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Fantasy Original Species

When Kiara appeared from behind and let out a roar, Noer turned around more surprised than shocked. His expression was blank, as if her roar didn't affect him in any way, but despite this, in his mind, he was already calculating every possible way to get out unharmed, alongside with Sage. However, while he was doing that, Sage pulled down his hood, revealing his face to Kiara.

Kiara made no expression that could give a hint of some type of understanding, she simply walked inside the house like a normal cat would, through the cat door. After a short period of time, the door opened, revealing Kiara in her human form. Kiara invited them inside, Noer was ready to step inside when Sage told them to get inside, which he did.

"Miss Ryland, I believe you are unaware that the vampire hunters have orders to search and eliminate every vampire in town." he started, as he removed his hoodie.

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"I was unaware. I suppose that's why you are here," she said scanning their faces with a frown. She took their coats and hung them on the coat rack before leading them into the parlor. "I assure you that you will all be safe here, regardless of who is after you. I have not survived this long by letting hunters catch me off guard," she said with a small smirk. "Would you all like something to eat or drink?" she asked politely, gesturing for them to take a seat.

"Evelyn, the leader of the hunters in this town ordered every hunter to search and eliminate every vampire." he said, as he unbuttoned his jacket, which was covered with a few strains of his own blood and sat down. "A recruit, who was equipped with a double-barrel shotgun, which means they are heavily equipped, told me that Evelyn knows that the Original vampire is in town, but is unaware where or who he or she might be." he explained the situation.

"However, this is not Evelyn. She would never order this, especially when she granted immunity to several vampires in exchange for their cooperation. She wouldn't kill her associates. The hunter society would strip her of her duties and execute her. Something is not quite right here.". Noer's face was filled with both curiosity and worry.

Sage shook her head. "I'm alright thank you. I just need my herbal tea to regenerate... Great Grandma..." she said while sipping her tea slightly and looking down slightly. Wondering how she's going to react to that piece of news that she let go. "Also... I should be fine to return to the Tea Shop... I promised Izzie I would look after it..." she said softly.
"Have you let Samuel know that he's being hunted?" Kiara asked, gently folding her arms over her chest as she took a seat. Kiara's gaze flickered to Sage and she smirked. "Add a few more greats to that and you've got it about right," she said as her smile softened. "Allow me to have one of the pack escort you back, you might be a witch but with hunters everywhere one can't be too careful," she said gently, swallowing hard.
Sage smiles a bit and giggles into her hand. "I know... But that's a lot of great i'll have to put in there and I don't want to make it sound like your that old... I should be fine... Really, I wouldn't want one of your pack members to get hurt because of me. I'll be okay, I can take care of myself. I'm your Great Granddaughter after all..." she said softly with a small smile.
"You're right," she said with a small smile. "It does make me feel old," she laughed, relaxing carefully. "If you ever need me for anything let me know, ok?" she asked gently, leaning back in her chair as she poured a cup of green tea.
Kiara turned to Robert and Noer, waiting for one of them to speak. "So.... are either of you going to give me more details about what's going on or are you just going to stand there in silence?" she asked leaning back in her chair as she picked up a cheese scone and began to pick bits off of it. Popping them into her mouth before chewing slowly. Her hair was up in a loose bun, but strands fell over her face as her brown eyes examined the two.

"Unfortunately, I do not know Samuel's whereabouts, therefore, I am unable to warn him that the hunters are looking after him." Noer said, placing one leg upon the other as he looked at Kiara, with her hair tied up into a bun as she was eating. "There isn't much we can do, except I try to find Evelyn and demand answers from here, but if the recruits are equipped with shotguns, then the more older and experienced hunters are much more heavily armed. Evelyn will be protected."

Noer covered his mouth with his index finger, as he was starting to think about the situation at hand. "We could warn the other vampires, especially those who have immunity. There is--a pact between us, those with immunity." Noer was wondering if he should tell Kiara about it, but he thought no more and decided to go along. "If the hunters attack us, we form--a Council. An attempt to organize ourselves. The Council would be formed only by immune vampires who would attempt to rally other vampires. But this is just on paper, last time we tried to forge a Council or anything that would make us organized, like a pack, have failed. I fear this will be the same."

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(Feel free to have something happen.)

Sage currently walking back to the tea shop on her own, had her good up once again as she crosses the street carefully, keeping an eye out for any danger as she can see the tea shop now.
"That's hardly your fault," she said simply. "Shifters have been in packs since the beginning but Samuel didn't want to create that kind of dynamic. Vampires are used to being alone and in control of their own lives.... but the pack will help any way they can," she said bowing her head slightly. "It would be easier for your.... Council, if you had a clear leader. Someone who no one could dispute was your leader. And only one comes to mind. You need an Original vampire," she said, picking up her phone and dialing Samuel Desin's phone number. She'd had it since the invention of the mobile phone but she'd never had any reason to use it.
Robert was quiet the entire time they decided on what to do because he was too busy thinking about Amber and how she complicated things. He looked up as Sage walked out, "I'll walk Sage back to the teas shop, I need to ask her something anyways." He hurried out after her. "Sage." He quickly got beside her, "Earlier..I.." He sighed, "I told Isabelle I didn't want to involve you or her in this whole mess, I wanted to keep you two out of the fighting if I could.. however it seems you two are apart of this anyways... Is there any way to call her from the other dimension?"
Sage jumped a bit and looked at him, "...id need an entire coven to be able to do that... Which is quite hard to find since there aren't many witches/male witches left... I could try and find away to send her message like she does with me... But you should really get back to Kiara's... I doubt they'll bother me as long as I look normal. So you need to go..." She said as she looked around carefully while lightly pushing him back a step. (@NorbertM)
Robert nodded, "You're probably right." He frowned clearly distressed at the thought of putting her in danger, he turned and started to walk back, "Stay safe." He walked back in and rubbed his cheek. "Even if we were to have this happen, and the council formed with Samuel at the head, there would be a lot of dissidents. Most vampires did not agree to become Vampires. We had a very bad habit of just turning people. Stupid Dracula."
Sage nods. "I'll try... I seem to be a magnetic for vampires since I know three in the span of a day or two..." She said while a smile as she starts to cross the street towards the tea shop, not noticing a few pairs of eyes on her.
Suddenly Joe sat up, his wolf ears back and perked up "did you hear something?" He whispered to Alicia "outside? Something's wrong. I smell Hunter"

Noer rose from his seat and buttoned his jacket slowly. "I do not believe that bringing an Original vampire will make a difference. When the Council was made for the first time, not many knew about the Originals, but those who knew never mentioned them. The reason the Council failed was because every single vampire wanted power. The sight of an Original would threaten their needs for power." he explained as he finished buttoning his jacket.

"However, you are free to try. The reason I wanted to inform you was to warn mister Samuel, not because of need, but because of kinship, the same way I warned mister Robert about the hunters.". Noer walked close to the entrance and turned to look at Kiara. "If I stumble on any vampire, may I ask you the favor to allow them inside?" he asked.

Sage just about to open the door to the tea shop when she gets grabbed from behind, a chloroform rag was over her nose and mouth, forcing her to pass out into the arms of a Hunter. The guy sighed. "Sorry Sage... But you've been hanging out with the wrong company..." He said as he heaved her over his shoulder and headed off towards the van and put her in the back, hands tied and face covered as he started the van and started to drive to some unknown location.
"Stay here" he hissed at Alicia as he ran out of the room. The door opened and was shut with a slam. He transformed into the biggest wolf he could and howled to the sky as he tried to pick up the scent of the Hunter a Van raced pas him and Joe started to make chase.
Sage unconscious in the back of the van as the driver is flooring it, he looks in the rear view and growls in annoyance as he says something to his body who gets out a gun and starts shooting out the window at Joe, has the silencer on.
Joe's senses in wolf form were very acute and he dropped and dodged the bullets as they flew towards him. He swerved off to the opposite side of the Van so the gunner couldn't aim as well
The gunner growls in annoyance. "Turn right here and lean forward." He said as he leaned across behind the driver to shot out the opposite window. The driver leaning forward as he does a right turn and speeds up.
Joe sees the way they are going and dodges off behind an alley before running straight out in front of the Van and growling, his hunger for blood increasing with every shot they took at him

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