Over a Mug of Ale [For A Better Age]

I'm working on a post for Asyk now, but I'm going to have to take a break for school starting tonight. I should have it up by tomorrow.
Just so everyone knows, I will allow multiple rolls to help out on the some of those rolls I called for where applicable. Such as for the military campaign against the Varajtul. I'll give somemore time for others to post before posting myself.
Just so long as someone decides to join Asyk on his expidition. Having an Exalt or two along for help will be of great assistance. But if no one signs up, I'll still be happy having it all Asyk's show.
Jorik's main focus for the year downtime will be to streamline the bureaucracy and get started on expanding the Harbour so we can work on the high end ship yard we discussed way way back with the contractor in terms of finished goods to export from Icehold.
A list of things to be done, in no particular order:

1) restructure the Icehold bureaucracy (not even a fortnight of work for an Eclipse)

2) set in motion the construction of schools and roads (Eclipse Charms can expedite this)

3) set aside a chunk of what was once noble land near the edge of the temperate zone as a Valhal "reservation," for those uncomfortable in Icehold's walls; secure their unswerving allegiance as part of the Circle's territory and reclaim their lands

4) apportion a heavy chunk of surrounding land for the purpose of food growth

5) root out the Yozi cults; application of Ann's SaSM combo throughout the city on public notices and Narrante's stealth skills should get all the info the Circle needs, they'd just need to head a(nother) draconian purge (post incoming on that)

6) upon completion, set the manse to construct the highest-quality arms and armor in rotation until each soldier is outfitted and a suitable surplus is made; decide on appropriate equipment

7) shift from indentured servitude to slave labor; a cursory check will reveal the Guild does some atrocious things to slaves. offer them a choice of acting as laborers or soldiers for a year, after which they are freed with the option to retain their current job for compensation (that is, compensation which isn't housing and feeding them)

8 ) construct an aerie for captured Dragon Kings some distance from the city; in the event of crisis, one of the last things the people would like or need is a flock of carnivorous lizards swooping down on them, and the Dragon Kings themselves will likely need the space for their education games

9) place SaSM combo messages and imagery throughout the city to inspire and motivate the populace; division and dissension at this juncture is risky

Summarization of changes to tax system: shuffle taxmen to different territories and give them a slight raise; determine who "owns" what land, compensate them for the value of their property if they needed to be moved, possibly set up a program to aid relocation; tax everyone of suitable age for use of the manse's power; purchase food from farmers at a slight tax OR hire farmers to produce food (possibly both at once depending on need and availability); minor tax on basic trade; minor tax on earnings (as extensions of the prosperity the manse affords); sell yearly non-surplus excess of food grown and maybe goods made through the Guild for at least the next ten years
Argh, I keep forgetting to ask...What kind of experience reward does Narrante get for the single-handed purge?
Inari said:
Argh, I keep forgetting to ask...What kind of experience reward does Narrante get for the single-handed purge?
Narrante will get the same amount of experience as everyone else at the end of the chapter. I base the amount of experience on the page count of each thread for the chapter.

I should get my next post up tomarrow night. Been busy the last couple of days, and got in late tongiht. But I should be back at it by the end of tomarrow once I get back to work, and have proper time to work on a post.
Except for the crucial part that the Circle isn't delivering dozens of possibly-abused and about-to-be-fed-to-Fair-Folk people from such fates.
Yes. Aside from rescuing people from the Guild, there's also the psychological factor if they're treated well and educated properly.
The way you phrased it made it sound like you were suggesting we stop letting people indenture themselves or setting them free to make them slaves instead.

So, yeah, freeing slaves probably earns us a lot of good will. Were it not for Calypso leaving, she'd set up a service to help slaves find their families again (since, given the Guild, most slaves are likely victims of roving raiding tribes). That said, if anyone else wants to use that idea, feel free to. It seems like a good thing to do to build up both goodwill for us and to build up our empire; people who find their families and who now have a better and more secure life than any in the North are likely to bring their families in, allowing us to raise the city's population and further our expansion. More people means more bodies to work in shops and to fill suits of armour.
Just so everyone knows, everyone is allowed to reply to Axel’s latest post as Alfrun in the time skip thread. If everyone would prefer, I can always start up a separate thread just for that conversation.

Been feeling a bit under the weather today, so it’s been slow going on my next post. I hope to have something up tomorrow. Sorry about the delays. The last few days have been busy.
magnificentmomo said:
I take it that Asyk and the other two pteroks would be flying?
editing: PM headin' your way Archie
Asyk and the pteroks are likely going to fly to get where they are going, but that shouldn't be an issue if Chain wants to come along considering Asyk could easily carry him.

I should get a post up Thursday. Last couple days have been unexpectedly busy.
If Asyk and/or any other Pteroks are willing to spend time summoning elementals, we could have a second manse to produce metal for our city before the year ends. It'd take a month, or less if others help out, to get the elementals together with Asyk and the gods, a month to build the demense with a labour force of sufficient size, a month to build the manse. Once it's done, we have a basically limitless supply of metal. Great for equipping our soldiers with steel armour, especially when most people in this area are still using stone-age tools.
Once Chain reveals his Alchemical nature and is able to grab one more charm with a submodule he will count as a magnitude 4 workforce, so that would speed it along nicely.
I'm just waiting for info on what Asyk finds when he follows the two Pteroks. :D
Sorry, got called into work unexpectedly yesterday. I'm working on my next post right now. Should have it up today.

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