Over a Mug of Ale [For A Better Age]

How does sorcery work when leading a group in mass combat? If there is a good opportunity to do so, I can see a lot of damage being done by Obsidian Butterflies.
Asyk's going to be immensely valuable doing something before he goes about fighting. Namely, summoning elementals.

We've got a dock and a wall. The former needs a water elemental, the latter an earth and maybe air elemental if you've got the juice. A water elemental can, if nothing else, turn water into ice chunks (thick enough to slow or block boats, unstable enough to make walking across it impossible). An earth elemental, meanwhile, can turn dirt to stone down to the bedrock, making burrowing under impossible (even most magic can't get through that), and an air elemental can turn back arrows. If they're strong enough, they can turn up a storm and make even approaching the wall difficult while assisting arrows from our side.

In short, elementals could do a lot for us. A lot.
We already have a bunch of elementals summoned for construction work on the temples and the walls. Mostly earth and fire, but that will be damn effective on land. I was planning on pulling them off that work to supplement our lines. No need for a fancy temple if it gets burned down.

Air and earth elementals are the easiest for me to summon. It takes me a fraction of the time to call one of them up compared to the four hour ritual for one of the other types. I have enough Essence and Willpower to summon another six for the upcoming battle.

There was never any postings about the numbers and types of elementals already summoned. Can we get a ruling about that?
Sorcery defaults to Speed 5, DV-2 for anything with a casting time less than 5 minutes. It's much easier (surprisingly enough) if you're a sorcerer, as then you can act independently and not eat up your unit's action- still, it might be useful, especially if we put someone decent in there as a hero, so we have the option of Asyk popping out as a solo unit, leaving the unit to be lead by the former hero (mechanically, I think that's a Split Units action).

Axel: HLS pls... :lol:
I'll say that Asyk can summon up either 2 Mag 1 units of elementals, or a single Mag 2 unit of elementals. That seem reasonable?
Speaking of Experiance, it just registered with me that Asyk raised his Essence to 5 when I had forbidden doing that until after the battle. Hate to be a worry wort on that point, but Sherwood can go ahead and spend the Exp to raise it later, or spend the Exp elsewhere. Sorry about that.
magnificentmomo said:
Oops, I am rocking the essence 5 right now, should I rectify that?
Please do, I should have rementioned that when I dumped more experiance on you guys. Sorry about that.
You probably did, but in my joy of spending xp I never noticed. :oops: I'll save my points for the Essence 5 after the battle.
Watching hilariously bad movies that somehow transfused the rising VA career from Don Francks to Maurice LaMarche...

Oh Lou Reed, I'd say it was beneath you if I hadn't heard Metal Machine Music.


Rock and Rule is a damn good movie, and its one that I would gladly add to my collection if I ever came across it.
So as I spend my 36xp that were sunk in Essence 5 by accident (sorry about that again, must have missed it!), if I buy more charm slots, can I have more charms on me? I won't remove any charms currently installed, just add to them.

Also, Graven and I are at the meeting right? I think I might use my Essence 5 xp to up my war and grab a charm or two, so I might volunteer sheepishly as an outsider to lead a unit.
That should be fine for the charms.

And yes, by an act of sheet luck you have landed next to the general war meeting where you can overhear everything. And I would allow that. Well the roleplaying portion will take some doing, but that's for you and the others in the Circle to decide on.
Yeah, I was going to try and be realistic about it.

"Oh sure guy we just met, go ahead and lead a talon"

lol no

edit: Just seeing what other people think, would Chain's relation to the people be possible at clarity 4? I could kind of see it going both ways. Would I need to have it be an intimacy or part of the motivation for it to be present at that level of clarity?
Having him there will give me a chance to actually meet Chain, since he arrived when Asyk was off with Bjarn and Kiekan at the raid.
He's been there this whole time, he just hasn't had anything to say. Once I make him a bit more capable at war (pre fix he had war 2, I will up it) he will volunteer his skills.

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