Over a Mug of Ale [For A Better Age]

Sorry it took this post a bit of time. I ended up doing about five different drafts and scrapped them entirely, finally opting for the "less is more" approach.

Should be no more delays from here on.
Just saying this now.

I will wait till next event to join back into the flow, let you guys finish this scene first.

Want to see how this meeting goes before I integrate again.
Yeah, I was going to have Chain jump in but he hasn't quite ingratiated himself enough to be part of this convertsation. No worries, I can wait to mix it up a bit.
Is the meeting over? I have a lot of preperations to make for my trip...
Yea, it seems like the meeting is pretty much played out. In the future I might restrict debates like this to OOC given how drawn out and painful such things can be IC. But for now I think its best we work on getting some forward momentum going for the game again.

So I'm going to get to work on getting some new posts up. I'm currently thinking about going for one for the general time skip stuff, and one for the assassination and the after affects of that. For the assassination thread I'll allow you guys to make any preperations you need to make, and then get to regicide.

The time skip is going to be pretty free form. Likely with you guys describing what each of your characters are doing, and then me replying and possibly asking for some relevant rolls. Depending on exactly what you guys want to do we are going to be playing that portion by ear. Plus you guys are probably going to need to deal a few problems that come up, but we will burn that bridge when we get to it.

So I'll try and get those up in a few hours.
I'm just going to go ahead and ask if there'll be an xp handout after the assassinations are dealt with, since I figure at least some of the timeskip will be spent training. Speaking of which, do we get 10 xp for the year that passes with the timeskip too? :mrgreen:

Also, when the timeskip does occur, something interesting will happen...
Yep, experience is being handed out for the time skip (only remember that after my last post). Everyone earns 36 exp for the last chapter, and 10 exp for the time skip year. So 46 experience total.

Also for all intents and purposes, you guys will have access to Resources 5. Especially once you deal with the noble problem.
In a year's time, Asyk would have made at least one trip to the island with the dragon kings on it and retruned with some small but easily replicatable artifacts of DK tech, some wild DKs to begin on the paths of enlightenment, and hopefully, some fully sentient members of any of the four breeds he could find. Do you want to say that this has already happened and let me know how many of his kind he has brought to Icehold, or is this something you want to roleplay out in posts?
I would like to do some light roleplaying. We don't have to do anything elaborate at this point. Most of the mundane stuff we won't be playing out in major detail. Like the collecting of Dragon Kings can be covered by some rolls, and a short description when we get to that. Though I would at least like to cover what he sees on the island.

I want at least the first big thing everyone wants to do so that I can get some replies up on those things. To give an example of what I would like to see. For Asyk we could have a post on him coming up on the island, and state his intentions are for what he wants to do on that island. I'll give a description of what he find, and probably ask for some rolls. Sherwood would then get another opportunity to reply, and we would go back and froth until we move onto the next big project.

Things might work from person to person depending on a number of factors, so we will play it by ear, and I'll try and state what I am wanting and going for.
Within a year Chain would most definitely reveal why he originally came to Icehold, now having the Icehold populace endeared to him from fighting along side them. I would have made that reveal in the last thread, but I jumped in too late and it would have been awkward. I also don't think he would be able, or want to hide his Alchemical nature for that long. Until that time he would help with the re/construction in whatever mundane ways he was able, and secretly in extraordinary ways. Once he was revealed he would probably start work on the powered armor corps, as well as helping out with the manse construction. I will think of something more grandiose, this was just top of my head.
There are a number of ways we could potentially handle Chain introducing himself. One is that we can just pick a spot in the timeline, and just say Chain revealed his true nature to the Circle without going over it in a post. That’s the simplest way to handle it, though that does lack any kind of flair.

We could also work it into either of the threads currently going. There are any number of ways it could be done during the time skip thread. I could also start up a thread just for Chain’s reveal, but that seems a bit much for something just along those lines.

We could also do something more dramatic like having another Alchemical show up to reveal his nature. We can approach from a variety of angles. We just need to pick one and go with it.

Just so everyone knows, everyone is allowed to post in either of the new threads now. Just post what you like, and get to responding to what is posted.

Also just for reverence, it is currently late Descending Earth in Creation. Considering I keep forgetting to mention this.
The plan is still the same for Narrante. Her first big order of business after the puge is heading up to the Haslanti League. If some of the Ice Weasels or Lost Girls with appropriate skills want to come along, that's certainly welcome, but she can hire people if necessary.
Looking forward to everyone posting in the new threads!

Narrante can easily enough recruit enough Ice Weasels and Lost Girls to her cause to do whatever she wants.

Also (considering I forgot to mention it earlier), I’ll allow Solars to pick up that Dragon King training charm that Momo posted up earlier, or possibly an adaptation of it. I need to get with Table over finishing that group of Paths focused on training Asyk.
So...is the meeting thread over? I wasn't entirely clear on the final decision...I've been under the impression Narrante's going to be handling the cleanup, but I couldn't really find a good spot to have her discuss it. This is going to be hundreds of people, many of whom are seasoned warriors, she's dealing with on her own, it seems...
I have nothing to add to it, but I'm sure its still open for you to add to if something comes up. :)
Archie suggested Bjarn's soldiers might be helping with the clean-up, but I'm not sure what people's feelings are on that. If that worked out, then Narrante could probably be put to better use just dealing with the nobles and cutting the Teodozjia out of the plan...I don't know much about demons, but I thought it's been said these things have a hive mind. So...letting demons in on this matter seems unwise.
Any time you bring demons into the picture you have a potentail for trouble. You just have to weigh the risks with the benefits and hope for the best.
Well...suppose that's true, but what's the big gain from bringing a demon in? Narrante can just as easily pretend to be a cultist.
Inari said:
Archie suggested Bjarn's soldiers might be helping with the clean-up, but I'm not sure what people's feelings are on that. If that worked out, then Narrante could probably be put to better use just dealing with the nobles and cutting the Teodozjia out of the plan...I don't know much about demons, but I thought it's been said these things have a hive mind. So...letting demons in on this matter seems unwise.
I think they're going to realize it was the Circle anyway based solely on the realization that they didn't do it. In fact this entire assassination thing is pretty damn unsubtle. Wouldn't be surprised if it ended up being an open secret.
I guess that's how it was always going to be; I wasn't sure how secretive it could be...I suppose the big concern is just expedience, not stealth. Archie's said this is going to be in the hundreds; who's going to be doing this exactly? I'm not sure how to start in the Purge thread.
Calypso is going to work on the manse plans in between meditating. While the gods and Asyk prepare the foundations for the new manse over the coming months, she will refine her Essence. Four months after that begins, she has a sudden epiphany as she opens her soul further to cosmic revelations and finishes the plans to build the manse, along with the basics for the Vitriol Bomb. As she finishes these, though, and sets the former into motion, she starts to consider what is really happening to the world around her and begins to consider once again something she considered before, but for different reasons.

After about six or seven months into the year, Calypso leaves Icehold to set out on her own.

Don't worry, by the way, I'm not bowing out. I've got something planned...
I don't know if Chain is trusted enough yet to be approached about it, but he would support the purge and would participate if asked. He isn't the stealthiest, but he is capable.

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