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Fantasy Original Species

Robert made it back to his house and walked in, he wished he had a way to call Isabelle. The fool had asked her out and somehow still managed to forget to get her number. But its not like he would know if she was in this realm or a different. He sighed. He wished he could have ended the night a better note, but he didn't want to see her hurt, and he knew that something like this always ended bad.

"I must say, that even in my 643 years of life, I haven't manage to understand you." Noer commented as Sage began washing his hands(although he did wash them himself, but if Sage wants too, who is he to refuse?). "It seems that their relationship is rather--difficult, but I'm sure that they will always attempt to fix it." he said.

Looking at Sage, Noer smiled. "But what about you? Do you have a difficult relationship with someone?" he asked politely. "Miss...?". Despite talking to her for quite some time, Noer never had the chance to ask her name.

Sage finishes after noticing he had washed them and dropped his hands as if they were hot coals at the question. "Huh? Oh no... Uh I uh don't... I-I haven't got the time for a relationship since I've been busy taking care of the shop for Isabelle... And my name is Sage Cooper, and you are...?" She asked while raising a brow at him.

"I beg for an apology if I have touched a sensitive subject." he bowed his head to Sage. Then, as he raised his head, his eyes made contact with hers, when she told him her name. He smiled, like he always do, a small curve on the edge of his mouth. Not to wide, but not so unnoticed.

"My name is Noer Eisenman. It is my great pleasure to meet you.". Noer grabbed her hand and leaned down as he slowly and softly kissed her hand, his eyes focused on her hand, then, turned their attention to Sage.

Sage blushed faintly at the old gesture and shook her head. "I-it's nice to meet you too." She said while brushing a stray strand back. "Uhm anyways, I think your good to go now... Your completely healed." She said while standing up. 
"Thank you, you've done a wonderful job." Noer said, straightening up. "But before I leave, could you help me find Kiara? I would like to speak with her, if its not much of a problem.". His eyes never left hers, he always kept eye contact since the moment they began to speak, occasionally he broke the eye contact, but he returned it back.

"What do you plan to do?" she asked, swallowing hard as she looked at him. "I don't want you to get hurt.... or worse killed over me. It's just me."
"And you are the person I want to be my girlfriend" he cuddled her up to him and looked into her eyes "I think I love you"
Alicia sighed. "I'm really not worth it," she whispered, closing her eyes as she lent her head against his shoulder. Pulling back she turned and frowned. "I'm going to bed. Night Joe. See you in the morning," she said, softly kissing his cheek.
He looked at her and took her hand "wait..." He pressed her hand to his chest "I have never felt at all like how you make me feel. My heart feels funny when you are around. I have never felt love before but I have felt hate. This is the opposite. I don't hate you. You can break my curse. You just have to say the words"
"What difference will three small words make? You know how I feel about you," she said nervously. If she were honest with herself, she was scared to say the three little words. They would change everything, and if it turned out that he couldn't join the pack and become her mate, she'd be devastated.
NorbertM said:
"Thank you, you've done a wonderful job." Noer said, straightening up. "But before I leave, could you help me find Kiara? I would like to speak with her, if its not much of a problem.". His eyes never left hers, he always kept eye contact since the moment they began to speak, occasionally he broke the eye contact, but he returned it back.

Sage bit her lip as she thought it over, she wanted to help him but she had to stay here in case Isabelle decided to come back. However she knew the likelyhood of that was very slim. "Fine... Just let me grab a hoodie and something to help me gain some magic back in case we get attacked again..." She said as she walked out of the bathroom and to a closet to grab her hoodie and then went to the pantry to grab some ingredients to make a herbal tea to help regain some strength. (@NorbertM)
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"A few hundred years ago I went abroad. To a monastery for halfling shapeshifters. They taught people how to truly harness their powers. The Abbott of the monastery told me that if I could find true love then my curse would be broken. That is the curse that binds me to my mothers pack. By breaking it you would free me and give me the ability to choose where my allegiance lies" he kissed her forehead gently, his lips lingering against her skin "you would allow me to be with you"

Noer waited patiently for Sage to grab her hoodie at the door, in complete silence while looking around the Tea Shop, discovering new things that he hasn't already seen when he looked earlier. Once Sage came back into view, Noer stopped looking around the Tea Shop and laid his eyes on Sage, waiting for her to come.

"Before we leave, are you sure you are capable to take me to Kiara? I know that I have asked you to do so, but if its too much for you, then I can wait until you get better." he said.

Sage took a sip of her herbal tea which she had put in a travelling mug. "Yes I'm sure. Stop doubting me and let's go... Also maybe you should change... You might be less suspicious looking if you put on a hoodie too..." she said while looking up at him with her icy crystal blue eyes, her eyes locking on his midnight black ones. Slightly wondering what color, his eyes were before all this. (@NorbertM)
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"But how do you know that I am your true love?" she asked softly, her nerves evident as she pulled back and looked up into his eyes. "What if I'm not and it doesn't work? Or what if he was wrong?"
"There's only one way to tell" he stroked her cheek "is it not just worth a try? For us" his eyes studied her face "please don't be scared"
Noer raised an eyebrow when Sage told him to change, to put on a hoodie in order to hide his true identity. "Unfortunately, I have no spare clothing nor a hood to hide my face." he said, looking into her gorgeous icy eyes. "Unless you would borrow me one, of course, then that would be highly appreciated."

Sage nods slightly as she took off hers and start to enlarge it with a bit of quick magic before handing it to him and going to grab another one, the one she had been wearing was black but kinda smelled like her as she had worn it many times. "Alright, let's go." she said as she sipped her tea and headed out of the tea shop, carrying her mug. (@NorbertM)
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Alicia looked up at him and swallowed hard. Reaching up she placed her arms around his neck and rested her forehead against his. "You know that I do," she whispered. "I love you," she continued, her voice shaking slightly from her nerves before she kissed him softly.
He kissed her back "do you want to see if it worked?" He whispered, as they pulled away slightly "we can do it together" he took her hands and guided them towards his hat

Noer watched with amazement as Sage enlarged her hoodie within seconds, with such ease and gave it to him. Her smell escaped swiftly from the very black fabric and invaded gently Noer's nostrils. He couldn't ignore the smell as it captivated him with such ease.

When she returned with a new hoodie, she quickly told him that she was ready and as she sipped a bit from her mug and escaped the Tea Shop, Noer could only follow her. "Things are much more easier when you have magic, am I right?" he asked her. "Ever wondered how your life might have been if magic wasn't a part of you?"

Sage walking along side him while carrying her tea mug. "I didn't always have magic you know... So I do know what my life could have been like... I would have been normal... With a weird heritage that would have skipped me. However that wasn't the case... Since my mother had been a witch... and when she died, her magic passed onto to me. Since I was an only child, it could only pass to me. My Grandma had always told me I was special, but I never understood..." she said while sipping some of her tea, walking along close beside him.
Alicia nodded slowly, holding his hand. "How do we test it?" she asked softly. "Shouldn't you feel different or something?"
"If the ears have gone" his lip was quavering "then you have broken my curse" he gently manipulates her hand to lift his cap up "tell me what you see"

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