Order of the Ancients: Internal Affairs - Rules

X3 Infernal Infinity

Kawaii in the Streets, Sempai in the Sheets
The Rules

  • Please have a good grasp of spelling and grammar. I understand that typo's happen, but please, proof-read your posts and no text speak. If I see the continued use of bad grammar or text speak you will receive a warning.
  • No one liners. I expect two to three paragraphs minimum per post. Anything below that and you will receive a warning.
  • No Mary Sues/Gary Stus
  • You may have up to THREE characters (preferably not of the same alignment)
  • Before submitting a character sheet you must watch the Overview thread. I will check.
  • Please be descriptive when making character sheets. I want to really get to know the character you are presenting to me.
  • At the bottom of your character sheet please include your character's favorite song.
  • No Godmodding, powerplay etc.
  • Characters in this thread CAN and may be killed. However any character deaths should first be cleared by the admin (meaning me) and agreed upon by both characters.
  • A lot of decision on combat decisions will be made by dice roll. Rules on that will be posted soon.
  • Adhere to RPN's rules, of course!
  • Romance is okay and even more so it's encouraged.
  • If you are going to disappear for a while either kill off your character or have them go missing.
  • Expected posts are at least once a day.
  • I reserve the right to kick anyone of this roleplay who I feel is not meeting the standards.
  • And as always, have fun.

Ladder of Consequences
1st Warning

Second Warning

Character Penalty

Character Suspension

Character Death

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