the wiser of his activities. He would kill if he had to.

He pulled himself up the wall to the main building, noting that two guards rounded the corner below him. Neither knew he was there. He moved to the top of the building. The window was locked, but, there was noone in the room. Caelum compressed the air underneath the locking mechanism, and blew it open, lightly. The sound was comparable to a man hitting a log with an axe. He stopped, feeling his way down the hall. Noone had heard.

Caelum slipped in through the window. He left the wetness behind like a suit of clothing. When his foot touched the wooden flooring, not a drop of water hit the ground with it. This was a barracks style bedroom, but noone was inside of it. Someone was coming, though. Caelum quickly moved underneath a bed. The man entered the room at the same time. Caelum rolled from one bed to the other. The man moved toward a bed, quite far down the row.

Caelum slipped out of the room. It had been warm in the room, but the hallway was slightly warmer. The room that he wanted was one floor down, no windows, with three high ranked officers inside. He had to assume they were officers. They could have been assassins for all he knew. There was a confidence to them, he could feel it on the air. He moved down the stairwell, slipping a guard in the process.

Now came the hard part. How did he get the information, which he knew was inside of this room, without alerting the three men inside? Was there a way? Not before the guards changed shifts. Caelum muted the sound within the room. They would have noticed, had they been talking. He popped the lock, then opened the door, taking a deep breath. The three men stood from their seats as the door opened. One of them yelled something, in silence. Their eyes went wide.

Caelum wanted to give them a fair chance at survival. They were well dressed. Definitely high ranked men on guard duty. This was very important information, something that Caelum already knew.

He closed the door behind him.

One of them pulled out a sword, then lunged forward. In less than a moment, Caelum had drawn two of his blades; long, steel blades of master craftsmanship. He deflected the blow, and as he spun, the other blade found a vulnerable spot in the man's armpit. Then the deflecting blade was flying through the air at another of the highly trained men. All in total silence.

The man deflected the blade with one of his bracers. He drew two short swords, and his other companion pulled out a crossbow, firing off a bolt in an instant. Caelum was already in the air, throwing a dagger at the man he'd stabbed as he flipped through the air toward the crossbowman. The dagger made it's mark, sinking deep into the man's neck. He hit the wall, and then the ground, with a muted thud.

Caelum's kick was blocked by the crossbow, and he landed, throwing two more blows with his blades. They were blocked and dodged. The man with the shortswords closed in, making a swing and a stab. Caelum dodge both attacks, dropping to the floor in an instant. He popped up just as quickly, kicking the dual wielder in the face with both of his feet. The man's jaw was horribly destroyed; he wouldn't survive the night. Caelum threw both blades at the crossbowman as he flew to his feet. One of the blades was blocked, sticking into the crossbow, but the other sunk deep into the man's gut.

The crossbowman stumbled back, falling silently into a table. Caelum opened his eyes. His bushy locks partially covered the glow, and his face showed a grimace. The man looked in horror, Caelum slowly moving forward. His blades flew back to him in an instant, except the one in the crossbowman's stomach. The sound in the room was back on. The whole exchange had taken less than 10 seconds to complete.

"I'm sorry," Caelum said, his expression one of a deep sadness.

"No... no!" The man said as Caelum pulled the blade out of his stomach, and stabbed him through soft part of his jaw, into the brain. Caelum gave a deep sigh. He could feel the last breath of life leave the man. He had stopped crying a long time ago.

A whisper hit Caelum's ear.

"High Master Caelum, a very urgent summons." It was all that needed to be said. Others could potentially hear the whisper message. He had been summoned many times, even urgently summoned, but never very urgently. This was something huge. Caelum searched the room for a moment, grabbing the scrolls that he needed, and then he was gone.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

That was three days ago. Caelum had been waiting silently in the room for several hours when Igoshkova had entered. He was nearly invisible, and he was blocking out all of the sound around him. His aura was at a very soft ebb. He was sure that they would notice him once they were in the room for more than ten seconds. Zacharael asked a question, Idette answered, then spoke on for a short time. Rhiannon asked the same question. Caelum stood.

"I can't be sure, but if my suspicions are correct, this has something to do with the Pariah," Caelum said, incredulous. These were the most powerful Keepers in existence. He was surprised that they hadn't thought of it themselves. Well, he was extremely analytical. Maybe it just hadn't crossed their minds. His eyes were still closed.

((Sorry to take so long, y'all. I hope that it was worth the wait.))
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The sunlight filtered through the tall windows, shattered into prisms by the large crystal chandelier which hung from the middle of the ceiling, directly above the large stage. Tapestries identical to the ones in the corridor hung on either side of the tall windows, bloodied Pariahs in all their shame, knelt, shackled. The placement of the tapestries around the sunlit windows only drove home the point that the downfall of the Pariahs was the main priority of the Order.

A light breeze disturbed the dust that hung suspended in the room, dispersing it in small puffs. The pedestals that rose from the stage loomed over the party, casting deep shadows across the room.

"You are quire correct, Master Caelum." A voice echoed across the room and with a slight rustle of fabric an extra shadow had suddenly materialised among the others. The newcomer looked something akin to a grizzled veteran. Back straight as a stick, head held high. Bald, his head had a sheen in the sunlight, casting the rest of his face into shadow. Yet, even in shadow, white eyes the colour of pure ice looked out over the party. A close cropped beard decorated his face, sticking out at a sharp angle. "Some of you know me, some of you do not. But everyone of you has heard of me. I am Fulvius Decadius. The first among Keepers. Grand Leader of the Order."

He stepped out from behind the podium, walking out into the light, leaning slightly on a cane. He wore the official sash of the Order, the one held for the highest position. Gold on black, with chains of gold that were worked along the fabric. That was where the embroidery ended, however. The rest of his clothing was plain, a dark grey, which seemed militaristic as well as comfortable, designed for fighting. His eyes scanned the room, counting how many had arrived.

"We are missing one it seems. Perhaps Grimhartt got to her before she made it. Or perhaps she is late. Never mind." He waved away the thought with one hand before settling himself on the edge of the stage, leaning on his cane, settling his ice white eyes onto them. "You may have heard the rumours drifting around the grounds, across the towns. Rumours of the return of the fifth Pariah, Sylvas. What you have heard is true."

With a wave of his hand, wind formed up in the middle of the room, twisting and twirling into the shape of a young man. The pieces of dirt made out his features. He had two other figures standing behind him. "Some of you have met him. Some of you knew him. Some of you have never seen him before. All you need to know is that he is dangerous. A man not to be taken lightly." He waved his hand and the dirt fell to the ground. "You may wonder why I brought you here. Why I summoned you." Fulvius stood up and walked towards them, the sound of his cane hitting the marble floor echoing across the room. He waved his hand again and an image formed up between them. This time, it was Sylvas surrounded by uniform clad Keepers, over twenty of them. "Watch carefully. This happened not a day ago, when we cornered him with the Palatini, our elite force."

The men surrounding Sylvas dived in unison, each aiming for a different part of him, fire, lightning, ice, earth, air, all flashing out to strike him. Sylvas flung out a hand, his face contorting into one of rage, sending out a large ball of void magic, and followed suit, his Naginata. It did not move fast, yet the few men in front of him were not awaiting his swift reaction. The unlucky few that were hit by it simply had the parts of their body disappear, limbs, torsos, heads. Five bodies lay on the ground, some decapitated, some without limbs. All dead. Twirling, Sylvas sent his ball to the right before creating around ball towards the left as he faced off against the men in the middle. The void orbs drifted menacingly towards the soldiers, yet they easily side stepped it, putting their back to it, ready to assault Sylvas from the sides. That seemed to be a mistake. The void orbs suddenly struck out, sending out long spikes on the end of tendrils of void which impaled the unsuspecting men from behind. Ten others dropped. The five men in front of Sylvas, their training kicking in, did not hesitate. They lunged straight for Sylvas with magic as well as their swords. The melee did not last long. They were on the ground, the last gasps of life being wrung from them as Sylvas turned and walked away.

"We under-estimated him. We thought he was weak, thinking a few years would not bring him this far. We were wrong. I am ashamed to say it, but our forces are not prepared against him. You, however, are." He extended a finger to every single one of them. "Some of you have the skills needed to take him down. Some of you have experienced him. Some of you have even loved him. You know how he fights. And so, I charge all of you to track him down and take him out. Be it kill him, or bring him back for execution.
I want him gone."

Leaning back on his cane, Fulvius nodded slightly and straightened his back. "Any questions?"

@Charming Mouser @Party Poison @Wrath @HeartBrokenIceQueen @The Lady Kitsunerisu
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Caelum was mildly surprised that he hadn't noticed the aged Grand Leader, but only mildly. This man was a legend, he had done more to prepare the order than almost any other Grand Leader in history, as far as Caelum's knowledge went. He had personally trained with this man for many hours. He had only truly mastered the air after training with Decadius. The glow of Caelum's eyes disappeared, and suddenly the whole world was dark. He knelt down, but locked eyes with the Grand Leader for a moment before bowing his head.

He watched the Grand Leader intently. There were ways in which Caelum and the Grand Leader did not jive, but Caelum respected this man perhaps more than any other person that he had ever met. Caelum stood, listening to the Grand Leader's speech. Caelum nodded, acknowledging that the Pariah may very well have killed off one of their group. Caelum watched the display in near horror, watching the Palatini be utterly destroyed with ease. Caelum himself could likely take no more than five or six of them, himself, in a straight up fight.

Caelum was much better in a one on one, however, or with a team. He was also sure that Sylvas wouldn't go straight for the throat. They had known each other before. Emotions were a different game entirely, though Caelum was sure that Sylvas wouldn't hesitate, if it did become neccessary. He felt honored that the Grand Leader seemed to think that they were ready. He knew this group of individuals much less than he would have liked, to be taking on the Pariah.

Caelum stepped forward.

"Most of us barely know each other." Caelum said, "How do you expect us to take him in, or take him out?"
I am dropping from this RP, not that it looked like it was going anywhere to begin with. Farewell. Charming Mouser, feel free to PM me if you still want to RP. :)
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