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Graded [Paizu Mountains] Shadows Amidst the Snowstorm

Amidst the darkening night, the blue light of the campfire danced around the campsite. It shifted around the shadows cast by people and objects alike. Notably so when Cenric perked up at the mention of his name. But, realizing Ceylan would have experienced something familiar to conclude that the curse's influence was strong here, he remained silent. Biting his tongue as his pained expression returned to the flame he diligently tended. Only the gentle motion of him nodding along hinted at a deep understanding of the bishop's words.

Only once the bishop directly addressed Cenric, reassuring him that fighting this threat was not impossible, did Cenric experience a rapid change of heart. It compelled him to share his thoughts with the faintly smiling saint. “You were thinking of Lady Eleanora...” He explained as he teased the flames with a stick, shifting around the burning branches to let it breathe, “I think she would have enjoyed your company...

She is-- was the founder of Miller's Hollow... and kept it safe from the curse until the day she passed...” He uneasily glanced past the group at the figure across the road, then winced upon seeing it, “It got a lot worse for a while, and we were lucky Lady Leontine took up the mantle before it was too late...

Seemingly plagued by distant memories, Cenric attempted to dodge further questions by turning his attention toward Seth. Only to let out a defeated sigh upon hearing words of a 'bloodless' approach. “The only method I know... is burning them with Lady Leontine's fire...” He paused, every word of his explanation carrying a lifetime of regret, “But... it has always been lethal to the host... which is why I ran in the first place...

I refused to die like that, but I couldn't endanger others for such a selfish reason...” Amidst his lamenting, his ears caught Ricti's mention of a cane. His eyes shifted towards the young man, and a pondering frown appeared. “A cane?” He curiously repeated, wondering if one of the older villagers had fallen victim to the curse. He had to know for sure. “Are you able to make out anything else from here? Don't!-- Don't move forward, please...

As Cenric requested more information from Ricti, the still figure across the road suddenly shifted. Its movements were stiff and forced as it rose from the rock it had sat on, only to step into the middle of the road - slowly nearing the campsite. Despite its apparent difficulty moving, Ricti noticed it was dragging the cane rather than using it for support. And as it drew closer, the blue glow of the campfire was able to assist Ricti in catching glimpses of the figure's face. It appeared to be a man, unassuming apart from unmoving eyes that bled a sickly ooze over his cheeks. He seemed to struggle in his current position, convulsing violently as the shambling body forced another step toward the campsite.

Elvario Elvario Tattletale Tattletale SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
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Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Elvario Elvario

Seth listened to the nervous man's frantic explanation, and nodded at Ricti's assessment of their foe. “He's right. I don't think he's using that cane for support, but I don't know who…”

He was interrupted by the sudden approach of the hooded figure. The mercenary wasn't about to let the stranger take a step closer to the others, which became a pressing concern given his shaking advance. “Be ready!” Seth barked, voice ringing across the half-set camp. According to Cenric, only the blue fire would clean the curse, but he doubted Ceylan would be okay with going for a lethal method from the get go. “I don't think he is inclined towards a conversation.”

Seth's previous joviality had all but evaporated. His voice was taut, hardened, and the glint of his eyes through the helm was steel-cold. “I'd rather not kill you, stranger, but I will if you give me no other choice.” Legs at the verge of bursting into motion, Seth poised his spear in an unconventional upwards stance. He stood still as a statue, readying a [Spear Fall] should the cursed man get close enough to threaten his companions, but he didn't move otherwise.

He was prepared.

  • Spear Fall (2 actions) - Fighting Style [Spear] E, Jumping F, Penetrating F - Seth jumps in the air and strikes downwards, putting all his weight into the blow (3yrds. Height) - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown


Ceylan (Event) - Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt | Seth Tattletale Tattletale | Ricti SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

He'd notice Seth step in front of him, which snapped him out of his daze. “I...” He started, but couldn't continue. “... don't know.” It was true. He'd been so overwhelmed by the illusion that he didn't have any ideas at the ready. However... “Whatever you do, don't fight it away from the fire.” That'd spell the doom of all of them. He knew that much.

Ricti's perceptive remark made him wonder. A cane? So... yes. This wasn't someone in werewolf form. Odd. Yet, perhaps, promising? More promising, however, was Cenrics reaction. It sounded like this would've been a person he might've recognised. Thus someone that could still be cleansed.

The other information he'd gotten from Cenric would have to wait for a while. As much as he wished he'd have some moments of peace and silence to pounder over it all and contextualise it with his own prior knowledge, he did not have such luxuries. Right now, he'd need to deal with this figure in the shadows.

That said, some of Cenric's words did help him settle on what action he wished to take. Burning one of them with Lady Leontine's fire was lethal to them, but also to the host. Yet it seemed like being near it made them scared, uncomfortable or weakened. Perhaps all three. Either way, it settled his doubts. His plan of action was decided. All he could do was pray that it'd work and that his companions would give him the aid he needed.

“I've gained the insight I needed.” He stated, thanking the gods and hoping that it was truly by divine inspiration and not foolishness that he would act next. He'd whisper to Seth and Ricti. “I'll try summon it close to the fire. That should weaken it. You two hold it down. I'll cleanse it.” He tried to deliver his plan as concise yet clear as he could. “Should I fail to summon it, try to drag, lure or draw it close instead. Keep it as close as you can.”

He needed the fire. Not to kill it, but to weaken it. He'd slowly start to retreat back towards the fire. He didn't need to pretend to be scared to make it believable. He was scared. His tail was still mostly drooped. Yet that didn't dissuade him from pursuing this idea. The moment he was close to the fire, he'd use [Summon Target D] to try summon the figure in the shade near the fire.

He knew very well how many variables there were. In an ideal scenario, he'd summon the 'body' of it, which he expected to be weak enough to be drown in by the magic. Then he'd be able to hold the 'body' of it in place (mind-control through summoning). Then it'd just be a manner of cleansing the target.

It likely wouldn't be an ideal scenario. There was a chance it couldn't be summoned to begin with, as the 'entity' within it was too strong to summon. There was a chance he would be able to summon it, yet the 'entity' would take over and attack. That's what he'd need Seth and Ricti for the most.

Those were just some of the variables. There were many more things that could go wrong. Yet he wasn't alone. He trusted Seth. He wasn't sure what to think about Ricti, something about the latter was still odd, but he hoped the latter would join in if need-be. Cenric... perhaps he'd get over his fear and help out once he saw what happened. In fact, he figured even Capri and Corne might help out if they spotted their troubles.

[Summon Target D – Summon Creature E, Magic Affinity D, Magic Duration E, Magic Range E, Energised D – Character summons a specific creature or a specific group of creatures from the same plane of existence (within a 30 feet search range), Grade D – 1 Post Cooldown]

Whether he'd summon the target, whether Seth and Ricti managed to lure/bait/drag him in, or whether the target would merely get closer, he was ready to use [Curse Cleanse B] on it once more. It'd worked before. Even though the curse was stronger here, with the back-up from the fire and his friends, he felt like it wasn't impossible. With all targets centred on the same person, most aiming to cleanse his curse, some 'targets' ready to heal whomever had been affected by it, in anticipation of the fire, cleansing or curse wounding the very person he wished to save, he truly went all-out in an effort to beat the curse that'd frighten him into near paralysis only moments ago.

[Curse Cleanse - Magic Affinity B, Magic Range C, Magic Targets C, Sixth Sense D, Healing B, Religion B, Energised B - Uses divine senses to detect curses and combines religious knowledge with healing magic to cleanse them. - Grade B - 3 post Cooldown]
Ricti (#BD5C0F)

"If you truly cared, you would've let yourself die instead of running away and endangering outsiders." Ricti mentioned matter-of-factly, cutting through Cenric's laments without sympathy. "Why are you pretending your choice was a noble one? There's nothing wrong with being selfish." His questioned expressionlessly, casting his gaze briefly toward their ever fearful cart driver.

Even though he did not know the full story, enough was said that had stirred the ex-zombie into speaking up. Twisted stories, bent truths, snide comments, fake flattery... Ricti felt as if he had been exposed to such things a lot in the past, which was part of why he valued and pursued logic and reason so much in his previous lifetime. Not that he was saying Cenric was particularly trying to do any of that, but hearing him try to justify himself did irk him somewhat.

Consequently, as always, Cenric's cautious warnings fell on deaf ears before he turned to himself.

"No, but it doesn't look like he's using it for support." Ricti commented calmly, watching the cursed begin to shamble over with a quiet gaze. Noticing Seth prepare for battle out of the corner of his eye and the bishop begin to cautiously retreat towards the fire, Ricti felt a little emotionally out of place with how at ease he felt. Still, having acknowledged Ceylan's orders, he followed the priest toward the fire with slowed steps, ready to apprehend the cursed one if said 'summon' is successful. Having missed the bishop's previous applications of magic, Ricti wasn't sure what to expect at all from said 'summon', but if the zombie-like creature just suddenly appeared next to him he would try his best not to be caught off-guard [Focus F].
michael-david-antinucci-viking-slave-full-body-bright.jpgBenny Trott - the Fleetfoot.jpgCenric & ???
Then it must have been someone else's...” Cenric commented as he stared into the blue flames. The comments and questions from Ricti echoed through his head. His pondering frown deepened, frustration building every moment he remained in thought until something within him snapped. “Don't!.. pretend you understand where I-- where we come from!” Cenric cast the stick he was teasing the flames with into the pyre and stood up to face Ricti. “We know what comes for us when we get cursed, do you? The example is staring us in the face!

Cenric gestured agitated toward the shambling figure as he moved forward. “It doesn't spread, or at least we've never seen more than ten of them! I thought--” Cenric halted, catching himself just in time to stay within the fire's glow. His display of aggression fizzed out into a defeated stance. “I thought... if I could carry this curse with me to the highest peaks of the Paizu and die there... maybe it wouldn't be able to find a new host to take my place...

He glanced down at the broken cuffs clinging to his wrists and shifted them repeatedly. “I brought chains to restrain myself at night... I thought it would not be able to bring me back to Miller's Hollow. I thought, eventually, some monster would find me there while I sat defenseless. I really did! But the chain broke, and the curse brought me down the mountain...

Seth suddenly cried out to be ready, startling Cenric into retreating behind the spear-wielding mercenary who offered the man opposing them a final chance to stand down. But even with Seth's direct threat, the man appeared unresponsive. Catatonic in his movements, he only took notice of his surroundings when another step forward forced Ceylan to call upon summoning arts. The divine magic enveloped the man's body, glowing bright against the growing darkness of the evening. And with a sharp glint, the man disappeared from sight – only to reappear amidst the group.

The dancing, blue light of the campfire illuminated a young adult wearing grey and beige winter clothing with a red scarf and matching gloves. As the hood of his jacket fell back, it revealed a head of black hair, tall deer ears, and a pair of snow goggles resting on his forehead. Unassuming, apart from the eyes. Still, green eyes stared straight ahead, producing a blackness that seeped over his cheeks like he had been crying for weeks.

For a moment, everything was silent.

And then, he screamed.
It was a piercing howl that announced his body was attempting to transform. The curse within fighting to reclaim control over a body that now answered to another's call. The man quickly grew claws, only for them to crumble apart before fully manifesting. His skin grew patches of black fur, which rapidly burned away in the blue light. The howling ended soon after, and the man fell forward. He landed on his knees in front of the campfire. His form was dangerously close to slumping forward into the flames as black smoke began evaporating off his body. And just beyond the fire's glow, the forming mist congregated into a shadowborne beast - a dark spirit with a wolfish grin and eyes like the illusion had shown Ceylan.
BISHOP!” The monster snarled in [Beastial]. It felt different from the curse that had manifested from Cenric's cleansing. Without the sunlight tearing it apart, its body appeared more solid. A shadow made tangible. And far more enraged about being forced out of its host. “Step forward! Do not, and the shadows will find you the day the fire fades! Submit to MY authority and give yourself to MY shadow! NOW!

Shadowborne Beast.jpg

Elvario Elvario Tattletale Tattletale SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
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Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt | Seth Tattletale Tattletale | Ricti SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

His summoning had worked. Great! That was step one of his plan successfully completed. The fire seemed to affect the cursed/infected as well. Step two of his plan was set in motion. He could see the body attempt to transform, yet the light was burning away the curse. Ceylan would attempt to draw the man back a bit, recalling the threat of death upon being actually burned by the fire. All he wanted to was use the fire's power to help cleanse the man, not kill him. Even though the staff being in his possession might be reason enough to make him fuel to the flames.

Helping to weaken the curse was exactly what the fire seemed to have done. Step two was a success. The beast was driven out of the man much like he'd forced it out of Cenric before. He could hear the beast call out to him from the dark, but he paid it no heed. He had another priority. He wasn't able to confirm whether or not the cleansing and fire had harmed the victim or not, so he'd play it safe and used [Divine Healing C] to attempt to heal the deer-eared man. He wasn't ready or willing to have the curse claim more victims.

[Divine Healing - Magic Affinity C, Magic Range D, Magic Targets D, Healing C, Religion C, Energised C - Character channels the powers of the gods to heal significant injuries. - Grade Ce - 2 Post Cooldown.]

“Come on... stay with me.” He'd speak to the man, hoping for him to regain consciousness. Whatever reply he could give to the wolf-like curse was of far less importance than curing this man. In fact, saving one of its victims might be the best reply he could give the curse. Yes. Saving its victims. That was his answer. Perhaps, had he not already used his full curse cleansing powers and were he not focussed on securing the man's survival, he would've attempted to banish this creature altogether. Yet that wasn't the case right now. Right now, his attention was almost exclusively on the person in his hands, whom he'd drawn back from the fire and whom he was desperately trying to heal from whatever side-effects his actions and the curse might've left him with.

Be CD's – 1/3
Ce CD's – 0/2
De CD's 1/1
Ricti (#BD5C0F)

Subconsciously or not, Ricti ignored Cenric's initial emotional outbursts, blankly waiting for the consequent, more useful explanations to roll in that so often followed.

"Ah, so you did try to die isolated, but failed." Ricti mused quietly, his gaze trained on the shadowy figure that was both erratically and sluggishly making his way forward. "I assumed from your earlier words you only really ran because of your fear of the lady's flames." He continued, glancing toward Ceylan as the distance lessened between them. "You're more heroic and selfless than I thought, I apologize." He nodded briefly towards the once chained man, before warily watching a blinding aura of dazzling light cover their target.

The sight of tell-tale animal ears in the luminance of the flickering flames instinctively startled Ricti, causing his hands to pause mid-air as he reached out. Though he realized his mistake, that moment of hesitation was enough, as a raging howl suddenly pierced and overwhelmed his new hearing senses. Amidst the pain with his hands covering his ears, he noticed the vague sight of erratic fur and sharp appendages, before the figure collapsed, and the world fell oddly silent once more.

The shadowed beast with canine features that slowly seeped out of its host, hostilely snarling and growling towards the bishop, instantly re-ignited the fear within Ricti. Staring straight at that otherworldly monster of his nightmares, he was momentarily at a loss, and took a bit to register that Ceylan was beginning to treat the deer-eared victim that was left behind.

Right. The plan was successful, and the curse was forced out. He should focus on that. Robotically, Ricti pulled himself towards the flames, quickly helping Ceylan support the deer-eared stranger's body as he worked his magic.
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Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

Seth blinked at the spectacle unfolding in front of him. The shadowy figure hovering at the edge of the fireplace was by far flashier than anything he had fought or killed before, but… For all its bravado, it seemed like it couldn't get any closer. Luckily for the former host, Ceylan was a powerful priest. Even more powerful than he originally assumed, if he was to judge the intensity of his magic. Seth hadn't survived this long without learning to gauge when he was outclassed. Still, better to have someone like that at his back.

Now, for the menace still at large. The mercenary considered his options. Abandoning the security of the fire didn't seem like the brightest idea: he didn't know if the monster could possess another host instantly, and the possibility of turning on his allies didn't appeal to him. He had options, though. Even though Seth wasn't really sure if a physical attack would damage the apparition, but on the other hand, these mitigated the disadvantage of being unarmed.

Which he was about to be.

Seth reversed his grip on the spear, feeling the manic grin that came with imminent danger. Twisting his torso to give himself as much leverage as possible, he planted his feet on the grassy floor and relaxed. Then, with a final breath out, he spoke, casual as could be. “Hey, mutt.” His arm blurred suddenly. Catch. a silver of silvery steel cut through the air, weapon sailing through the air, seeking the heart of the creature.

Actions: [1] -
  • Long Fang - Fighting Style [Spear] E, Accurate E, Penetrating F, Range E - Seth takes a round to aim and throws his spear with great strength (30ft. range) - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
Benny & Cenric & ???
Benny Trott.jpgAfter separating the cursed spirit from its host, the freed stranger remained slumped before the crackling fire. The blue glow grew brighter against his tarnished form that steadily tipped forward. As if eager to taste the blue flames. But before he could fall, Ceylan managed to draw him back. He pulled him away from the flames as his body remained unresponsive within the bishop's hold. As he did this, he would notice the stranger felt cold to the touch, both cloth and skin alike, but also still alive. While the movements of his chest remained hidden, covered by thick winter clothes, there was flicking in his ears that indicated he was still hanging on.

It was not until Ceylan's divine healing that the man's slight movements became less than erratic. His ears seemed to actively turn toward the direction of Ceylan's voice before a pained groan escaped the stranger's lips. “I made it..?” His voice was small and strained, producing pained groans as his hand slipped into his coat to retrieve something. “Whoever you are, you need to help. You-- must!” He pleaded, presenting a letter he had carried within his coat. “Wherever... Ackh!-- I am Benny.., and I need to find the guild! Nnhg--” He groaned again, his aching muscles disagreeing with the attempt he was making to force his body to stand up after just being healed.

michael-david-antinucci-viking-slave-full-body-bright.jpgI don't need your apology-- I'm sorry, I meant you don't need to apologize...” Cenric fumbled, trying to mask the lingering frustration behind a forced smile. He already knew he had failed the moment he woke up with blood on his hands. Still, hearing someone else say it out loud... It left a deeper cut than anything else ever had. Even the latter mention of his heroism did little to prevent Cenric from casting his eyes down at the wrist cuffs. He had almost forgotten they were in danger as he idly twisted the cuffs around his wrists.

Heroic... selfless...” Cenric mumbled to himself in a slightly mocking tone - indulging in his own disapproval until he heard a familiar voice. The sound pulled him from his thoughts, and he glanced back. “Ben?!” He called out but hesitated before running over. His eyes locked onto Seth, and he wondered if the mercenary would need his support in the upcoming fight. But what could he do? And Leontine's fire was already providing him with the needed advantage. Cenric took a couple steps back, hesitated, and then turned to join the others at the fire. “Ben! What happened?

Woah, Cen..?” Benny questioned, then shook his head with a wide smile. One that quickly faded into a realizing frown. “I died, didn't I? Damn it! Ackh--” Voicing his annoyance made a sudden cramp shoot through him, which compelled him to strike the ground with his fist. “Damn it, then the letter is useless!

Meanwhile, at the dark edge of the campfire's glow, the manifested curse continued to taunt Ceylan from the sidelines. Unwilling to come closer, the beast snarled and growled ceaselessly at the bishop. Its obsession turned it blind to the world around it, allowing Seth to ready his spear before calling for the beast's attention.

Shadowborne Beast.jpgYou will speak when spoken to, warrior!!” It snarled back, turning to catch a glint from the spear before it pierced through the darkness of its cursed body. The beast howled as the weapon sank deep into the blackness, lodging itself between the left shoulder and the right ribs. “YOU!!--

Do you THINK yourself safe within the light?!” It snarled, and its eyes grew wild. The whiteness of the pupils burned with bloodlust as the color slowly drained from Seth's worldview. The earth below his feet had become a formless shadowscape. The stars above, drifting through an endless void, had been replaced by countless eyes - disembodied spectators to the slaughter as the shadow beast submitted to its burning rage.

Suddenly, its form appeared unstable, and black tendrils began to shoot out of its writhing mass. They coiled around the spear and latched to the ground around its form. The monster's head twisted and reformed to allow space for additional eyes, all trained on Seth. Then glinting teeth revealed themselves within its maw, seeking to tear through the mercenary as the deformed beast charged recklessly into the fire's glow [1]. It desired revenge above all else, even if that meant sacrificing itself for it.

Action [1]: Movement [Fast E]
Action [2]: Weeping Wounds - Natural Weapons [Fangs] E, Blight [Accursed] F, Continuing F, Illusion E - Effectiveness 7
Action [3]: -

Strength D
Natural Weapons [Claws/Fangs] E

Elvario Elvario SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Tattletale Tattletale

Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt | Seth Tattletale Tattletale | Ricti SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

Ceylan gave Ricti an appreciative nod upon the latter's help at keeping the curses' victim from burning alive. That was all the attention he'd be able to give his fellow adventurer, considering the patient in his care. That said, instinct made him look around when he heard someone call out 'hey mutt', only to realise it was Seth challenging the curse. He wasn't sure if that'd be a good idea, but he had other things to focus upon. He'd entrust this task to Seth.

Relief washed over him when the stranger awoke, even though he seemed rather confused and panicked. “Please, calm down.” He'd say gently. “You're not dead.” He replied first, that was the most important part, even though the guy might've been as good as dead only moments ago. “Although you'll need to rest for a bit. You were cursed until mere moments ago... You can tell us what happened once you've regained some strength.” Ceylan said, as he offered 'Ben' his waterskin to drink from.

His eyes glossed over the letter 'Ben' had been waving around. What could be so important that it was his first thing to be concerned about? As curious as Ceylan was, he soon realised the curse was coming closer after hearing it shouting at Seth. Seth, who'd just abandoned his weapon by throwing it at the curse... Ceylan looked around, then sighed. This was probably the time to see if his fancy looking staff was as unbreakable as it was meant to be. “Catch!” He'd call out to Seth, as the threw his [Orichalcum Crystal-orbed staff E] at Seth. It wasn't the greatest weapon, but it should be good enough to defend against the incoming curse with. Or so Ceylan hoped. Considering how much magic he'd been using in rapid succession, he wasn't sure if he'd be able to have strong enough magic left to aid Seth otherwise.

Be CD's – 2/3
Ce CD's – 1/2
De CD's - free
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Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario

“Hah. I will speak whenever I damn please, mutt.” Seth retorted. In a blink, the wolf abomination was charging towards him, jaws wide open. He supposed some may have found the grotesque maw terrifying, but the mercenary felt only glee at the thought of fighting the beast. Still, as the monster approached, Seth noticed he wouldn't be able to evade. It was just too fast! He let out a shallow breath, armoured arm raised as if in an attempt to ward off the monster. He waited until the beast was close, too close to change directions.

Then the arm lashed out, purposefully seeking the creature's bite. Seth felt a sharp, cold pain running up his forearm, like he had sunk it into a puddle of freezing water. However, despite the probable dents on his plate, the wicked fangs didn't manage to pierce through. “Aw, you want head pats?”. The warrior returned the monster flash of teeth with a wicked grin of his own from behind his helm. “Well then. Heel first!” Trying to grab its snout's fur with his other hand, Seth pulled with all his strength, aiming to slam the great canine's head on the floor.

At his back, he could hear Ceylan's exclamations and the sound of a something whirling through the air. Seth glanced in the direction of it, and saw the weapon spinning towards him. He hoped he could catch the staff in time!


1 - Trying to wrestle the monster to the ground [Strength D]
2 - Trying to catch the staff [Precision E]

Vitality D
Heavy Plate [Armor] E
Ricti (#BD5C0F)

A bold move from Seth. To throw his only weapon like that seemed like suicide to Ricti. Did he trust in the flames or Ceylan that much? At least if Ricti was in his shoes, he didn't think he could ever make that same decision. Still, no matter what, watching the spear sail towards the heart of that wolven, nightmarish apparition was quite comforting.

It came as little surprise that Cenric knew the man left behind by the shadow. But reuniting two folk that thought they had died was something nice to see in any occasion. The mention of a 'guild' was a curious one. Ricti thought they might exist here, but it was still surprising how much things here were so medieval fantasy like. Oh, perhaps he did actually die? And now he was just dreaming out a world in a cliche story he had read? That idea didn't actually seem too hard to believe the more he thought about. Things had been too idyllic and coincidental when compared to the life he had lived.

"You're not dead. Neither you, Benny, or Cenric are. You can still deliver your letter." Ricti restated distractedly after Ceylan spoke, before his attention was drawn back toward the chaotic fight between Seth and the monster.

The loss of weapon seemed to have backfired immediately on Seth, which didn't come as too much of a surprise to Ricti, but made him ponder what if/what sort of back up plan the mercenary had. Perhaps he had daggers or smaller weapons on him? Ricti didn't think he knew better than an experienced mercenary after all, and thought he must have something up his sleeve. Watching Seth retaliate with pure strength alone was unexpected though. Ceylan's idea was thoughtful. But it unfortunately didn't seem like their ideas lined up with Seth beginning to wrestle the shadow... If the mercenary managed to spare a hand to catch that staff whilst wrestling a nightmarish shadow beast in the process, then props to him. But at least to Ricti, that outcome seemed very improbable. If the worst outcome occurred, Seth might even get knocked out by a staff flying at his face, potentially even out of the fire's range. Then that would be a true nightmare.

There wasn't much time to ponder. Whether it was due to the subtle confidence that came from believing this world was just a dream, or the quiet flashbacks to Seth lending him his cloak, Ricti let go of the ex-curse-host recovering with the help of Ceylan's magic and ran forward. His strength was nothing compared to Seth's, but either way he slammed down on the other half of the beast with all his weight, helping restrain it as best he could as it lashed out. Every fibre of his being was screaming at him, not from the extertion or potential pain, he was still too disconnected with his senses for such a reaction, but from the terrifying proximity with his trauma. Fur, maw, blood, claws, the alarm bells blared, but at least in his dreams, he didn't want to give in. (Strength F + Focus F)
michael-david-antinucci-viking-slave-full-body-bright.jpgBenny Trott - the Fleetfoot.jpgBenny, Cenric, and ???
Benny's ears flicked as he moved his eyes between the surrounding people. First, he met the bishop's gaze to listen to his gentle words, then took in Ricti's confirmation. Benny's eyes were still a vibrant green, and while the remnant black ooze clung to his cheeks, no more seeped out. It appeared that the curse had severed itself from the host. “You are all that sure? Woah, I thought for sure--” He halted and rapidly blinked as he noticed the stiffness of his face. “Damn, does anyone have a mirror or something?” He asked, putting down the cane and letter before rubbing his eyes.

I think I cried in my sleep or something, right? My face feels like a mess!” He asked, moving his hands away from his face to grab his goggles. He had intended to use the reflection of the glass but first noticed the blackness sticking to his fingers. “That's not good...” His hands began to tremble as the dots slowly connected. “Not dead-- cursed--” A tense moment passed, then Benny lunged forward. His strained sounds turned to pain as he stuck his hands deep into the blue flames without hesitation. “Nngh! Lady Leon-thine, to-Nnghight--!

Ben!!” Cenric called out from the shock but did not appear entirely in disbelief. In truth, part of him had expected the sudden lunge, but still, he failed to prepare for it - only able to pull Benny away from the flames after the Deerkin had already burned himself.

Ackh!-- What in the damned are you doing?!” Benny asked, panicked, fervently checking the front and back of his hands. The ooze had rapidly burned away, but the Deerkin seemed unconvinced. “You should know how dangerous it is! You died, Cenric! Died!

He brought me back, Ben!” Cenric retorted, the severity of the situation stripping away his innate insecurities. Releasing Benny, he flung his arm towards Ceylan and pointed at him. “He did! And he brought you back as well! He separated the curse from you, so stop panicking and look!” At his own command, Cenric moved his finger to the edge of the fire's glow. And once his eyes caught up to the gesture, his arm fell to his side. Muttering a swear under his breath, Cenric cowered as the shadowborn beast risked the blue light to attack Seth.

"You DARE insult me, warrior?!" Overtaken by its rage, the deformed monster charged forward – the fire's glow burning holes into the writhing, black mass. Then, the monster froze as Seth forced his plated forearm into the open maw. Having missed the mercenary's head, the cursed beast settled for the given alternative and sunk its fangs into the metal. The sharp teeth punctured the plates and hooked into the flesh hidden beneath.

Shadowborne Beast.jpgAt the taste of blood, the maw clamped shut on Seth's arm, and a wolfish grin spread across the monster's face. It believed itself victorious for a moment, and then Seth leveraged his position near the wolf's head to slam it into the ground. Caught off-guard, the beast fell. Its body writhed in the blue glow as it struggled to free itself. And when the clamped maw released to try and pull away, it left Seth with an abnormal feeling on his forearm. The wound did not hurt as expected. Instead of pain, it felt swollen and tight. And his skin pulled uncomfortably.

Yet, he lacked time for an immediate inspection of the wound. Within a second, his attention was already forcefully divided between the wolf and a sudden call from Ceylan to catch. As Seth glanced in the bishop's direction, he saw a weapon spinning toward him – and caught it at the cost of giving the wolf an opening to pull itself loose. Luckily, before it could pull free and retreat from the fire's glow, Ricti suddenly slammed his weight into the beast's side. And while every fiber in his body screamed at him, he pinned the writhing monster to the ground by clamping on to anything he could sink his fingers into. Which, in turn, allowed Seth an opportunity to seal the monster's fate as it lay on the ground before him.

Elvario Elvario Tattletale Tattletale SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
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Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

Seth didn't bother to answer the wolf's furious question. No use in taunting it further when he'd already caught its attention. The charge was fast, and he had already resolved to risk an arm wound, so-

Its fangs sunk through the armour like it was paper. His arm throbbed.

Seth swallowed a wave of nausea, gritting his teeth. Had been wounded many times before, but no injury had ever felt like this, almost like a sickness spreading through the bitten flesh in an instant. Venom, maybe? Or something worse? The mercenary was groaning, but he kept his focus. Hesitating here could mean death for him and his companions. Too much was happening at the same time. He managed to slam the creature on the ground and, perhaps by luck or by a miracle, he had been able to catch the weapon Ceylan had thrown his way. It was a staff, and a high quality one at that, better than most weapons he'd seen before.

However, with his attention divided, he felt the monster starting to slip his hold. It was strong, stronger than its size suggested. In an instant of horror, Seth realized he wasn't a match for the monster. It was going to escape, and he couldn't stop it.

Then Ricti threw himself at the creature. Seth almost couldn't believe the image of the young, quiet man, face set and ready to fight. The overwhelming pull faltered thanks to Ricti pushing back and pinning the wolf, and he saw an opening. Ignoring the revolting sensation in his arm, he grabbed the spear which had lodged itself in the monster's hide, pushed in, hard. At the same time, he readied the staff Ceylan had thrown him, aiming to pierce the thing's throat. For a second, the world seemed to still.

Then he went in for the kill.


- Spear thrust (Spear E, Strength C)
- Staff thrust (Staff ?, Strength C)

Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt | Seth Tattletale Tattletale | Ricti SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

For a second, Ceylan almost wondered why Seth was calling him out like that, until he realised the warrior was speaking to the curse. The plan to lend the warrior his staff didn't really go as planned. Mostly because he hoped it'd reach Seth's hands in time for the latter to defend himself, not after the fact, when Seth played wrestlemania with the bad dog already managed to throw the curse to the ground. He could only hope he'd not just made matters worse for his ally. Luckily enough, and in a surprising act of courage, Ricti joined in. Perhaps he'd given the latter too little credit, as Ceylan couldn't see himself jump atop a terrifying curse like Ricti just did.

What Ceylan could see, however, was annoying him greatly. “My healing and aid may be free, but I'd rather not see you squander it. It is a divine gift and blessing I bestowed upon you, which should not be undone lightly.” He spoke, somewhat sternly for his normally gentle tone, as Benny burned his hand. That said, he was quick to take on a more gentle tone. “Cenric is correct. You are alive and well now. Thankfully, the gods allowed me to clear the curse from you.”

That said, the curse itself was not yet dealt with in full. Its physical manifestation was going after Seth... who luckily managed to finish it off. Giving a deep sigh in relief, Ceylan was able to relax a bit. He only realised how tense he'd been after he could confirm the curse to be done for real. Perhaps some of the haunting of its illusions from mere moments ago had still been plaguing him.

He'd move towards Seth, picking up his staff. “My apologies, I had hoped it'd reach you sooner and be of aid. I was wrong.” He started, a tad apologetic. However, as he did so, he spotted Seth's arm. “Wait, please, let me see that.” Although his first instinct was to heal it immediately, he couldn't help himself from wondering...

“So this is how it spreads, isn't it? An infection.” If Seth would allow him, he'd inspect the arm with knowledge from his [Healing B] as well as by using his [Sixth Sense C - Curses/Blessings/Danger/Spirits] in an attempt to identify more of how it worked and how to better undo it in the future.

However, he'd not risk waiting too long. His [Curse Cleanse] and [Divine Healing] would soon reach those around him, in particular Seth and Benny. He'd offer a quiet prayer, whispered in his native tongue, to accompany the magic.

Curse Cleanse - Magic Affinity B, Magic Range C, Magic Targets C, Sixth Sense D, Healing B, Religion B, Energised B - Uses divine senses to detect curses and combines religious knowledge with healing magic to cleanse them. - Grade B - 3 post Cooldown

Divine Healing - Magic Affinity B, Magic Range C, Magic Targets C, Healing B, Religion B, Energised B - Character channels the powers of the gods to heal significant injuries. - Grade B - 3 Post Cooldown.

Once he was done, he looked up again. “Thank you for finishing it off.” He'd say to Seth, then looked at Ricti. “Your sudden courage was inspiring. I'm not sure if I'd have dared jump the curse like that.” He'd speak, with an approving nod.

Then, he turned to Benny. He had some questions, but first, he needed to make one thing extra clear. “Please refrain from inuring yourself on purpose again. As you can see, Seth just defeated the curse that had befallen you. There is no more need to fear it.”

With that out of the way, he could start asking. “This letter you wished to deliver, who is it for. It must be very important.” That part was, perhaps not very priestly, pure curiosity that he could hardly suppress at this point. “You said it needed to reach the guild?” From what he could put together, this man had been send as a messenger of something, yet had fallen to the curse. That'd make the most sense, all things combined.
Ricti (#BD5C0F)

For Ricti, the sudden screams and shouts behind him had long faded away, sounding as if distant and underwater. Pitch-black fur covered his eyes, scratching his cheek and consuming his vision. It was only know he realized he was sweating and breathing heavily, on the verge of hyperventilation. Even whilst facing a nightmarish beast, he wasn't sure if he was hallucinating the sights he was seeing.

In a way, he felt like a beast himself. Aggressively clawing and pinning the beast down with all his might. As a zombie, he had avoided confrontation at all costs. Putting himself in this situation now, every movement of his was inexperienced and desperate, unclear on how best to restrain the violent and powerful apparition beneath him. But fortunately, his efforts were enough. He had brought enough time.

In slow motion, he watched Seth, rising up with twin weapons in a decisive strike. Staring straight at the incoming point of contact, he refused to close his eyes. Even if his face was splattered with the insides of the creature, he had to watch the ending of this nightmare with his own eyes. Perhaps then, he would find some peace with himself.
Benny Trott - the Fleetfoot.jpgmichael-david-antinucci-viking-slave-full-body-bright.jpgBenny, Cenric, and ???
Benny's eyes moved sheepishly between Cenric and Ceylan. As they spoke to him, he slowly pulled his sleeves over his burned hands to hide them. “He did? But, you know...” Benny hesitantly questioned as he looked over Ceylan, his eyes lingering on the ears. “Your healing--? Wait, okay, okay! Cool it with the holy talk, please? Sorry, alright? Damn...” He hastily apologized before turning his gaze toward Cenric and whispered. “Psst, who's your... friend?” His eyes motioned toward Ceylan, expecting the only person he knew he could trust, Cenric, to provide an answer. But instead of an answer, he only received a gesture. One that pointed toward the sight of a monster struggling against Seth and Ricti.

What are you?-- What in the damned?!” Benny exclaimed as he jolted back and quickly grabbed the letter. The envelope crumpled inside his panicked grip as the Deerkin stuffed it back into his coat. He never took his eyes off the monster as he did.

The monster he saw trashed violently against its captors' hold as it tried to retreat from the light. Every moment within the dancing glow of the campfire, it lost more of its wolf-like shape. The blackened fur scorched away, the embers revealing the black, semi-solid mass underneath. With every wild thrash, it rippled like dark water. Then, as the ripples grew more numerous, they began producing tendrils. The shapeless limbs tried to latch onto something but quickly burned in the blue light before taking hold of anything.

My shadow WILL persist, warrior!” The shadow beast snarled when Seth forced the lodged spear further into the beast. The spearhead pierced through the writhing body and burrowed into the ground beneath – further trapping the shadow in place. “It will persist in you, warrior. It will be YOUR shadow that joins MY pack! Are you--!” As the shadow continued its threat, Seth readied the staff – and forced it into the monstrous maw. With enough force, it burst through its throat. Splattering black ooze against the dirt, it burrowed deep into the soil. The beast thrashed in a last effort to escape. Its maw snapped shut around the staff in an attempt to crush it between its fangs, but the orichalcum would not break. Unable to escape, its body quickly burned away. Nothing remained but the two weapons standing upright in the ground and the wound on Seth's forearm.
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With the threat eliminated, Seth could finally inspect the swelling on his forearm. The protective plating had torn into jagged edges. And through the gaping hole, something stared back at him. Instead of a swollen arm, he found a large eye where a throbbing wound should be. His skin pulled every time it blinked. And a red-and-green swirling pupil darting around anxiously before centering on Seth's face. “They cannot see us like this, Seth...” A paranoid thought forced itself into his mind, with a voice similar, yet unlike his own, “We need to flee where they will never follow... the shadows will hide us...

Yet, before Seth could react or break free from the illusory eye on his forearm, Ceylan had already joined the mercenary's side. Inspecting the wounded arm, he found just that - a deep gash with a faint cursed aura. Sparing no time, he used his cleansing magic, and the aura dissipated as the wound closed up in seconds. Which, from Seth's perspective, would appear like his skin closed like eyelids as the paranoid thoughts erased themselves from his mind.

Upon finishing his duties as a healer - and expressing his approval toward Seth and Ricti - Ceylan turned toward Benny. The Deerkin's ears flicked as he noticed the attention shifting toward him. “You killed it...” He muttered in disbelief. It took a moment for the realization to set in, but a wide grin spread across Benny's face once it did. “Doesn't matter, damn the guild! We need whatever you guys are working with!” Despite his fatigue, he sprung up and walked straight toward Seth. “Whoever you are, you are a menace!” He exclaimed, patting Seth on his shoulder and immediately recoiling due to his burns. “Ackh! Like, the way you skewered that monster? WHAM!

Oh, and you too!" His attention quickly shifted toward Ricti, "The way you tackled it? Damn!-- Oh, damn, right, I'm Benny Trott!” He managed to mash in an introduction before continuing, “I run postal in Miller's Hollow before I got, like, cursed? I was in the middle of bringing this letter, hang on!--” He quickly produced the crumpled envelope from inside his coat and held it out. “It's for the Adventurer's Guild, but they'd probably send out people half as skilled as you guys are! Can you beat up a few more of those monsters for us?” He finally asks, adding in a mock punching gesture.

Tattletale Tattletale Elvario Elvario SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt | Seth Tattletale Tattletale | Ricti SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

Ceylan watched as his staff got rather bloodied with blackened blood as the monster got it shoved down its throat. Perhaps lending Seth his staff had been done a tad too unthinkingly, as seeing the sacred staff he'd gained from his appointment as a High Priest being used that way did make him second-guess his earlier actions. That said, when Seth succeeded and all of the monster's body faded, including the parts that would've remained on the staff, he gave a sigh in relief. Both towards the defeat of the curse and towards the lack of any of it remaining on this staff.

The swelling on Seth's fore-arm had been more peculiar. “The curse seems to have already had its marking on your arm, just now, even though it was faint. Did you feel anything from it in particular?” He'd ask Seth.

That said, his worries weren't entirely gone. This 'Benny' person seemed a tad troublesome even without the curse. Figuring he'd not get his answers unless he were to take them, he grabbed the letter from Benny's hand in order to open and read it. That said, Benny's questions weren't all that encouraging. “You saw how much it took for the three of us to take down just one of them. We wouldn't be able to beat multiple at once, not unless we can work with someone from the village itself. Preferably lady Leontine.” He'd reply. “If we can work with her and the power to burn away the curse, we should stand a decent chance.”

He sighed. “Now, hold out your arms.” He commanded Benny, as he'd fix up his burns with a short Healing Prayer (B).

Healing Prayer – Healing B, Religion B, Energised B, Persuasion F – Character asks the gods for their aid when healing someone. - Grade B – 3 Post Cooldown.

Afterwards, he figured this would be their best shot at getting some more up-to-date information on Miller's Hollow. “What can you tell us about the current situation in the town?” He asked Benny, either having him repeat what'd already been in the letter so that the others could also hear it or simply hearing some additional information.
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Ricti (#BD5C0F)

Burning fur, rippling flesh, materializing shadowy tendrils, everything was a scene straight out of a nightmare. However, Ricti did not care for such things right now. Ignoring the more demonic aspects of the curse's deterioration, his gaze was locked onto the bestial features of the creature. The scorched fur and eroding maw, he stared till his eyes were watering and bloodshot, making sure to capture every moment.

It was only when the murmurs of an apology vaguely reached his ears that Ricti begun to snap out of it, realizing there was nothing but the spear and staff left behind. Blinking slowly, he watched the blood trickle down Seth's arm with Ceylan's inspection, then looked to his own, his hands rough and pale white from the exertion and remnants of fear. The sudden mention of the curse potentially spreading to Seth made his heart skip a beat, but watching Ceylan seriously cast his divine magics once more... it seemed he had no reason to worry.

"Good work out there. It was inspiring seeing a mercenary like yourself in action first hand." Ricti half-bowed towards the bloodied warrior, saving his thoughts on the beast-slaying for later as a faint weary smile formed on the edge of his lips. He might not have had time to properly register how fearless Seth was earlier, with all the chaos and overwhelming feelings of his own, but he did now. To have the courage to throw one's weapon and decisively wrestle down a demon hound, was something perhaps people could say exaggeratedly or boast about, but in reality few had such courage. He really admired that about their otherwise-usually-clumsy warrior.

"Thank you bishop. You as well, fearlessly summoning the curse right beside you." He mentioned briefly but decisively, not letting the action that turned the tides of their confrontation go unnoticed. Nodding at Benny's introduction, he paused for a moment at his question. "I think that's what we're here for." He explained quietly, glancing towards Ceylan as he begun to speak. From what he gathered, he and Seth were just here to help the bishop, so he'd follow whatever he'd decide.
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Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

Seth's vision swam as the form of the accursed wolf flickered, and then disappeared. He managed a sigh of relief when suddenly a voice called at him from within. His whole body tensed suddenly, realizing the dangerous situation he was in. Yes… Hide! He couldn't trust this “companions”! They'd hunt him down if they saw his arm! Already they were chattering, plotting how to kill him. He vaguely noticed someone was approaching him, but he didn't quite recognize the face. An enemy? Surely. He needed to sink in the night and run away, seek shelter, feed—

Ceylan's calm voice cut through the haze that had started clouding his senses. Seth blinked, feeling a wave of… It was hard to describe. Cleanliness? Like a spring breeze he couldn't feel on his skin, but on his soul.

Then he realized where he was, what had just transpired. He loosened up a bit, though his muscles were still taut, as if awaiting danger. However, immediate danger gone and battle, his eyes returned to his usual rounded softness, losing a bit of edge. “Thank you, Bish-” A pause. “Thank you, Ceylan.” He continued, and there was something rawer, more honest, to how he addressed the priest, than the bland politeness he usually wore. “I could feel it taking over me. I…” Only then did he register the words of the two younger men, Ricti; and the newcomer who'd called himself Benny. “No. No, that was reckless and ill done besides. I misjudged the enemy's strength, and let myself be wounded unnecessarily.” He did spare a nod to Ricti, though, remembering how he'd pinned the beast. "You, on the other hand. That was risky, but needed. Thank you.”

He shook his head. It wouldn't do for these two got some stupid ideas and got themselves killed. He felt it was needed to say what both himself and the beast man priest already knew, grim though it was.“If Ceylan weren't here, we'd all be dead, or worse.”

Seth sighed again, inspecting the ruined arm brace. Ugh, that would need fixing soon. In any case, he pulled out a spare leather glove from his pack, grimacing at the lack of protection, after removing the damaged piece as well as his helm and putting them away. Then he turned, eager to listen to Benny and whatever news he might bear.
Benny Trott - the Fleetfoot.jpgmichael-david-antinucci-viking-slave-full-body-bright.jpgCenric & Benny
Benny appeared displeased by who took the envelope from his hand. Despite holding it out for anyone to take, his otherwise friendly expression momentarily shifted to a telling glare when Ceylan ended up the recipient. “Right, well, if you're not sure you can take them, you can just le-- Ufh!” Benny gasped, his hostility silenced by Cenric's well-placed, corrective elbow against his ribs. It hushed the combative Deerkin long enough for his flicking ears to catch up to Ceylan's suggestions.


Why would Lady Leontine work with you?” He questioned while his eyes filled with disbelief. Awaiting an answer, he reluctantly held out his hands and watched the burns fade after a short prayer. The kind gesture gave him a moment to reflect on his own behavior. “...Thanks.

His eyes darted around, shifting between the people surrounding him and the rooftops visible higher up the mountain. The familiar, faint, blue light was now visible through the trees against the evening dark. His home situation made him hesitate, and he sighed before addressing everyone. “Fine, fine... Damned... I wasn't exactly 'asked' to deliver a letter, okay? Our village has been dealing with these... wolves,” his eyes instinctively darted toward Ceylan for a moment, “and I thought, if we gathered some more fighters, we could go from 'fending them off' to 'killing them off', right?” It quickly became apparent Benny talked with his hands, making elaborate gestures as he explained himself.

The 'current situation' has always been the same, I think?” Benny continued, “Those wolf monsters prey on our people, and Lady Leontine's fire keeps them away. Like, pretty easily! You guys are tough, but damn, not tough like her!

It's-- not a permanent solution, though...” His energy faded as he reluctantly addressed the flaw in Lady Leontine's method. “Whenever the Church needs to recite her spell again, we have to rely on the Silver Sentinels to get us through the Hounding Hour,” Benny explained but appeared unaware of the lack of context he was providing - as if these terms should be common knowledge to anyone. “So, like, I think if we have more people like him!--” Benny excitedly gestured towards Seth, “we can go offensive next Hounding Hour!

If you think you're up to it with some help from Lady Leontine, I can show you the path after daybreak? Then you can ask her yourself!” He suggested afterward, glancing at the mountain path across the road, “The guards won't let anyone in at night anyway, and I don't think I have to tell you why it's damn stupid to travel at night, anyway, right?

Elvario Elvario SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Tattletale Tattletale
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Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt | Seth Tattletale Tattletale | Ricti SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

It was tough to accept Ricti's compliment, as he'd mostly just decided to trust the fire's power to do what it was meant to do. It's why he merely gave a brief nod in response. Ceylan was a tad surprised by Seth's words. “Taking over... already?” He mumbled. The curse worked a lot quicker than he expected. Especially considering it'd felt weak and faint, yet if it already had such an effect on someone. It was becoming more and more clear just how dangerous this curse was. As for Seth's words, he smiled a bit. “I'm only using the blessings the gods have granted me. Besides, I'd be a horrible person if I'd let you fall prey to the curse after having you come along, wouldn't I?” It made him wonder to what degree Seth and Ricti would be here if it wasn't for Ceylan himself wanting to go here.

Another surprise was the hostility from the deerkin. Ceylan had been warned before, but for someone to be so combative after having had his life saved, that was rather new. Most people would pretend to be more polite, at the very least, but not this one. Still, it wasn't like he hadn't deal with speciesist sentiments before (although it was normally just Fae or Humans thinking of his Beast nature as lesser).

He wasn't sure whether or not to give the Deerkin an answer, but he decided to do so regardless. “I'm hoping she'll see the reason in looking past preconceived notions in order to fully get rid of this curse by working together.” That's why he hoped she'd work with him.

He was a tad bit shocked at Benny's reply. “Killing them off... I see.” So they'd already given up on curing people. That wasn't the greatest. Then again, even if Cenric didn't want to come, he could now use Benny as a proof that he could cure people. Assuming they wouldn't try to burn Benny on the spot like he'd try to do to himself.

He was getting a fair bit of information at once, so he tried to filter through it. “I'm assuming the Silver Sentinels are the local guards of sorts?” He decided to confirm. “One more person wouldn't make much of a difference. Going on the offensive against them would be suicidal without a more proper plan. Besides, wouldn't you rather cure than kill them?” He decided his tongue needed to be sharpened for a moment. “After all, I'm assuming the ones taken by the curse are friends and family of those in the village.”

That brought him to another worry. “Which makes me wonder if they'll accept you back. If it's true as you say and killing those cursed has been considered the only option, you might want to return to your village carefully. If anyone saw you get cursed, they'd likely assume you're still cursed and your life wouldn't be safe from them until we can prove you to be cured in full.” His words were harsh and direct, but he had little reason to mince his words. The message was too important to get lost in translation.

He nodded at the last part. “Indeed, I would love to meet her soon. Once morning arrives.” He'd still have a full night to prepare himself against a village that might hate him for his species, so he figured he'd best make the most of it. He'd take place by the fire, spending some time thanking the gods for their blessings of healing and safety that he'd been granted and asking them for protection, willingness to cooperate and an overall favourable outcome of what was yet to come.
Ricti (#BD5C0F)
"From just one bite?" Ricti mused solemnly, realizing the bishop had saved them all yet again. If they had indeed lost Seth to the curse as well, the situation would be much more dire, especially without their main combatant.

It seemed just one encounter with the curse was enough for Ricti to muse over the information gathered for a while. Had the curse infected Seth from the initial bite, or did the curse have to die first? The former was much scarier, as it meant the victims could multiply like flies from one source. He needed more information... but that could likely be gathered from the village. No need to be impatient.

"Don't be too harsh on yourself." Ricti mused at Seth's self-admonishment, admiring of the quick and critical self-reflection, but not wanting morale to be too affected by his words. They needed Seth to stay strong and confident as their frontline. None of them would've fared nearly as well. "No need for thanks, it's what should've been done." He nodded at his latter words without much thought, briefly thinking that even if frail and weak, even he had to find a way to be useful.

The mention of Ceylan made him glance over toward the bishop, the subconscious, fleeting avoidance of his canine features only solidified by the recent nightmarish encounter. Even if he vividly watched his fear be brutally destroyed by Seth, which did ease something within his mind, such deeply-rooted terror was not so easy to dispose of. Turning his head away, he merely nodded, already well aware of Ceylan's critical role.

Benny's derisive tone towards his own saviour was hard to miss, causing him to stare. Why did he dislike him so much? Amidst the chaos, especially while he and Seth were taking care of the beast, he hadn't been able to spare much attention to what had been said or done between the trio by the fire. Still, no matter what, even if Ceylan had offended him greatly somehow, he felt that this was not the tone to be used towards his life's saviour. Fortunately, he didn't remain too uncooperative for long, quickly switching to speaking of the situation in Miller's Hollow.

Silver Sentinels? Hounding Hour? More foreign, unidentifiable terms crept up, leaving Ricti to ponder and note them down mentally in silence. Whether these names were renowned throughout the land or not, he had no clue. At times like this, he feared that if he spoke and showed his ignorance, one day someone would gather that there was something wrong with him. The excuse of 'memory loss' was something he didn't want to exploit or share too often for this reason as well.

Killing or curing sounded as if they each had their own benefits. It made sense that Ceylan would want to advertise his uses, but Ricti felt it depended on if curing outweighed the risks of just killing. This wasn't that important to ponder and discuss right now though. Rather than Benny, it would be better to discuss such terms face to face with Lady Leontine so that they could coordinate their knowledge and strengths.

Before long, it seemed a plan was finalized, though Ricti still remained thoughtful. He couldn't help but mildly regret not asking Nona, the only one who knew his circumstances, for some books so that he could study and patch some knowledge together through the night. He thought of trying to pry or siphon knowledge from the others too, but he didn't trust in his social abilities enough to do something so risky. Though the night was long, he found himself restless with many thoughts, sleeping little before daybreak.
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Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

Seth frowned at Benny's animosity towards Ceylan. He tried to be understanding because, in the end, the deer beastkin and his people were dealing with a terrible curse, but… How was it fair from them to be suspicious of any canid beastfolk in turn? The priest's heritage wasn't even wolf-like! Seth didn't think he managed to rein in his curtness completely when he spoke up. “Sure, we'd be glad to help. Though I'd expect a modicum of respect towards the man who just removed a body-snatching curse from you, kid.”

Then he turned towards Ceylan, not awaiting an answer from the newly freed young man. “Yes, almost instantly. I could hear its voice urging me to flee and seek cover in the dark. And damn if it didn't seem like a compelling idea at the moment.” His grin returned with the priest's answer. “Well, I don't know about horrible, but certainly out of character, your Grace. he teased, smile widening. Then he sobered a bit. Maybe not the time for joking around too much.

He nodded at Ricti's question. “Just one. Let's hope it's not usually as easy to turn someone, or we could be overrun.” Then he paused, approving of his companion's humility. “Perhaps it was. But it was you who did it in the end. There's always a choice, and yours was to try to help. Don't undercut your own bravery.” Comfort and immediate concerns addressed, he decided to keep quiet and listen to whatever Benny had to say. However, as he made to sit around the still smouldering campfire, Seth felt the exhaustion catching up to him, and he couldn't help his mind wandering a bit.

He'd need to find a smith to fix his plate…

What would those Silver Sentinels be like?

He hoped someone else was paying attention.
Cenric & Benny
Initially, Benny's face lit up with delight when Seth agreed to help the village, but then the mercenary mentioned a single condition. He required a modicum of respect toward the canine. And while the Deerkin's expression soured with distrust, Cenric nodded in agreement. “Come on, Ben,” he added to the exchange, gesturing toward the group as he wrapped an arm around Benny's shoulder, “he saved me and saved you as well! You were already done for, Ben... Why would he save you? To ambush you later so you can get caught - again?

Damned... So what? You want me to think he's like Leon, then? Just, like, immediately? Woah, yeah! Let me just snap--” Benny retorted dismissively, then paused when an instinctive glance at Ceylan caused him to lower his voice, “just... snap my finger and make it all fine... look, Cen, you know there are still, like, a damn lot of people who don't trust Leon either...

michael-david-antinucci-viking-slave-full-body-bright.jpgBenny Trott - the Fleetfoot.jpgAnd you know they are wrong about him, too...” Cenric answered in a similarly hushed tone. Leaning closer into the Deerkin, he would attempt to quietly talk some sense into him while the group discussed Seth's brief experience of being affected by the curse.

Despite their distraction from talking amongst themselves for a short while, they both looked up at the mention of the Silver Sentinels. And while Benny's ears were first to flick toward the words, Cenric addressed the question. “In a way?” He gave an unsure answer, then gestured for everyone to rest at the fire - and seated himself as well, “the Silver Sentinels serve the church, and the local guards serve the people-- does that make sense?

He means the Silver Sentinels don't deal with stuff like thieves, they pray and beat up monsters that wander too close, that's their deal!” Benny added flavor to his explanation with a fierce round of shadow-boxing.

Ben, come on--” “Damn, I'm just trying to, like,.. fine...” Benny sat back down, let out a long sigh, and decisively locked eyes with Ceylan, “The Silver Sentinels are our answer to the curse. They fend it off and detain the townsfolk who might be afflicted,” as he spoke, a hint of somberness began to mix into his usual tone of voice, “the suspected afflicted go to Lady Leontine, and, like, they are released after a night passed, or... they are not, I guess.” He shrugged, but the dismissive gesture did not match his downcast expression.

They were indeed friends and family.., once...” Cenric added, earning himself a sharp glare from Benny. The statement did not sit well with the Deerkin, and he loudly cleared his throat to draw back the attention. “Either way, I'll come back to town with you! I'll be fine if you really did cleanse the curse, which you did, or el--” He paused and turned his head toward the sky. Up above, clouds had slowly packed the darkened skies, and snow was lazily starting to float down. “Well, looks like goodnight to me! Damned if I stay outside to become a snowman.” He exclaimed with a hint of relief, eagerly using the slight change in weather as an excuse to end the conversation and hastily retreat into one of the tents.

And before too long, the others did the same.

As the night progressed and the temperature dropped harshly, the snowfall worsened. A cloak of white obscured the area surrounding the campsite. And while the ethereal glow of the campfire - and that of the village in the mountains - managed to pierce through the obscured landscape, something else did as well.

Shadows shifted in the mountains, fading in and out of view, and muffled cries amidst the howling winds added to a cold night's shiver. There was the sensation of being watched, shared by all who stood guard throughout that freezing night. There was the feeling of something hiding among the falling snow, quietly observing and hoping the campfire would somehow die out before the break of dawn.

But after a long night, the sun did rise. And with it, the shadows disappeared...

for now...

To be continued

There are only suggestions, please wait until Grader confirms before adding!

Narrator Bonus Worth - 14 pts

: [Kind Healer] - Character has cared for the wounds of an unappreciative target. Those healed by the character will be more likely to find them trustworthy.

: [Honor Among Sheep] - Character has proven to multiple sheep they are honorable. Sheep, and other livestock, are more likely to cooperate with the character.

: [Minotaur Confidant] - Character has confided their Isekai'd origin to a Minotaur woman of similar origin, earning their trust.
Skill: Asset - Nona Stoutwalker E - 14 pts from Narrator Bonus Worth
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