Out-of-Character Chat

kirito1337 said:
Oh Don't worry, This battle shouldn't last long, But I don't plan on killing off Scarlet.
Question 1: Is Scarlet going to remain a dark wizard?

Question 2: If so, is it possible for her to be beaten somehow?
Well good thing is that Lennix is dead! Now Drake can finally be at peace.... Vengeance has been achieved! Also I was thinking of giving Drake an accent just to make him seem more exotic though I don't know what accent to give him...
DDOS is a type of DOS attack where multiple compromised systems -- which are usually infected with a Trojan -- are used to target a single system causing a Denial of Service (DoS) attack.

So the sever RPN is on got attacked last night, the site still stayed up but it was a little bit laggy and I think we couldn't access parts of the site
CelticHero37 said:
He's the sniper? Australian, Scottish. Something like that I'd say.
The sniper is Aiden not Drake...... Though a Scottish voice would sound nice for Aiden. Drake's the iron dragon slayer

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