Order of the Ancients: Internal Affairs

X3 Infernal Infinity

Kawaii in the Streets, Sempai in the Sheets

Before filling out a Character Sheet please read the Rules and Overview. If you did not I will know.

h]Character Sheet[/h]


God Name:

God Of:

Character Name:




Include photo (no realistic) and brief description including height, weight, and typical attire



Skills and Abilities:




A personality is more than just your likes and dislikes though they can be included. It is the traits that make up a persons behavior that are important here


Tell me about your character's role as a god, what they do in the order, why they are involved in the war. Whatever else you can make up that's relevant

Writing Sample:

300 Words or More In Character
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Order Of Hell

God Name:


God Of:

The Hunt

Character Name:

Ryne "The Wolf King" Ryuga







When he takes a humanoid form, he tends to stand 5'11" with white hair curling below his ears and crimson red eyes. With a long black coat resembling his jet black hide.


Jet black Katana


Steel pauldrons on his left shoulder and chainmail under his cloak

Skills and Abilities:

Clairvoyance and the ability to track any being to any of the planes of existence.


Tenacity, Endurance, Speed


Fear of water, Blind rage towards his siblings


A tenacious demeanor, with a stubborn obedience to his own will. Often lost in thought at the circumstances given to him, though never regretful. Enjoys the bloodshed and fear he invokes on those around him, taking pleasure in all the treacherous acts he commits.


Loki's second child born for great and powerful acts, Fenrir was a being that was destined to devour his own grandfather Odin. Without the care from his parents, never having a family of his own he grew to follow his own path. His sister Hel was given purpose and his brother Jormungand was to beastial to care for one, so it left Fenrir a being of instinct and bloodlust to fend for himself. With a deep hatred for his entire bloodline, he has thus brought terror upon all those that are given attention by those that had seen him as unworthy to receive it himself. He waits ever so patiently for Ragnarok, the destined day in which he will devour Odin.

Writing Sample:​

Emerging from his abyss the light of the full moon shimmered on his jet black cloak as if it was embroidered with onyx gems, he stood atop his mountainside perch, before him lay several packs of wolves that flocked to him like moths to the fire. Though his form looked like that of a mortal man, the beast could sense the king hidden beneath the guile, they all rose with their attention on him as if awaiting orders. With a blood curdling howl his crimson eyes burned with bloodlust, this anxiety spread throughout his pack as they howled in unison echoing through the countryside. Leaping from his perch he descended shedding his mortal binds, the transformation was almost instantaneous, for when he reached the ground no longer was a man, but a giant beast with hide as dark as night and fangs of purest opal. "Tonight's a perfect night for a hunt!" Ryne thought to himself, the full moon always stirred a more beastial bloodlust from him. His grin now bore not a mans docile smile, but that of a beast drooling with hunger, a hunger that he himself knew could never be fed, but one he did so enjoy trying to. Rushing forward into the forest, each of his steps thundered the ground, with a stampede of ravenous wolves following behind. In the distance the smell of men, meat and cattle beckoned him like a siren's song, he could hardly contain himself, with another howl he could feel the fear rising as he grew near the village. This was his fourth one this week and was sure word was spreading of his carnage, as the treeline was nearing it's end his heart began to beat with excitement. This is what he lived for, his passion, his hunger. "It's time to feed!"

The Witch Queen


God Name:


God Of:


Character Name:








Morgaine is a slender woman, weighing about 115 lbs. She is however a bi tall of a female, standing at 5'9". She has long black hair streaked with dark red at the bang, glowing green leaves and vines also seem to grow through her hair, and bright almost luminescent blue eyes. Her usual outfits consist of lightweight and very feminine floor length dresses. She also wears a traditional witches hat at all times.


Staff of the Changing Moon

A staff made of sleek purple Stygian steel designed with the a sharply bladed Triple Crescent Moon at its end


Morgaine's enchanted broom Andruil transforms into a wolf familiar.


Lantern of Illumination

A magical device that can clear away illusions and lies

Skills and Abilities:

Master Magician

Morgaine is the goddess of witchcraft and as such her ability to preform magic both black and white magic is almost unmatched. She is able to cast even immense spells with little difficulty.


Morgaine's absolute knowledge of poisonous plants allows her craft some of the most rare and deadly poisons.


Morgaine can reanimate any corpses within her immediate area with lingering attachments to the living realm to serve her.

Familiar Conjuration

Morgaine can summon a good number of wolves and wild dogs to act as her familiars.

Contained Teleportation

Using her Shadow Door, Hecate can teleport from her location and to any room whose entrance she has passed through and remembered.


Hecate is highly intelligent and a skilled sorcerous. She also seems to be very level-headed and introspective.


Hecate can tend to be quite cryptic in her was often times further confusing those she is trying to help.


Hecate has a very enigmatic personality. Though she tends to constantly appear to be either bored or distracted she is remarkably always willing to converse. Hecate's personality has three sides. The first is a more fun loving side (the Maiden), the second is more gentle and refined (the Mother), and the third is graceful yet serious (the Crone).


Morgaine is the daughter of the witch Morrigan LeFay. Born with the same powerful capacity for magic as her mother before her Morgaine's entire life from time she could talk was spent training to be a sorceress. Her skill and capacity for magic soon led her to the Order of the Ancients.

Like any other non-deities seeking to join the Order Morgaine became a student at the prestigious Crown Academy. At Crown, Morgaine learned to master her immense magical talent and soon became known as one off the strongest young sorceresses in the Order. However Morgaine believed that her powers had more potential that could be unleashed through further training.

Choosing to enroll in the Shadow Unit, Morgaine completed her training at Crown as was granted the rank of Shadowguard. She became the aid of the current Hecate, from whom she learned more of magic and nature. However the previous Hecate was murdered by Hades. The title of the god fell to Morgaine as she was the only sorcerous with sufficient power and knowledge to take on the role.

Morgaine has been Hekate for nearly 3,000 years.

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S0vere1gn said:


Order Of Hell

God Name:


God Of:

The Hunt

Character Name:

Ryne "The Wolf King" Ryuga







When he takes a humanoid form, he tends to stand 5'11" with white hair curling below his ears and crimson red eyes. With a long black coat resembling his jet black hide.


Jet black Katana


Steel pauldrons on his left shoulder and chainmail under his cloak

Skills and Abilities:

Clairvoyance and the ability to track any being to any of the planes of existence.


Tenacity, Endurance, Speed


Fear of water, Blind rage towards his siblings


A tenacious demeanor, with a stubborn obedience to his own will. Often lost in thought at the circumstances given to him, though never regretful. Enjoys the bloodshed and fear he invokes on those around him, taking pleasure in all the treacherous acts he commits.


Loki's second child born for great and powerful acts, Fenrir was a being that was destined to devour his own grandfather Odin. Without the care from his parents, never having a family of his own he grew to follow his own path. His sister Hel was given purpose and his brother Jormungand was to beastial to care for one, so it left Fenrir a being of instinct and bloodlust to fend for himself. With a deep hatred for his entire bloodline, he has thus brought terror upon all those that are given attention by those that had seen him as unworthy to receive it himself. He waits ever so patiently for Ragnarok, the destined day in which he will devour Odin.

Writing Sample:​

Emerging from his abyss the light of the full moon shimmered on his jet black cloak as if it was embroidered with onyx gems, he stood atop his mountainside perch, before him lay several packs of wolves that flocked to him like moths to the fire. Though his form looked like that of a mortal man, the beast could sense the king hidden beneath the guile, they all rose with their attention on him as if awaiting orders. With a blood curdling howl his crimson eyes burned with bloodlust, this anxiety spread throughout his pack as they howled in unison echoing through the countryside. Leaping from his perch he descended shedding his mortal binds, the transformation was almost instantaneous, for when he reached the ground no longer was a man, but a giant beast with hide as dark as night and fangs of purest opal. "Tonight's a perfect night for a hunt!" Ryne thought to himself, the full moon always stirred a more beastial bloodlust from him. His grin now bore not a mans docile smile, but that of a beast drooling with hunger, a hunger that he himself knew could never be fed, but one he did so enjoy trying to. Rushing forward into the forest, each of his steps thundered the ground, with a stampede of ravenous wolves following behind. In the distance the smell of men, meat and cattle beckoned him like a siren's song, he could hardly contain himself, with another howl he could feel the fear rising as he grew near the village. This was his fourth one this week and was sure word was spreading of his carnage, as the treeline was nearing it's end his heart began to beat with excitement. This is what he lived for, his passion, his hunger. "It's time to feed!"
Alignment: Sanctum

God Name: Ra

God of: The Sun, Ma'at

Character Name: Kratym

Gender: Male

Orientation: Bisexual


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/kratym.jpg.2a39b4e6b5d0b495290f76c97bfcbc4b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40819" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/kratym.jpg.2a39b4e6b5d0b495290f76c97bfcbc4b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c167bdbda_rabattle.jpg.b86b5da6764a76ac35488fdd1205dda4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40820" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c167bdbda_rabattle.jpg.b86b5da6764a76ac35488fdd1205dda4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Kratym is 6"7, with a very muscular physique. He has long black straight hair that he let's hang loose around him, reaching down to his waist. Across his chest is a long dark scar from a skirmish he had with his longstanding enemy, Apophis. His eyes are chocolate brown when in their normal state, but when he is in the midst of using his powers, his eyes turn a bright orange-red. He is normally dressed in an Egyptian man kilt, a large gold and royal blue belt, and an Egyptian gold collar around his neck. Sometimes, he will walk around with large feathery wings, though normally they are not seen. When in his battle state, his head takes the form of a hawks, and the ankh at his hip will turn into a staff.


- Crook and Flail of Egypt: The weapons of the original Ra, the crook and Flail of Egypt are symbols of Ra's divine might as pharaoh (king) of Egypt, which can be used as both tools or weapons. As the Creator and first pharaoh, they also display his role as the Protector of Ma'at, or Creation/Law, and therefore are instruments that display his divine rule. With the crook he can bend any and all of the gods who serve for Peace to his will and inflict them with pain if they disobey him, and with the flail he can attack his enemies, sending any opponent weaker than him to the deepest pits of the Duat (Ancient Egyptian underworld) for all eternity.


- Ankh of the Pharaoh: Attached to his hip is a golden ankh, the original ankh that was first crafted by Ra. The Ankh of the Pharaoh has the ability to heal those who suffer major harm, and can revive those that die in battle. Whenever someone who is not good touches the Ankh, it will burn them with the ferocity of the sun. However, the Ankh has a recharge time: the longer the person has been dead or the bigger the harm they suffered, the longer time must pass without him being able to use it. It has been said, however, that this affect did not happen to the Ankh with the original Ra, however it lost some of its power with the passing of its creator. When in battle, the ankh will take the form of a staff, so that Kratym can use it to bash his enemies.


- Master of The Sun: Serving as the Divine Creator, Kratym has a very strong affinity for magic, allowing him to perform complex magic. He mainly performs fire magic, using flames from the sun itself or hitting his enemies with pure sunlight. His magic ability is limited, however, as the more complex the magic, the greater amount of his life force is needed to complete the task. In addition, due to his need for a living human host to exist within the human realm, too much strain upon his host will kill them, and return him to the Duat for a time until he is recharged yet again.

- Transfiguration: Kratym has the ability to take the former of various animals/creatures of Ma'at, however he normally takes the form of a phoenix with black feathers and fire, or a hawk. Should he want to transform into the form of an animal while in the human realm, the human host he is using must be strong enough to handle the transformation without them dying.

- Intuition: Kratym has a highly tuned intuition, able to sense major distress within Creation. This power is limited, as he cannot always sense where the distress is coming from, nor who/what the danger to Ma'at is. His intuition is 100% accurate whenever it comes to his enemy, Apophis.

- Transporation: Kratym can summon a portal with his magic to travel between various planes of existence, including the human realm.

- Rebirth: When he has suffered major damage, Kratym can

Strengths: Battle, fire/heat, judgement between right and wrong, magical knitting (he will pull magick from the ether and knit it like as though it is fabric, making random magic clothing)

Weaknesses: Darkness/The Void, Chaos, snakes, ice/cold magic

Bio: Kratym was born as Prince Kratym Amenthos Ishtar Amen-Ra Zarnixx, the second-born prince of the ancient empire of Amvul - Rama, a land of phoenixes that were descendants of the Egyptian Sun God, Ra. His mother, Zarasana Itassis, and his father, Zaele, were the emperor and empress of Amvul - Rama, and also served as the High Priest and High Priestess of Ra, the Egyptian god of the sun and the divine father of their empire. Growing up, he heard stories about how his mother and father both became Guardians, his mother attending Crown Academy, the female Guardian academy, while his father went to Aeterni Academy, the all male Guardian academy. Ever since, he dreamed of attending the Aeterni Academy, and ecoming the Shadowguard for the original Ra. Upon the age of 16, Kratym left his home world at the suggestion of his father, and joined the academy. Once he graduated the academy at the top of his class 4, 500 years ago, he instantly was assigned to serve as Ra's personal Shadowguard. Whilst serving as Ra's Shadowguard, he taught Kratym all of his various powers and talents, so to make him stronger. When the original Ra was killed by his enemy Apophis, The Lord of Isfet (Chaos), the Order of the Ancients decided to grant the role of Ra to Kratym, as he was the only person with the Sun God's knowledge and the only person that could match his power over flame and the sun.



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