Order of the Ancients: Internal Affairs - Lore

X3 Infernal Infinity

Kawaii in the Streets, Sempai in the Sheets

Tale of the Beginning

At the beginning of time before the world was formed their existed a race of all powerful beings known only as the First. These eight beings embodied the very fabric of existence itself and by their hands all things were created. The first of these creatures were the Stays, sentient beings responsible for the formation of the system by which existence could be controlled. It was the mission of the Stays to shape and guide the new world that the First had created; a place of strong magic and mystery inhabited by supernatural creatures of great power. With the creation of a new world, called the Horizon and the many creatures with in it the First had used a great deal of their power. Soon the time would come for them to Sleep, to disappear from the world for many a century. The Stays however recognized the need for the powers of the First in this world and as such asked their creators for one more task.

The First created the Earth, a planet on which the Stays could give birth to their ultimate plan. They would have the First create Gods, beings of divine creation who rule over varying aspects of existence. In order to give them purpose another, lower, race was born. Humanity, mortal creatures who lived in a world just opposite the Horizon. The Stays gave to Gods complete control over this world, making them it's Guardians, it's shapers. Given strength by human belief these remnants of the First would ensure the stabilization of reality until the true master could awaken from their sleep.

Creation of the Order

The Stays gathered together the gods, dividing them into the Religions and giving them dominion over certain areas of the world of man. Beyond the Horizon lay the dimension of Nusquam a realm ruled by the Stays and on the precipice of the resting place of the First. Here lies the Aeviternus Narro, the massive city in which all the Divine gathered. Here the Gods worked, guided by the Stays, in a cooperative known as the Order of the Ancients.

The Gods

The Gods are a race of powerful beings, empowered by man's faith and hope. The Gods are the direct products of the First, small fragments of their power given existence. The Gods are the only beings to exist capable of shaping reality itself. Much like the First the Gods do tire with energy spent over time. As such the actual role of a God is filled by differing beings over time as the old gods return to the First to rest.

Within the Order of the Ancients

The Order of the Ancients is a collective society run by the Gods. The highest ruling power in existence the Order is responsible for the care of the world of man and the denizens of the Horizon. As such the Order is in charge of all facets of creation and the reality in which mankind existed.

The Order is run by the Immortal Crown, the top three gods of five of the worlds most powerful Religions. At current they consist of the Norse, Roman, Greek, Egyptian, and Current Religions. These fifteen gods are the most powerful beings in existence. They are in charge of the Order and it's various facets. As strife erupted the Gods of the Immortal Crown have split in to three seperate classes

the Order of Heaven, Sanctum, and the Order of Hell.

The Order of Heaven consists of the five Holy Gods, fighting to continue to intervene on behalf of man kind and defend the world of man. The Order of Heaven consists of the five Malevolent Gods, fighting to push the world of man to the brink of destruction. The Sanctum are the Clear Gods, the gods who do not ally with either side exclusively.

The Shadowguard

The Shadowguard are the most elite members within the Guardians. They like all other members of the Guardians come from various Horizon species and serve as personal assistants or bodyguards to a singular member of the Immortal Crown.

The Immortals

The Immortals are the other minor gods. They work within the Orders Various departments or as soldiers exclusively within their religion.

The Guardians

The Guardians are the forces that make up the majority of the forces within the Order of the Ancients. They come from a variety of Horizon species and typically are assigned to duties within the world of man.

An Order at War

For many years the Immortal Crown has worked as the guardians of humanity, gods of dark and light united to ensure the continuation of the world of man. As time has passed and man has grown the world has begun to lapse in to a state of chaos. On Earth man's growing greed and hatred has stained the world with blood and malice, tearing at the veil between world of Man and the Horizon. As mand and supernatural run wild the world plunges ever towards disaster. Those gods on the side of light believe that now is the time for the Gods to interfere, to once again use their great power to save the world of man from the brink of destruction. However the gods of dark believe that man should be left to fend for themselves, to accept the ruination they had crafted for themselves. In between them lay the neutral gods who care not either way. A schism has divided the Immortal Crown and the gods now battle for supremacy both in their worlds and mans. As the gods war man teeters on the brink of destruction.
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