Out of Character

To My Dearest Friends! <3


I hope I made it for some of you but possibly late for others! Happy Valentine's Day. I apologize for my slight inactiveness. I've been rather swamped with midterms. I am still waiting on one or two more posts before I get the ball rolling so let's try to get those in before February 19th because I think there's a huge update? I also want to ask whether you would rather wait until after Feb 19th to start the new arc so we don't spend 5 days in limbo or it doesn't matter and we can start right away. Let me know. c; Hopefully you had a sweet day today and your prof wasn't evil enough to give you an exam. <3


@Sasil I hope you're feeling better!

@Aster This html-less is killing me. D: Thank god that none of my one x one requires it.


@FirePolaris I am feeling much better! I still have the aches and pains that come and go but I am doing way better then I was all last week! Happy Valentines day to you too! I love the little dancing Pusheen <3  That fat cat is so f-ing adorable x3

Doesn't matter to me when we start the next arc, I'm ready to throw Aivree under the bus and to introduce Adam any time!
Oh man, ;-; I hate getting sick so much because once it hits me, I'm out for 3 weeks and drowning on nyquil. I'm glad you're feeling better! Hopefully the sickness poofs soon. LOL Right, omg, I saw that gif and I was like, yesss that's me, dancing and blowing hearts at y'all in my imagination of course. And that sounds awesome, thank you for the input <3. I still have to find time to write out the setting for the ball so once posts roll in, I'll get started on that. c;
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I got struck with a high fever just last night. Being sick sucks when your body's immune system is weaker than a baby sheep ;;; but on the bright side, this gave me the time I needed to catch up with all my RPs! I feel so burdenless now. It's amazing.
eyyy, how is everyone? I can't picture this dying tbh and I refuse to let that thought even come to mind :u
I swear once I find some time (sometime next week) I'm going to get the ball rolling. 

@Sasil jk! Thanks for throwing a post up. ♥♥ I'll get my post up as soon as I find some time in my hectic schedule. 

And I'm not sure who's still here or who we lost. Hopefully not too many. ;-;
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@FirePolaris You're welcome x3 Sorry I wasn't sure where to go but I realized I hadn't posted for awhile and like Aster said, I refuse to let this die so had to put something up and let people know this is still a thing x3

I hope we haven't lost to many I would be really sad if we did D:
@Kingly @Chamomile @Aster @Sasil @constellation @shygirl3

Let's hope the tagging works. So...I've been pretty out of it and flying all over the US for my interviews. But I'm done! And my last midterm is this Tuesday. I did mention that February is a crazy month for me so I apologize for all the delays in practically everything. However, with the update literally later tonight and all the crazy things happening after the update (usually it gets quite crazy and blah) so I won't be starting or writing anything about the ball until the update finishes. We can pick up from there!

I hope you see you in 2-4 days. <3 Come back everyone! I'm excited to see you all again and hopefully the update doesn't create a huge mess but I might spend a lot of time cleaning up all the HTML with BBcode.
The tagging has worked :D  

I hope things have been going well on those flights and interviews @FirePolaris! I know that kind of stuff can be really stressful! But at least you are almost done and free! I'm sure you rocked everything you had to do! No need to apologise, I think everyone seems to have been busy with school and so forth. I can't wait to start the Ball event! Hope everyone can join in and make it filled with exciting drama!

-throws confetti-
How is everyone doing? For the site being back online I thought it was pretty quiet around here! Hope everyone is doing well and just the busy life of school and real life getting in the way of things!

Have fun~
I am going to poke this again because I can and because I refuse for this to die. I am about to head to bed but if it needs be I can put a post up? If people would like or whatever helps bring it back x3
Sasil Sasil Aster Aster chamomile chamomile Kingly Kingly

I'm not sure who's still here but depending on who is still alive, I'll be switching events and changing the course of the role play accordingly. Also I have posted an IC for the setting. I am still currently quite lazy to fix the HTML so if you have a BBCODE you want to use for your character, feel free to send it to me so I can update it. C:
Wow lol this OOC is so dead but I just wanted to drop by (revive) and say that when I have time, I'll update the settings/highlights page. And I'm thinking of making one new OC just for fun but it might be more of an NPC.

Edit: Annnddd Sasil Sasil I'll get Xavier up soon! Once all my one x ones are done.
We have a slight problem. LOL We weren't really sure when you were going to be back so I made it that Hunter stood Vee up and she went to the ball alone since the role play continued. >.< I don't know if you want to roll with that?? Or maybe there was a reason behind standing her up or...
Yeah ); I didn't know how to continue the rp without Hunter since Vee was waiting for him. lol Let me know if you need a summary of things! Alright since you're back now, I'm definitely going to introduce a new OC who probably is another transfer to make things easier. LOL
Welcome back Kingly Kingly ! There's still time at the Ball but LOL if Hunter wants to keep his balls, lets pray and hope he doesn't bump into Vivienne. She's going to be super pissed if she finds him.
A small summary would be nice yeah and no worries Hunter is fearing for his but if theres just enough time at the ball he has an idea to hopefully make it right.

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