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Fantasy Palavin Galaxy

Celcily felt her cheeks flare up once more when the blue haired girl retorted with such a comment, she was tempted to protest but instead welcomed it and smiled sheepishly and let out a quiet huff of chuckles before reaching up and sweeping non-existent dust off the front of her armor.

"Wow, um just two loaves of bread sounds great to me. I have some cinnamon in my possession too, just sprinkle on a small amount and it's really yummy, I swear." Celcily took in a small breath, "but i'll pay you ban for this. Maybe help you with any weapon repairs or-or...um...anything." The girl announced truthfully, prepared to do what the girl wished; for if she didn't she'd feel as though she was in debt. Then a new person appeared, one who had horns, the sight was peculiar and for a moment fear striked the girl, afraid that a monster had snuck into the town somehow. Her eyes widening as she tensed, though upon realization that it was a player she gradually calmed herself.

"Oh, it's location...um..." Celcilys expression gradually fell as she rose up a hand and tapped her chin thoughtfully. "I forgot...Wait, no. I never knew, Miss do you know?" The pink haired girl turned over to the girl beside her and questioned quizzically.

(I'll be going to bed as well, good night!)
"Hey hey I'm only saying that it's idiotic of you to go off by yourself. Not necessarily calling you an idiot." Asuna explained and walked after him. She hated whenever people misunderstood what she meant. However due to her oh so 'understanding' personality she usually would get through to people. She really was curious to see what being in a party was like and defeating a boss seemed exciting to her. Asuna kept her face voice calm as that was the only thing that would betray her emotionless expression.

"I understand that something... personal happened between you and blondie, but I'm interested in 'parties' and defeating bosses" Asuna confessed and looked at him plainly. She never wanted to be so attached to someone if it turned people so moody. Asuna looked at the three hippie like people then turned her gaze back to the big man.

Asuna doubted that he would go in alone since there would be people around the area that he could create a party with. She sighed at she knew what she would have to do to get the man to actually trust her again. If that was the right word for what she needed him to do. She walked a bit ahead of him then faced him, sticking out her hand she looked at him with a more civild demeanor about her. Asuna in fact didn't know what she entirely wanted, other than making a party that included this man and maybe the hippie like people from earlier. She was expecting him to decline her offer so she had prepared herself not to lash out on his somehow without showing any emotions.

It was all a big pain for her and she told herself never to be social again. "Sometimes you need to rely on others even if they have wronged you in the past. In this case I suggest we start over and you and fire girl over there start over again" Asuna moved her bangs away from her one eye and waited for his reply. As she never was treated nicely by people since they were so worried about being played with people rejected Asuna a lot so this would be no different if he said no.
The girl had shouted and walked towards him. He took a deep breath as he was prepared for her to begin bashing him again, like the previous girl. He was acting as nice and polite as he could, if he was in a bad mood, he would've already killed those two girl, no matter if they were girls or not, he wouldn't hesitate on it.

The words she said made him shook his head. They were wrong, and he knew it from previous experiences. He lowered the mouth park of his mask and opened his mouth slowly. He was going to give her a lecture, a well deserved one.
''Look, lets list all the things you think I can rely on. One, you. You randomly came to me, asked what I was going to do and I told you. That was enough to be deserved a ''you're welcome'' but no, you go ahead and say I'm being rude and that my reasons are idiotic, can I rely on you?

Two, that girl. I asked her to be in a party with me, with kindness and warm-heartedness. What does she do? When she doesn't want to do the thing we were supposed to do she nearly breaks my nose, can I rely on her?

To trust in a stranger is sealing the fate that you have a risk to be stabbed by the back. I don't like gambling. I would've loved to team up with you. You seem very kind and comfortable to be around with, but your words have made me think otherwise. I will not team up with that trio, if that is what you want, since I've seen your glances.. You tell me exactly you want with that group, and I will carefully explain to you why it cannot be.'' he had just released all the emotions he had sealed in. Even if it seemed rude, it was the pure truth, and that is how he is. Blunt and to the point.

As he sat on the grassy field in front of the three players he opened his eyes to see a frightened girl, he was confused for some time but soon realized that it was himself that she was afraid of, he was able to stay tranquil but inside he truly felt very sorry for having someone fear him, sure his appearance was one of negativity but it didn't mean he was actually as mean as he looked, his expression was stoic it was a good thing his mouth was covered by a mask, as of right now his mouth was turning into a slight frown and his eyes drifted off to the side, perpetuum quickly slipped his giant white sweater over his head and felt a bit of irritation and vexation towards himself.

Perpetuum soon felt a bit of anger inside his head but kept it too himself as not to scare the trio away, they seemed pretty polite and relaxing so he decided to learn more about them for the time being, it was a bit odd but as he stared at them he found himself to be quite taller than most of them he checked this as one of the reasons for people fearing him, he then thought about his red iris's they were also another reason as to why people thought he was a monster, all these several things about him being quite fearful he let out a small sigh only he could hear, but as he thought, he was still able to hear the three converse and nodded at the response, it wasn't really their fault for feeling scared, he felt mad at himself like always.
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Asuna suddenly realized what she said and rubbed her arm though and looked at him with a more saddened expression. She didn't intend for it to come out that way, she meant for it to be that she didn't want to be the rude one when telling him that his actions were idiotic. "Well... about what I said earlier was kind of a misunderstanding. I meant that I didn't want to be rude when pointing out your actions. As you can see I'm as empty as they come" she pointed to her face that was pretty bored looking as she spoke, her gaze being naturally a very unwelcoming one.

"The trio I looked at wasn't because I was to form a party with them, rather I'm curious as to why they spend time braiding hair and buying food when they plan on fighting on the boss. I must say however that I deserved the lecture you just gave me. My comments tend to be on the inconsiderate and misunderstood side" Asuna turned around so her back was facing him. She clasped her hands behind her back then looked over her shoulder at him.

"I now understand your reasons and if you still don't want to form a party with me or fire girl then I understand." She faced forward again and then lifted her right hand and swiped it to the left. She waited for the reply of the man as she was planning to walk away if he still wanted nothing to do with her.

"Trusting someone like me would be an interesting choice. You would be the first if you did" Asuna then looked up at the sky and watched the white fluffy clouds. She was curious as to what he would say. She was planning on him shrugging her off and getting himself killed while fighting the boss, though it wasn't like he would actually get killed in real life.
(( Sorry for not replying! My friend just had her birthday, and I spent time making her a note. ))

Her innocent face simply triggered something in him. He was cold, but not dead. The eyes and the innocence she sparked were enough to warm him a bit up. He was still mad and angered at what had happened, but after a bit of rain, there's always sunshine.

He swiped up and left, adding her and putting her in his party. It was still active, just that he had kicked out the girl, instead of leaving. He also felt bad for that girl, feelings were being bombared on him on that moment, and he didn't liked that at all.

Iron sighed and lowered his menu, staring at her. He started to walk, towards the boss room, signaling her to come alongside him.
Asuna walked after him and felt like she should've shown some form of happiness, but didn't. However on the inside she was glad that he had added her to his party. As she walked next to him she wondered if they would even be able to kill the boss or not. She tilted her head slightly as she thought about the possible outcomes. She didn't know what to expect when they would fight the boss, but she was eager to find out.

A light breeze picked up as the two walked and she dusted off her skirt to pass the time. "Oh what's your specialty?" Asuna asked as re-pinned her hair and made sure that everything was alright with her appearance. She hated to look unprofessional when doing something that she felt was important. She looked up once again at the sky and watched as birds flew across it and she sighed in a comfortable way.

Asuna looked at her new acquaintance and started to wonder what he actually used when fighting. She obviously used her duel swords and magic, but she had no idea what this man used. He didn't seem like he relied on just magic so what did he use as a primary weapon?

((Sorry my post is pretty short. I'm making cookies so they might be a bit short))
(( Look fine to me! I lost my juicy paragraph powers :c ))

He tilted his head over his shoulder, observing the girl. She was quite pretty and ''cute'' when he looked closely at her. She reminded him of a girl of his class, quite a lot, but for her to be her would be quite unlikely.Her question made him turn around again his head.

He slowly got his hand out of his coat and stretched it up, while clentching his fist. He had steel gauntlets on. They had no wrist protection, tough, so they were empty on the middle.

He also took out his gun and cocked it, to show his armory.
''I am a person of close quarter combat. I will most likely be found punching someone in the stomach and face, and use my speed and magic to run and teleport around everywhere, making me an annoyance to beat, apart from my gun.''

Iron yawned, while covering his mouth. He had gotten tired in all these discussions, so he wasn't going to be at tip-toe shape when the fight started, and that worried him.
"Hmm interesting" Asuna didn't really reply as she continued walking and then noticed him yawing. It concerned her slightly as she would need someone with more physical strength in this battle as that was what she lacked. She looked at his fist and thought that she seemed pretty boring compared to him. It wasn't like she disliked her swords, in fact she wouldn't want any other weapon, however compared to him they seemed like just regular swords.

"Asuna Flina" Asuna suddenly broke the silence and checked her Items once again. It was a force of habit since sometimes she would think she had an item that she didn't need or was a waste of space. Once she made sure that she had everything she needed, including potions, she closed her Item list. Suddenly the silver haired girl remembered that she forgot to check the incantations on her swords. "Let's see..." she mumbled to herself as she took out Oblivion first.

The black sword reflected the sunlight and the blood red color was much more noticeable on the obsidian blade. Asuna looked over the blade carefully as if it was a fragile piece of art. She quickly trailed her finger up the sword and placed the usual incantation on her sword and soon the red rose and vine appeared on the blade, while the hilt showed off ornate red designs. Satisfied with the sword she placed it back in it's sheath and took out Ultima. Asuna did the same thing with the aqua and silver sword however there was already ornate designs and the same design on the blade.

"There done" Asuna put Ultima back and stretched her arms out in front of her. She felt at ease, walking towards the boss floor. She was excited to fight a boss, however she wasn't excited that it was a giant spider.
(just in case people didn't know (well, i didn't say this, i'm so sorry!) the bosses are at the end of each floor. one floor is like a flat dimension, and one boss is at the end of each. one will be to the far "right" and one will be to the far "left")
Cienne nodded. "I'll buy some extra ingredients if you wish. And I expect no repayment." Just for reassurance, she pulled her face into a lazy smile again. Her eyes traveled to a newcomer, who seemed to have horn poking out from his hair. It interested her, since she had always been one with curiosity, but she held back her fascination and relaxed her muscles. She tried not to walk over to him and touch his horns--it would have been rude, and who knows how those horns will react.

Cienne blinked, surprised that she had been addressed to again. "Oh, I hear that there is a major party headed to the floor. The bosses are always at the far ends of the floor, I believe. That's how its been on the other floors." She tore her gaze away from the horns and pushed the door open to the bakery. "I'll be back after a couple of purchases," she said, and entered the warm-bread filled bakery.
Celcilys lips spread into a wholesome smile when the other girl had grinned, though it held exhausted emotions it did wonders to her expression. And the pink haired girl was about to thank her once more for her kindness when the blue haired girl spoke of the bosses location. Smart, Celcily thought mentally as the girl spoke; she had been with a party for each of her past levels and had never come to notice that the bosses were always on the left or right edge of the level.

"We'll be here," Celcilys called to the girl as she entered the quant bakery, leaving her with the horned inidividual. To which she sensed traces of discomfort lingering off the boy and felt a small amount of guilt within herself, having a feeling that she was the reason behind it. As her hands trembled at her sides naturally she stepped towards the boy and sat beside him with a soft oof. Her fingertips taping her knees as her legs were laid out in front of her.

"I'm Celcily by the way, we plan to head towards the boss as well if you'd like to join us on the journey." The girl grinned at the boy, hoping to ease the slight tension which had developed in the surrounding air. Before raising her index finger and pointing at her left eye as she spoke, "you're eyes are really pretty. Like flames, like a candle though not a forest fire." Celcily turned her attention to the bustling street after speaking, her fingers returning to their anxious activity of fiddling with the trim of her skirt when a few seconds layered she questioned innocently,

"Can I call you Pert?..."
Celcily had squeaked out in a small voice, "it'll be easier to call out. But if that's not okay just tell me!" The girl became frantic during the last sentence shooting up and talking in a swift pace.

@Galactic Cloud )
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"Alright mom, I'm going online, see you at dinner!" stated Zara after finishing her homework in her average living room, it had been a long day of school and the homework just stunk like always. Today was the first time in weeks she was able to play on the N.A.P system, due to it being finals week. Once she got into her room, she closed her door and put on the system before turning it on. "Activate N.A.P. gear!" commanded Zara; in an instant she lost consciousness in the real world, and pixelized; the normal greeting passed by her eyes "Its been too long" stated Iyonna as she got ready to leave, noticing that Zeke was already at the door after coming out of her room.

"You ready?" asked Zeke as he bit into an apple, his armor clinking as he did so; juice flowing down from his mouth as he moved the apple away from his mouth. Iyonna nodded as she grabbed her staff, asking "So whats on the menu for today?" as she opened the door. Zeke exited first, followed by Zara, still eating the apple. "Food" replied Zeke once they began to walk side by side towards the bread shop.

The two chatted about their life's as they walked through town, explaining how their schools sucked, what was new in their life, just normal talking. After a few minutes, the two arrived at the bread shop, overhearing Celcily state:
"we plan to head towards the boss as well if you'd like to join us on the journey." Hearing this, Zeke walked up to the group and greeted them. "Did I just hear that you are planing on fighting a boss?" asked Zeke politely, Iyonna smiled as she cam to Zeke's side, placing her staff on the ground before leaning on it. @HighnessesReign
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Iron nodded at the girl showing her sword. It was quite ''cool'', probably the best looking sword he had ever seen, it looked sleek and he really liked those sort of things. They continued to walk, and walk, to the other side of the map.

After some long silence, he said
''Iron.'' he was still mad, obviously, but, he had to break the tense mood sooner or later.

They finally arrived at the boss door. A giant, wooden door, with edges of metal stood there, in front of what seemed a giant cave. They would have to fight minions, and it was obvious they would be even more spiders, since the boss is one.

He looked at her and tapped his wrist, teleporting at the other side of her. It was a quick way to tell her what magic he used mostly, so he simply did so and nodded at her.

He stood still, putting on his mask fully and his hood on. The silence broke by Iron saying
''Are you ready?''

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